2 Yoga Sudha t< iv*aÊ>os<yaegivyaeg< yaegs<i}tm! Vol.XXXIV No.11 November, 2018 CONTENTS Editor Editorial 2 Dr. H R Nagendra Chancellor, S-VYASA Division of Yoga-Spirituality Bengaluru Brahmasutra - Vyäpteçca samaïjasam - Prof. Ramachandra G Bhat 3 ¥ÁvÀAd® AiÉÆÃUÀ±Á¸ÀÛç (45): avÀÛ¥Àæ¸ÁzÀPÉÌ (ªÀÄ£À¹ì£À ¥Àæ¸À£ÀßvÉUÉ) ««zsÀ G¥ÁAiÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ - ²æà gÁeÉñÀ JZï.PÉ. 10 Asst. Editor Dr. Aarti Jagannathan Division of Yoga & Life Sciences New Course at S-VYASA: PG Diploma in Integrated Onco Palliative Care - details 9 Publisher Arogyadhama Success Stories: Mahadevappa B Section E - An Improved Case of Back & Neck Pain 19 Section F - Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Diabetic Neuropathy 20 Division of Yoga & Physical Sciences Healing and Consciousness - Prof. T M Srinivasan 22 Free Piles and Fistula Check-up and Medicine Dispensing Camp by SAMC&H 24 Printer The Yoganga No. Five: Pratyahara - Prof. Alex Hankey 25 Chandrashekar V Sharadh Enterprises Division of Yoga & Management Studies Car Street, Halasuru, S-VYASA Calendar of Events: Nov, 2018 - Mar, 2019 26 Bangalore - 560 008 ph: 080 - 2555 6015 Division of Yoga & Humanities sharadhenterprises Bhakti - Dr. K Subrahmanyam 27 @gmail.com Acharya Swadhyaya Vargah Workshop 28 VYASA, National Guruji's meeting with UP Governor & Chief Minister 4 S-VYASA S-VYASA Open & Digital Learning - details 5 Deemed to be S-VYASA Alumni Meet - 2018 29 University S-VYASA Campus Interview Drive by Cure.fit & ‘Eknath Bhavan’, VC inaugurated Darpan Ashram 30 # 19, Gavipuram Circle, Pratibhaa - 2018: Annual Talent Show 32 Kempegowda Nagar, S-VYASA in the Finals of Grand Master of Yoga 34 Bengaluru - 560 019 Gandhi Jayanti & Lalbahadur Diwas 35 ph: 080 - 2661 2669 Navaratri celebrations in Prashanti 36 telefax: 080 - 2660 8645 [email protected] VYASA, International rd www.svyasa.edu.in 23 INCOFYRA: Yoga as Lifestyle Medicine - Jan, 2020 12 Upanisads in Balgarian Language & Surya Namaskar in Cancer Awareness Event 37 Printed by Chandrashekar V and published by Mahadevappa B on behalf of S-VYASA Deemed to be University, ‘Eknath Bhavan’, # 19, Gavipuram Circle, Kempegowda Nagar, Bengaluru - 560 019 and printed at Sharadh Enterprises, Car Street, Halasuru, Bengaluru - 560 008 and published at Bengaluru, editor is Dr. H R Nagendra Disclaimer: The information and opinions expressed in this magazine reflect the views of the authors and not of the publisher or the institution. © CopyrightedNov material. 2018 3 EDITORIAL As the Chairman of the Steering Committee, I have the privilege to invite you all to participate in the First-ever International Conference on the Role of Meditation for Prevention and Therapy of Cardiovascular Diseases to be held at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, on 9th of March 2019. This Conference will be a joint effort of the AIIMS, Rishikesh, the HFW Ministry, AYUSH and Benson Mind Body Institute, Mass Gen Hospital, Harvard University. This Two-day Science of Meditation Conference will bring together the brightest minds of our day, doing scientific research on Yoga and meditation’s effects on cellular regeneration, longevity, consciousness, and health. Internationally recognized speakers will describe their groundbreaking study, the biggest killer in this planet. To support demonstrate models that integrate these innovative concepts in modern eastern philosophy and western medicine and Ayurveda, I request your medicine and provide practical guidance valuable presence at the conference. The for the use of these techniques in clinical conference will be attended by allopathic medicine. Crores of rupees are needed physicians, physicians from other to combat cardiovascular diseases, schools including Ayurveda, Medical which is the biggest killer in the world. students, Mind-Body researchers, The Conference outputs will include a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, high-level statement including practical dieticians, naturopathy and nurses. guidelines to caregivers of cardiovascular diseases about how to harness the power You can register now at: www. of meditation for rehabilitation and meditationconference.org/register prevention of cardiovascular diseases. This would be an essential addition to the science and understanding of the use g Dr H R Nagendra of Meditation to decrease the mortality of cardiovascular diseases which remains 42 Yoga Sudha äüsUÇm! (Brahmasütram) g Prof. Ramachandra G. Bhat Vice Chancellor S-VYASA Deemed to be University, Bengaluru VyaÝeí smÃsm! (äüsUÇm!-3-3-9) Vyäpteçca samaïjasam (Brahmasütram-3-3–9) Meaning: And because (OM) extends (over the whole of the Vedas), (to specialise it by the term ‘Udgitha’) is appropriate. In this section, special focus is on Upasanam. There are four possible ways of Upasanas Upasanam, an activity of inner subtle tool which elaborated here. facilitates channelization of mental energy on 1. Adhyasa: retaining the qualities of base with some chosen object is discussed. superimposition of special qualities, ex. Vedantins, before entering into serious Sadhana Salagrama, a piece of stone originating from (Shama, Dama, Uparati etc), prefer different types different sources to impose the qualities of Dhyanas. Objectifying an object or chosen area of Vishnu, Shiva etc; similarly of Ganapati, for focus is true meaning Dhyana. What a real Devi and other Devatas. Gender, color, shape, Sadhaka has to look into while one objectifies on name, properties, attributes of Devatas will be anything, is whether it’s Shastrokta-Alambana unique while doing Upasana on them. (things as suggested and advised by Shastras). 2. Apavada: transcending the qualities and Vedas recommend unique objects for Dhyana making the divine entity devoid of attributes intending varied results concerned with the for Upasana, ex. while communicating process itself; hence, division into Karmanga regarding Atma, one should eliminate all Upasana and Jnananga Upasana is very popular. attributes, similar to when Shvetaketu was Tantriks prefer different types of Upasanas: ordained by his father guru. Then Shvetaketu Shrichakra-Aradhana, Dasha-maha-vidyas and was addressed as ‘tat tvam asi’ in Chandogya Guna predominant forms of different Devatas, Upanishat, his core existence was taught, not which are included in Karmanga Upasanas. his physical form. Generally, this method is used in Jnana Marga. On the contrary, in different Vedanta Upasanas, the goal and result is only Moksha through 3. Ekatvam: oneness among two entities, ex. realization of the nature of Atma. Brahma is Udgeetha is Omkara, Brahmana is Dvijottama one but varied in its manifestation, such as and Bhumideva. Sarvagandha, Sarvarasa, Sarvakama etc on one 4. Visheshanam: attaching the qualifying side as source of every potential possibility; attributes, whatever is Akshara such as on the other side it is devoid of form, name, OMKARA is not just any letter, but it is OM manifestation etc as negation of any worldly in the form of Udgeetha (Sama Upasana). superimposed qualities. When a disciple is asked by the teacher to p11... Nov 2018 53 Lucknow: Recently, Chancellor, Dr. H R Nagendra along with the Delegation from S-VYASA met the Hon’ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Ram Naik and the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi Adityanath and submitted the Proposal for the formation of Atal Bihari Vajapayee University of Health Sciences in Uttar Pradesh. 64 Yoga Sudha 5 Nov 2018 7 Nov 2018 86 Yoga Sudha Nov 2018 97 Yoga Sudha Yoga 8 10 Yoga Sudha Nov 2018 119 ¥ÁvÀAd®45 AiÉÆÃUÀ±Á¸ÀÛç avÀÛ¥Àæ¸ÁzÀPÉÌ (ªÀÄ£À¹ì£À ¥Àæ¸À£ÀßvÉUÉ) ««zsÀ G¥ÁAiÀÄUÀ¼ÀÄ g ²æà gÁeÉñÀ JZï.PÉ. ¸ÀAAiÉÆÃdPÀgÀÄ ºÁUÀÆ ¸ÀºÁAiÀÄPÀ ¥ÁæzsÁå¥ÀPÀgÀÄ AiÉÆÃUÀ - CzsÁåvÀä «¨sÁUÀ J¸ï-ªÁå¸À AiÉÆÃUÀ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ zsÁå£ÁvÀäPÀ ¹ÜwAiÀÄ°ègÀ¨ÉÃPÁUÀÄvÀÛzÉ. ¸Àé¥ÁߪÀ¸ÉÜAiÀÄ®Æè ¸Àé¥ÀߤzÁæeÁÕ£Á®A§£ÀA ªÁ eÁUÀÈvÀjgÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. E®è¢zÀÝ°è ªÉÆzÀ®£ÉAiÀÄ JgÀqÀÄ ¸Àé¥ÀßUÀ¼À ¥Àæ¨sÁªÀ¢AzÀ AiÀiÁªÀ ¢ªÀå ¸ÀAzÉñÀªÀÇ £ÀªÀÄä UÀªÀÄ£ÀPÉÌ || ¥À.AiÉÆÃ.¸ÀÄ – 1.38 || §gÀĪÀÅ¢®è. ªÀÄÆ®vÀB £ÀªÀÄä ¸Àé¨sÁªÀªÉà ¢ªÀå D£ÀAzÀzÀ ¹Üw. 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