12696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE June 15, 2005 By Mr. WALSH: H.R. 865: Mr. HAYES. H.R. 2209: Mr. MCHUGH, Mr. GILLMOR, and H.R. 2929. A bill to amend title 38, United H.R. 893: Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. States Code, to provide the same type of vo- H.R. 944: Mr. RAMSTAD. H.R. 2231: Mr. GONZALEZ, Mr. DOGGETT, Ms. cational rehabilitation benefits and services H.R. 994: Mr. WAMP, Mr. NADLER, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of under laws administered by the Secretary of VELA´ ZQUEZ, and Mr. BOREN. Virginia, Mr. FITZPATRICK of Pennsylvania, Veterans Affairs for certain children with H.R. 998: Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Mr. PLATTS, Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island, spina bifida as are currently available to vet- H.R. 1059: Mr. TIERNEY. and Mr. EMANUEL. erans with service-connected disabilities; to H.R. 1103: Mr. FARR. H.R. 2237: Mrs. CAPPS. the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. H.R. 1124: Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota and H.R. 2251: Mr. WALDEN of Oregon, Mr. By Mr. MANZULLO: Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. FORD, and Mr. SESSIONS. H. Res. 320. A resolution congratulating H.R. 1176: Mr. BRADLEY of New Hampshire, H.R. 2355: Mr. HALL. Danica Patrick on her historic accomplish- Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida, and Mr. H.R. 2357: Mr. MCCAUL of Texas. ments in the 2005 Indianapolis 500; to the KUHL of New York. H.R. 2358: Mr. STUPAK. Committee on Government Reform. H.R. 1182: Mr. BACA. H.R. 2383: Mr. CALVERT. By Mr. LEACH: H.R. 1217: Mr. RAHALL. H.R. 2388: Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- H. Res. 321. A resolution expressing the H.R. 1219: Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. ida. sense of the House of Representatives that H.R. 1226: Mr. MCHENRY. H.R. 2423: Mr. PRICE of Georgia and Mrs. the United States should support the region- H.R. 1249: Mrs. CAPPS. CAPITO. ally balanced expansion of the membership H.R. 1272: Mr. RUPPERSBERGER and Mr. H.R. 2486: Mr. SHAYS. of the United Nations Security Council; to MCDERMOTT. H.R. 2491: Mr. SCHWARZ of Michigan, Mr. the Committee on International Relations. H.R. 1282: Mr. DUNCAN. LEVIN, Mr. HOEKSTRA, Mr. KILDEE, Mrs. MIL- By Mrs. MALONEY (for herself, Mr. H.R. 1288: Mr. PITTS, Mr. HEFLEY, Mr. LER of Michigan, and Ms. KILPATRICK of BILIRAKIS, and Mr. PALLONE): WELLER, Mr. KANJORSKI, Mr. DOOLITTLE, Ms. Michigan. H. Res. 322. A resolution expressing support HART, Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania, Mr. H.R. 2498: Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota, Mr. for the European Court of Human Rights for GOHMERT, and Mr. REHBERG. BEAUPREZ, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. PETERSON of its decisions in the Loizidou v. Turkey and H.R. 1298: Ms. SCHWARTZ of Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. JENKINS, Xenides-Arestis v. Turkey cases and for ad- and Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. TERRY, and Mr. PITTS. mitting similar cases before the European H.R. 1306: Mr. CHOCOLA, Mr. HULSHOF, and H.R. 2526: Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Mr. Court of Human Rights; to the Committee on Mr. BASS. WEXLER, Mr. LIPINSKI, and Mr. WELDON of International Relations. H.R. 1335: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mrs. Pennsylvania. By Ms. PRYCE of Ohio (for herself, Mr. MCCARTHY, Mr. COBLE, Mr. JACKSON of Illi- H.R. 2567: Mr. KILDEE, Mr. GALLEGLY, Mr. DREIER, Mrs. MYRICK, Mrs. CAPPS, nois, Mr. CUNNINGHAM, Ms. KAPTUR, Mrs. BILIRAKIS, Mr. OLVER, Mr. PLATTS, Mr. Mr. ISRAEL, Mr. CANNON, Mr. BACHUS, KELLY, Mr. MOLLOHAN, Mr. LANTOS, Mr. CLY- ETHERIDGE, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. FARR, Mr. Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. MCCAUL of Texas, BURN, Mr. THOMSPON of Mississippi, Mr. HUN- KOLBE, and Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. DOYLE, Mr. SCHWARZ of Michi- TER, Mr. BONILLA, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. HINCHEY, H.R. 2592: Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- gan, Mr. FITZPATRICK of Pennsyl- Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania, Mr. YOUNG of fornia. vania, and Mr. BISHOP of Georgia): Florida, Mr. WALSH, Mr. GIBBONS, Mr. H.R. 2626: Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. H. Res. 323. A resolution supporting efforts HAYWORTH, Mr. GILCHREST, Mr. FRANK of GORDON, and Mr. WAMP. to increase childhood cancer awareness, Massachusetts, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. SERRANO, H.R. 2646: Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania and treatment, and research; to the Committee Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, and Mr. MCHUGH. Mr. BAKER. on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1358: Mr. WEXLER. H.R. 2658: Mr. ADERHOLT. H.R. 1376: Mr. GUTIERREZ. f H.R. 2695: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. CAPUANO, H.R. 1382: Mr. WELDON of Florida, Mr. HEN- Mr. MCGOVERN, and Mr. LAHOOD. MEMORIALS SARLING, and Mr. WAMP. H.R. 2716: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of H.R. 1426: Mr. SABO, Mr. BRADY of Pennsyl- Texas. Under clause 3 of rule XII, vania, Mr. MORAN of Virginia, and Ms. H.R. 2717: Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. GEORGE MIL- 30. The SPEAKER presented a memorial of MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. LER of California, Mr. LAHOOD, Mr. PETERSON the Legislature of the State of Arizona, rel- H.R. 1468: Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania. of Minnesota, Mr. PLATTS, Mr. MOLLOHAN, ative to Senate Concurrent Memorial No. H.R. 1505: Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. BACHUS, Mr. OBERSTAR, MS. VELA´ ZQUEZ, 1002 memorializing the Congress of the H.R. 1549: Mr. KING of New York, Mr. PRICE Mr. RANGEL, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. CHANDLER, United States to enact legislation that of North Carolina, Mr. CHANDLER, Ms. Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. CUMMINGS, Ms. would reform the Endangered Species Act; to HERSETH, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin, Mr. DENT, Mr. BACA, the Committee on Resources. DELAURO, Mr. GORDON, Mr. PALLONE, Ms. Mr. FORD, and Mr. BOSWELL. f ZOE LOFGREN of California, Mr. FORD, Mrs. KELLY, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. RUPPERS- H.R. 2721: Mr. MURPHY, Mr. BRADY of Penn- ADDITIONAL SPONSORS BERGER, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. SIMMONS, Mr. sylvania, Mr. DOYLE, Mr. JENKINS, Mr. DENT, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors BOEHLERT, Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- ida, Mr. INSLEE, and Mrs. CAPITO. FATTAH, and Mr. MURTHA. were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 1558: Mr. NADLER. H.R. 2746: Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. WEXLER, tions as follows: H.R. 1599: Mr. ADERHOLT. and Mr. OWENS. H.R. 34: Mr. RANGEL. H.R. 1607: Mr. MILLER of Florida. H.R. 2780: Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. MOORE of H.R. 65: Mr. WAMP. H.R. 1642: Mr. MACK, Mr. GARRETT of New Kansas, and Mrs. MCCARTHY. H.R. 97: Mr. GRIJALVA. Jersey, and Mr. PITTS. H.R. 2792: Mr. PAUL. H.R. 98: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. H.R. 1651: Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. SHIMKUS, H.R. 2793: Mr. LAHOOD. H.R. 111: Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA and Mr. POR- and Mr. AKIN. H.R. 2811: Mr. ALLEN, Mr. AL GREEN of TER. H.R. 1652: Mr. CLAY. Texas, and Ms. WOOLSEY. H.R. 153: Ms. CARSON and Mr. ACKERMAN. H.R. 1671: Mr. BOOZMAN. H.R. 2828: Mr. MORAN of Virginia. H.R. 195: Mr. FITZPATRICK of Pennsylvania. H.R. 1704: Mr. JENKINS. H.R. 2834: Mr. BAIRD and Mr. GENE GREEN H.R. 312: Mr. DOYLE, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. H.R. 1709: Mr. SHAYS, Mr. COSTA, Mr. FIL- of Texas. WEXLER, Mr. PASTOR, and Mr. CUELLAR. NER, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. WU, Mr. H.R. 2835: Mr. STUPAK. H.R. 408: Ms. MATSUI. NADLER, and Mr. HONDA. H.R. 2840: Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota. H.R. 510: Mr. PLATTS. H.R. 1736: Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota. H.R. 2876: Mrs. KELLY, Mr. UDALL of New H.R. 583: Mr. HONDA. H.R. 1742: Mr. FILNER and Mr. ETHERIDGE. Mexico, Mr. BASS, Mr. BONNER, Mr. VAN HOL- H.R. 615: Mr. CLEAVER. H.R. 1951: Mr. WEXLER, Mr. UDALL of Colo- LEN, Mrs. EMERSON, Mr. LARSEN of Wash- H.R. 676: Mr. TIERNEY. rado, Mr. WHITFIELD, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. ington, Ms. HARMAN, and Ms. GRANGER. H.R. 690: Mr. VAN HOLLEN. SAXTON, and Mr. MARSHALL. H.J. Res. 53: Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. UPTON, H.R. 769: Mr. HOLT. H.R. 1954: Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island. Ms. HART, and Mr. ISTOOK. H.R. 772: Mr. UDALL of Colorado, Mr. KEN- H.R. 1956: Mr. PENCE and Mrs. JO ANN H. Con. Res. 140: Mr. PENCE and Mr. ISSA. NEDY of Rhode Island, Mr. PETERSON of Min- DAVIS of Virginia. H. Con. Res. 155: Mr. WOLF and Mr. MCNUL- nesota, and Mr. MILLER of North Carolina. H.R. 1973: Mr. RUSH. TY. H.R. 805: Mr. VISCLOSKY. H.R. 2045: Mr. LAHOOD. H. Con. Res. 157: Mr. MOORE of Kansas, Ms. H.R. 819: Mr. LINDER. H.R. 2070: Mr. BERMAN. MATSUI, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. CASE, Mrs. DAVIS H.R. 827: Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. H.R. 2073: Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin. of California, Mr. WEXLER, Mr. GRIJALVA, H.R. 856: Mr. NORWOOD. H.R. 2108: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. WALSH, Mr. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:20 Feb 02, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK9\NO_SSN\BR15JN05.DAT BR15JN05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE June 15, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 12697 AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. FILNER, Mr. H.R. 2863 H.R. 2863 SERRANO, Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. OFFERED BY: MS. JACKSON-LEE OF TEXAS OFFERED BY: MS. JACKSON-LEE OF TEXAS ABERCROMBIE, Mr. MORAN of Virginia, Ms. AMENDMENT NO. 6: On page 2, line 15, insert AMENDMENT NO. 9: On page 2, line 15, insert NORTON, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. MCCOTTER, and after the dollar amount the following: ‘‘(in- after the dollar amount the following: ‘‘(in- Mr.
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