© Government of Kerala Reg. No. cPn. \º¿ tIcf k¿°m¿ KL/TV(N)/12/2006-2008 2008 KERALA GAZETTE tIcf Kkddv PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY B[nImcnIambn {]kn≤s∏SpØp∂Xv 22nd April 2008 Vol. LIII THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, TUESDAY 2008 G{]n¬ 22 No. hmeyw Xncph\¥]pcw, sNm∆ 17 53 } 2nd Vaisakha 1930 \º¿ } - 1930 sshimJw 2 PART IV Private Advertisements and Miscellaneous Notifications NOTIFICATION This change will come into effect in all records related to me. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sindhu, P. J., Marathakkara, Maliyekkal House, Marathakkara P. O., Thrissur working as 3-3-2008. SINDHU, P. J. Lower Division Clerk in Office of the Assistant Executive Engineer (Agri.), Chembukavu, Thrissur [Employment Certificate with No. AE(3)73/08 dated 25-2-2008 issued from the Assistant Executive Engineer (Agri.), NOTIFICATION Chembukavu, Thrissur] holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. It is hereby notified for the information of all C 239787 with Reg. No. 177020 of March 1990 have concerned authorities and the public that I, S. Sandhya, changed my signature as shown below. Hari Nivas, House No. 384, Nemom P.O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 020, have changed the name of my minor son Mahesh, M., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 12430/2005 dated Old Signature : 29-8-2005 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram as Maheswar, M.S. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. New Signature : Nemom, 2-4-2008. S. SANDHYA. Gaz. No. 17/2008/DTP. 22nd APRIL 2008] KERALA GAZETTE 402 hn⁄m]\w NOTIFICATION Xncph\¥]pcw Pn√bn¬ s\øm‰n≥Ic Xmeq-°n¬ It is hereby notified for the information of all IpfØpΩ¬ hnt√-Pn¬ aqtßm´ptImWw tZiØv Im´m°S concerned authorities and the public that I, Yob, J., ]n. H. -bn¬ Icn®mdphnf ho´n¬ Xmakw tPmbn, ‰n. Kollamamvila, Irumbil, Aruvippuram, Neyyattinkara Taluk, (Fkv.Fkv.F¬.kn. _p°v \º¿ F 223935 cPn. \º¿ Thiruvananthapuram District, holder of Abstract of the 2814 am¿®v 1988) _‘-s∏´ F√m A[n-Imcn-I-fp-sSbpw Admission Register with Admission No. 1710 dated s]mXp-P\ßfpsSbpw Adn-hn-te-°mbn {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xv. 21-5-1966 issued by Headmistress, J.B.S. Neyyattinkara, also known as Yobu in Ration Card No. 1106020405 issued kmw_h¿ {InkvXy≥ kapZmbmwK-amb Rm≥ from Taluk Supply Office, Neyyattinkara, Jobu in Election Xncph\¥]pcw BcykamPØns‚ 25˛1˛2008˛mw Identity Card No. KL/20/139/177242 dated 27-6-1997 issued XobXnbnse 19019/08˛mw \º¿ ip≤n k¿´n^n°‰p{]Imcw by the Electoral Registration Officer, Neyyattinkara cmPohv, ‰n. F∂ t]cn¬ lnµpaXw kzoIcn®ncn°p∂p. Constituency, Jose in my son’s Extract of Admission C\ntaen¬ Rm≥ kmw_h¿ lnµp kapZmbØn¬ Register (Admission No. 12614 dated 19-5-1995 issued by Dƒs∏Sp∂Xmbncn°pw. Cu am‰w Fs∂ kw_‘n°p∂ Principal, Govt. Higher Secondary School, Neyyattinkara), F√m tcJIƒ°pw _m[Iambncn°pw. and my another son’s Extract of Admission Register (Admission No. 126115/13865 dated 19-5-1995 issued by s\øm‰n≥Ic, Principal, Govt. Higher Secondary School, Neyyattinkara) 14˛3˛2008. tPmbn, ‰n. is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Yob, J. only. NOTIFICATION This change will come into effect in all records It is hereby notified for the information of all related to me. concerned authorities and the public that I, Johnkutty, C., Thiruvananthapuram, J. S. Bhavan, Thavayathukonam, Kunnathukal P. O., 1-4-2008. YOB, J. Kunnathukal Village, Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book with NOTIFICATION Register No. 336502 of March 1982, have embraced Hinduism from Cheramar Christian Community as per I, Anitha Kumari, R. R., Ooralivilakom Aji Bhavan, Suddhi Certificate No. 19124/08 dated 27-3-2008 issued Porannoor, Plamoottukada P. O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, from Aryasamaj, Thiruvananthapuram with name Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 128, do hereby notify Janardhanan Kutty, C. and will sign accordingly. Hereafter for the information of all concerned authorities and the I will be a member of Cheramar Hindu Community. public that my community which is wrongly entered in the S.S.L.C. Book (Book No. 366305 with Register No. 121530 This change will come into effect in all records of March 1999) as SIUC Nadar is corrected as Latin related to me. Catholic vide Certificate No. A6-3982/08/K. Dis. dated Thavayathukonam, 8-2-2008 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Neyyattinkara. 2-4-2008. JOHNKUTTY, C. This correction will come into effect in all records hn⁄m]\w related to me. Plamoottukada, Xncph\¥]pcw Pn√bn¬ s\øm‰n≥Ic Xmeq-°n¬ 25-2-2008. ANITHA KUMARI, R. R. Ip∂ØpIm¬ hnt√-Pn¬ F≈phnf ]n. H. -bn¬ sI. ]n. 8 151, XpcpØnaqe tdmUcnIØv ho´n¬ Xmakw NOTIFICATION taml\Zmkv, Un. (kvIqƒ AUvanj≥ cPnÿ FIvkv{SmIv‰v \º¿ 4576 XobXn 8˛5˛1970 F¬.Fw.Fkv. I, Suvarnakumari, M., Choorakuzhi Kizhakkekara bp.]n.Fkv., tIm´ptImWw) _‘-s∏´ F√m A[n-Imcn Puthen Veedu, Ayira P. O., Parassala, Neyyattinkara Taluk, -I-fp-sSbpw s]mXp-P\ßfpsSbpw Adn-hn-te-°mbn Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 502, do hereby notify {]kn-≤-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xv. for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my community which is mentioned in the tNca¿ {InkvXy≥ kapZmbmwK-amb Rm≥ S.S.L.C. (Book No. G 142476 with Register No. 409351 of Xncph\¥]pcw tIcf lnµpanjs‚ 3˛10˛2007˛mw March 1994) as Hindu Nadar is corrected as SIUC XobXnbnse 114148˛mw \º¿ ip≤n k¿´n^n°‰p{]Imcw Christian Nadar Community vide Certificate No. AtX t]cn¬ lnµpaXw kzoIcn®ncn°p∂p. C\ntaen¬ K. Dis. 10948/08/A6 dated 24-3-2008 issued by the Rm≥ lnµp tNca¿ kapZmbØn¬ Dƒs∏Sp∂ Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Neyyattinkara. Xmbncn°pw. Cu am‰w Fs∂ kw_‘n°p∂ F√m This correction will come into effect in all records tcJIƒ°pw _m[Iambncn°pw. related to me. XpcpØnaqe, Choorakuzhi, 1˛4˛2008. taml\Zmkv, Un. 27-3-2008. SUVARNAKUMARI, M. 22nd APRIL 2008] KERALA GAZETTE 403 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, Roobus, J., Anitha Bhavan, Anchumaramkala, It is hereby notified for the information of all Kiliyoor, Vellarada P. O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, concerned authorities and the public that I, Vinoth, J., Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 505, do hereby notify Vinoth Bhavan, Kathiradichanpara, Kovillor, for the information of all concerned authorities and the Kudappanamood P. O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, public that my Community which is entered in the S.S.L.C. Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 510, holder of (Book No. C 185677 with Register No. 521497 of March Transfer Certificate (No. 285, 21-4-2003 issued by the 1990 and Reg. No. 142125 of March 1991) as Nadar- Principal, Venkatachalapathy Polytechnic, Villupuram) in Christian CSI is corrected as Nadar-SIUC Community which my Community is wrongly entered as Christian vide Certificate No. A6/14490/08/K.Dis. dated Nadar BC is corrected as Latin Catholic vide Certificate 2-4-2008 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, No. A6-39735/06/K.Dis. dated 31-10-2006 issued by the Neyyattinkara. Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Neyyattinkara. This correction will come into effect in all records This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. related to me. Thiruvananthapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, 27-3-2008. VINOTH, J. 3-4-2008. ROOBUS, J. NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all I, Vijitha, V. L., V. L. Nivas, Market Junction, Alathoor, concerned authorities and the public that I, Arun Raj, T. S., Anavoor P. O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram Arun Nivas, House No. 236 (3/86), Kanjiramkulam P. O., District, Pin-695 124, do hereby notify for the information Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, of all concerned authorities and the public that my Pin-695 524, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. A 328297 with Community which is entered in the S.S.L.C. (No. A 329910 Register No. 412576 of March 2000, H.S.E. Certificate No. with Register No. 428389 of March 2000) as Cheramar H.S.E. 122025 with Register No. 517317 of March 2002, Hindu is corrected as Cheramar Christian Community Ration Card No. 1106125443 issued from Taluk Supply vide Certificate No. K.Dis.11006/08/A6 dated 14-3-2008 Office, Neyyattinkara, Driving Licence No. 1/7745/2003 issued by the Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Neyyattinkara. dated 29-9-2003 issued by Assistant Licensing Authority, Thiruvananthapuram, Passport No. F 7616387 dated This correction will come into effect in all records 2-6-2006 issued from Passport Office, Thiruvananthapuram, related to me. have changed my name as Brooklyn Bose and will sign accordingly. Alathoor, 29-3-2008. VIJITHA, V. L. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Thiruvananthapuram, NOTIFICATION 26-3-2008. ARUN RAJ, T. S. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, S. Raju, NOTIFICATION Therivila Veedu, Koottalikonam, Maruthathoor, Chaikottukonam P. O., Neyyattinkara Village, Neyyattinkara I, Rejila, R. S., R. S. Bhavan, Valiyathottam, Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 122 holder of Machiyode, Chenkal P. O., Vlathankara, Neyyattinkara Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 9400 Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, do hereby notify for dated 9-5-1975 issued by Headmaster, Govt. High School, the information of all concerned authorities and the public Marayamuttom, have embraced Hinduism from Ayyanavar that my Community which is wrongly entered in the Christian Community as per Suddhi Certificate No. 19107/08 S.S.L.C.

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