PRKne SEVEN CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1965 (CtaasIfM Aivertisiag on Paga M) VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 157 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Court Rules® Quake Hits Smdke Bomb Pair Nabbed Halts March Shaving Ad Greek Town Is Deceptive Killing 20 Of Negroes WASHINGt S n (AP) — •:# < j As Red Spies CAMDEN, Ala. (AP)— The Supreme Court ruled MEGALOPOLIS, Greece Policemen led by Mayor Reg today Colgate-Palmolive (^ . (AP)—A violent, rollinsr Albritton today fired tear deceived the public with earthquake struck this WAS5HINGTON ^AP) —♦Soviet Embassy In Paris wd gas and smoke bombs into television commercials use^ 2,300-year-old Greek town WAanilNUiViv ___Treportedly is now in the Soviet FBI agents seized two men Union, the FBI said. tiKe ranks of about 45 Ne­ ing a faked “sandpaper" early today as its residents today—including a Penta­ Johnson, according to the groes when they refueed to test of Palmolive ahave slept. At leafit 20 persons gon courier who was miss­ ■eomplalnt, was recruited to spy disperse after their march cream. were killed and 20 injured. ing for two months last fall for the Soviets while stationed was halted. Chief Justice Earl Warren Thousands were rendered with the Army in Berlin in 1963. The mayor and four police­ delivered the majority decislo«». homeless in Uiis central Pelo­ —on charges of selling U.S. The FBI said ho recruited Mlnt- men hurled smoke bombs first. Justice John M. Harlan dissent­ ponnesus area. defense secrets to the Soviet kenbaugh in 1963, when Mint- “Ain’t gonna let no smoke ed In part, with Justice Potter Working under a bright sun Union. kenbaugh also wsis in the Army. bombs turn me round,” chanted Stewart joining him. after the predawn disaster, Agents arrested Army The FBI said they were “par the Negroes. Most of them stood In the commercials, a surface police' reported finding 17 tlcularly concerned with fur­ their ground on a sidewalk near supposed to represent sandpap­ bodies. They said other victims Sgt. Robert Lee Johnson, nishing classified information a Negro church after Albritton er was covered with shaving in the rubble of stone and clay 43, of Alexandria, Va., at relaUng to military installa­ and a policeman each threw a cream, then shaved clean with, a village houses would push the the Pentagon; and James tions, missile sites and intelli­ smoke bomb. single razor stroke. Actually the toll to 20 or more. Allen Mintkenbaugh, 46, of gence activities of the U.S. gov­ The policemen tossed three demonstration did not use .sand­ King Constantine and his ernment at both foreign and more of the smoke missiles and paper, but a simulated mockup mother, Queen Mother Frederi- San Martin, Calif. Mintken­ domestic locations.” most of the Negroes retreated. of sand and Plexiglass. ka, flew to the stricken area to baugh was arrested in Cas The complaint said both men Three stood where' they were; In New York, Colgate-Palmo­ comfort the victims. tro Valley, Calif. had received various sums of others merely backed away. live said it would not make a Megalopolis, about halfway They were arrested after the money from the Soviets. During The Albritton threw a tear gas statement until it had studied between ancient Sparta and an­ FBI filed a complaint in U.S. a period between February 1967 grenade and sll the marchers the decision. cient Olympia, gets its name District Court, Alexandria, and April 1968, the FBI said. retreated about 60 yards. ’They Ted Bates A Co., Colgate-Pal­ trom the Greek for “great charging they conspired togeth­ Johnson accepted 3300 a month re-formed. Albritton told them molive’s advertlring agency, city.” It was built to protect er and with a Russian, Vitaly from the Russians, while he was -they were not going to march also declined comment. Arcadia from Spartan invasion. ciurjoumov, and others, to ob­ assigned to an unidentified Nike downtown. Warren said the court upheld Since auvcient Umes U has de' tain and deliver InformaUon on missile site in California. He is “It’s not safe under the condl a Federal ’Trade Ck>mmlssk« dined from "a great city" to a the national defense of the Unit­ accused of having furnished tlons you hava created,” he order against the Colgate com­ village but the excavated re­ ed States. photographs of technical manu­ said. mercial. mains of its Greek theater and Ourjoumov la named as a oo- als about the site, as well as Albritton and his policemen The chief justice noted argu­ wall testify to Us past glory. oonaplrator in the complaint. He had halted four marches by Ne­ ments had been made that the The victims were in a score of formerly was assigned to the (See Page Eight) groes — Including two groups o t order might be too broad. Hs villages in the Megalopolis area school children. ’The activity said, as to this, that anyone 100 miles southwest of Athens. came as a small group of Ne­ doubtful as to a future courss They were caught in the wreck­ groes lined up to take voter could ask the commission to age of collapsing houses as they tests here. give Them definitive advice. Leaders of the march were In the Colgate case, Warren Fifty of the injured were In Autobahn Closed protesting the use of an old jail said the company had produced ■srious condlUon. building as the regflstrar office. three different commercials Thousands wandered dazed Albritton provided police es­ using “the same deceptive prac­ through the ruins. corts for Negroes when request­ tice.” Five of the worst hit villages For Short Period ed and a Wilcox County reg­ “This we believe gave the were 90 per cent destroyed and f istrar said a high percentage of commission sufficient basis for uninhaM table. Negro applicants qualified. Helicopter Makes Rescue believing that the respondents The rolling quake hit at 5:13 At Selma, about 200 Negroes would be inclined to use similar BERLIN (AP) — The Eaat<»Up to noon there had been no lined up for voter tests without Steel-neiwed Coast Guard crew rides buffeting winds in its Sikorsky HH528 heli- a.m. Ib destroyed 2,000 homes interference with the Western commercials with respect to and left many villages cut off manncTMMUNISTS CLOSED incident. conter off the face of 200-foot cliff and 10-feet above raging ^ i f i c surf to res­ other products they adver­ German Communists closed the air traffic A Negro leader was taken into from sll communication. A U.S. military convoy made cue injured Navy sailor, Ted Payne, 17, from rocke at San Franciscos Lands tise,” Warren said. Megalopolis was hard hit and u t o b a h n between West custody by police here. ”We think it reasonable for Berlin and West Germany to­ the road trip from West Berlin He -was Major Johns, a mem­ End yesterday.- Firemen were unable to pull the injured man to safety up the to West Germany without inter­ the commission to frame Its or­ (Bee Page Eight) day. then lifted the barriers at ber of the Southern Christian cliff so the copter, its blades whirling inches from the cliff face, made the pick­ der broadly enough to prevent the Berlin end after 3*4 hours. ference, but it left the divided Leadership Conference. When city b^ore the East Germans u p with Lt. Comdr. Claude Robbins at the controls. (AP Photofax)._________ respondents from engaging in West Berlin police reported. Johns marched from a church simllarty Ulegal practices in Traffic from West Germany closed the superhighway across with about 80 other Negroes, to West Beriln was still stopped East Germany. future adverUsiements.” Strike Threat A British military spokesman Albritton halted them after two 'The chief justice commented Helmstedt, the western end blocks. that, "having been caught vio­ of the 110-mile highway. said Soviet soldiers halted three Albritton asked Johns if he Events The Russians also threatened British cars as they tried to North Viet Targets lating the act, respondents must Hangs Over drive out of Berlin. They re­ was not a Louisiana resident. expect some tencing in.” the air corridors to West Beriln. Johns said he was. Then the Harlan, joined by Stowart, in notifying the Western powers turned to the British checkpoint mayor directed two policemen to await developments. dissenting, said he did not agree that Soviet military aircraft to escort Johns out of the group. In State that the use of mocki^ts by a NYC Papers would be (tying across the corri A British military vehicle was Johns went back to the church Hit by U.S. Planes dors and that certain altitudes stopped at Helmstedt, the West television advertiser is, of Itrolf, German end of the autobahn. and led a second march by a deceptive practice. Haxlan NEW YC«K (AP) — A new cotild not be used by the three about 76, many of them teen­ further, that hs 4ttd not •trike threat hung over New Western alrHnes that serve Hundreds of automobiles piled agers. This time, the mayor New Haven Flags up at both ends of the 110-mile SAIGON. Soutlz-Wel-. ranged over routes 1 and think the record ip tp d ^ ’si caa^, Tork City newspapers today West BeiUn. took Johns into what the .q(Qc: (AP) — Slxty-six U.S. Navy and about 120 miles south of the justified the brt»od order issued foUowlng a breakM ^ of nego- The Soviets said they wanted highvm,y AS the East Germans called protective custody. A1 lowered their steel barriers and wered in Death Air Force planes attacked tar­ North Vietnamese capital of by the commisslan.
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