Sydney Zoo SSD 7228 Environmental Impact Statement Sydney Zoo Bungarribee Park (Western Sydney Parklands) Submitted to the Department of Environment and Planning on behalf of Sydney Zoo December 2015 15247 JBA Urban Planning Consultants Pty Ltd ABN 84 060 735 104 / North Sydney t +61 2 9956 6962 w jbaurban.com.au Reproduction of this document or any part thereof is not permitted without prior written permission of JBA Urban Planning Consultants Pty Ltd. JBA operates under a Quality Management System that has been certified as complying with ISO 9001:2008. This report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with that system. If the report is not signed below, it is a preliminary draft. This report has been prepared by Tim Ward and Christopher Curtis: 7/12/2015 This report has been reviewed by Julie Bindon: 7/12/2015 Sydney Zoo Environmental Impact Statement | December 2015 Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview of the Project 1 1.2 Background to the Project 2 1.3 Objectives of the Project 2 1.4 Structure of this Report 2 1.5 Project Team 3 1.6 Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements 3 2.0 Site Analysis 8 2.1 Site Location and Context 8 2.2 Land Ownership and Legal Description 8 2.3 Site Description 9 2.4 Bungarribee Precinct Parklands 11 2.5 Surrounding Development 14 3.0 Description of the Project 17 3.1 Project Design Principles 19 3.2 Numerical Overview 19 3.3 Site Preparation / Bulk Earthworks 20 3.4 Built Form 20 3.5 Landscaping Elements 26 3.6 Access and Accessibility 27 3.7 Vehicular Access and Parking 28 3.8 Environmentally Sustainable Development 28 3.9 Infrastructure and Services 29 3.10 Subdivision 30 3.11 Construction Sequencing 30 3.12 Zoo Operations 31 3.13 Contributions 34 3.14 Analysis of Alternatives 34 4.0 Consultation 37 4.1 Sydney Zoo Communications and Stakeholder Consultation 37 4.2 Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements Consultation 40 5.0 Statutory and Strategic Context 51 5.1 Legislation 51 5.2 Environmental Planning Instruments 53 5.3 Strategic Planning 55 6.0 Environmental Assessment 57 6.1 Air and Odour 57 6.2 Noise 64 6.3 Traffic, Parking and Access 73 6.4 Water, Drainage and Stormwater 80 6.5 Aboriginal Heritage 87 6.6 Non-Aboriginal Heritage 91 6.7 Waste Management 93 6.8 Landscape Character and Visual Impact 99 6.9 Contamination 104 JBA 15247 i Sydney Zoo Environmental Impact Statement | December 2015 Contents 6.10 Vegetation and Biodiversity 104 6.11 Bushfire Management 109 6.12 Hazards and Risk 110 6.13 Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) 117 6.14 Socio-economic Impacts 119 7.0 Environmental Risk Assessment 122 8.0 Mitigation Measures 126 9.0 Justification of the Proposal 137 9.1 Social and Economic 137 9.2 Biophysical 137 9.3 Ecologically Sustainable Development 138 10.0 Conclusion 140 11.0 Acronyms and Abbreviations 141 ii JBA 15247 Sydney Zoo Environmental Impact Statement | December 2015 Contents Figures 1 The subject site (shown in red) is adjacent to the Great Western Highway 8 2 The site is situated within the Western Sydney Parklands 9 3 Looking north across the site towards the Bungarribee residential area 10 4 Looking south across the site towards the Bungarribee Industrial Estate 11 5 Looking west across the site towards Eastern Creek 11 6 Bungarribee Super Park Master Plan identifies the tourism hub site 13 7 Surrounding major tourism and recreational facilities 16 8 The proposed masterplan for the Sydney Zoo 18 9 The proposed entry and retail building 21 10 The Boma (restaurant) within the Zoo grounds looking north-west through the Zoo 22 11 The proposed administration, curatorial and veterinarian building 23 12 The proposed reptile and insect habitat buildings 24 13 The proposed reptile and insect habitat buildings will be merged into the landscape 24 14 Zoo Concept 1 35 15 Zoo Concept 2 35 16 Zoo Concept 3 36 17 Surrounding sensitive air quality receptors 59 18 Predicted maximum 24 hour average PM10 concentrations 62 19 Predicted 99th percentile peak odour concentrations 63 20 Noise monitoring locations and sensitive receivers 67 21 Noise level contours (calm metrological conditions) 70 22 Noise level contours (adverse metrological conditions) 70 23 Two identified PAD sites are located within the Zoo footprint 88 24 Risk Assessment Matrix 122 JBA 15247 iii Sydney Zoo Environmental Impact Statement | December 2015 Contents Tables 1 Project team 3 2 Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements 4 3 Key development information 19 4 Back-of-house building breakdown 25 5 Daily estimated visitation profile 31 6 Public authorities SEARs requested information 40 7 Impact assessment criteria – complex mixtures of odorous pollutants 58 8 Impact assessment criteria – dust and particulate matter 58 9 Nearby sensitive receptors to the Zoo site 59 10 PM10 Monitoring Results for Prospect 59 11 PM2.5 Monitoring Results for Prospect 60 12 Estimated dust and particulate emissions 60 13 Predicted construction TSP levels 61 14 Predicted construction PM10 levels 61 15 Predicted construction PM2.5 levels 62 16 Predicted construction deposited dust levels 62 17 Predicted 99th percentile peak odour concentrations 63 18 Air quality and odour safeguards and management measures 63 19 Project specific noise levels 65 20 Sleep disturbance screening levels 65 21 ICNG noise management levels for residential receivers 66 22 Project specific NMLs 66 23 Existing ambient noise levels 67 24 Predicted construction noise levels 68 25 Predicted noise levels during opening hours 69 26 Predicted noise levels after hours 69 27 Cumulative industrial noise levels 71 28 Predicted noise levels of roaring lions at sensitive receivers 71 29 Predicted road traffic noise levels 71 30 Noise and vibration safeguards and management measures 72 31 SIDRA Level of Service Criteria 74 32 Existing Operating Conditions 74 33 Sydney Zoo Daily Visitation Profile 75 34 Vehicle occupancy estimate 76 35 Visitor Parking Demand 76 36 Traffic Generation Summary 77 37 Post-Development Operating Conditions 78 38 Post-Development Site Peak Hourly Traffic Operating Conditions 78 39 Traffic, parking and access safeguards and management measures 79 40 Stormwater re-use demands 81 iv JBA 15247 Sydney Zoo Environmental Impact Statement | December 2015 Contents 41 Pollution Reduction Targets 82 42 Pollution reduction results 82 43 OSD 1 peak site discharge 83 44 OSD 2 peak site discharge 83 45 OSD 3 peak site discharge 84 46 Estimated cut and fill volumes 85 47 Water, drainage and stormwater safeguards and management measures 85 48 Archaeological Significance Assessment 89 49 Summary of impacts to identified Aboriginal items and PAD areas 89 50 Aboriginal heritage safeguards and management measures 90 51 Existing heritage items within the general area 92 52 Non-Aboriginal heritage safeguards and management measures 92 53 Potential construction waste generation classifications 94 54 Potential operation waste generation classifications 96 55 Estimated operational waste generation rates for average visitation periods 97 56 Estimated operational waste generation rates for peak visitation periods 97 57 Estimated peak public place waste generation 98 58 Waste management safeguards and management measures 98 59 SEPP 64 Signage Assessment Criteria 101 60 Landscape character and visual impact safeguards and management measures 103 61 Vegetation and biodiversity safeguards and management measures 107 62 Risk Assessment 109 63 Bushfire safeguards and management measures 110 64 Hazardous materials screening analyses 111 65 Construction hazard identification and consequence assessment 113 66 Hazards and risks safeguards and management measures 115 67 Estimated construction emissions 118 68 Ecologically sustainable development safeguards and management measures 119 69 Environmental risk assessment 123 70 Summary of site specific environmental safeguards and management measures 127 Appendices JBA 15247 v Sydney Zoo Environmental Impact Statement | December 2015 Contents A Consideration of Clause 228 Factors and Matters of National Significance JBA B Landscape Master Plan Aspect Studios C Architectural Drawings Misho + Associates D Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements Department of Planning and Environment E Transport and Traffic Impact Assessment GTA Consulting F Civil Engineering Plans Lindsay Dynan G Civil and Stormwater Report Lindsay Dynan H Contamination Report Consulting Earth Scientists I Biodiversity Report Eco Logical Australia J Bushfire Risk Assessment Eco Logical Australia K Mechanical Engineering Evolved Engineering L Non-Aboriginal Statement of Heritage Impact Artefact M Aboriginal Archaeological Survey Report Artefact N Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment Wilkinson Murray O Air Quality Impact Assessment Wilkinson Murray vi JBA 15247 Sydney Zoo Environmental Impact Statement | December 2015 Contents P Energy Efficiency and ESD Report SLR Consulting Q Waste Management Plan SLR Consulting R Greenhouse Gas Assessment Report Wilkinson Murray S Contribution of the Sydney Zoo to the Economy of NSW KPMG T Lighting Concept Report LAS Consultants U Signage Management Plan Urban and Public V Protected Matters Search Results W Surrounding Development Map JBA X BCA and Accessibility Report BCA Logic Y Sydney Zoo Signage Policy and WSPT Responsibilities WSPT, Sydney Zoo Z Proposed Plan of Subdivision Vince Morgan Surveyors JBA 15247 vii Sydney Zoo Environmental Impact Statement | December 2015 Statement of Validity Development Application Details Applicant name Sydney Zoo Applicant address C/- Sturt Capital Partners, Level 6, 1 Alfred Street, Sydney Land to be developed Lot 101 on DP1195067 Proposed development A zoological facility as described in Section 3.0 of this Environmental Impact Statement Prepared by Name Tim Ward Christopher Curtis Qualifications BSC(Hons) BUrbanEnvPlan (Hons) MEnvMgt Address Level 7, 77 Berry Street, North Sydney In respect of State Significant Development - Development Application Certification I certify that I have prepared the content of this EIS and to the best of my knowledge: . it is in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000; .
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