SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 19S1 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 3 PACE 2 THC OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1951 THE LOCAL SCENE URBMRE5T I •• • NO PARKING PROBLEM AT Funeral Services For Mr. Magwood, '.Miimro*!a9 rKWDLcm M I y I Resident 28 Years, Held Saturday -Bias Angle I I Columbus' proposed slum clear­ committee, were not present when Thomas Perkins, ,49. 187 Ftevcnson, 19, was convicted off thc .Greyhound bus "station al By RUTH M. BLAIR a.nd Mrs. Louis Johnson, Mr. and ance program, which has the sup­ measure was adopted. Lexington av., known also as murdering a woman employee at I Cleveland. Council will hold '• special Mrs. Robert Corry, Mr. and Mrs. port of Mayor Rhodes' adminis­ • • • "Begging Slim," was bound to ii.ccting Thursday, Dec. 2©, at 5 Charles E. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. tration, received endorsement of Mrs. Minnie* Jingles, Ohio the grand jury under $5000 i. in. at Urbancrest school. Couu- Milo Dobbins. Mayor and Mrs. W. rity council Monday afternoon Sentinel representative, was the ball in police court Tuesday on ril's regular meeting will be held H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Willian: but at edition time it was not re­ speaker during a meeting at tha charge ' of carrying con­ u Wednesday, Jan. 2. Elected offi­ Lynch. Mrs. Matilda Daniels, Mr. vealed whether a non-discrimina­ 1st Baptist church, Charleston cealed weapons. Perkt.is was cials must have their certificate*: and Mrs. John Nichols, Mrs tion clause, is included in thc W. Va,, Sunday morning. She arrested Dec. 16 at 762 £. Long of election with them. They wtil ihsrlei Coleman, Miss Marios, measure. • addressed the membership on st. when officers found a .22 be installed at this meeting. Presi Johnson, Lawrence Johnson. Ricn- Local NAACP b-r a n c h waa the subject, "What Can Be calibre revolver and a knife on •sent of council will also be se­ ard Johnson. Marshall Johnson, checking on the bill *.'.»- .-•! oy Done to Curb ^Juvenile Delin­ his person. lected. Miss Dorothy Shepherd. Brenda the council, but officials of tho quency." Mrs. Jlagles is a for­ • • * Funeral ot Mr. Ua*» Magwood. Shepherd. Teasie Shepherd, Gloria organisation "wourg, not make a mer resident of Charleston. Att'y Entile Reiss, continuing Johnson, Ann Johnson, Russell GOLD'S wbo resided with bis daughter, statement to the press until, • aa • •' e "m his fight to »av-j a convicted Mrs. R. E. Galloway, and familv, Johnson, Maurice Johnson, M«*l- one of them declared. "We are The Sunshine" Endeavor club Cleveland ywuth from death le « . Central av., was held Saturday vina Johnson, Virginia Harnett. positive that the non-discrimina­ held its regular meeting last Sun the electric chair, argued the case at St. Luke Methodist. Mr. Msg- Eugenia Cunningham. tion clause has been included." as>o4 bad been a resident of Ur­ The table was set with Quaker nay at' thc home of Mrs. Kate tit Lon Stevenson before the Council surprised many inter­ Smith. 932 E. Gay st*. The follow state <*Urr>r«?mc court The court bancrest for 28 years. iace cloth with an attractive cen­ ested observers when it met in Urbancrest children were dis- terpiece of American Beauty thc afternoon instead of holding ing officer**- were elected: Mcv took the case under advisement appointed Saturday because the: <..-<•-.. A corsage of roses was pre- « regular night session. As a em- finme.i Kate Smith. president, "Reiss said: "We must save this Santa Claus sponsored by the Cu- htnted to the honoree by Looi* rult, two NAACP observers. Att'y Mauae Heater, vice president: boy at all costs, as it would be a lumbus Dispatch failed to appcav Johnson. Many other useful gifts John Francis, legislative commit, Cleo" Polly, secretary; Stella Hag black mark on every good-citizen J, I as announced. The teachers re j were given by the four genera tec chairman, and Att'y Charlci land, treasurer; K. L. Thrasher, ,.f Ohio if wc ajlowed this oour turned to school and the building j tions present Saunders^ chairman of housing I superintendent. demented boy to be execute 1. was heated so the children cou.d SNOW BRINGS SADNESS 1 rival. Yes. Santa paved by Ur- ( Thc recent snow brought sad OPEN bancrest. Why? In a telephone nes* to Urbancrest through the UNTIL 10 P. M. EVERY NIGH'**T conversation with the promotion death of Mr. Henry Seals, whe Indiana Stayer cepartmenl, tbe Disp'atch prom- dropped dead from a heart attack - . i*>ed to try to reschedule him lW while shoveling snow in front ot .in.ither date. How hard they wil! his borne. Mr. Seals had endeared Nabbed Here By try remains to be seen. himself to Urbancrest because of Sunday, Xmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robinson, Lis many kind and benevolent 3rd av.. are completing plans tor deeds. , FBI. Detective their 13th annual Christmas din­ A.graduate of Hampton univer­ and Xmas Day —26 Big Depts. ner for all single «u-n. Many me.t sity and veteran of War I, he for The freedom of a man who from all parts of Franklin coun­ many years operated a store, was hunted by the FBI for 17 ty look forward each veal to this telegraph and post office in the months came to an abrupt end cutatanding event. villafre. His funeral was heid FREE GIFT WRAPPING Monday night as the fugitive wai MRS. JOHNSON .SURPRISED Tuesday at the C. D. White captured in his room .shortly be­ On Dec. 15 the children of Mr**, chabeL Rev. John Durr officiate!. fore midnight, when FBI agentn Virginia Johnson, 2871 Harru- Heiwas a member of St. Lule and Het. Sanford Lee arrehtcd ouro> pike, surprised her with a MrtVndist chinI'II and ia survived Melvin Townscnd. 2(58 N. 20th turkey dniner in honor of her by one .**on, who resides in West- nt., Charles W. Brown, speeiar r'>:'sh birthday. Guests, who are erville. agent in charge of the Cincinnati members of the immediate fam­ The kindergarten committee it FBI office, announced Tuesday. ily, were: desirous that each parent pur­ Townscnd had been sought by Mrs. Willie Ware. Cleveland: chase a sleeking rug for his or LONG ST. at GRANT AVE. (OPEN EVENINGS) FL. 2645 FBI agent* since July 20. 1950, Mrs. Emma Cunningham, an J Her child, in addition to the lun.*h for unlawful flight from Indiana laughter, Greensburg, Pa.; Mr. which *is served at nn approximate to Ohio to avoid' jro'.ejutlon foi nnd Mrs. Robert Johnson. Mr. -cost of 40 cents per week. &&****^^ murder. The alleg? I slayer had OFFICE OF GOV. FRANK J. LAUSCHE was scene Monday been living at the 2 Hit st addics- of contribution* by governor to NAACP defense fund campaign undcr thc name of Larry 'fawkit'-* since July, 1950. which opened officially Tuesday of this week. Purpose of drive is \According to tha FBI, he stab- to obtain funds lo be used in legal fights, including famoCs Grove* be\ to death Willinn t ffitt of land, Fla., rape case, now being conducted by NAACP on nation, Indianapolis in that. City June '20. 1950. After he had been linked wide scale. Above, Gov. Lausche is pictured with representatives with the killing, a homicide *% u • of local NAACP branch. From left: Att'y John Francis. Mrs. Julia rant wan issued charging I im witl murder. Brooks, Att'y William H. Brooks, Byi. o B. Slaughter. Charged With Murder, \ Bound Over To Jury Here's a hope that tho joy A chummy holiday greet Leon Sales, 29, 294 Greenwood av., who confessed the shotgun slaying of Mrs. in your life grows as rap­ ing to all our friends Our greeting to you and Claudia Coulberson, 19, rear 1233 N. High st., at his home early Saturday morning, yours glitters with beat idly as a snowball rolling was held to the grand jury on a first degree murder charge when he was arraigned in The beet gifts of all erv who've been such loyal wishes for the merriest of police court Monday. customers in tbe past. down a snow-covered hill. good wishes received — Yule festivities. 4 Sales, a truck driver, told homicide squadraen In- shot the nnd to swell your happy ARTS (ENTER girl after she refused* to go to HANFORD VILLAGE list we add ours, too. UBESMAtrS her home. Det. John Ervin .-ar'. PHARMACY WATSON REALTY bales told him he loaded the 12 COMFEOiONERY - 12«2 E. LONG ST. m gauge shotgun and fired it 723 E. LONG ST. against her neck. Many Parties, Other Festivities VIS MARKET Corner Hamilton 1389 CLIFTON AVE. FE. 4316 The shooting occurred in Sales' 216 HUGHES ST. room at about 5 a. m. after thc couple had returned from visit­ Are Planned During Holiday Period ing several drinking places. They Wesley Chapel Method's* annual Christmas party Thursday. Let the bells ring out and Our wish to you on this reportedly met in a Fields av. tavern early Friday night and be­ church will hold, its Christmai Dec. 21, at the Dukes and Duch­ the carolers shout—a joy­ Christmas day. The mer­ gan to make the rounds of a urogram Sunday at 6 p. m. The esses clubrooms. number of drinking spots before Women's Society of the churph is A Christmas dinner and party ous holiday season be riest of merry Christ. j,oing to Sales' room, where the rsking all members to attend the v* ere enjoyed by members of th? yours, from ui, to you. masea to you and to all outing ended in tragedy. Mrs. lust meeting of the year Sundav HVM club and their husbands Culberson waa dead when police «t 4 p.
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