2424 King Edward Street, Winnipeg, Manito a R2R 2R2 Phone: (204) 694-0483 Fa,: (204) 694-7.09 We site: hps://www.winnipegsd.ca/schools/stanley2nowles/Pages/default.asp, JANUARY 2021 NEWSLETTER Administrators’ Message On ehalf of the en5re École Stanley Knowles School sta6, welcome ac2 e8eryone9 :opefully e8eryone had a res;ul holiday with those closest to you. As we egin 2021, we should re=ect upon how fortunate we are to e li8ing in a city and country where we support one another. We ha8e many parents in our community who ha8e made sacrifices for others during the pandemic and o?en their families ha8e also had to ma2e sacrifices. We want to e,tend our gra5tude to these families9 We also wish to than2 all our parents and guardians for the wonderful sense of community that you ring to our school. When caregi8ers and educators wor2 together it enhances the educa5onal e,perience of students. This has ne8er een more e8ident than during the last few months. Many of our parents and caregi8ers ha8e had a 2ey role in suppor5ng their children at home to complete assignments posted y teachers and to pro8ide a rou5ne for their children so they do not miss important instruc5onal opportuni5es. Many parents ha8e had to re8iew safety e,pecta5ons and new rou5nes at school with their children. We loo2 forward to another successful school term for all our students. Teachers are doing their 8ery est to pro8ide Auality instruc5on and support all learners whether they are BremoteC or Bin classC. Our Junior :igh students as well as many of our Elementary students, will e remote learning from home during the first 2 wee2s a?er winter rea2. For parents of students who aend classes at school, please try to send your child to school within minutes of the entry ell. Entry 5mes are 8:4. am and 12:40 pm. Also please ma2e sure that your child is dressed for the weather as all elementary children are e,pected to go outside, weather permiDng. Please remind your children to stay off the reten$on pond across from the school as it is not safe. As we egin the 2021 year, we would li2e to wish you an a undance of lo8e to fill your heart, courage to do what is right and that your home is filled with Eoy and peace. Four Admin Team, F. Koncan G D. Ste8enson G J. Mayor-Rodrigues ÉSKS January 2021 Newsleer Page 1 Safety Comes First... Dear Parent/Luardians: 1) Please do not enter the sta6 par2ing lot to either drop o6 or pic2 up your child(ren) at any 5me during the day. The sta6 par2ing lot is for STA11 PAR2IN4 ONLY . No other 8ehicles should e entering this area. We will con5nue to monitor this area to ensure that the safety of oth sta6 and students are eing maintained y the traMc =ow in the sta6 par2ing lot. 2) Please do not use the us loop during us drop o6 and pic2 up 5mes (8:30-9:00am and 3:00-3:30pm). During the school day (9:00-3:30pm) the us loop is one way only with the entrance eing on the North side. 3) Reminder that King Edward Street in front of the school is a designated school None. Motorists must reduce their speed to 30 2m/hr. School None speed limits are enforced Monday-Friday etween 7:00am - .:30pm) Please Call... Iefore the ell 5me of the current day, and when you 2now that your child is going to e a sent or has an appointment, please call the Safe Arri8al System at 1-855-278-4513 to let the school 2now. Fou can also use the we site at h.p/00go.schoolmessenger.ca or the mo ile app. Calling students out of class during the school hours to phone home or to pic2 up a lunch is 8ery disrup58e to the class. Unless it is an emergency, it would e appreciated if you could ma2e prior arrangements with your child and ensure that your child arri8es at school prepared for the school day with all his /her elongings, including lunch, water ole and inder/homewor2. For the safety of our sta6 and students, parents should not enter the school unless they phone and ma2e an appointment. Lunch Program Fees and COVID 2020 - 2021 École Stanley Knowles Parent Council recogniNes that the safety and well- eing of all students o8er the lunch hour is of the utmost importance. Ounch Program fees are used to pay the super8isors who pro8ide the super8ision in the classrooms and on the playground. This year, in order to support the pro8incePs mandated COVID-19 social distancing measures, we ha8e hired addi5onal super8isory sta6 so that all families could par5cipate in the lunch program. Although the recent Pu lic :ealth Orders ha8e many students par5cipa5ng in remote learning, the lunch program is s5ll charged with pro8iding super8ision for those students who remain in school. As the remote learning op5on is temporary, our hope is that your child will remain registered in the lunch program to hold their place in the program, so that it is a8aila le to you when you need it (similar to day care, you are maintaining your spot). Should you choose to with draw your child from th Ounch Program, please note that there is no guarantee your child would e a le to re-register when in-class learning resumes as a significant reduc5on in fees would occur and result in the Parent Council ha8ing to reduce lunch program super8isors for the remainder of the school year. We than2 you for your understanding and support during these diMcult 5mes. ÉSKS January 2021 Newsleer Page 2 When b s Indoor recess transporta$on is cancelled in the morning, it will not During the winter months, the wind chill is chec2ed efore res me later in the day even if morning recess, lunch 5me and a?ernoon recess. weather condi$ons improve. Students are e,pected to dress appropriately for the weather at all 5mes. As per WSD policy, students will e 2ept indoors only on inclement days when the wind chill reaches Y28U Celsius. When the wind chill is etween Y2.U to Y27U, students may go During the school year there may e 5mes when school out for a shortened 10 minute recess. us transporta5on is cancelled due to inclement weather or poor dri8ing condi5ons, ut schools will remain open. At 5mes, parents and guardians ha8e reAuested y a note to the classroom teacher or a phone call to the school, to ha8e School us transporta5on for all school di8isions in the City their child remain indoors at recess 5me. It is our schoolPs of Winnipeg is cancelled when the wind chill reaches -4.U elief that if a student is too sic2 to go outdoors at recess, then Celsius y 6:1. a.m. ased on the En8ironment Canada he or she is too sic2 to e at school. readings at the Winnipeg Airport. The temperature readings can e found at the En8ironment Canada we site We would as2 parents and guardians to send children to school (hp://www.weatheroMce.gc.ca). only when they are well enough to par5cipate in all ac58i5es, including recess. The following media outlets are contacted in the early morning to as2 that they roadcast and/or post the informa5on: 89.3 CIC FMV 990 CIC AMV CKSI 89.9 FM We would li2e to wish all parents and students a :appy (French)V CJOI-680 AMV Power 97-FMV 1290 New Fear and a ig than2 you for all their support year CFRWV 99.9 IOI-FMV W94-FMV 92 CITI FMV 102.3 round9 COEAR FMV CKMM :ot 103V WX 04 FMV CTV NewsV City TVV Winnipeg Free Press We site. With the cold weather now here, it has ecome more Please note: Some media outlets will broadcast and post important than e8er that ALL Lrade 7 S 8 students ha8e a the informaon to their websites. plan for their lunch hour. Parents/Luardians can also phone the Transporta5on The safety and well- eing of all of our students at ÉSKS is Department at 204-77.-0231 e,tension 224 or 204-789- of the utmost importance. Since 6S2S does not provide 0409/204-789-0421 for informa5on. any formal s pervision over the l nch ho r , all students in Lrade 7 and Lrade 8 who are not part of the paid Ounch Se8ere weather condi5ons and poor roads may e,tend the Program are expected to leave the building and the school running 5me of some uses, resul5ng in late arri8al and grounds over the lunch hour. departure. Parents/Luardians should ma2e sure that children are This Parent Run Ounch Program is a8aila le on a full-5me suita ly clothed un5l pic2ed up and that they ha8e a place asis. The cost of this program is the same as our to go in the e8ent the us does not arri8e or is late. Elementary Ounch Program and operates in a similar Parents/Luardians must also ensure that children ha8e a manner. Families can choose to pay a full-5me fee of place to go a?er the return trip. T230.00 for the en5re school year. Informa5on regarding the Elementary S Junior :igh Ounch Program is a8aila le in the school oMce. ÉSKS January 2021 Newsleer Page 3 At École Stanley Knowles School, our first priority is to ensure the safety of your children while they are in school.
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