Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DEAD HERO. morbid self-est- eem Whether his Notice to Fuel Consumers The soldiers loved him as they did General ' William Tecumseh Sherman, Grant is another thing, ' he was born a THE DALLES OREGON. ' of army of United States, was soldier and died one. .. $ - the the ' - THE DALLES. "No morrow's boom, or sunset gun, Entered at the Postofnce at The Dalles, Oregon, born in Lancaster, Ohio in 1820. His tramp of legions an second-clas- s matter. Or hnrrying on. MrEi BEflTOJI, father one of the judges of the supreme Shall wake the land where he has gone." .. of Ohio, 1829 William Grate STATE OFFICIALS. court died in and There are said to be those-wh- object The City of tlie Inland Empire is situated at was of Hon. - - tSovernor S. Pennover educated in the family the to The Dalles portage railway bill on the ' Have on hand a lot of BeCTetary of State O. V. McHrlde Thomas Erwing until he had reached ground that it will make taxes too high. the head of navigation on the Middle Ctolumbia, and Treasurer. .. Phillip Metschan age of 16, when he went to West But for what purpose can taxes better be Supt. of Public Instruction. .E. B. MoElroy the paid? When the object is considered, enators (J. N. Dolph . Point, and graduated In 1840 ;' he then is a thriving, prosperous city. J. H. Mitchell an appropriation of $400,000 is but a Fir and Congressman B. Hermann entered the U. S. Army, and was pro- for the", State 1'rinter Frank Buker bagatelle state. Isn't it high ITS TERRITORY. moted to the rank of first lieut. in 1841. time to crawl out of that old shell? A " COUNTY OFFICIALS. He acted as assistant adjutant general, fair assessment will raise the valuation of County Judge C. N. ThornburT the state to $250,000,000 and payment of Hard Wood. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri- Sheriff D. 1. Cates in 1847, and obtained a breyit of captain Clerk J. B. tjrosseii $400,000 on such valuation will be easy - Treasurer Ueo. Kuch in the regular army from May, 1848, for enough. Of course state no Also a lot of cultural grazing country, " the has and its trade reaching- as IS-nnS-- services in California during money to be wasted, for a purpose Commissioners ld meritorious but Assessor..... John E. Burnett the war with Mexico. He was appoint- like this it should have money in ample far south, as Summer Lake, a distance of over twe E. F. Sharp supply. Oregonian. t ; Surveyor. :. f. ' : Superintendent of Public Schools. .Troy Shelley ed commissary of subsistence in 1850, The amount of -- money t'lri Coroner William Michell served at St. Louis and New Orleans, saved to the hundred' miles. producer in Eastern Oregon in two years but finding his pay inadequate to support ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. ' would build the portage road and A OX his family, resigned his commission the MR. HERMA NN T WORK THE success of the farmers would be so great THE LARGEST WOOL MARKET. CASCADE LOCKS. September 6th, 1853, and removed to San Office corner Francisco when he was a partner in a that land would be taken up and culti vated in so larger The river and harbor bill had a hear- bank till 1858, when he returned to St. much quantities that The rich grazing country along the eastern slope ing last Friday in the committee room, Louis and was elected superintendent of the taxable property of this section would of the the Cascades pasture through the' effort of Mr. Hermann who the Louisana State Mlllitary Institution, be more than doubled within the Third and Union Streets, furnishes for thousands prevailed on the speaker to call the which position he resigned when the same time. The tax for the building of of sheep, the --wool from which finds here. committee on rivers and harbors together Civil War began. After the. fall of Fort the road will never be felt so great market for the purpose of considering Mr. Dolph's Sumpter he was commissioned colonel of would be the increase of the products of SNIPES & KESTERSLEY, The Dalles is the largest original "wool shipping hill appropriating the total estimated fhe 13th infantry, and comnanded the the farms. We believe, too, that as a amount necessary for the completing the 3rd brigade at the unfortunate battle of speculation, it would pay the state to point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being build portage as work at the mouth of the Columbia and Bull Run, on the 21st of July 1861. On the road, the volume of Wholesale and Retail Dniiists. the Cascade locks and canal. The the reorganization of the National army, business done by the road would soon shipped this year. limited time of the remaining congress Colonel Sherman was made brigadier make it a paying investment. The leg- precludes the possibility of getting the general of volunteers, and accompanied islature of this state should not quibble THE VINEYARD OF OREGON". appropriation through, but in veiw of General Anderson to Kentucky, where for with Washington, but this Mr. Hermann thought it more prac- he succeeded him temporarily in com march straight up to the work and pass Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic The country near The ticable to submit a substitute authoriz- mand, until at his own request he was the bill. Do not let this long suffering Dalles produces splendid people wait two years longer for ing contracts to be made at once ior the relieved by General Buell, and was or- justice crops of cereals, and its fruits cannot be excelled. entire completion of the work. Mr. dered to Missouri. In the early part of and remain at the mercy of a robler It railroad corporation longer Hermann said similar bills had been 1862, he was appointed to the command while relief is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali- reported on favorably by this committee, of a division under General Grant, and is- so easy and so near at hand. The CIGARS. and to pass this by without favorable acted with great bravery at the battle of legislature has done well in passing one fornia's best, and its other fruits, apples, pears, portage bill how let that body finish the recommendation would be a grave dis- Sliiloh on the 6th of April ; he was pro prunes, etc., courtesy to this senate bill and an unjust moted to the rank of major general on grand work and it will receive the (AGENTS FORI cherries are unsurpassed. thanks of a people released from a worse treatment of one of the great waterways the 1st day of May, . de- and when the ' of this country, and explained at length partment of Tennessee was formed, in than Egyptian bondage. ITS PRODUCTS. the importance of immediate action in December, he was made commander of CSTD 1862. One of speakers meet- this matter which does not directly make the lofli army corps. At the end of that the at the mass The salmon ing Saturday' evening rejoiced fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, an appropriation but expedites the great month, he led an expedition to Vicks- over the work through the systems of contracting burg, but the works were too strong to ,paesageof the portage railway bill because yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can for the material and entire work. Mr. be taken by assault, and he was obliged we are "all in it ;" and the sentiment by Hermann was authorized by the com- to withdraw his troops, after a severe was expressed others that The Dalles and will be more than doubled in the near future. was in greater of of mittee to make a favorable report to the fight. He commanded the wing of the need unity than any other single commodity. The products of the house. The substitute provides that the army that captured Fort Hindman, Ar- If this has been beautiful Klickital valley find true in past too contracts shall not exceed $1 ,872,000 for kansas, January 10th, 1863, after which the it cannot be changed quickly for own good. market here, and the country south and east the mouth of the river, and $815,000 for he resumed command of the 15th army our No man can has this succeed alone in any community ; his the Cascade locks and canal. The un- corps ; took part in the siege of Vicks year filled success is limited only the warehouses, and all available storage expended funds of the last appropriation, burg, which capitulated July 3rd 1863, by his readiness together with the amount asked in Mr. and led the expedition which captured to aid and to be aided by his fellow citi- places to overflowing with their products. Dolph's bill is believed to be sufficient Jackson City July 10th. zens. Every citizen, when matters of to complete this great work at the When General Grant was placed in public interest are at stake, owes much ITS WEALTH Cascades if done by contract, at an early command of the army previously under to his fellow citizens and if he is willing to stand by community It is the richest city of size on coast, day. Mr. Hermann is very confident if General Rosencrantz, he gave the com the then his its the and its certain- - matters of & he can get a recognition in the house for mand of the department of the Tennes- reward is in personal E.
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