Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System Edited by Heidemarie Kassens, Dieter Piepenburg, Jör Thiede, Leonid Timokhov, Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten and Sergey M. Priamikov Ber. Polarforsch. 176 (1995) ISSN 01 76 - 5027 Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System Edited by Heidemarie Kassens GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel, Germany Dieter Piepenburg Institute for Polar Ecology, Kiel, Germany Jör Thiede GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel. Germany Leonid Timokhov Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia Hans-Woifgang Hubberten Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany and Sergey M. Priamikov Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ....................................................................................................................................i Liste of Authors and Participants ..............................................................................V Modern Environment of the Laptev Sea .................................................................1 J. Afanasyeva, M. Larnakin and V. Tirnachev Investigations of Air-Sea Interactions Carried out During the Transdrift II Expedition ............................................................................................................3 V.P. Shevchenko , A.P. Lisitzin, V.M. Kuptzov, G./. Ivanov, V.N. Lukashin, J.M. Martin, V.Yu. ßusakovS.A. Safarova, V. V. Serova, ßvan Grieken and H. van Malderen The Composition of Aerosols over the Laptev, the Kara, the Barents, the Greenland and the Norwegian Sea ..............................................................................7 V.Yu. Alexandrov, H. Eicken and J. Kolatschek Satellite Radar Monitoring of Ice Drift in the Laptev Sea ..............................................1 7 J. Kolatschek, T. Viehoff, H. Eicken, E. Nägelsbac and V. Alexandrov Ice dynamics in the South-western Laptev Sea as Derived from ERS-1 SAR Images .................................................................................................................................... 20 Yu. Gorbunov, Z. Gudkovich and S. Losev Full-Scale Field Experiment Carried out by the AAR1 in the South-eastern Laptev Sea (1 976) and its Main Results ......................................................................... 25 A. N. Darovskikh Surface-Based Studies of Microwave Arctic Sea Ice Signatures During End of Summer and Early Autumn ................................................................................................ 28 A. P. Makshtas and I. Podgornyy Calculation of Spectral Albedo for a Melt Pond ............................................................. 32 P. V. Bogorodskiy Solution and Stability Criteria of Natural Convective Flow in a Melt Puddle .................................................................................................................................... 38 I.M. Ashik and Yu.A, Vanda Catastrophic Storm Surges in the Southern Part of the Laptev Sea.......................... 43 I.M. Ashik Numerical Prediction of Sea Surges and Ice Conditions in the Laptev and the East Siberian Seas ..............................................................................................................47 Yu.V. Nalimov The Ice-Thermal Regime at Front Deltas of Rivers of the Laptev Sea .......................55 H. Eicken, T. Viehoff, T. Martin, J. Kolatschek, V. Alexandrov and E. ßeirnnit Studies of Clean and Sediment-laden Ice in the Laptev Sea .....................................62 E Reirnnitz, H. Kassens and H. Eicken, Sediment Transport by Laptev Sea Ice ...........................................................................7 1 D. Dethleff Sea Ice and Sediment Export from the Laptev Sea Flaw Lead during 1991192 Winter Season ......................................................................................................78 U. Schauer, B. Rudels, R.D. Muench and L. Timokhov Circulation and Water Mass Modifications along the Nansen Slope Basin ..........................................................................................................................94 P. N. Golovin, V.A. Gribanov and I.A. Dmitrenko Macro- and Mesoscale Hydrophysical Structure of the Outflow Zone of the Lena River Water to the Laptev Sea .................................................................................99 V.N. Churun and L.A. Timokhov Cold Bottom Water in the Southern Laptev Sea ..........................................................107 I.A. Dmitrenko and TRANSDRIFT Shipboard Scientific Party The Distribution of River Run-off in the Laptev Sea: The Environmental Effect ..................................................................................................1 14 C. Hass, M. Antono W and Shipboard Scientific Party Movement of Laptev Sea Shelf Waters During the TRANSDRIFT II Expedition ........................................................................................121 S. V. Pivovarov and V.M. Smagin Distribution of Oxygen and Nutrients in the Laptev Sea in Summer ........................ 135 V.V. Ivanov and A.A. Piskun Distribution of River Water and Suspended Sediments in the River Deltas of the Laptev Sea ...............................................................................................................142 V.P. Gordeev and V.P. Shevchenko Chemical Composition of Suspended Sediments in the Lena River and its Mixing Zone ....................................................................................................................154 H. Erlenkeuser and TRANSDRIFT Shipboard Scientific Party Stahle Carbon Isotope Ratlos in the Waters of the Laptev Seal Sept. '94 ...............................................................................................................................1 70 A. F. Anoshkin, I.K. Popov and I. E. Ushakov Hydrooptical Measurements in the Laptev Sea: Spatial Distributions of Light Attenuation and Chlorophyll Fluorescence ................................................................... 178 V. V. Petryashov, E.L. Markhaseva, A.1. Pinchuk and S.D. Stepanjants Zooplankton of the Laptev Sea Coastal Waters ........................................................... 187 K. Kosobokova, H. Hanssen, E. Markhaseva, V. Petryashov and A. Pinchuk Composition and Distribution of Summer Zooplankton in the Laptev Sea ..........................................................................................................................192 S.F. Timofeev Distribution, Biomass and Production of Thysanoessa longicaudata Kreyer, 1846 (Crustacea, Euphausiacea) in the Arctic ............................................................200 M.K. Schmid and K. Hinz Benthic Studies in the Laptev Sea.................................................................................. 206 B./. Sirenko, V.V. Petryashov, E. Rachor and K. Hinz Bottom Biocoenoses of the Laptev Sea and Adjacent Areas .................................... 21 1 N. V. Chernova and A. V. Neyelov Fish Caught in the Laptev Sea During the Cruise of RV "Polarstern" in 1993 .....................................................................................................222 A.Yu. Gukov Hydrobiological Research in the Lena Polynya ........................................................... 228 A. Yu. Gukov Trophic Structure of the Benthos of the Lena Polynya ...............................................230 Environmental History of the Laptev Sea .........................................................233 0. Naidina: Holocene Climatic, Vegetation and Pollen Data of Siberia Adjacent to the Laptev Sea ...............................................................................................................235 C. Siegert, S.F. Khrutsky and A. Yu. Derevyagin Paleogeographical Sudies of Permafrost in the Eastern Taymyr Lowland..................... ......................................................................................................... 254 J. Boike, W. K. P. van Loon, C.Kopsch and H. W. Hubberten The use of TDR for Studying Seasonal Water and Solute Movement in the Active Layer in a Continuous Permafrost Setting - Preliminary Results From Siberia.................................................................................... 257 A.M. Alabyan, R.S. Chalov, V.N. Korotaev, A,Yu. Sidorchuk and A.A. Zaitsev Natural and Technogenic Water and Sediment Supply to the Laptev Sea ..........................................................................................................................265 V. Rachold Geochemistry of Lena River Suspended Load and Sediments - Preliminary Results of the Expedition in Julyl August 1994 .......................................272 F. Lindemann, H. Kassens and E. ßeimnit Sediment Reworking by Ice Gouging in the Western Laptev Sea ............................280 ßStein and D. Nurnberg Productivity Proxies: Organic Carbon and Biogenic Opal in Surface Sediments from the Laptev Sea Shelf and the Adjacent Continental Slope ..............................286 JA. HölemannM. Schirmacher, A. Prange and TRANSDRIFT I Shipboard Scientific Party Transport and Distribution of Trace Elements in the Laptev Sea: First Results of the TRANSDRIFT Expeditions ..............................................................297 M. Wahsner Mineralogical and Sedimentological Characterization of Surface Sediments from the Laptev Sea.........................................................................................................
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