DRUʼS VUES, TOO GREEN HILLS SPRING FORWARD Move clocks Page forward 6 1 hour Sunday, NEWS 2 a.m VOLUME 30 MARCH 8, 2018 NUMBER 10 David Briley sworn in as mayor How to End Food Struggles following resignation by Megan Barry With Just One Habit Confer- ence, March 8 - 10 Rosie the Riveter, the cultural icon of World New Mayor David Briley. Former Mayor Megan Barry. War II. - photo submitted - photo by Anthony Cunningham - photo submitted After helping thousands with decreasing results and in health coaching industry often negative consequences. By Gloria Ruth Finney mayor”. his retirement in a letter create lasting and transfor- She knew there had to be a Contributor to The News Barry’s resignation took to Metro Nashville Police mative change, Lydia Knight better way. Instead of compli- Nashville’s Megan Barry effect March 6, at 5 p.m. Department Jan 17. brings her new program, cated diet plans or exhaust- resigned from her position as Vice Mayor David Briley “Today I acknowledged “The Food Freedom Habit,” ing exercise regimes, Knight Mayor Tuesday morning, was then sworn in at the publicly that I have engaged to Nashville. The Food Free- uses a brain-based approach after pleading guilty to felony Metro Council Chambers as in an extramarital affair with dom Habit is not like other to reconfigure the complex theft of more than $10,000. Metro's eighth mayor. the former head of my secu- weight or health programs relationship every person “While my time as your Her resignation comes rity detail,” Barry stated out there. Knight’s signature has with food. And as every- mayor concludes today, my after having admitted to an back in Jan. “I knew my method helps those who one already has a brain, all unwavering love and sincere affair with her former head actions could cause damage struggle with eating disor- they need now is the knowl- affection for this wonderful of security, Sgt Robert to my office and the ones I ders normalize their rela- edge she can share. city and its great people shall Forrest. Barry divulged in loved, but I did it anyway. I tionship with food without Knight has coached women never come to an end,” said late January that the affair must hold myself to the high- therapy, restrictive dieting, from all over the world and Barry during Tuesday’s news began just shortly after hav- est standard of which the vot- or medication. has seen The Food Freedom conference. ing taken office in September ers deserve to expect. Please Knight experienced first- Habit achieve great success “It has been the honor and 2015. know that I’m disappointed hand how restrictive dieting regardless of how many it has been the privilege of The extramarital affair in myself but also under- dictated cravings and devel- years food has been a strug- my entire professional life took place from March 2016, stand that I’m a human and oped into an eating disorder. gle. Women who have strug- to have had the blessing of through January 2018. She saw her clients try each this opportunity to be your Sgt. Forrest announced See New Mayor on Page 5 new fad diet again and again See Habit on Page 7 4-DAY Thu. 3/8 45ºF Fri. 3/9 55ºF Sat. 3/10 59ºF Sun. 3/11 58ºF FORECAST Rain 0% 27ºF Rain 0% 44ºF Rain 60% 45ºF Rain 30% 35ºF # 338 # NASHVILLE, TN PERMIT PERMIT TN NASHVILLE, E-MAIL [email protected] FAX 615-298-1015 TICKED OFF HOT-LINE 615-298-5597 U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE U.S. PRESORTED STANDARD PRESORTED NEWS/SOCIAL NEWS/ADVERTISING 615-298-1500 www.gcanews.com TICKED OFF E-MAIL [email protected] Page 2- The News, March 8, 2018 See more than 200 of the British Museum’s most engaging and beautiful Roman objects. The Frist is the exclusive North American venue for this stunning exhibition. THROUGH MAY 28 Downtown Nashville 919 Broadway Nashville, TN 37203 FristCenter.org/Rome #FristRome PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT Lecture: Modern Challenges in Ancient Art Presented by Dr. Maxwell L. Anderson, consulting scholar, Mediterranean Section, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, and president, Souls Grown Deep Foundation Thursday, March 22, 6:30 p.m. -9,,"ÄYZ[JVTLÄYZ[ZLH[LK The presentation of Platinum Sponsor Hospitality Sponsor Supported in part by the 2018 Frist Gala Patrons and this exhibition is a collaboration between the British Museum and the Frist Center for the Visual Arts. This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. Statue head of Augustus (Rome, Italy), ca. 30 BCE. Marble, 14¾ x 8¼ x 8ǫ in. The British Museum, 1888,1210.1. © The Trustees of the British Museum March 8, 2018, The News- Page 3 One soccer stadium; councilmembers vying for two locations The Sports Authority is ask- approved by the council, Mayor in the event the proposed ed on Rosa Parks Boulevard first reading on Tuesday ing parties interested in design- Megan Barry was in full sup- Nashville Fairgrounds site for between Mainstream Drive and night’s Metro Council meeting ing the Major League Soccer port of the location, stating a major league stadium proves Great Circle Road, among other agenda. Two additional read- stadium to submit estimates of it was the best location for unfeasible or otherwise does locations, that may be suitable ings are required with majority their design services for the this development. Some coun- not materialize, that Metro for development of a MLS stadi- votes before the resolution is 500,000-square-foot facility to be cilmembers questioned the fea- Council would consider locat- um.” approved. located at Nashville Fair- sibility of transferring just ing the stadium on property The resolution was up for grounds. over 10 acres of government- owned by Metro Government in The Request for Quote (RFQ) owned property to the stadium north Nashville. was released late last month to developers that was part of Resolution 1080 states in begin the process of bringing the negotiations. Councilman part, “a variety of measures Get Results major league soccer to Nash- Colby Sledge, who supports this remain to be taken before con- ville by John Ingram of Ingram site, said the soccer stadium struction of a MLS stadium can From Your Advertising Dollars! Industries, and Steve and Jay plan, along with the fair- proceed on the proposed Turner of Market Street grounds improvement project, Nashville Fairgrounds site, Enterprises for an estimated was a way to bring new afford- including approval by the Call 615-298-1500 construction budget of $190 able housing and activity to an Metropolitan Council of a site million to be completed early under-utilized site. plan as part of the Specific Plan 2021. The Wedgewood-Houston (SP) zoning designation; adop- According to the Sports area where the stadium “will be tion of an ordinance receiving Authority, the RFQ is to deter- constructed” – as stated in 27 votes allowing demolition of Nashville Pikes Vol 3 mine how many and which site overview from the Sports a portion of Fairgounds prem- Harding Pike companies are interested in Authority – is one of the fastest ises; and adoption of legisla- designing the stadium and how growing parts of Nashville tion approving lease agree- much their cost would be for with restaurants, art galleries ments.” Nashville Pikes Vol 4 their design, and is not part of and craft distilleries. “Many of Therefore, Hastings is re- Charlotte / West Nashville the overall budget. the development projects cur- questing that the stadium site Last November, Metro Council rently underway in the area “should be relocated to Metro- Call to reserve a signed copy approved $275 million in rev- consists of infill residential, politan Government-owned enue bonds by a 31 to 6 vote to maker spaces, retail and office, properties in an area in need of ELDERÊS BOOK STORE build the stadium at Nashville and the city has approved more economic development, specifi- Fairgrounds. The stadium is than 40 additional projects that cally in north Nashville,” in the NASHVILLE’S OLDEST, LARGEST & FINEST ANTIQUE BOOK STORE currently programmed to have will contribute to increased area of Metro Center. The reso- Old Maps & Documents • First Editions • Rare Collectibles • Children’s Books permanent seating for approxi- density around the site,” as lution goes on to read: “north We buy books as well! mately 27,500 and will be used stated in the overview. Nashville is home to contigu- to host other events. Since then, Councilman ous parcels owned by Metro- 101 White Bridge Pike • Nashville, TN 37209 When the fairgrounds was DeCosta Hastings has spon- politan Government, including 615-352-1562 • www.EldersBookstore.com AM PM proposed for the stadium and sored a resolution requesting, large acreage properties locat- HOURS: 10:00 to 3:00 MON - SAT DRESS-UP CHILDREN’S BOOKS ASHTON-DRAKE, ALEXANDER AND ADORA DOLLS MELISSA & DOUG ARTS & CRAFTS LIONEL TRAINS PUZZLES BOARD GAMES Saturday, March 10th to April 7th Great Easter Baby Bunnies will be here! Baskets on Sale! We have everything to customize HOURS: 9 - 5:30 MON - SAT your Easter 5207 HARDING PIKE, NASHVILLE basket! www.phillipstoymart.com SUMMER & SAND TOYS BREYER PLAYMOBIL SCIENCE TOYS CALICO CRITTERS GREAT SELECTION OF PLUSH ANIMALS HAPE BRIO TRAINS Page 4- The News, March 8, 2018 Metro/State Commentary By Horace Johns, MTSU Business Professor Former Metro Councilman Points made by Arthur Brooks One of the current most creating value; that govern- intellectual and persuasive ment can help us pursue happi- political conservatives is ness but does poorly in making Arthur Brooks, president of the us happy.
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