1937 _CONGRESSIONAL- ~ECORD-HOUSE 2763 give the Senator from Alabama an opportunity to appear ADJOURNMENT OVER before the committee if he desires so to do. Mr. RAYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent EXECUTIVE MESSAGE REFERRED that when the House adjourns today it adjourn to meet on The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. JOHNSON of Colorado in Monday next. the chair), as in executive session, laid before the Senate a The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the message from the President of the United States submitting gentleman from Texas? the nomination of Robert Lee Williams, of Oklahoma, to be There was no objection. judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the INCOME-TAX RETURNS Tenth Circuit, vice George T. McDermott, deceased, which The SPEAKER. Under a special order of the House here­ was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. tofore entered, the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. RicH] ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY is recognized for 15 minutes. Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Senate stand in ad­ Mr. RICH. Mr. Speaker, this morning we received a spe­ journment until 12 o'clock noon on Monday next. cial invitation to come over and hear the prayer that was The motion was agreed to; and <at 3 o'clock and 40 min­ offered, and I think it was a very fine one. May I say that utes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, March 29, each day a ·prayer is offered in the House, and I believe it 1937, at 12 o'clock meridian. would do every Member of the House some good if they attended at the appointed hour of prayer. And the Speaker NOMINATION might do a good turn to all Members if he would invite them to be present at the opening of each session of the House Executive nomination received by the Senate March 25, 1937 to hear our dear Chaplain pray to Almighty God for the JUDGE OF THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS Congress; they need this inspiration. Robert Lee Williams, of Oklahoma, to be judge of the I have been trying to secure time to address the House United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Tenth Cir­ for the past week or more and it has been rather difficult cuit, vice George T. McDermott, deceased. for me to secure it. After I was granted the time many newspaper reporters asked me what I was going to talk about and I could not make up my mind because there are HOUSE OF .REPRESENTATIVES so many things we ought to discuss here in the House of THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1937 Representatives for the good of America. It has therefore. been quite difficult for me come to a decision in reference The House met at 12 o'clock noon. to Rev. Edward A. Duff, captain, Chaplain Corps, United to that matter. States Navy, Chief of Chaplains, offered the following prayer: CONGRESSIONAL ETIQUETTE You know there is a custom prevailing today insofar as I read Washington's prayer for the United States of what we call medical etiquette is concerned. If you employ America. In tlie name of the Father and of the Son and of one doctor to attend you, and then have another doctor come the Holy Ghost. Amen. in to see you without giving the first physician formal notice, "Almighty God, we make our earnest prayer that Thou he becomes quite vexed and does not like it at all. The wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection~ That same etiquette prevails in connection with the legal profes­ Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a sion. If you employ one laWYer in a case and then consult spirit of subordination and obedience to government and another one, which should be your right, you are chastised entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and criticized by the former lawyer because you have secured and for their feDow citizens of the United States at large. information from another lawyer without talking to the first "Anq finalzy that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to one. Then there is what I have learned about the last dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean 5 or 6 years, congressional etiquette. ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of Mr. Speaker, this congressional etiquette is something mind which were the characteristics of the divine Author that has me somewhat perplexed and I am embarrassed of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of many times when I say things that naturally reflect on the whose example, in these things, we can never hope to be a Members of Congress. I do not endeavor to say anything happy nation. that reflects on individual Members of Congress nor their "Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus integrity, but I do say things that some of the Members Christ our Lord. Amen." do not like about the poor laws we pass and the unbusiness­ like things we do. I am a good bit like the man who says: The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and "I do not agree with what the other man says, but I agree approved. that he ought to have the right to say it", and I shall defend EXTENSION OF REMARKS that right. That is American liberty, so long as he does Mr. KEOGH. Mr. Speaker, I a·sk unanimous consent to obey our laws. extend my own remarks in the RECORD in connection with I think that is our right and privilege as a Member of the bill (H. R; 6) to authorize the construction and use of the House of Representatives. The other day I criticized underground pneumatic-tube service. the laws that were enacted and put on the statute books The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the last year, especially the one that caused the Treasury De­ gentleman from New York? partment to get up a rather complicated income-tax return. There was no objection. I think it is the responsibility of Congress, because they Mr. HOUSTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent passed the laws which require the Treasury Department to to revise and extend my own remarks in the RECORD and foJmulate these complicated returns. However, certain include therein a speech delivered by a very distingui-shed Members of Congress came to me afterward and said, "You judge from my State. must not criticize the Congress in that regard. Criticize The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the the TreaSUIY Department. They are responsible for these gentleman from Kansas? returns." There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, I must differ with other Members of Con­ PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE gress on that score, because the Treasury Department is Mrs. O'DAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to charged with the duty of formulating returns that are in address .the House for 5 minutes on Monday next after the accordance with the law. If we enact laws that are diffi­ reading of the Journal and disposition of business on the cult to administer, then it is not the fault of the Treasury Speaker's desk. Department. It is the fault of Congress. Therefore it is The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the my pleasure to protect Mr. Morgenthau and the Treasury gentlewoman from New York? Department in this respect. I have received many com­ There was no objection. plaints~ 2764 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 25 SIMPLIFIED TAX RETURNS $1,855,000,000. ·In 1934 it was $2,954,000,000. In 1935 it was Mr. Speaker, it is the duty of the Members of Congress $3,621,000,000. In 1936 it was $3,899,600,000. You will note to enact laws that the ordinary, average citizen back home that in 1936 it increased over 100 percent above what it was may understand. It is our duty to enact laws so that when in 1933, a great increase. The reason for the increase is we the Treasury Department makes up an income-tax return have put so many tax laws into effect the people of this in accordance therewith the people back home may under­ country had to pay this additional amount. One of the stand how to make out the return without being surrounded great tax burdens we placed on the people of this country by a lot of Government officials to assist in doing something last year in one of the most iniquitous tax bills the country that the average intelligent citizen should be able to do him­ has ever seen was the tax on the undistributed incomes of self, or being compelled to hire tax experts to report to the corporations. Government what his income was for a certain year. I We all know the income the Government was supposed to have received many complaints about the complicated re­ receive from the -income-tax· returns as of March 15 fell turns, and I hope the Ways and Means Committee will short of the anticipated amount by about $150,000,000. It simplify the law so the returns can be understandable by has not measured up to the expectations of the authors of the average intelligent citizen. I quote from a citizen from the bill. Not only are the taxes falling short of what was West Virginia regarding the tax returns, and can supply expected, but the greatest damage lies in the fact many, many more just about the same sentiment: many corporations in this country have been put in jeopardy Personally I pay a good amount of Federal taxes.
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