askatchewan has a wealth of birdwatching opportunities ranging from the fall migration of waterfowl to the spring rush of songbirds and shorebirds. It is our hope that this Birding Trail Guide will help you find and enjoy the many birding Slocations in our province. Some of our Birding Trail sites offer you a chance to see endangered species such as Piping Plovers, Sage Grouse, Burrowing Owls, and even the Whooping Crane as it stops over in Saskatchewan during its spring and fall migrations. Saskatchewan is comprised of four distinct eco-zones, from rolling prairie to dense forest. Micro-environments are as varied as the bird-life, ranging from active sand dunes and badlands to marshes and swamps. Over 350 bird species can be found in the province. Southwestern Saskatchewan represents the core of the range of grassland birds like Baird's Sparrow and Sprague's Pipit. The mixed wood boreal forest in northern Saskatchewan supports some of the highest bird species diversity in North America, including Connecticut Warbler and Boreal Chickadee. More than 15 species of shorebirds nest in the province while others stop over briefly en-route to their breeding grounds in Arctic Canada. Chaplin Lake and the Quill Lakes are the two anchor bird watching sites in our province. These sites are conveniently located on Saskatchewan's two major highways, the Trans-Canada #1 and Yellowhead #16. Both are excellent birding areas! Oh! ....... don't forget, birdwatching in Saskatchewan is a year round activity. While migration provides a tremendous opportunity to see vast numbers of birds, winter birding offers you an incomparable opportunity to view many species of owls and woodpeckers and other Arctic residents such as Gyrfalcons, Snowy Owls and massive flocks of Snow Buntings. Happy Birding in Saskatchewan ! For information on birdwatching in Saskatchewan please contact: Ken Kessler Box 249 To contact Tourism Saskatchewan: Pangman, SK 1-877-2ESCAPE S0C 2C0 email: [email protected] Bufflehead Common Goldeneye Barrow's Goldeneye Hooded Merganser Common Merganser Red-breasted Merganser Ruddy Duck Osprey Mississippi Kite Bald Eagle Northern Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk Cooper's Hawk Northern Goshawk Broad-winged Hawk Swainson's Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Ferruginous Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Golden Eagle American Kestrel Merlin Gyrfalcon Peregrine Falcon Prairie Falcon Gray Partridge Ring-necked Pheasant Ruffed Grouse Greater Sage -Grouse Spruce Grouse Willow Ptarmigan Rock Ptarmigan Sharp-tailed Grouse Greater Prairie-Chicken Wild Turkey Yellow Rail Virginia Rail Sora American Coot Sandhill Crane Whooping Crane Black-bellied Plover American Golden-Plover Snowy Plover Semipalmated Plover Red-throated Loon Double-crested Yellow-crowned Wood Duck Canvasback Piping Plover Pacific Loon Cormorant Night-Heron Gadwall Redhead Killdeer Common Loon American Bittern White-faced Ibis Eurasian Wigeon Ring-necked Duck Black-necked Stilt Yellow-billed Loon Least Bittern Turkey Vulture American Wigeon Greater Scaup American Avocet Pied-billed Grebe Great Blue Heron Greater White- American Black Duck Lesser Scaup Greater Yellowlegs Horned Grebe Great Egret fronted Goose Mallard King Eider Lesser Yellowlegs Red-necked Grebe Snowy Egret Snow Goose Blue-winged Teal Common Eider Spotted Redshank Eared Grebe Little Blue Heron Ross' Goose Cinnamon Teal Harlequin Duck Solitary Sandpiper Western Grebe Cattle Egret Canada Goose Northern Shoveler Surf Scoter Willet Clark's Grebe Green Heron Brant Northern Pintail White-winged Scoter Spotted Sandpiper American White Black-crowned Trumpeter Swan Garganey Black Scoter Upland Sandpiper Pelican Night-Heron Tundra Swan Green-winged Teal Long-tailed Duck Whimbrel Saskatchewan Birding List Long-billed Curlew Great Horned Owl Blue-headed Vireo Golden-winged Baird's Sparrow Hudsonian Godwit Snowy Owl Warbling Vireo Warbler Le Conte's Sparrow Marbled Godwit Northern Hawk Owl Philadelphia Vireo Tennessee Warbler Nelson's Sharp-tailed Ruddy Turnstone Burrowing Owl Red-eyed Vireo Orange-crowned Sparrow Red Knot Barred Owl Gray Jay Warbler Fox Sparrow Sanderling Great Gray Owl Steller's Jay Nashville Warbler Song Sparrow Semipalmated Long-eared Owl Blue Jay Northern Parula Lincoln's Sparrow Sandpiper Short-eared Owl Clark's Nutcracker Yellow Warbler Swamp Sparrow Western Sandpiper Boreal Owl Black-billed Magpie Chestnut-sided White-throated Least Sandpiper Northern Saw-whet Owl American Crow Warbler Sparrow White-rumped Common Nighthawk Common Raven Magnolia Warbler Harris' Sparrow Sandpiper Common Poorwill Horned Lark Cape May Warbler White-crowned Baird's Sandpiper Whip-poor-will Purple Martin Black-throated Blue Sparrow Pectoral Sandpiper Chimney Swift Tree Swallow Warbler Golden-crowned Sparrow Dunlin Ruby-throated Violet-green Swallow Yellow-rumped Dark-eyed Junco Stilt Sandpiper Hummingbird N. Rough-winged Warbler McCown's Longspur Buff-breasted Anna's Hummingbird Swallow Black-throated Gray Lapland Longspur Sandpiper Calliope Hummingbird Bank Swallow Warbler Smith's Longspur Ruff Rufous Hummingbird Cliff Swallow Black-throated Green Chestnut-collared Short-billed Dowitcher Belted Kingfisher Barn Swallow Warbler Longspur Long-billed Dowitcher Lewis' Woodpecker Black-capped Townsend's Warbler Snow Bunting Common Snipe Red-headed Chickadee Blackburnian Warbler Northern Cardinal Wilson's Phalarope Woodpecker Mountain Chickadee Pine Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak Red-necked Phalarope Red-bellied Boreal Chickadee Palm Warbler Black-headed Grosbeak Red Phalarope Woodpecker Red-breasted Bay-breasted Warbler Lazuli Bunting Pomarine Jaeger Williamson's Nuthatch Blackpoll Warbler Indigo Bunting Parasitic Jaeger Sapsucker White-breasted Black-and-white Dickcissel Long-tailed Jaeger Yellow-bellied Nuthatch Warbler Bobolink Franklin's Gull Sapsucker Brown Creeper American Redstart Red-winged Blackbird Little Gull Red-naped Sapsucker Rock Wren Prothonotary Warbler Western Meadowlark Bonaparte's Gull Downy Woodpecker House Wren Ovenbird Yellow-headed Mew Gull Hairy Woodpecker Winter Wren Northern Waterthrush Blackbird Ring-billed Gull Three-toed Sedge Wren Connecticut Warbler Rusty Blackbird California Gull Woodpecker Marsh Wren Mourning Warbler Brewer's Blackbird Herring Gull Black-backed American Dipper MacGillivray's Warbler Common Grackle Thayer's Gull Woodpecker Golden-crowned Common Yellowthroat Brown-headed Cowbird Lesser Black-backed Northern Flicker Kinglet Hooded Warbler Orchard Oriole Gull Pileated Woodpecker Ruby-crowned Kinglet Wilson's Warbler Baltimore Oriole Slaty-backed Gull Olive-sided Flycatcher Eastern Bluebird Canada Warbler Bullock's Oriole Glaucous Gull Western Wood-Pewee Mountain Bluebird Yellow-breasted Chat Brambling Great Black-backed Eastern Wood-Pewee Townsend's Solitaire Summer Tanager Gray-crowned Gull Yellow-bellied Veery Scarlet Tanager Rosy-Finch Sabine's Gull Flycatcher Gray-cheeked Thrush Western Tanager Pine Grosbeak Black-legged Kittiwake Alder Flycatcher Swainson's Thrush Green-tailed Towhee Purple Finch Caspian Tern Willow Flycatcher Hermit Thrush Spotted Towhee House Finch Common Tern Least Flycatcher Wood Thrush Eastern Towhee Red Crossbill Arctic Tern Dusky Flycatcher American Robin American Tree White-winged Crossbill Forster's Tern Eastern Phoebe Varied Thrush Sparrow Common Redpoll Least Tern Say's Phoebe Gray Catbird Chipping Sparrow Hoary Redpoll Black Tern Great Crested Northern Mockingbird Clay-colored Sparrow Pine Siskin Black Guillemot Flycatcher Sage Thrasher Brewer's Sparrow American Goldfinch Rock Dove Western Kingbird Brown Thrasher Field Sparrow Evening Grosbeak Band-tailed Pigeon Eastern Kingbird European Starling Vesper Sparrow House Sparrow Eurasian Collared-Dove Scissor-tailed American Pipit Lark Sparrow Mourning Dove Flycatcher Sprague's Pipit Black-throated Regular Breeding Passenger Pigeon Loggerhead Shrike Bohemian Waxwing Sparrow Regular Non-Breeding Black-billed Cuckoo Northern Shrike Cedar Waxwing Lark Bunting Extinct/Extirpated Barn Owl White-eyed Vireo Blue-winged Warbler Savannah Sparrow Stragglers Eastern Screech-Owl Yellow-throated Vireo Grasshopper Sparrow LEGEND Duck Mountain Provincial Park GENERAL INFORMATION: The Boreal Forest reaches its southern most limit in Saskatchewan at Duck Mountain, one of a series of uplands marking the boundary between the Manitoba Lowlands and Saskatchewan Plains. Duck Mountain is reached via Highways #5 and #57 east from Kamsack or north on Manitoba Highway #83 north from Roblin. BIRDING INFORMATION: The birds listed above may been seen on any of a number of good nature trails in Duck Mountain Provincial Park offers most the core area. These include the of the bird species to be found in boreal Woodland, Pelly Point and Boreal Forest forests much further north. In the summer, Trail. The Boreal Forest, which starts at warblers, including the Nashville, the campground is a 1 km walk through Magnolia, and Blackburnian Warblers are ferns, birch stands, spruce and poplar. It also includes a boardwalk and is wheel chair accessible. This trail has attracted such species as the Barred Owl and Winter Wren. One of the more sought after birds by Saskatchewan birders is the Golden-winged Warbler. It has been recorded several times on south facing slopes near the ski hill. The area may be reached by taking the first right after the Magnolia Warblers Core area. Keep your eyes peeled for Turkey Vultures in the sky and Broad-winged Hawks on trees particularly plentiful, while the occasional or power lines as you drive the roads. Canada Warbler may be found
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