Al leaves his wife Eva, son Stefan sities of Turin, Catania, and Flo- Myron Weiner and daughter Vera. He leaves us rence. He was honored as a guest of missing his impish challenges to aca- the University of Bologna on the Myron Weiner, Ford International demic and bureaucratic pomposity occasion of that university's 900th Professor of Political Science at and the infectious laugh that marked anniversary and was awarded the MIT, the nation's leading authority his conversations with so many gen- Cavaleri dela Republica by the gov- on Indian political studies and a specialist in the fields of political erations of students. ernment of Italy. development, political demography, Arlene W. Saxonhouse His books included World Politics; University of Michigan migration, ethnic conflict, and child Population and World Power, coau- labor, died in his Vermont home on William Zimmerman thored with his first wife, Katherine June 3, 1999, of a brain tumor, University of Michigan Davis Fox; Birth, Death and Taxes, which was first diagnosed in Decem- written with several of his students; ber. He was born in New York City Stages of Political Development; The in 1931, graduated Phi Beta Kappa Abramo Fimo Kenneth War Ledger, written with Jacek Ku- from City College of New York in Organski gler; and The Thirty-Six Billion Dol- 1951, and received his advanced de- lar Bargain. Abramo Fimo Kenneth Organski, grees from Princeton in 1955. He professor of political science and In 1981, Professor Organski, to- taught at Princeton and Chicago senior research scientist, Center for gether with Drs. Jacek Kugler and before coming to MIT in 1961. He Political Studies, passed away on Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, founded had visiting appointments at Har- March 6 in Denver, Colorado. He New York-based Policon Corpora- vard, Oxford, Hebrew University, was 74 and lived in Ann Arbor, tion, now known as Decision In- Delhi University, and the University Michigan. The cause of death was a sights, Inc., to assist the United of Paris. He was elected a member heart attack. States government and private cor- of the American Academy of the Dr. Organski's work on the im- porations in conducting complex Arts and Sciences and the American pact of economic growth on interna- negotiations and resolving disputes. Philosophical Society. tional conflict led to pioneering re- At the time of his death, Kenneth Myron was a master of empirical search on the causes of major wars was chairman of the Board of Direc- field research, and especially the art and on the relationship between the tors of Decision Insights. His intel- of interviewing officials and common organization of governments and lectual accomplishments won him citizens. He was genuinely excited governments' ability to mobilize re- numerous honors at the University whenever he found that a logically sources to achieve policy objectives. of Michigan, including the Distin- coherent and theoretically significant Dr. Organski was born in Rome guished Faculty Achievement train of cause and effect relation- in 1923, where he attended the Gin- Award. In 1992, he was given a life- ships had been matched by substan- nasio Liceo Torquato Tasso. He time achievement award by the tial case evidence. He had no vested came to the United States with his American Political Science Associa- interest in any particular grand theo- parents, Menasce and Anna (Fein- tion's Organized Section on Conflict ries, but rather sought answers to stein) Organski, and his brother, Processes for his contributions to clearly formulated questions. He was Guido, in 1939, when his family fled the study of international conflicts. also an inspiring mentor to graduate the anti-Jewish laws of the Musolini He had previously been a Social Sci- students who are now the next gen- regime. He settled in New York, ence Research Council Fellow and a eration of leaders in both Indian where he became an American citi- Fulbright Fellow. studies and political development work. He was an equally creative zen in 1944. He served with the Kenneth will be remembered not American armed forces from 1943 academic administrator, serving as only for his intellectual depth and head of the political science depart- to 1945, and went on to earn a B.A. originality, but also for his ebul- (1947), M.A. (1948), and Ph.D. ment from 1974 to 1977, and as di- lience, love of language, human (1951) from New York University. rector of the MIT Center for Inter- warmth, and gift for friendship. He After teaching at Brooklyn College national Studies from 1987 to 1992. was a devoted husband, father, and from 1952 to 1964, he joined the A prolific writer, Myron authored faculty of the University of Michigan grandfather, and will be deeply 13 books and was the editor or co- in 1965, where he remained until his mourned by his wife, Patricia Joan author of 19 others. Even as his death. He became a senior research Bard; his daughter, Elizabeth Anna strength was giving out, he com- scientist in the Institute for Social Organski-Horn, and her husband, pleted a final monograph. His pro- Research in 1969. Steven Horn of Whitmore Lake, fessional knowledge was greatly ap- He also served as a visiting pro- Michigan; his son, Eric Fox Organ- preciated by governments: He fessor at Columbia University, The ski of Savannah, Georgia; his grand- served as consultant to the Depart- Fletcher School of Law and Diplo- son, Steven Horn Jr.; his brother, ment of State, the National Security macy, and the University of Pennsyl- Guido Organski of Litchfield, CT; Council, the Agency for Interna- vania, as well as visiting professor or and generations of devoted students. tional Development, the World scholar in residence at the Agnelli John E. Jackson Bank, and since 1996 he was chair- Foundation in Italy and the Univer- University of Michigan man of the advisory committee to PSOnline www.apsanet.org 619.
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