mm MAIN LIBRARY '^va SA\' FRANCISCO HISTORY ROOM 1 92O0O79 M312 713054 NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1223 90038 3804 DEC 6 1955 ^ oo Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from San Francisco Public Library http://www.archive.org/details/negrowhoswhoincaOOIosa NEGRO WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA 1948 Edition imUTYPE BY flEIVE \. HEWLETT MAX J. WILLIAMS LITHOGRAPHED BY WM.WESTERFIELH N6\^ - RSFERENCe Copyright applied for by 'Negro Who's Who in California" Publishing Co. FOREWORD ORE and more various editions of biog;rai)hical histories published as Who's Who in the particular field covered are being accepted as accurate and com- I prehensive sources of inforniatiorr on the civic and s<)cial contributions, achieve- ments, successes, and i)opular recognition of outstanding men and women. Thinkiiig jjeople everywhere are alive to the iniportance of biography in i)Iot- ting and inlerjjreting growth and progress; not only the biographies of the re- nown, "but of all those who achieve success and recognition in law or medicine, in press or i)uii)it, in art or in music, in business or industry, in social or civic endeav- or, or in any legitimate activity of life. N'or need the attainment of the individual be nation-wide in its acclaim. It is important so long as in its material affect and interest it commands the resi)ect and admiration of his fellow citizens. Throughout the country a search of juiblic, school, and university libraries, of ,s(«ial and research agencies, and of private collections indicate in many States, a definite need for a Who's Who designed to record and present the Negro in the light of his achievements and recognition in those fields of activity which are measures of his advancement and his contributions to the growth and progress of the community and State in which he lives. The Negro Who's Who in California has as its purjiose the recording bf bio- grajjhies, which Carlyle ('eclared, "are the essence of history, and which because of the greater complexity of modern life, we need to have written more than in any previous period". E.xtreme care has been exercised by the Editorial staff to make this volume accejitable at the highest level as a dependable source of biographical data of i)rominent Californians. In the preparation of our work we have attempted to divide the volume into .sections representing a cross-section of community life: there has been no idea of balancing one against the other ; no setting up of better or best. We have re- lied upon committees selected on the basis of their broad acquaintance and wide knowledge of the community and the field in which they are active. In the preparation of this first edition of Negro Who's "Who in California we received aid from many sources. We wish to express our acknowledgement of the cooperation and assistance given us by the various committees who have giv- en their time and impartial consideration in selecting those who warrant inclusion in this volume. We are happy to acknowledge the advice and support given us by so many who are cognizant of the need of this type of publication. I DEDICATION This volume is dedicated to the Negro Pioneers of California. To their untiring efforts, their belief in freedom and the will to moke for this generation, and generations to come; a more de- mocratic place to live. To these untiring men and wo- men, who have carved out a pat- tern, that the world of today may well be proud-we dedicate this first edition of Negro Who's Who in California. —The Committee on Publication The outstanding people in all races are those, who in their field have mode marked success. These are the successes which give hope and inspiration to their fellowmon. CONTENTS Editor and Director Page 5 The Pioneers Page 6 The Church and Pllpit Pace 17 The Professions Page 30 Business and Industry Page 52 Art and Music Page 85 Civic anj) Social Page 96 In Memorium Pace 125 Commodore Wynn John W. Roy Editor, Negro Who s Who in California Director, Negro Who's Who in California WYNN, COMMODORE, Public Relations Director, born ROY, JOHN W., Promoter, born in .Anaconda, Montana, in Fort Worth, Texas, June 6, 1894, the son of Lorenzo December 3, 1903, the son of Joseph A. and Lillian (Chis- and Lucinda (Hurd) Wynn. Commodore Wynn was holm) Roy. His father for many years was State Park reared by his grandmother Mrs. Clarissa Fields of Mar- Commissioner for the State of Utah, and his mother a shall. Texas, where he received his academic education, housewite. Both parents are deceased. taking his preparatory course at \\ iley College, and later His public school education was in Anaconda and Og- attending Bishop College, at which institution he pursued den, Utah, the family moving to Ogden while he was at a classical course leading to the A.B. degree. He, also, an early age. He was the first .Negro to graduate from completed special courses in education and public hous- the University of Utah, and the second youngest student ing at the University of Southern California. to graduate, A.B. (class of 1921). in 1918 Mr. Wynn entered the Armed Forces of his Alter graduation, wishing to see some of the world, country and saw service overseas nine months of his John W. spent two years in foreign travel: part of this twelve months enlistment. time was spent working for the Federal Government in After World War 1 he became a free lance newspaper several European countries. correspondent, continuing this work until 1925, at which Returning to America in 1924 he resumed his scholastic time he joined the New Age Dispatch of Los Angeles as training at the University of Pittsburgh, receiving his columnist. In 1929 he became associated with the Cali- M.A. degree in Business Administration in 1926. fornia News as Associate Editor and editorial writer. He Mr. Roy then entered the insurance field, working in left the California News in 1931, and, later, was connected various executive capacities with companies in Ohio, and with the Adult Education Program as Playground Direc- the deep south. tor, Teacher, and Counsellor at Jefferson Evening High In 1938 Mr. Roy entered the advertising and public School. Then to the State Department of Education as relations field, specializing in Negro marketing; in this statistician and analyst for the Government sponsored field he was national representative for several adver- Survey of the Sofjal Background, Education and Training tised products, and traveled extensively over the country. and Occupational Experience of Negroes in Los Angeles, From 1941 to 1946 the armed services claimed him, 1936, and Editor of the compilation of an Annotated Di- and in the Inspector General Department of the Army rectory of Negro National Organizations, Interracial Com- he served as trouble shooter in camps and other installa- missions and Private and Religious Boards administering tions where there was friction between Negro and White funds and services for the advancement of the Negro. troops. In 1945 he was placed in command of the Persh- Not long after that work was completed Mr. Wynn ing Hotel project in Chicago: this project was one set up entered the field of public relations and directed the pub- by the Army to service returning overseas veterans, licity and assisted in planning all phases of Mrs. Fay but had to be discontinued when pressure was brought .Allen's two successful campaigns for election to the Los on the Army by several Negro pressure grouos, because Angeles City Board of Education. H 1946. following two only Negro soldiers were to obtain the rehabilitation years with the Los Angeles Public Housing Authority and offered in this center. four years in business.,.Mr. Wynn established the firm of In 1946 Mr. Roy was retired to inactive duty and ac- Evans and Wynn. Advertisinp and Publicity Agents, and cepted a position with the Veterans Administration, work- has been engaged in public relations and related services ing as Training Facilities Officer in the State of Indiana. since that time. In 1947 he resigned this position because of the discrim- Mr. Wynn is married to the former Mrs. Gussie John- inatirn shown Ne°rn Veterans in the administration. son Jones of Austin, Texas, who is active in church, civic In October of 1947 he came to C.a'ifornia for a and social circles in Los Angeles. short rest, but in November was commissioned to Direct He is President, Central Avenue Community Council. the Negro Who's Who in California publication. Vice-President. Los Angeles Pan-He'lenic Council. He is Married to Virginia .Margaret Chisholm of Washington, a member of the Urban League. NAACP. YMCA. Ameri- D. C. and Evanston, Illinois, a permanent federal em- can Legion and the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Secre- nloyre. There are no children. tary. Central Avenue Chamber of CoTimerce. He holds He is a membpr-NAACP (life member), YMCA, and membership in the Bishop College and Wiley College the Omeea Phi Psi Fraternity. Clubs of Los Angeles. His hobby-Negro History. The Pioneers The "Trail Blazers" are those who through their untiring ef- forts, fought the early battles against intolerance and discrimi- nation, and who laid the corner- stone of growth and achieve- ment for the Negto in Califor- nia. She was chairman of 62nd .Asscmbl) District Republi- can Central Committee, 1934-1936. and also. Assistant Secretar) to 14th Congregational District Committee. Past President, California Cooperative Improvement Associa- tion, past Daughter Ruler of Hiawatha Temple Daughter Elks, past President Phys-.Art-Lit-.Mor and Friday Morn- ing Clubs.
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