4 April 06, 2019 (1) Khalilzad, Pakistani... of money from domestic sources for Nepal in the final. becomes a safe haven for international “The number of patients is much high- launching the landmine clearing pro- Afghan ended the tournament as the terrorists” er compared to the beds available in process and called peace in Afghani- cess so donor countries would also find third leading run scorer with 253 runs, “…and has also to build on the the hospital, responding to all patients stan valuable for the whole region, the an interest to support the drive. including a score of 151 runs from 83 achievements we have made, not least is impossible particularly at the mater- source said. Qureshi stressed to con- Fahim said, “Foreign forces who plant- balls against Bhutan. in promoting the rights of women and nity ward which receives patients from tinue his country’s support for peace in ed explosives around their bases also On March 1, 2014, Afghan’s 90* helped girls related to education, basic hu- the provincial capital and a number of Afghanistan. left without removing the devises.” Afghanistan to register their win over man rights,” “A part of any sustain- districts,” she said. Before traveling to Pakistan, Khalilzad The slogan “Afghanistan would be free Bangladesh which was their first win able peace in Afghanistan has also to She acknowledged six women were in Kabul said, “If Pakistan wants good of landmines until 2023” would not against test playing nations. include Afghan reconciliation. So, the admitted to the maternity ward at the relations with the US then it should turn into a reality if the government He and Samiullah Shinwari put on a talks which are going on now is, in a same time but said they had no other change its policy towards Afghanistan and donor countries did not pay atten- 164 runs partnership for the sixth wick- way, the first step towards a broader option. The problems would not solve and stop interference in this country,” tion to the issue, he added. et which is the fifth highest Partnership peace process which also include, of until a complete building for the hospi- He said that they supported a deal be- Toby Lanzer, UN Secretary-General for the sixth wicket in the history of course, the Afghan government be- tal was built, Mohammadi said. tween Afghanistan and Pakistan also deputy special representative in Af- ODIs and the third highest ODI Part- cause that’s the only way to have a sus- Abdul Halim Ghafari, Baghlan public signed regarding peace. (Pajhwok) ghanistan, talking about the UN sup- nership for Afghanistan. tainable peace,” Stoltenberg said. health deputy director, told Pajhwok (2) Afghanistan... port to landmine clearance campaign In 2018, he was named in Kandahar’s He added that the presence of interna- that 88 healthcare facilities were opera- framework of a protocol. An inclusive in Afghanistan, said they were making squad in the first edition of the Premier tional forces in Afghanistan was part of tional on the provincial level. protocol has been prepared and this all efforts to make Afghanistan free of League of Cricket in Afghanistan. the ongoing negotiations. “Some of our health centers have ma- regulates our economic and commer- landmines. He was the highest run-scorer for the “So what kind of presence under what ternity wards but others don’t have cial cooperation,” said Mastoor. Based on the new law, clearing land- Kandahar Knights in the tournament, kind of framework? Well, that remains them because we do not have enough The two countries also signed agree- mines are the responsibility of the with 264 runs in eight matches. (Tolo to be decided. That will be part of female professionals and advanced ments on culture and military. warring sides and they should remove news) the agreement. In NATO we are now equipment,” he said. Representatives of the private sector landmines and no longer use them in (10) Afghan Peace... looking into different options for how He said work on the building of a new future for the protection of Afghani- NATO can support a potential peace hospital in Pul-i-Khumri was under- said there is a need for more efforts by with the Taliban in Qatar. We hope for stan citizens, he said. agreement. But it’s far too early to con- way and it would resolve patients’ the Afghan government to enhance the representation of the Afghan govern- Jim De Hart, assistant US envoy to Af- clude,” he said. problems once completed. country’s economic and trade relations ment in this meeting,” he said. ghanistan, said Afghanistan was the The main issues now is to provide as Besides Baghlan, a number of other with Belarus. Referring to peace negotiations be- country which had the highest number much support as possible to the ongo- provinces also have no healthcare fa- “The agreement will benefit the inter- tween the U.S. and Taliban, he said the of buried landmines. “Exploding land- ing talks and then, based on that, we cilities for women, which have created ests of Afghanistan. It is expected that Afghan nation was not informed in a mines affects the society, economy and will make decisions on our future pres- problems for local people. (Pajhwok) banking transaction will also be part of transparent manner and there were security of a country besides causing ence and in what form NATO Allies the agreement because we have prob- many questions to be answered. (14) China’s BYD... human losses,” he said. will or will not be part of any future lems in our banking transactions with Mohammad Yusuf Saha, a spokesman “We have supported the landmines international presence, he concluded. as they watch this world-class com- the world,” said Mohammad Yunus for former President Hamid Karzai, clearing process besides other coop- (Pajhwok) pany continue to literally change the Mohmand, member of Afghanistan said the peace talks in Qatar on April eration to Afghanistan over the last 17 world for the better,” said the mayor. Chamber of Commerce and Industries. 14-15 would be attended by a “power- (12) Taliban Storms... years, we will also encourage donors in Since the delivery of its first U.S. bat- Statistics of the Ministry of Economy ful” delegation comprising politicians future to help make Afghanistan land- Badghis last month, and at one point 50 tery electric bus in 2014, BYD has pro- show that the value of Afghanistan’s and civil society representatives. mines-free,” he said. members of Afghan security forces sur- vided buses for customers in 13 U.S. trade with Belarus is more than $40 It is not yet known whether the Afghan Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Execu- rendered to the Taliban. states and four Canadian provinces. million a year, with the main part of government will attend the talks in tive Officer (CEO), pointing to more Fighting between militant groups has Shi Yuanqiang, deputy Chinese consul the amount making the imports from Qatar where U.S. officials and Taliban than 100 casualties caused by land- also intensified. The United Nations general in Los Angeles, said “this actu- Belarus to Afghanistan. (Tolo news) representatives will gather. mines every month, said the high rate Office for the Coordination of Humani- ally is an example of how the two sides The Afghan government is increasing- (3) Flash Floods... of landmine casualties showed the tarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a state- can work together to contribute to the ly feeling sidelined as the Taliban are been destroyed and 2,841 houses have harshness of war in Afghanistan. ment on Thursday that Islamic State common cause of better, green devel- not willing to talk with Kabul, result- been partially damaged by flooding in “Contamination of 1,700 square kilo- attacks on Taliban positions on March opment.” ing in a stalemate. the southern provinces including Kan- meters of the country’s soil with land- 23 resulted in 21,000 people being dis- “BYD is a perfect combination of tech- Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. special en- dahar city. mines is one of our great challenges, placed in Kunar and Nangarhar prov- nology, engineering and innovation voy for peace in Afghanistan, is meet- According to the report, 1,092 fami- we must and definitely would use in- inces. of China and the United States, which ing Afghan officials as part of his tour lies have been verified as requiring ternal resources for dealing with this The latest round of peace talks between yields mutual benefits and win-win re- to the region. humanitarian assistance as a result of issue,” he said. U.S. and Taliban officials wrapped up sults,” Shi said. Khalilzad has met Afghan President the flooding that began on 2 March 12, Abdullah said security officials would last month, with both sides citing prog- When BYD opened its Lancaster manu- Ashraf Ghani, a woman peace nego- 2019, in four districts of Helmand prov- be ordered to clear landmines and ex- ress. facturing plant in 2013, it had a handful tiation delegation and tribal leaders in ince, including Nahr-e-Saraj, Nawa-e- plosive devices in their areas. (Pajh- Meanwhile, severe flooding hit of employees working on 10 buses in southern Afghanistan. Barakzai, Lashkragah, and Nad Ali. wok) Badghis province on Thursday, kill- a 106,000-square-foot (9,848-square- The visiting top U.S. peace envoy on ing an unknown number of people and meter) building that once housed a In western Farah province, the report (8) Peace Jirga ... said, 3,205 households have been iden- Tuesday acknowledged the impor- sweeping away houses, farmland and motorhome manufacturing facility, ac- tified as affected by the floods and re- Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail, deputy head of tance of taking Afghan government on schools, aid organization World Vision cording to the company.
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