CONTENTS Page Letters 3 News Notes 4 Briefs 6 uote Unquote 7 Off The Record 8 Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala remains unshaken even though he is under siege from every possible front. GOVERNOR'S CASE: Courting The Coun 9 LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRY: Common Concern 10 ARMY MOBILIZATION: Insecurity Concerns 11 ANFA ROW: Brief Respite 12 JUNOON CONCERT: Endless Passion 13 : Dambar Prasad Dhungel 14 ICE CREAM CULTURE: Scoops or Solace ME LAM CHI PROJECT: A Shot In The Arm 15 The onset of summer witnesses' youths and children thronging at ice-cream parlours for cool del ight Page 24 BOOKREvmw 26 THE BOTTOMLINE 27 PROFILE: Kashi Raj Dahal 28 PASTIME 29 INTERVffiW: DR. RAM SHARAN MAHAT Finance Minister Dr. Mahat high­ LEISURE 30 lights his agenda to tackle with the growing financial problems. FORUM: Or. Rup Khadka 32 Page 22 SPOTLIGHT/APRIL 6, 2001 SPOTLIGHT EDITOR'S NOTE THE NATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE Vol. 20, No,aa, April 6, 2001 (Chailra 24, 2057) : I Chief Editor And Publisher Madhav Kumar Rimal he miseries of the hapless people of the poor and unfortunate country do not seem to abate. ]n the last more than ten years, the sufferings of the Editor peopie have nol only increased, the whole country has been inching Santa Rimal towards a civil war. And now the situation has got out of total control of Managing Editor the callous, corrupt and imbecile government. When the whole country Keshab Poudel er is gripped with an atmosphere of fear and anxiety, Ihe politicians in power still seem to ASSQciate Editor be obsessed with the evil designs of slicking to the chair of authorily so that they can Bhaglrath Yogi continue looting the country with impunity. The non-functioning of the parliament for Senior Reporter Ihe whole session shouid have been ample reason for the Speaker and the Prime Minister Sanjaya Dhakal to resign withoul any delay, iflhey had any conscience, BUI for men who have nol heard about integrity, morality or patriotism, conscience and virtues are alien lenns Reporter Akshay Sharma existent in their lexjcon. Design and Layout Jyoti Singh The recent massacres of the police officials in the western and eastern regions of the country by the antigovernment forces have sent waves of panic and uncertainty across Photographer Ihe whole nation, The people have started losing all faith in the ability of the government N.shchaJ Chapagain to grant even a sense of safety and security to the nation. After the vicious killings of Art so many human lives, the home minister instead of resigning and going to Ridhi for M,S, Khokna penance, has slarted sermonizing as if he is Ihe Messiah, And Ihe shameless Prime Legal Advisor Ministermel a number ofjournalists the other day and talked 10 them wilh clear warning Advocale LoIk Bhakta Rana that every word he said was "off the record." As such, wc are not in a position to comment on what he said. But, the Prime Minister tried to show that he was really Marketing/Advertisement Saril Rimal (USA) worried at the sinister developments. He also tried to give a strong impression that, he was losing both sleep and hunger over the grave situalion generaled by Ihe killings of Marketing Madan Kaji Basnel Ihe police officials, He did not take a bile from the well laid oul tabie nor finished his Navi" Kumar Maharjan cup of lea but smoked five cigarettes in about forty minutes. He, however, did not fail Madan Raj Poudel to blame the opposition, the dissident colleagues of hi s party and the journalists for not Editorial Office cooperating with him, Indeed. How Ihe opposition, his party colleagues and the GPO Box 7256, Baluwatar, Kalhmandu, journalists are going to take hjs admonjtion time will only show. Tel: (977-1) 423127, Fax: (977-1) 417845 Chief EdHo~s : 435594 E-mail: [email protected] We have, time and again, exhorted the king 10 aCI , 10 save the people and the country Internel Add: http://www.nepalnews.com/ from the tyranny of the corrupt politicians. We have emphasized that constitutions are spotlighl made for the country, countries are not made for constitution. Constitutions can be Cover Design amended and even scrapped. Countries cannot. Countries can even survive without a Wordscape constitution. TIle time is past when even our King could become absolute. But, he does Kamai Pokhari, Ph : 410772, Fax: 432872 have certain responsibililies he cannot shirk. He cannot behave like a disinterested Distribution spectalor when the country is heading towards the brink of the precipice, No body can Bazaar International deny that the country is facing a disastrous civil war. And there is no dearth of friends 228 Sanchaya Kosh Bldg. Kalhmandu G,P,O Box 2480, Ph: 222983 Fax: 229437 and well wishers who would like to fish in the troubled waters. And the men in control a-mail: [email protected] are collaborators, When the persons responsible for saving the integrily of the country are lurning quislings, where should the poor people lurn to exceplthe King, There are Printers: Kishor offsel Press (P,) lid. P,Q, Box 4665, Galkopakha, Thamel, slill honesl and patriotic people in the country, 11 is Ihe duty of Ihe King to find them, Kalhmandu,Tel:351044 (Off), 351172 (Res,), If he wanls to save democracy, he has 10 act and act quick, We have said it before and Fax: 977-1-351172, are saying il again, "Procrastination is the thief of time," • E-mail: [email protected] C_D,O, Regd. No I 1511039-40 Postal Regd. No I 4:!J057/58 U.S. Library of Congress Madhav Kumar Rimal L Calalogue No. 91·905060 Chief Ed itor& Publisher 2 SPOTLIGHT/APRiL 6, 2001 LETTERS ______________________________________________________________ menlaftercompletion ofhis ten­ Ensure urc. O/fiee o/[IIe Attorney-Gel/eral Transparency Kathmandu Tire central bank and [he M in istry ofFinance In list Moderation Is Better make transparent each step I want to make some com­ ·GTLl ments on your article on chang­ they lake toward handing ing food habits ("Changing over tlte management of Taste", S POTL!G HT, March Raslriya Banijya Bank and 23-29). I guess the main theme Nepal Bank Limited to pri­ oflhearticlcwasaboutlhegrow­ vale hands on lease (" Banks ing fast-food habits in On Hire", SPOTLIGHT Kat.hmandu. My concern, how­ March 30-April 5), Any al­ ever. has to do with your discus­ templ to cloud the process sion regarding diet and health. Your story gives the impression .....ould result in afiasco, Past that ealing meal is harmful - illcidellts suggest that the without any qualification. [ldoes authorities '\-'ould try to not discuss differences within make the process as less animal products. red and white transparent as they possi­ meat, elC. At least, that's how I bly call. Tha[ would be un­ read it., and I don 'I think we can fortunate. If this process make absolute statements like lands in cOlltroversy, [he that. [ also find the analogy of meat products being a slow­ ultimale losers ..... ould be tlte moving vehicles very mislead­ .... ____-1 two banks [hemselves. ing. It might have been more Sudhir Bista appropriate to talk about satu­ Hattisar rated fat and cholesterol in this context since you get saturated fat from plant products as well Reform Necessary banks("BanksOn Hire", SPOT­ SPOTLIGHT, March 30-April (oil. vegetable ghee). Of course, Time is running out if we LIGHT, March 30-ApriI5). As 5). Ifthal is the case, not a single I've nothing against vegetarian to save the two biggest the bank employees argue, the momenlmust be lost in improv­ diet. In fact. 1 myself limit meat of the country ("Banks real refonn would be to bring to ing their situation. The country consumption. However, if a per­ On Hire",SPOTLlGHT,March book the culprits who are re­ cannot afford to allow these two son is strictly vegetarian (espe­ 30-April 5). [nstead of squan­ sponsible for landing Ulese in­ banking pillars to deteriorate fur­ cially vegan), they better make dering our latest chance to re­ stitutions in their present mess. ther. Whether through manage­ sure that they're receiving ad­ form the banks, everyone con­ Does the government have the ment contract to foreigners, to­ equate nutrients. especially pro­ cemed should make honest ef­ guts to take action against the tal privatization or anything else, teins and calcium since plams forLS to improve them. As we so-called business houses that the authorities must do some­ are low on them. In additjoll, have already lost precious time are trying to default on their thing la prevent a catastrophe. Vit. 8-12 is found only in ani­ in introducing much-needed re· loans? If so, there is no need to Suman 8aidya mal products.! personally think fonns. we must not waste any hand over the management of Patan that ifs more important to en­ more time. Capable foreign cli­ the banks to anybody else. sure that your diet is balanced Deepak KC and the key issue may be mod­ ents should be gi ven the respon­ No Official Dispute sibility to improve the manage­ Ihamsikhel eration. Moreover. meat con­ Our attention has been ment of these banks. sumption is mostly a problem in Salldeep Shres[ha drawn to your write-up on the the West and not in countries Money Matters constitutional dcbatc("Question Bangcmuda like Nepal. The bottom line is Your cover story indicated OfJurisdiction",SPOTLIGHT, that thereare people who choose that any serious damage to the March 30-ApriI5). It is not at all to be vegetarian forsuictly health No Guts Raslriya Banijya Bank and true that theallomey-general has reasons.
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