• , , ' '• - V w^im -,/ v . — • •/ • ^ ?-• r:r- %•* \ , .J-: i ..i- ,1,- ' \ ' i-i An Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal, Especially Devoted to Local News and Interests. [$1.50 a Year. Founded in 1800.J NORWALK, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1891. NUMBER 2 VOL. XCI. v J. K. Emmet, the comedian, is very WHjAT MISS SPINSTER SAYS : That Co. F Supper. SOUTH NORWALK The regular meeting of Sherman The Daily Gazette ill with, an attack of pneumonia. Between thirty-five and forty sat Commandery, United Order of the "fhat Miss Henrietta Belden is visit­ down last night to the bountifully The GAZETTE is on sale at the If issued every week-day at 3 P. M., at Golden Cross will be held this evening of Fred Coleman, H. Theile, IF. Z. At her- ONE CEST PEE COPY. The Prince of Wales was jeered by ing iftfew York. loaded tables prepared by Capt. Rose ton, and H. JE. Rod well. Orders for all in the American Mechanics' hall on The Cheapest.Rales fer Advertising, and the crowd at the Ascot races yesterday. That it really looks as if we should in the large hall of the Qumtard build­ hinds of JOB PRINTING received at our THE LABGEST CIBCULATXC- Water street and all members should have Ike East avenue tramway before ing, corner of Wall and Knight streets. branch office on Railroad Square. -11 attend this meeting as the invitations Mrs. Charles Street and son, of New The crowd began to gather at 8 and con­ The Weekly the eiia of the century. ; The drinking fountain opposite Bax­ for the coming strawberry festival will York, were among the guests at Miss tinued in hilarious enjoyment of the [Combined with Friday's Daily.] That with a catch of only 7,500 seals ter's pharmacy has been repainted. be given out for distribution. occasion until after midnight. A long Is issued every Friday at Noon, at Baird's reception. permitted this season, it looks as if THBEE CENTS PEB COPY, OB $1.50 PEB YBAB. time was spent masticating the baked Repairs are being made about P. A son was born yesterday to Mr. and your oldsealskin would have to be fix­ The frequency of the rumor that the meats and beans, the boiled hams and Stabel's store on Washington street. New York and New England Railroad Mrs. Irving Byington at their home on ed over. The Daily and Weekly. relishes and when this part of the Eb. Dupignac was in town yesterday. Served to Local Subscribers at was in such a condition that an appli­ the Westport road. ^ V M That there was but ,a single guest at sumptuous repast was over, then began He represents a hat finding concern. EEN CENTS PEB WEEM, OB $5.00 PEB YEAB. cation for a receivership was not im­ A letter for Rev. C. A. Nichols and Col. Roberts' delightful reception, who the "feast of'reason and the flow of A. H. BmoTOWVProprietor. probable has brought forth the follow­ U. S. Express agent Buxton is on the another for Miss Dillie Bartram, are came uninvited, and he reputed to be soul." Messrs. Noonan and McMann ing denial from Director James L. sick list to-day. all that P. M. Hubbell can do in the a classified dude. of the South Norwalk Athletic club, ,-v; Howard: "Nothing of the kind has way of the ' 'unclaimed'' this week. That it was a picture, a poem, a sang several appropriate selections Patsy McNamara, the letter carrier, been suggested on the Board, and the dream at Miss Baird's reception last which so enthused the "brave sojer has been granted a pension of 810 per OUR JOBBISG JtBVAJtTMENT. report, so far as I know is utterly with­ The letter earner boys are swapping night with all the lovely girls in their boys" that they nearly blistered their month. MB. HABBY M. GABDNEB, JB., of Now York, out foundation." off, taking turns and doing all sorts of best bib and tucker and frills. hands in encore. Banjo and cornet W. A. Wheeler shipped five tons of has charge of the GAZETTE'S Engraving, Book clever things to each other in order to solos were also finely rendered, when a and Jobbing Department. He is an expert Messrs. O. E. Wilson and James W. That eight members of the Outing hatters' irons to Newark, N. J., this use up the fifteen days vacation allowed flood of wild and wierd oratory broke and experienced Job Printer, and no work en- Hyatt, accompanied by Miss Berdie club of the Y. M. C. A. started from morning. v. trusted to him will be unsatisfactorily done. Hyatt, left town at 12=45 to-day, their them by law prior to June 30th inst. the Armory for a walk to Stamford lose. The Honneckers and especially chief objective point being Tallapoosa, Wednesday evening and reached there George, the attorney, poured out his Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Raymond are The celerity and "no drag" feature THE LIVE NEWS OF TO-DAY. Ga,, where, with good luck, they ex­ in a little over one hour and a half. impassioned eloquence "like the burst­ home from a week's trip in Northern pect to arrive at 5 o'clock to-morrow of executing the programme at Miss ing forth of volcanic fires." He said New York. Baird's school reception last evening, That Miss Chichester's flourishing „A new switchboard for telephone evening. They expect to be away about this gathering reminded him of a polit­ D. M. Piatt, the pattern maker is was spiritedly complimented and show­ school on West avenue had its closing headquarters arrived this morning. ten days, and are likely to visit Birm­ ical discussion he once listened to out now doing business in the rooms over ed thorough drill and discipline on the exercises Wednesday, and was looked ingham, Ala., Chattanooga and other forward to with no little degree of an­ west, between two rival partisans, who Cavanagh's stone-cutting parlors. The five-year-old child of Josiah W. part of teachers and a most commend­ had both been in the war, and wherein interesting places before they return. ticipated pleasure by the Scholars. Brittc, of Harbor avenue, died last able aptitude by the scholars. one charged the other with having pur­ The funeral of James Village will be That yon should never tear lawns or evening after a short illness. —A piano in good order for sale cheap. posely cut hi3 own finger off and run held to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock Call or address 16 Arch street. 118 lw Officer McGuire of the Meriden Re­ cambrics; it rolls the edges. Draw away to Canada to escape the draft and from Trinity church. —The "Emily" Oxford fel.25 at Hoyt's. form School came to town yesterday in thread and then cut the widths. his opponent getting back at him, said, Dr. Allen's wife returned to her Edmund Morris, an aged resident of search of Thomas Kline who had been That of the 17,000,000 wage earners Mr. Stephen Comstock went to New "Yes I did, by a sad accident, cut my home in New Milford on the Pittsfield Danbury, had a frightful experience released from that institution on pa­ in this countrv 7,000,000, or 44 per cent., Canaan on his wheel this morning. It finger off in my hay cutter and I did express yesterday afternoon. with an enraged bull yesterday after­ role, but had failed to behave himself. are engaged in farming. go to Canada on business, but I did was a perspiration dash. He placed the cjfse in the hands of Landlord Powers will give his chil­ noon. As he was strolling through the That it is said of American ladies not skulk ten miles in the rear at Chan field the bull rushed at him and, toss­ Officer Adams who found Kline sleep­ dren a lawn party at Dorlon Point, to­ Painter Prowitt is at work re-deco­ that they love large diamonds and that cellorsville, and get caught and have ing him against a tree, caught him up­ ing in Dann's stable, and turned him morrow afternoon. rating ex-Burgess Kimmey's beautiful they wear more jewelry than any others "deserter" branded on my broadest on his horns as he fell, and literally over to McGuire. residence on West avenue. That spots of grease may be effectu­ part, as my accuser did." The boys Constable Conley and Officer Glad­ ripped his body open. Mr. Morris was John G. Howland, the Bridgeport went nearly wild oyer the aptness and stone are taking the names of dog rescued with difficulty. He lies at the ally removed from the most delicate —Miss May Colyer, of New York, shoe dealer has bought all the women's fabric by the application of dry buck­ appropriateness of the story to the oc owners in this city. , point of death | will be the elocutionist at the Tennis kid shoes saved, in good condition wheat flour. casion. Vincent also gave an appropri­ Matt Cowdrey, the tin peddler was Club Concert. : m t 118^ —Graverly chewing [tobacco at Suth­ from the Wi6ner Shoe company's re­ ate recitation, which was admirably arrested last night for drunkenness. That many women rather have rendered,—"The Soldier Tramp. To-day Borough Engineer Wood is at erland's. * . cent fire. They are all fine kid shoes, shorter time and enjoy life more than He paid a fine and costs this morning. work on a portion oi East avenue estab­ and a lot of them, made to sell at S3 to Sergt.
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