2019 ANNUAL REPORT NEW YORK STATE SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ON CRIME VICTIMS Senator Luis R. Sepúlveda Chair 2019 LEGISLATIVE SESSION REPORT NEW YORK STATE SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ON CRIME VICTIMS, CRIME AND CORRECTION Senator Luis R. Sepúlveda, Chairperson Committee Members Majority Minority Senator Jamaal Bailey Senator Fred Akshar Senator Velmanette Montgomery Senator Patrick Gallivan Senator Zellnor Myrie Senator Gustavo Rivera Committee Staff Christopher Alexander – Associate Counsel Tahirih Anthony – Committee Clerk Janua 0 T ble ndrea ewart-Cousins Tempora reside eader New a enate Albany, NY 7 Dea tor art-Cousins: I am pleased to transmit the Annual Report of the Senate’s Standing Committee on Crime Victims, Crim orrec 2019 egisla Sess s ha a our efforts to address important matters under my committee’s jurisdiction, During ess his s ess ted lls Committee ls nominations s ar. I leagues h erve ommittee orts upport ha was ommitte a ha o port Conferenc committee’s operations. nd COMMITTEE JURISDICTION AND OVERVIEW The ew or State Senate Standing Committee on Crime Victims, Crime and Correction has legislatie oersight responsiilities for issues concerning victims’ rights and restitution, incarceration in state and local correctional facilities, alternaties to incarceration, re-entry, community superision and the classification and management of se offenders. The Committee also nominates memers of the oard of arole and commissioners of the State Commission of Correction. uring the egislatie Session, 167 ills ere referred to the Committee for its reiew. f these ills, 38 were reported from the Committee. Siteen were passed y the Senate, and thirteen passed in oth houses. his or as conducted through a series of si committee meetings. A list of all ills that ere reported from the committee is proided at the end of this report. In addition to its regular meetings, the Committee also adanced the nominations of si ne candidates to sere as commissioners on the State oard of arole, fie of hom ere approed y a full ote of the Senate. Those commissioners ere ichael S. Corley, Chanwoo ee, Carlton S. Mitchell, Sheila . Samuels, and lsie Segarra. In addition, the Committee also adanced the nomination of Sheriff Allen Riley as a memer of the State Commission of Correction. COMMITTEE HIGHLIGHTS The ooing e is ere acted on the committee in 19: S724A ontgomer Provides the eartment o orrections and ommunit uervision sha ace incarcerated ersons ith minor chidren cose to home henever racticae S16 eveda) Restricts the use o soitar coninement to no more than das at hich imit an incarcerated erson ith additiona disciinar sanctions must e moved to a residentia rehaiitation rogram in ieu o isoation S214 oman Provides incarcerated ersons over the age o ho have served more than ears o their sentences sha e considered or discretionar aroe reease S2161B (Baie rovides medication assisted treatment or incarcerated eoe ith chemica deendence or ause TWO HOUSE BILLS In , 13 o the 167 is reerred to the tanding ommittee on Crime ictims, rime and Correction passed oth houses Of these is, the overnor has signed teve and vetoed one. Bill Sponsor Summary Action S1243B CARLUCCI Permits a victim o Chater o domestic vioence to mae a comaint to an aw enorcement agenc in the state regardess o here the oense too ace. S1379 BAILEY Provides imited credit Chater or time aoance to incarcerated individuas ho otain an associate’s, bachelor’s or master’s degree. S2692 SEPÚLVEDA Reuires unredacted Chater o death reorts rom SCOC to e sent to the egisature S3550 CARLUCCI Provides and Chater o DOCC sha stud and evauate eisting ega and oic arriers to re-entry to the communit ater incarceration and mae recommendations to eiminate such arriers. S3966A SALAZAR Provides seua assaut Chater o crime victims and their assisting advocates with transortation home ater medica evauation S4566 SEPÚLVEDA Permits egisative sta Chater o to isit correctional acilities PARKER Maes omestic Chater o artners eliible or comensation as crime ictims S5444 SALAZAR Eans the cateory o Chater o eliible articiants in the S Aress onientialit roram to incle ictims of seal offenses, stalin, an hman trafficin. S5511 SEPÚLVEDA roies mst Veto or coml ith eeral ealines in ocment reests b rotection an aocacy serices S5593 MAY ermits etention of Chater o arreste iniials in cont correctional facilities here off-hors arrainment arts hae been establishe S5945 SANDERS Reires to Chater o roie ecational inormation on IV on ischare S6154 SEPÚLVEDA ermits transfer of Chater o eole incarcerate in local correctional facilities to other cont facilities or rorammatic roses PERSAUD Maes ictims of Chater o nlawfl sreillance who hae not suffere hsical inr eliible for comensation throh SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTIVITY Bill Sponsor Summary Significant Action S724A MONTGOMERY Proies incarcerate Aance to hir ersons ith minor Reain chilren shall be lace in correctional acilities close to home when racticable. S731A MONTGOMERY Reinstates the ree bs Aance to hir roram or isitors to Reain state correctional acilities S1209 RITCHIE Athories the t Passe enate nl Lawrence cont ail to be se or etention o ersons ner arrest bein hel or arrainment in an local cort in the cont o t Lawrence S1243B CARLUCCI Permits a ictim o Chater o omestic iolence to mae a comlaint to an law enorcement aenc in the state rearless o here the oense too lace. S1379 BAILEY Proies limite creit Chater or time alloance to incarcerate iniials ho obtain an associate’s, bachelor’s or master’s degree. S1623 SEPÚLVEDA Limits solitary Aance to hir coninement to Reain as S1698 SEPÚLVEDA Reires C to Aance to hir take a parolee’s work Reain schele into accont when manatin rorams S1983 SAVINO Prohibits certain se ischare rom oeners rom Committee an asse noinl enterin enate within eet o a re-inerarten or inerarten acility. S2144 HOYLMAN Permits iscretionar Reorte rom arole release o Committee incarcerate iniials oer the ae o ho hae sere at least ears o their sentence S2160 BAILEY Reires notiication Aance to hir o otin rihts to Reain iniials release rom local ails. S2161B BAILEY Proies meication Passed enate assisted treatment or incarcerate eole with chemical eenence or abse S2196 BAILEY Chanes the einition Aance to hir of “direct Reain relationship” in Article 23-A o the orrection aw. S2688 SEPÚLVEDA Moiies reirements Reorte rom or meical arole. Committee S2690 SEPÚLVEA Confors definition Adanced to hird of “serious mental Readin illness” in correction law to definition in ental hiene law. S2692 SEPÚLVEA Reires nredacted Chapter of death reports fro SCOC to e sent to the leislatre. S2698 SEPÚLVEA Codifies inate Passed enate isitation proras. A HELMING Athories the se of Passed enate the ayua cont ail for the detention of persons nder arrest ein held for arrainent in an cort located in the cont of ayua. S3100 BIAGGI Reires C to Adanced to Third notif net of kin Readin when an incarcerated person will e transferred and perits sch person to ake one personal phone call S3313 ANDERS Proides for a Adanced to hird certificate of relief Readin fro disailities or ood condct for an person ranted erit terination of conit sperision S3550 ARLUCCI Proides A and Chapter of DOCC shall std and ealate eistin leal and polic arriers to re-entry to te communit after incarceration an mae recommenations to eliminate suc arriers. S3966A SALAZAR Proies seual assault Cater of crime ictims an teir assistin aocates wit transortation ome after meical ealuation S4212 SEPÚLVEDA Reuires C to Aance to Tir mae ilient efforts Reain to roie eole in teir custo it coies of teir irt certificates. S4270A SKOUFIS Autories te Passed enate etainin in te rane count correctional facilit of ersons awaitin arrainment or aearance in an local court in te count of rane S4566 SEPÚLVEDA Permits leislatie staff Cater of to isit correctional facilities S4953 SEPÚLVEDA Reuires te oar of Aance to ir Parole to ulis Reain iniiual commissioners’ release rates PARKER Maes omestic Cater of artners eliile for comensation as crime ictims S5443 PERSAUD Permis comensaion Passed enate or emlomen- relae ransoraion or crime icims suferin rom sical inries S5444 SALAZAR Eans e caeory o Caer o eliile aricians in e S Aress onieniali roram o incle icims of seal offenses, salin an man rafficin. S5511 SEPÚLVEDA roies ms Veo or coml i eeral ealines in ocmen reests proecion an aocacy serices S5570 MARTINEZ roiis leel ree se iscare rom ofeners on arole Commiee an asse from enerin iin enae 1000 ee o a scool een i e crren senence is no ein sere or a se ofense S5593 MAY ermis eenion of Caer o arrese iniials in con correcional faciliies ere of-ors arrainmen arts ae een esalise S5714 O’MARA Aoriin e Passed enate cler correcional acili o also e se or e eenion o ersons ner arres an ein el or arrainmen in an cor locae in e con o cler S5945 ARS Requires OC Cha ducationa infor charge. S6153 SEPÚLVEA Compels Passed enate justice agenci w Oic Vic es. S6154 SEPÚLVEA Permits ransfer f Cha pe ncarcera loca orrec facilities other o facilities or programmatic poses PERAUD Makes tims f Cha unlawf rveillance w suffere physica ligible for ompensati through O S6277 ROBACH Authoriz Passed enate M dete ons rrest arraign Monroe. 2019 ANNUAL REPORT NEW YORK STATE SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ON CRIME VICTIMS.
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