W an in Ii D a I Ies-] W Retl N E Futui !W S Ire

W an in Ii D a I Ies-] W Retl N E Futui !W S Ire

' L H p i E ^ B | TwinI Falls'teacherB ftilcMs I . 'orira'newlt/luster. ' to retuiri'.ta.lo stateT.’K V i l l In steps of old rinasters.; fc : IW I ’ SIsports; 8^ ^ M liiai|ii MAGIC VAUry. D4 p Good Momiming # ■ t m 4 6 I ^ MONDAY ' # "Low: 29 H ^ November 26,20077 j Sunny and wlntf ^ 75 cents ' DtttOKOBr- ;:JL' i n i ii e s - ]N e !WS ' M atta/aOeyjxm« i ....... .. ............................ Hearing T ow i a nd a iw r e tlf u t u ii r e may decidle I ^wrhether H h ppumps go) | K d[iry in 200118 ly M H•learing e pits valleey M i g gnp-Qundwateruser;rs ; ■ j ag'Igainst fish farmeers: BjHirKattCbristesseQ TlmeiImea-Newa wrttor____________ I k ' AftAfter years of w ater squabl>lcl)les, a K hearcaring to determine thc fadate of ^ MagiJq^ c Valley’s groundwater pumimpcn - . M a m begiicgins Wednesday that could fitflnnlly sort)rt out who gets acccss to Id.'ld.-iIio|i ThThe hearing stems from call;alls by surfsjrface sprlng-water users CClear B Sprirprings Foods' Snake River Farmm niid A • < Bluelue Lakes TVout Farm. Tlic GshI farm-(: crsrs have asked thc slate to forcef grouroundwater pumpers to stop didraw- inglg Vw ater that tlie uout farms■ snysj is . theirleirs under Idalio’s ilrst-coinc.:. Ifirst* servtcrved water law, ■ ■ L j HIIM The case has a longand tumululltUQUS — —ilWlthiil 111** . blstcilstory.This spring, IdahoDcporurtm ent O M itthttitfikilM•N rtM d of.WMar 9 » a m m<san m ttw proem* 4 sn t^dfsr r»dai]daiza in|«d'M riltf tt^ y«ir ^ .,c«^ a ^UrHctttpa Tb* itste't wtHnter bo0 tt «t8 comUcr ofif VW ater Resourceal Directorr 1Dave dosing iW n , ^ ; ',■. ■; ' 7-'. ^lthfll w«a. Jort dfcyB-firom •cl« .. .• ■ pluihps jjg ' a move that couldId havi> ’. 1 •'■ crusTuahed K^C'Yollcy^ e ^ bbiny n -7 vhen p u m p ^ oUdcd a last-niniinutc Ical that satisflcd- a previous; oagree* Boardito consi(iderfeyolilutionarjy'water]plans “ncht. Bin nexryeac pumpers ov,Qweliib , trouirout firnnsr 20 p c r ^ t morc: vwatejl ,The board will discuss‘itbthe pro* ' O^er agendada Items for the andnd TUthQI has .’already Avomecled.di^ W m t c k W t t M flK SSSSSiSS'??^’-^ T t a w H^ - w t t t f .. ■posals — >vhlch includc upupdating . board’s meetingsgslncludc: 1 ! . ' purouropers their w ^ could be dososedln thc state's w ater plan, Idahojlo’sgiiid* • An updat,e ori)ri aI plan for manag*, thele springs If they can't meet theideal. d( ; TTipldiha Water ResResource Board . ingS: docimient for woter manage-m IngthcESPA. ■ ThThe pumpers dispute how muchn state's will consider this weekK k several pro* incnt, for tho firsrtlmc slnccel996-r 1 * A discussionon of how to fund watcrater they owe and say thc si iBbS S ^ 5 lS - ' '-1 Qawudl posalfl It-hopea will'i111.‘assuage'the. at altiesday work session an'<rid a rcg*' recharge jrojects;:ts, including how 10 metl-lethod for allocating ^vdlcr is fla lavcn'l state’s water w o ^ Indind u dlng d plan ularly sclteduled Wednesdayay meet- .compensate conainol companies for Thehe fish farmers say they ha' •cdved their fair share of wattoter it} k to Increase by 150'pcic(ucent tbe water lng In Boise.' mmspbrtihgwatciiccr to rccharse sites. recpl ionsoj avollablo in tho Easternem Snake Plain Many of the proposals hliilnge on • An updoteJ oon a developing yearsMTS, andlt's costing diem mlllloi ollars. Thc State hearing, presesidcd A quifer.'’ reverse doaIccQ desofw atershortagcs. rcirechargc —. putting more watratcrlnto recharge projcct:t nnear Wendell. 'dolla •Idaho . The atdbltlbus propojposals, ond the *lt wasI ththe loto ‘^Os ihc last tim e theth ESPA. a Lake Erie-sizedd iunder- •Adlscussionat1 about working with overrer by former Chief Justice of Ic )ut die state’s tenacity In Implementinglm the vmtcrt bboand was this assertive griground network of watcrwa;rtiys' that the Army CorpsIS (o f Engineers and Geralerald E Schroedcr, will sort; oui tbem, are tmpreccdente:nled, say Idaho oroggresslvalvc.' Hal Anderson, a sen- susupplicsneorly all the drlnkljking and ' (he federal Bureateau o f Reclamation disogIsogreements. ’ COtlP J w ater eiqpertB, and m aay Incucato a . lorlDW R{administrator at said oorller IrrigationIn water In the MagicicVallcy. 10 evaluole newJ Slsurfoce water stor- TheTh disputes arc Incredibly c lex and technical.- and dozenens of I,,. shift toward > mlore ort hands-on this year• ’wwhen some of tlie plans The board wants to increr'COse the ogc projects- orr tthe expansion of plex other Ij water>manog(Uttent strategy.,stn ,wcreannoulOunced. “We're basically at onannual ESPA w ater btidgei;et from existing storageI foifodUties. engliiglnecrs, hydrolo^sts and o - Idaho Departmentent o f W ater th’o-Urnlt pof f o u r functioning water- 60600,000 acre feet to dOO.OOMO acrc ^----------- —----------------------- -- WOtCJater experts are cxpcaed to testlsUfyat 10 two-week heoring, ' Resources Insiders bavbave.c#ed the- managemejlient plans, ond v/e're In a . fe<feet. .One acre-Toot ^ ic a llyly . i^ e e tS ;.. ^arrC?»ritftfns(?nsenrhi^tx . th o n crislsWicde on the Eastern; . -th•the'dem ands of tvw'ho'indss fdr'oHef , sivachcd0^735-324;1243 orat nwttchris- b o ^ ’s. plan? 'revolutiliitlonary," and ''vijrltable'cri Pleaso see HEWONG, Pagiogo A3 I' some’ say^: tbe prop<oposols. could SnakeA4uUlulfer.*;’ / • ';. i, yoyoar.;.',;'.^. ■, ,' •; tehseh9kc.nct. , ' l u s l n e ^ e^m(!3:!ps^ i i l i % If-I d a h o fire: e f ig h t e r s r y ^ s ^ g r e s ;kdovmos l1 o s e t h e ir shirts foir ' ^ pdustr 1 t '^1c a l e n d a rr fundraisee r H.-\ltcbMl'eaMtMrb wASi^drroN—:'M k h a d — ■rShewasaUfQrIt.-saldlid Mr! <ketteenvdirled he coucbuldloso COEUR D’ALENE (AP] — for January, Eric Sorenson oiof thd ^lU'«j?ipa%,''A grtniplip ciUled ■.--'UtirtMKtarai .i. These flreflghters dressed fot hey N orthem -Lakes . FW Software« AOlaiMA '< ■r:'hR l|M il. .. th e Job — thot is, they undressed.. ' . - E)epartmchc*H4)o is picticturcd ivBS film ing, tl^t his 1 6 -1 ^ - ’ ;ht*, bare posted and.gllstcitenlng ^ o n ;i^cfaUeMinU, flmOrm ' W as. Hu#i^;«onW .. ‘nie ’Pibfesslonal Flreflght- . c n pf Idaho 2008 .Beefcakeake while spraying water. Crorom ewaik -.V ., idc* fireboat ' , . - • >lh*',';yiu25’.drinem andcd ' ''.‘dalandac contains 14 black* V. and-whlte phouis bf.shlrtlessless - . He said this .odendadar is 4 6 7 ^ mow of ono the "tactfully done.- It didn'ti‘t fed V . :^ io flt^ d i« lseit woul ' Orell^tcn from around the ^t* liice wc weto doing onyt^ydilng jnorBln‘<!bint^'; '; ’ ’' •• !sstate ^vfetuing their flrefl^t- lng pdnts and suspenders..' that was dirty." •' lt|tistfl6^thebdlbeU outof .'i • M d ^ from calendar salesUes Coeur. d’Alene QrcflglIghtet '■ wDl pay for flrefl^ter train- Dylan Oaric. 'Mb .^ rilI said ,hla vrtfu .b o u i^ lbur of the .that ' Ingandeduquldn. ... ■':.Th«:cal^dar,.ln Its firstirst calehdaia.to.givB to fiuiiunUy Isetiw9.-.iff : In membeta. ' . luSiSf^tlie.jB:Btislnes8 u '! VBar> .fcipt&ccs 8 concert In '^Bolse’fbat M ed b Meet the ^f3 ftinnV y not rcreall^ DreQghter groupli $80,000BOO .‘ sotnethlnafV ^B ured I'd bd m^caUM'frtito fin^im dneM ifta^ bioakjBi^tng^ Bgoal doing,-* he tcId thoiQ le ^ i^ bf.pn>blBiU:die v ' Organizers bope for bettertter' l>nKi for a g [ r a ^ i ^ t t y 'i itM lI Has': .Presults with the smolderinging CUU& It befits." i;Uiudd«otux»nIltagtik .• .,. i$15 calendars. , Coeiu 4'AIbie fIreSglIghtet ]i^l,.y^[tal4,1^. ['tt Mattlbsi.McFd3ruary2 ciprodwBpuii*.''soflwwB.b lu i - Hrefidwers volunteered t t ^ saU he.wBs one of the . sd 's t's t tip p lo ^ r ; B ^softw ai^ , bbe.pbotograpbed,. ih'ough a m^hjKlVgMthe^wlfA .. ^>en]QlisioQflc8t> EISS wtu«»#s .................>j« . XMon ......V .'.:;.'.y e .-.IB.-.' . i . i\w ■:v±7^|pS?5::;'.'■r :i- V V I ; jj! .... ' . '?'*■" *; I 1.^ ■ ; - V, ^ MiFA,Uiko A2 lbad«Ns«wb«ib«».2007 TQDAy'SF(FOBECAST ■ m m m Today Tonight H i e s d a y . VlORS [EFIN\G V w , ■ ^ a mlOUNDTHEWOIm __________________ ___ vigNirV' IOWA T dcdinc wlien hcaldiJthler meals ■ROOSEVELT.T. MEMORIAL arc served, and ththat more j Sunny and windyi Still broozy at timos ton, Obama bicker nuiridous lunchcs doion’t ncccs- Clirrton sarily cost schoolss morc to over■ h(health care plans producc. lal wisdom DESa MOINES - Hlllniy j Today: Windy. HiHighs, lower 40s. "The conventional•c hcaldilcr Tonight: Chilly/ arand bfcezy with Hurries possi■ssible. Lows noor Itodhamlam Clinton and Barack na Intensified the blcker- n diat you can’t serves won't cat Obomu I 2 0 . unday over ihcir compct- meals becausc kids1 Benjamin' dicm is false," saidircc ! econo- 1 Tomorrow: Coolo)olor wilh light snow showers.= h w s .303. lealth plans, reflecting the Scnaucr, one of tlirce study, crucialal sstakes as Iowa's Icadoff mists who wrote thes caucuscuses in early January I have con- Previous studies •ntsh prefer oach. Complete'te weather report Seeje page B6 approaci eluded that studeniIt hcaldilcr Clintonton said Obama's pro- posali WDwas “crafted for politics" fatty foods and tiiatI moke, die ! meals cost more to r ond thefhe latest example of his authors noted. shiftinglng policy positions, i Today's HiHAPPENINGS Obamana ssaid mucli the same of ORK her apprpproacli. N e w Y o i FESnVAlSflWD FAIRS “Scnnlinnior Obama and I have irF D R having a debate obout flM nilns of tb« Soullpoi KotpKil,, Itfleft, tro tboim rtttntlr oa Rsomelt lual Caring and Sharing Chrisi Plans revived for Tho Ninth Annual h care fora couplc of days |,i, o u t for tiiree dtctdn.

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