In temperate climates where heat Developing a Wine Grape Site Evaluation accumulation is adequate to ripen Decision Support System for the Inland wine grapes, winter cold damage may be the limiting factor for vineyard Pacific Northwestern United States survival. Phenology, cultivar, and tem- peratures preceding potentially dam- 1 1,3 2 aging low temperatures all influence Ian-Huei Yau , Joan R. Davenport , and Michelle M. Moyer risk of cold damage (Ferguson et al., 2011). Sites with lower extreme min- ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. remote site evaluation, site selection, viticulture, Vitis imum temperatures will generally be vinifera at greater risk for cold damage, which can range from loss of fruitful buds SUMMARY. Site selection is critical in wine grape (Vitis vinifera) production. The to outright death of the entire vine. wine grape industry is expanding in the inland Pacific northwestern United States The typical minimum temperature (IPNW) using traditional means of site evaluation including on physical examina- tion of topography, geomorphology, soil characteristics, and analysis of long-term threshold at peak dormancy for most observations from weather stations. Through the use of modeled spatial data, we wine grape cultivars is around –23 °C present a geographic information system (GIS) representing environmental features (Ferguson et al., 2011). Frost-free important for evaluating vineyard site suitability for the production of wine grapes. days (FFDs), the period between Elevation, slope, insolation, heat accumulation, growing season length, extreme the last spring and first autumn frosts minimum temperature and the soil parameters of drainage, available water-holding (0 °C), is frequently examined in capacity (AWC), depth to restrictive layer, and pH combine to represent composite determining the suitability of an area topographic, edaphic, and overall production suitability. Comparing modeled site for wine grape production (Jackson suitability predictions with existing vineyards, we found modeled data on site and Cherry, 1988; Wolf and Boyer, properties aligned with vineyard manager perceptions of production quality in 2003). FFDs indicate growing season established vineyards. Although remote spatial evaluation will never replace physical site examination for addressing specific site conditions, it allows an length and serves as a proxy of the efficient, spatially extensive, initial assessment of sites that can direct attention to period over which wine grapes can potentially problematic or distinguishing environmental characteristics. develop and ripen. Topography also plays a role in site suitability. Topographic suitabil- he IPNW has emerged as a recognition, usage, and distinguish- ity relates to the physical ability to premium European wine grape ing features (U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco manage a vineyard (i.e., ability for Tgrowing region with Wash- Tax Trade Bureau, 2013). Several machinery to safely operate on a site) ington State as the dominant pro- larger AVAs contain open land cur- and influence over mesoclimatic (sub- ducer. Washington is second only rently not planted to wine grape regional to vineyard scale) conditions. to California in wine grape produc- (Fig. 1). Slope and aspect are both readily quan- tion in the United States [U.S. De- Climate is the determinant lim- tified topographic characteristics. In partment of Agriculture (USDA), iting factor in wine grape production. the Northern Hemisphere, slopes with 2011a]. In 2011, nearly 44,000 acres Growing-degree day (GDD) accu- a southern aspect have higher levels of wine grapes existed in Washing- mulation is one common method of insolation, and consequently heat ton, a 395% increase over the last 18 of reporting climate and allows com- accumulation, and are typically con- years (USDA, 2011b). The region parison between different locations sidered ideal; however, wine grapes hosts 13 American Viticultural Areas under similar macroclimate. GDD can be successfully grown on aspects (AVAs) acknowledged by the U.S. accumulation for wine grapes is cal- that are often considered ‘‘undesir- Alcohol and Tobacco Trade Bureau culated as the summation of average able’’ (Wolfe, 1999). Because of this, on the basis of national or local name temperatures [i.e., (maximum temper- the degree of slope is generally given ature + minimum temperature)/2] greater consideration. Moderate slopes We thank all the cooperative growers who shared their less a threshold of 10 °Cbetween vineyards and expertise to help validate this work. (5% to 15%) are considered the best Additional thanks to Dr. Greg Jones of Southern 1 Apr. and 31 Oct. In a major U.S. sites for wine grape production as Oregon University for his insight and assistance. wine region, five grape type cate- they allow air drainage without hin- Funding for this project was provided by the North- west Center for Small Fruits Research, the Washington gories were developed based on this dering equipment operation (Jones State Grape and Wine Research Group, and the index of heat accumulation (Amerine et al., 2004). Sloped sites can reduce Washington State University Agricultural Research and Winkler, 1944). cold air pooling as they promote air Center. The research described herein represents a portion of a thesis submitted by I. Yau to the Graduate School of Washington State University in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Masters of Science in Crop and Soil Sciences. Units 1Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Irrigated Agriculture Research & Extension Center, Washing- To convert U.S. to SI, To convert SI to U.S., ton State University, 24106 N Bunn Road, Prosser, multiply by U.S. unit SI unit multiply by WA 99350-8694 0.4047 acre(s) ha 2.4711 2Department of Horticulture, Irrigated Agriculture 0.3048 ft m 3.2808 Research & Extension Center, Washington State 0.0929 ft2 m2 10.7639 University, 24106 N Bunn Road, Prosser, WA 2.54 inch(es) cm 0.3937 99350-8694 1.6093 mile(s) km 0.6214 3Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. (°F – 32) O 1.8 °F °C(°C · 1.8) + 32 88 • February 2014 24(1) Fig. 1. American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) of the inland Pacific northwestern U.S. AVA boundaries digitized from official descriptions in the Federal Register and corresponding georeferenced U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps. drainage to alternate locations. Sites of over 3 m in soil surveys in northern 1992). Overly acidic soils can generate located above potential cold air pools Italy. Vines may grow roots to depths toxic levels of aluminum, copper, and may also benefit from additional ele- of 30 m or more if no impenetrable manganese; induce phosphorus defi- vation through lower daytime tem- barriers are present (Keller, 2010). ciency; restrict root growth; and lead peratures, which can promote fruit Only under severe water stress will to grapevine nutrient and soil micro- quality in hot regions (Gladstones, wine grapes access substantial water bial imbalances (Bargmann, 2003; 1992). Unfortunately, slope alone can- from greater than 2 m. Shallow soils Foss et al., 2010; Gladstones, 1992). not predict mesoclimate conditions above parent material or other im- The expansion of the IPNW wine and sites must be considered within penetrable barriers where root pene- grape industry has resulted in the in- the greater context of surrounding tration is problematic are considered ability of viticulture consultants and topography, obstructions to air flow unsuitable for grape production and university Extension to travel to every and prevailing winds (Jackson and increase the likelihood of waterlog- potential new vineyard location. Effi- Schuster, 2001). ging (Foss et al., 2010; Jackson, cient remote assessment of a site is Wine grapes tolerate a range of 2008). Well-drained soils, along with necessary to facilitate this expansion soil conditions. Waterlogged soils re- greater soil depth, encourages the and avoid potential pitfalls of a site tard vine growth, hinder mechanical growth of robust, perennial root struc- that need to be addressed before vine operations in the vineyard, and favor tures. While the AWC of soils in the establishment. This project was de- the development of several root dis- IPNW is relatively low to moderate, signed to establish a decision support eases and chlorosis in calcareous soils directed applications of irrigation al- system (DSS) for wine grape pro- (Davenport and Stevens, 2006). Free- low for consistently high-quality grape duction in the IPNW to help facili- draining soils maintain oxygen con- production. tate these remote assessments. centrations near roots and facilitate Soil pH is also important in wine The specific objectives of this moderate water stress with proper grape production in Washington State, project were to: 1) establish a DSS irrigation management (Foss et al., as wine grape is grown on its own for wine grape that includes informa- 2010). Unrestricted soil drainage to roots. Absorption of many nutrients tion on common site characteristics, a depth of at least 2 to 3 m is rec- for wine grape is optimal at soil pH such as topographic, edaphic, and cli- ommended for vineyards in most sit- of6.6to7.2(MeinertandCurtin, matic parameters; and 2) begin pre- uations (Gladstones, 1992; Jackson, 2005). Overly alkaline soils lead to liminary evaluation of the effectiveness 2008). Failla et al. (2004) found deficiencies of phosphorus, iron, man- of the DSS to elucidate potential grapevine (Vitis sp.) roots at depths ganese, boron, and zinc (Gladstones, problematic components in wine grape • February 2014
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