t W I L V l THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, IMS Average Dally Circulation The WeaCher M m u h tU tt Hrralb r«r the Month of Oeoember. IMS roreowt of V. a. Weathw Ba Miss Orace Kearns of Chestnut blance of power ln Europe with street who recently enlisted as an Dorcas Picks Beth Sholom Church Group the destruction of the French fleet . 7,858 A bout Tow n Army nurse, left yesterday for her at Toulon last month. He describ* Member of the Audit OoatfanMd eoM tonight. duties at the station hospital. Fort ed the Commando raid on Dieppe DINE AND DANCE Bareaa o f Ctiealattehe H. O. W right Fisher’s Island. Its Officers Hears Editor as too cMtIy to be continued and CUa UOJmn will bold iU regu N. Y., and has been commissioned also the V. S. air raid on Japan GEORGE SMITH’S MUSIC Manchester— A City of Village Charm tomorrow ovenlng at under command' of General Doo­ wr maMng a second lieutenant. Lieutenant WITH TONY OBRIGHT AND HIS XYLOPHONE aUlM o'dodi la tha Ifaaonlo Tem- Kearns was formerly supervisor of little. All Reiplected Except the Ward E. Duffy Gives (Cla■rifted AdvertMag on Pngo 10) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1943 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS P**- ____ the children’s ward in the Me­ Mr. Duffy declared that In his Soft, Sweet Music For Your Dancing Pleasure! VOL. LXIL, NO. 84 morial hospital. Treasurer; Social Hour Lecture on Events of opinion the Republican show of 'If M r a U WaUam J. Oanade, aon strength as counted In the Novem­ o f Mr. aad M n. Joaeph F. Canade Apprentice Seaman David L. Follows the Election. Past Twelve Months. ber elections would be continued Kittle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil News throughout the country for some n t ISO High atreet, la homa on a time. Walter's Restaurant Stilwell Chats With Enlisted Personnel taa-day farkMigb from Camp Shel- Kittle, recently graduated from The annual election of the offi­ Ward E. Duffy, managing edi­ Formerly Dante’s (A t The Center) the Newport recruit training sta­ Only Two Meetings Allied Warplanes Iqr, HatUeabivg. MIm . At the and cers of the Dorcas Society of the Special Forum Reds’ Forces Drive tor of the Hartford Times in his o f thla period he is ordered to re­ tion, has been selected for. enroll­ In consideration of the transpor­ Emanuel Lutheran church was Friday. Jan. 8: Evening services annual discourse before the Wom­ THE VERY BEST IN CHOICE FOODS AND LIQUORS port at tha officers' candidate ment in a naval trade school for at 8 p. m. The rabbi will speak on tation difficulty, the Federation aehool, Fort SUl. Okla. machinists' mates. held la.st night at the church. All en’s Federation and Men’s Club voted to hold but two more meet­ the subject "Are We' Jews a Na­ ings this ^■ear, one In April and the officers were re-elected with tion or Members of a Faith 7” of the Center Congregational Batter Furiously S t Mary's Girls' Friendly Soci­ another in June. Tha Townsend club will meet the exception of the treasurer and A special forum will bo held af­ church Wednesday night, declar­ ety will try sn innovation In the It was also announced that the Sow It the Time to Insure the Cooling Nearer to Rostov; tomorrow evening at eight o’clock this office will be filled thla year ter the services, at which the ques­ ed that the paat year had been one form of a ‘'Second Shift" party to­ tion will bo di.scussod: "Do we Federation has had a successful System of Your Car Against Leaks at the Y. M. C. A. This will be the morrow night from midnight to 2 by Mrs. Hlldur Laking. of "test and trial", witii emphasis year in 1942 under the leadership annual meeting with ejection of want a Palestinian Jewish arm y?" At Japs’ Convoy o'clock. The Idea Is to give girls The officers re-elected were: on the "personal morale front.” of Mrs. Arthur H. Illing. A goodly officers and reports. The audience will participate in USE RYD-D-ERS who are employed from afternoon President. Esther John.son: vice the discussion. Events of the past year, Mr. Duf­ balance remains in the Fedcriilion to midnight an opportunity for fun president, Miss Ann Lindberg: fy stated, was an indication that treasury, it was reported, aner RAPID LIQUID SOLDER Pfc. John J. Mitchell, son of Al­ and recreation which they other­ secretary. Miss Esther Peterson: On account of the f\iel oil short­ a Nation of free peoples could out­ gifts were voted for the American tor Violent Climax to 24- No Loss in Convoy! bert j. Mitchell of 90 Woodbridde wise are deprived of. Sucres.« of financial .secretary, Miss Anne M. age no special services will be held fight .and outwit regimented peo­ International College, Springfield, Ltoky Radiators— Cracked Bleekt Law Study street is home on s ten-day fur­ the project will depend on the at­ E. Johnson: pianists, Mrs. Char­ for children on Saturday morning. ples at every opportunity, regard­ Mass., the Second Mile of Gifts. Mixes with all antl-frceze .soluUoas. Immediate- Hour Running Battle lough. his second since his induc­ tendance and the support givifn by lotte Gustafson, and .Mrs. ' Ruth All children are asked to attend less of the odds ngain.st them. An appropriation of $100 was also iy .stop.s leaks. Will never cleg. Prevents rust. the Friday night services. In Which Two Trans­ tion on March 27 last. He is with, members of the society snd Chambers; historian. Miss Loiii.se Is Fomier Resident voted to the American Board of Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold by Independent Must Take Ships Reach North Smash Through Wall ol the 77th Division. 30.1th Infantry Sunday, Jan. 10: A special mem- Mi.ssions. dealers. friends. Mls-s Evelyn Burrell, tele­ John.son: librarians, Mrs. Helen Mr. Duffy, a former Manchester ports Sunk, Third Arm y Gives at Fort Jackson. S. C. phone 2-08399. would like to hear Johnson and Mr.>T Ruth Peterson. i bership meeting will be heid in the Plans are being made to re­ 8v Russian Port With­ German Resistance re.sident. spoke to an audience of decorate the Ladies I.,ounge and Damaged and 18 En­ New Slant from volunteer workers along this The huslne.ss aes.sjon was follow­ vestry at 11:.30 a. m.. at which 1.10 persona of the two church SCHIEBEL BROTHERS out Loss or Damage Across Lower Don Joseph R. Lupacchino. .son of line. election of officers will take place. to completely fumish the study of ed by a social hour and refresh­ groups. Rev. Watson Woodruff, Rev. Browne Barr. Dealers: .Ask Our Salesmen About Deal. emy Planes Downed. | Run-Around Mr. and Mra. Ralph Lupacchino ments. Sandwiches and coffee All men of the congregation are pastor of the ohurch, introduced After Hot Naval Ac­ With Tank Attacki of 104 Clinton street, has been Gibbons Assembly. Catholic La­ were serred at a gaily decorated requested to attend, Mr. Duffy at his first appearance Those Lacking Broad- promoted to the grade of technical dles of Columbus, has decided to table, snowmen and red and white Monday. Jan. 11: Hebrew for in the church for several months. Allied Headquarters in j tion ; Attacked by To Stimson And Planes; Gain ol sergeant, and is with a squadron postpone its annual Silver Tea. candles being used The hostesses adults at 2 p. m. Young Judea The speaker predicted that sub- ALICE COFKAN Australia, Jan. 8.— (/P)— Al- 1 ened Education Will Greatly Superior En­ 10 Miles Made Since of the U. S. Air Force in the scheduled for Saturday. January were: Miss Hattie Peterson. Mrs. meeting at 7 p. m. niarino warfare will be intensified (Known .^s Queen Alice) .SPIRITUAL MEDIIT.M lied planes battered furiously Caribbean area. .30, at the Y. M. C. A. on account Ruth Peter.son. Mrs. Ruth Carl- in the coming year and the under­ Face Handicap Under Wednesday; German Tuesday, .Tan. 12: Sisterhood .Seventh Daughter ol a Seventh Son at the remnants of a 10-ship emy Force Off North Major General Surles of the shortage of fuel and ga.so- berg. Mrs. Harold Reed and Mrs. meeting at 8 p, m. A very interest­ seas craft will be an increasingly Post- W ar Conditions, line. This is always one of the important weapon in the Atlantic Bom With a Veil. i Japanese convoy off the New Cape; Two-Hour Fight Also Gets Brush-Off in Losses Still Mounting. I The Somemarco club of the Edith Shenning. ing quiz program will be present­ Readings Daily, including Sunday, i South Methodist church will have leading social events of the year ed and prizes will be awarded to now leeming with transport ships Guinea coast today in the vio­ with the R,s.>»emhly and it Is plan­ and protective convoy vessels. 9 .M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint- ' Chicago, Jan. 8—(/P)— The study Seeking Information a,pot luck supper in the recreation the winners. ment. In the Service of the Peo- I lent climax to a 24-hour run­ Bulletin! ^ Moscow, Jan. 8.— {/P)— room of the parsonage, tomorrow ned to hold It at a time later in Oeimany Loses Prestige of law must be integrated with the season when conditions will be New S<'hool Si'hedule pie for SO Vears. ning battle in which they London, Jan.
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