Published at Gibsons, B.C. Provincial Library, Phone 886-2622 Victoria, B. C. Volume 23 Number 8, February 25, 1970. SERVING THE; GROWING SUNSHINE COAST 10c per copy f -F -1 Gibsons Heights water si||>ply still months distant About 100 persons attended a Vancouver bureau would cost v Gibsons Heights; Regional Dis­ Heights. Director Frank West water rate of $8 per month as meeting in Elphinstone school $60 per, year plus an addejl cost trict., irate payers , were told at also spoke and he proposed that compared to $3 per month in Monday evening to hear spea­ on reports made on request of Tuesday; night's annual meeting shortly a meeting to form a 1971 lower regions of the water sys­ kers outline advantages of cre­ the member. - Jof theiXxibsonsHeights Ratepay- , Centennial committee would-be tem. However the meeting was dit control, as explained by > One - speaker pointed out that J?riS:;assdciation that it might be called. "".""• informed that before anything speakers from Vancouver^ people are mainly honest and |wd; or, three months before they Some members during the was done about pipes ratepayers The meeting was arranged by ; that 75 percent remained out of fcouid^e given something defin­ questioning period were not too would be asked if they wanted the chambers of commerce of trouble, 20 percent became pro­ ite ph^a Water supply. pleased with the proposed high the system installed. Gibsons, and Sechelt as the re­ blems and five percent chronic­ ally troubled. I Chris -;;; ^Beacon- was.., •. meeting sult of a Gibsons chamber re­ chairniari -with* approval of the quest to look into its ppssibili-' The credit bureau was not only : |tegio^l; District section of the Hydro O •• ties. ' '•:"';.*•,;•>; -.•• x/-:'^i -''J a credit reporting organization but also collected debts and its • association and the Gibsons sec- v Speakers, were Thomas Dow-, ibniais-the result'..of the area be- The Uni^n of: British Columbia Curtis suggested to Bennett nie of the Credit* Bureaus of program of debt collecting was Municipalities has asked Prem­ that before any decision is made outlined starting with letters ihg-diyided, part of it being ab- Vancouver, James. McLennan, ier Bennett to order B.C. Hydro unilaterally on rates the Hydro and ending if necessary in |oriiediintQ Gibsons municipal­ authority should present its case sales manager, and EC; Argue, ity. Jim Gurney, president, was 'to present its case for a power credit sales manager, of the court— .... ..,.,.:.•,'.... ",,.- '..'..-• BARRY D. ANDERSON before an independent tribunal. The meeting was called for New manager "of the Royai re-elected along with Jim Cram- increase before an independent Hudson's Bay company. Frank ej* as vice chairman and Phyllis Only in this way; he said, can Daugherty was meeting chair­ ihe purpose of exploring poss­ Bank of •' Canada, Sunnycrest tribunal. Gibsons and Sechelt B.C. residents understand clear­ ibilities for the formation of a Plaza who has taken over from Gurney as secretary treasurer man and F.A.W. Havies, cham­ with Mr. Beacon, Jessie Ghris- are members of UBCM. ly the accomplishments of the ber representative explained bureau in this area. Chairman Evert Nyifors, transferred to the President Mayor Hugh Curtis authority in recent years, its Frank Daugherty asked mem­ Burns Lake branch. Mr. Ander-' tianson, H.E. Lewarne and Ro­ why the meeting had been ar­ bert Coates as trustees. of Saanich said in a letter to the 'responsibilities in the immed­ ranged. ''•,'::' *'-;';:\?' • bers of the audience to consider son who is married was born at premier that such a proceeding iate future, and what must be The speakers explained the what they have heard and bring Port: Alberni and educated • in' The , meeting was addressed is necessary so that residents of done to ensure its financial sta­ mechanics of credit reporting forward their ideas at a meet­ Vancouver. He has been with by chairman Cliff Gilker of the this province may know whether bility. and offered the suggestion that ing: ;which wrill be called at some the Royal Bank 11 years , and .Regional board on the subject an increase in electricity rates "We believe such a course a direct phone line toll free future date, i was manager of the Upper •'of zoning and by Director Lome at this time is justified. would be of great benefit to all from Gibsons would give rapid Numerous questions .were Lonsdale branch in North .Van­ Wolverton who spoke on the fu­ - The UBCM made a similar rec concerned— the government, service which would cost SO' asked, some concerning specific couver. ture water, supply for Gibsons ommendation to hydro chairman the authority, and most impor­ much per month divided among cases and what would,' happen if Dr. G6rdon7 Shrum following a tantly the people." Curtis said. members. Membership in the the bureau took oyer. recent meetihg at which Shrum "Then if the necessity for in­ told UBCM officials a rate in­ creased rates were clearly crease should ho longer be de­ proved the step would be much pages on layed; more readily acceptable." '.]A 16 page brochure with six Gibsons. He will be Bob Linnell, pages devoted to Gibsons and Gibsons. He will be Bob LinneL; the Sunshine Coast! Could be an a former TV man in Vancouver: interesting idea.' and expects io'^be- in/ Gibsons However it is more than an area shortly with a cameraman BY TRUSTEE ana challenging experience and idea It is a reality and through for pictures while he does re­ BERNARD MULLIGAN it seems obvious that todays so­ efforts of Gibsons and District search-on the area for material The s ideaj behind Education ciety this is an immensiy im­ Chamber of Commerce there to use in the brochure. Week; is one of course to focus portant and strenuous job." We will be several hundred copies In the booklet will be special attention on our schools and to have a dedicated group of tea­ encourage us to take a greater chers in this school district and of such a booklet available be­ >pages devoted to merchants, SU fore the tourist season opens., where they are and their pro­ year round interest in the learn-:, j* ,J P Xous all-.'to give them It will happen because of the ducts. There will be data on uig procesfe-m- our own com­ thjELsupportiandihelp theyiheed^ formation of the Mainland South the place of Gibsons on fb^Sun- munities. We also have fine young peo- west Tourist /Bureau which is ishine Coast and what it has to What better time to pay tri­ pie, ready and eager to take operating a $160,196 budget offer the tourist. bute to a section of our own com a share in the exciting work of made up of 60 percent govern­ Mike Ovenall is the regional munity whose job when well improving the society in which ment funds and 40 percent funds eo-ordinator for this tourism done contributes in no small we live and coping with the from Mainland Southwest tour­ development. He has appeared way to the quality of education problems of our times. We ist groups banded together to before the Gibsons and Dis­ in this district. Our janitorial should be encouraging them and further their tourist industry. trict Chamber of Commerce to service. I have been most 'im­ finding opportunities to use explain what Mainland South­ pressed by the attitude taken their talents, their enthusiasm Organization of the 16 page by our janitors; that old fash­ and their energy. brochure has already started west means to the community. AT A LUNCHEON last Thursday in Cedars Inn, Gibsons Sea Cavf Dick Blakeman,. president of ioned pride in their work as The name of the game will and shortly a representative of alcade Committee presented their treasurer, Ev Nyfors amd his they strive to keep our schools Gibsons District Chamber of 1 be to be well-informed and Commerce recently attended a wife witb a ccuple of articles they thought he might find useful inl in top shape. Regretably they understand what is happening general meeting of Mainland his new post'ng.'with the Royal Bank of Canada. Mr. Nyfqrs }|as.' do not always receive the sup­ and why. This will be, I believe Southwest at Chilliwack where been sent to Burns Lake to take over the branch there, and it was port they should have from a very important part of the Bequest those iioij wihjose benefit the School Board's function, not on­ development of the .brochure felt that snowshoes and insect repellent would be most suitable. school exists. How about it kids? scheme was' outlined. It Was The presentation was made by Moira Clement, Sea Cavalcade ly that we understand but that The sixties saw tremendous we find ways and means to explained that most of the ad­ secretary, (right). ; changes in the educational pic­ vertising the organization plans share that understanding with ture in this school district re­ the community especially with to do outside of British Colum­ flecting the changing thought Bill 11 an act to amend the bia will be in the prairie prov­ those of you who pay school Succession Duty act introduced across the continent. Added to taxes. inces as last year cars from the the challenge of a rapidly in­ in the legislature by the minis­ prairies outnumbered those teen group This education week effort to ter of finance, Premier Bennett, creasing school population from California. > Adverse publicity arising from Memberships will be available which caused most of our bring you and the schools into created some consternation in a recent dance in the high closer contact marks the be­ Gibsons when hews about the 1 of the dances under the super- schools to burst at the seams, school auditorium has prompt­ which will take over the running were the new ideas which ginning of the Board's public bill got around/" relations committee's concern The measure intends to make • A ed the formation of a new group of the dances uder the super­ confronted us at every turn.
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