E1862 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 10, 2004 were awarded the Business of the Year by the ment plan for the heritage area. The board will Wall construction, and throughout his career, Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce. John consist of representatives from the state, af- Bob was highly regarded within the construc- himself has served in the board of the Wells fected counties, tribes, cities and others. The tion industry. Fargo Trust Board, and is a former Rotarian. corporation’s plan would consist of rec- However, Bob may be best remembered for John is supported by his wife Angie, and their ommendations for identifying, conserving and his contributions to the Temple Terrace com- two adult children Leslie and Jay. preserving cultural, historical and natural re- munity. Bob was a founding member of the Both Angie and John went to Mesa State sources within the heritage area, along with Temple Terrace Presbyterian Church, an early College and actively give back to their alma strategies to promote tourism of the region’s member of the Temple Terrace Chamber of mater by providing scholarships, supporting natural and cultural assets. Commerce and active in the Lions Club and projects, and have been intimately involved in The Northern Rio Grande Heritage Area is Sertoma Club. the planning of the Moss Performing Arts Cen- supported by the city of Espan˜ola, the city of Many will recall Bob’s service on Temple ter. In addition to the restaurant business and Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, Rio Arriba Coun- Terrace community boards and his dedicated college philanthropy, John and Angie also are ty, Taos. County, La Jicarita Enterprise Com- support for local historic preservation projects. involved in real estate, ranching, and farming munity, the Chimayo Cultural Preservation As- Bob helped local 4–H students on animal and that feed their enthusiasm for the outdoors. sociation, and the Eight Northern Pueblos. I agriculture projects, championed a tree plant- They are stewards of the land who have been urge my colleagues to join me and these com- ing program for the community golf course awarded the Colorado Division of Wildlife’s munities and organizations in support of this and pushed for pine bore beetle infestation Landowner of the Year award in the past, and legislation by voting for its passage today. and eradication efforts to protect and save Temple Terrace’s pine trees. currently maintain a seventy-acre conservation f project along the Colorado River. On behalf of the entire Tampa Bay commu- Mr. Speaker, John and Angie Moss are TRIBUTE TO COBB COUNTY BOARD nity I would like to thank Bob Simmons for his strong, dedicated individuals who have served OF REALTORS leadership and service and extend my deepest their community for over 20 years and I am sympathy to his loved ones. honored to stand here before this body and HON. JOHNNY ISAKSON f recognize the efforts of two such selfless and OF GEORGIA PAYING TRIBUTE TO KAREN benevolent people. Thanks for all your hard IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PAULSON work over the years John and Angie, and I Thursday, October 7, 2004 wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise this morn- HON. SCOTT McINNIS f OF COLORADO ing to pay tribute to the Cobb County Board of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NORTHERN RIO GRANDE Realtors on the occasion of their fiftieth anni- NATIONAL HERITAGE AREA ACT versary. Thursday, October 7, 2004 Originally founded by a handful of local bro- Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to SPEECH OF kers, the Cobb County Board of Realtors has recognize an outstanding individual who for HON. TOM UDALL grown with its county to become one of Geor- many years has selflessly served the interests OF NEW MEXICO gia’s largest Boards of Real Estate Profes- of the people of my Congressional District and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sionals. the State of Colorado. Karen Paulson has Board members subscribe to a strict code of served as my Executive Assistant and Office Wednesday, October 6, 2004 ethics as prescribed by the National Associa- Manager since 1998, and I am proud to bring Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, I tion of Realtors. Their members participate in attention to her accomplishments here today rise today in support of S. 211, which includes the Realtors Political Action Committee, and before this body of Congress and this Nation. language to establish the Northern Rio Grande the Board is active in Federal, State and local Karen has been an unwavering servant to National Heritage Area. I am pleased to have public affairs. Colorado for many years. She began her ca- sponsored H.R. 505, companion legislation to Many individuals and organizations have reer of public service as the Clerk of the Colo- S. 211 as introduced and passed in the Sen- contributed to the dynamic growth of Cobb rado State House of Representatives, where ate. That version of the Senate legislation only County, but none have contributed more than Karen took on the administrative responsibil- provided for establishment of the Northern Rio the Cobb County Board of Realtors. ities of the Colorado General Assembly. Her Grande National Heritage Area. The bill before Homeownership is the cornerstone of Amer- duties there led to a position as the Executive us today, however, includes an additional 100 ica’s strength, and in Cobb County home- Assistant to the Colorado Republican Party, pages of legislative language pertaining to owners have no greater advocate than the where she was instrumental in efforts to re- other heritage area designations. Nevertheless Cobb County Board of Realtors. cruit high quality candidates for public office in I am pleased that we will be moving one step I am pleased to commend the Realtors of Colorado. In 1992, Karen served as the Exec- closer to making the Northern Rio Grande Cobb County on this, the fiftieth anniversary of utive Assistant to the Majority Leader of the Heritage area a reality. their Board, and wish them continued success Colorado House of Representatives, culti- The establishment of the Northern Rio and prosperity. vating close working relationships with local, Grande National Heritage Area is a citizen- f state, and federal officials. driven effort to protect the remaining signifi- Karen’s experience with policy and proce- cant resources representative of the Spanish HONORING ROBERT R. SIMMONS, dure made her a perfect candidate for Execu- and Pueblo colonial era in north-central New JR. tive Assistant in my Washington, DC office. Mexico. The bill identifies the northern New She is a soft-spoken, dependable, kind and in- Mexico counties of Rio Arriba, Santa Fe and HON. JIM DAVIS telligent individual whose work ethic is strong. Taos as a National Heritage Area—an elite OF FLORIDA Karen’s diligent guidance and tireless commit- designation from Congress reserved for areas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment have really set the tone for my Wash- regarded as a significant resource. ington office over the last six years. Northern New Mexico boasts many sites of Thursday, October 7, 2004 The adoring mother of two, Karen lovingly historic and cultural signficiance. Our state is Mr. DAVIS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise in displays pictures of her sons Greg and Carl in a blend of pueblo and Hispanic cultures, mak- honor of Robert R. Simmons, Jr., a dedicated her office, and beams with news of their latest ing it a very unique and special place in our servant to the Temple Terrace community, exploits. Karen also serves as the ‘‘den moth- country. This legislation would identify many of who sadly lost his battle with cancer last er’’ to her extended family—my Washington the sites that tell northern New Mexico’s story, week. staff—always remembering their birthdays with help preserve them and, in the process, allow A North Carolina native, Bob served in a card, a cake and a smile. I cannot count the them to be more thoroughly enjoyed by New World War II and attended North Carolina number of times that I have seen Karen go Mexicans and visitors to our state. Preserva- State University. A few years after their wed- out of her way to brighten someone’s day with tion would directly lead to economic develop- ding, Bob and his wife, Ann, made Temple a kind word or a sympathetic embrace. I have ment of this area through enhanced tourism. Terrace their home, and Bob began building learned a lot in the twelve years since I first The legislation creates a non-profit corpora- his business, R.R. Simmons Construction Cor- came to Congress, and Karen Paulson has tion governed by a 15 to 25 member board of poration, in Tampa. He was among the first in demonstrated to me the true meaning of the trustees charged with developing a manage- his trade to employ Design/Build and Tilt-Up phrase ‘‘public servant.’’ VerDate Aug 04 2004 07:26 Oct 11, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09OC8.060 E10PT1 October 10, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1863 Mr. Speaker, Karen Paulson is a consum- owners and individuals who graze their cattle say that in this term she focused her energies mate professional. However, far more impor- on the land, numerous environmental groups, on all the children of West Virginia. She was tant, she is a truly humble, caring and selfless mineral extraction companies in the region, the driving force behind new programs to person. Her work in my office, and her con- and business owners and private citizens liv- strengthen early learning and volunteerism in stant devotion to the people of our state of ing and working nearby.
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