7191 BIOLOGICAL SURVEYSOF FOUR GOLDFIELDS RESERVES KURRAWANGNATURE RESER\,1E BURRAROCK NATURE RESERVE CAVEHILL NATURE RESERVE DORDIEROCKS NATURE RESERVE BY ANDREW CHAPMAN, IAN KEALLEY, DAVID McMILLAN, PETERMcMILLAN ANDGEOFFROLLAND INTRODUCTION Therequirement to conductthese surveys is part of an on-goingcon"tmitment to undertakebiological surveys of reservesin CALM,s GoldfieldsRegion. These particular reserveswere selectedbecause they are all relatively small, closeto Kalgoorlieand two in particularare subject to high levelsof recreationaluse. The objectives,wereto survey vertebratespecies present (and invertebratesin the caseof Kurrawang), to map the vegetationand searchfor endangeredand poorly known plant species,particularly eucalypts. METHODS Methodsof survey were identicalfor eachreserve. Four lines of pit traps were set for mammals,reptiles and insects(Kurrawang only). Eachtrap line conr- prised six pit traps,250mm and 140mm externaldiameter alternated at a 10m spacing,joinedby a200 mm high fly-wire driftfence.Thedisposition of traplines is indicatedon figs.1,2,3 and4. As far aspossible, pit trap lineswere established to sampleprincipal vegetationtypes as determinedfrom aerial photography and ground inspection. Elliot traps were setto supplementpit trapping effort or whereit wasimpossible to setpits. A1l traps were set for five consecutivedays and all work donebetween October and December1988. All fauna,except for a few voucherspecimens, were identified and released.Mammals were addition- ally weighed measuredand temporarilymarked to identify recaphres. Headtorch- ing and spotlighting were undertakenfor nocturnalfauna. Other fauna data, particularly for birds, were recordedopportunistically. At eachtrapping site vegetation was describedby the Muir (1977)structural classification.Soil classificationwas by the Northcote (1971)method. Vegetationwas mapped by aerial photo interpretationand ground truthing. Collectionsof plants principally from trapping siteswere made and sentto the Herbarium for identification. KURRAWANG NATURE RESERVE Kurrawang Nature Reserve(No 35453)of 621 ha is located between Great EasternHighway and the Goldfields Water Supply pipeline between 13 and 'conservation 17km south west of Kalgoorlie.Its purposeis of flora and fauna' and it is vestedin the National Parksand Nature ConservationAuthority. Kur- rawang takes its name from Kurrawang townsite which was partly on the reserveand operatedas a centrefor woodlineoperations between 1915 and 193g. As a result of this the reserveconsists entirely of re-growth woodland. Vegetation Types Seefigure 1 for a map of vegetationrypes. Area A This areais Ezcalyptusgrift'ithsii open woodland, situated in the middle slopeof the areawith undulating topography.The soils are red gravelly loam with areas of quartzlironstone alluvium. The dominant speoesare E. griffithsii andE. transcontinmtaliswith areascontaining E. lesouet'iiand E.loxophleba. Theshrub stratumspecies incl udeAucia hemiteles,A.tetragonophylla, Eranophila speciesindudin g E. alternifolia,E. serruIataand E. scopaia,Dodonea lobulata and Alyrta burifolia.Other speciesin this stratum that are less common include Santalumspicatum, S. acuminatum, Greaillea nematophylla, Acacia quadimarginea, Atiplex nummulaia and Cassinnemophila. The understoreyis dominatedby Atiplex ztesicara,Olearia sp., Daaiesia sp (ere- maea),and Cassia artemisioides. Other species which areless conspicuous include Triodiascariosa, Ptilotus oboaatus,Enchyluna tornentosaand many herbs and grasses. Area B This areais classedas the Jam' areasituated in a water gaining site with a deep red sandyloam. The dominant speciesare Acacia acuminata, A. hemitelesand A. linophytla. The understoreyis made up prirnarily of Wandarrie grass and herbs with occasionalPtilotus obooatus, EnclryIeana tomentosa and Scaeaola spinescens. Area C This areais dominated as Eucalyptuslesouefii open woodland. It takes up the upper slopesand ridgeswithin the reserve.The soil is a red clay loam covered in quartz alluvium and very dark ironstonepebbles. The dominantspecies are E. lesouefiiandE. transcontinentah s with lesscomrnon E. griffithsii and E. gracilismaking up the upper stratum. The shrub stratum is basically a broombushscrub dominated by Eranophila scopaia,E. altemifolia,E. glabraand E. serrulata.Other speciespresent in this shatum indude A caciatetragonophylla, A. hemitelzs, Santalum spicatum, S. acuminatum, Atiplex nummulaia and Casuarinacistata. The understorey is rnade up of herbs and grasseswilh Scaeaolaspinescms, Atiplex ztesicanand Ptilotusexaltatus. Area D This areais classifiedas the Eucalyptussalubris open woodland. It is situatedin the lower areasof the reservein water gaining siteswith heavy red clay. Thedominant speciesisE, salubls with occasionalE.Ioxophlebn, E. transcontinen- talis and E. salmonophloianoted. Theshrubshatumissparse andis dominatedbyEremophila scoparia,E. altemifolia and Aucia linophylla.Scattered A. tetragonophyllaand Scaeoolaspinescens were seen. Area E This areais classedas the spinifex arealocated on a rise coveredwith red clay loam with an underlying ironstone. Theupper stratumis madeup m ainlyof Eucalyptustranscontine talis, E. lesouefti and E.Ioxophleba. Melaleucauncinata and Allocasuarina campestris dominate the shrubstratum with five speciesof Eremophiln, ie., Eremophila alternifolia, E.scopaia, E. gtabra, E. spat'f- gilesiiand, E. oldfieldii.Other lesscommon species noted were Dodonaea lobulata, Acaciahemiteles, Cassia artemisioid.es, Scaeaola spinescens and Sqntalumacumi- nntum. The understoreyis made up primarily of Triodiascariosa with the occasional Oleariasp. and herbs and grasses. Area F This areais classifiedas Eucalyptus salmonophloia open woodland. The upper stratum is taken up purely by Eucalyptussalmonophloia. 'broombush' The shrub stratum is a typical Goldfields scrub dominated by Eremophilascoparia witl. E. altemit'olia,E. glabra and E. sp aff. gilesiialso very common.Acncriz linophylla, A.tetragonophylla, Casuarina cistata, Melaleuu uncinata, Cassiaartemisioides, C.nemophilla and sueoola spinescens werenoted as abundant. Other lesscommonly seenshrub specieswere Acacin hemiteles, Santalum spicntum, S.acuminatum and Atiplex nummulaia. The lower stratum is made up mainly of saltbush,/fri plexztaicaia and greybush, Cratystylisconocephala withherbs and grasses. Area G "regeneration This areais known as gravel pif,. It is situated on an iroru;tone gravel hill; all vegetationwas at somestage removed; the specieson the site are thicketsol Melaleucauncinata and Allocasuarina. Area H "Casuarina This areais classed as tistata,' flat, andis situatedin a water gaining site on a red clay loam. The dominant speciesare Casua rina cistata,Melaleuca uncinata, Acacia linophylla andA.tetragonopltylla.Other less commonspecies noted wereSantalum spicatum, Scaeaolnspinescms, Acacia hemiteles, Olmria sp. and many annual herbs and grasses. Description of Trapping Sites KNR #1Salmon Gum Woodlandon sandyclay loam at 121"20,00.8,30"49,45,5. Muir Classification:Mi/SAi,/SCi Stratum 1: Eucalyptusmlmonophloia, occasional E. lisouefii,. Stratum2: Acaciahemiteles, Maireana radiata, M. georgei,M. pentatropis, M. sedit'olia,Eremophila scoparia, E. weldii,E. ionantha,Cassia nemophila,Atiplex aesicaria,Scaeooln spinescens, Exocarpus aphyllus. Stratum3: Maireanaradiata, M. pmtatropis. KNR #2 Mixed Eucalyptwoodland on clayeysand at 121"20'20E,30"49,45,S. Muir Classification:LAi/Sr.SBr/Hi Stratum l: Eucalyptusgrit'fithsii, E. transcontinentalis,E. Iesouefii. Stratum2: Eranophilasp. Stratum3: Halganiaandromedifolia, Olearia muelleri, Eremophila wetdii, Westringia dampei, Scan ola spin es c ens. Stratum4: Triodiasp. KNR #3Redwood/Gimlet woodland on clayey sand at 121"21,15'E,30.49,30.S. Muir Classification:LAi/SAr/SCr/SDi Stratum 7: Eucalyptussalubris, E. transcontinentalis,E. oleosa. Stratum2: Eremophilascoparia, Acacia tetragonopltylla, Alyxia buxifolia,Acacin hemitelu. Stratum3: Cratystylissubspinescens, Enchyleana tonrcntosa, Cassia nenophila, Atri plexauicaia, Oleariamuellei, Eremophila oldt'ieldii spp angustit'olia, E. weldii,Zy goplryllum fruticulosum. Stratum4: Maireanageorgei, M. tommtosa,Sclerolnma drummondii, Ptilotus ucaltatus. KNR #4 Griffiths Grey Gum tree malleeon dayey s and at121"21'75"8,30.49,30'5. Muir Classification:KTi/SrlSBr/Hi Stratum 1,:Eucalyptus griffithsii, E.oleosa. Stratum2: Santalumacuminatum, Dodonaea stenozVga. Stratum3: Greailleasarissa, Westringia cephnlantha, Acacia igulata, Scaeoola spinescens,Olearia mu ell eri. Stratum4: Triodiasp. KNR#5 Griffiths GreyGum woodlandon sandylo am at1,27"22'00,8,30.49,00"5. Muir Classification:LAi,/Sr,/SBi,zHr Stratum l: Euulyptusgrffithsii, E.Iesouefii. Stratum2: Santalumspicatum, S. acuminatum, Acacia tetragonophylla. Stratum 3: Aucia hemitelu,Dodonnea stmozyga, Olenria muelleri, Scanola spinescens, Cassianemophila, Acacia erinacea, Enchylaeana tomentosa, Zygophyllumglaucum, Halgania andromedifolia. KNR #6 Mixed Eucalyptwoodland on sandy loam at 12t"21,45"8,90"49'20"5. Muir Classification:LAilSi/SBi/SDr Stratum 1: Eucalyptustranscontinentalis, E. Iesouefii, E. oleosa. Stratum2: Eremophilascopaia. Stratum3: Maireanasedifolia, Acacin hemiteles , Cassia nemophila , Olearia nuelleri , Atiplex oesicaria,Sunola spinescens. Stratum4: Maireanaspp, Ptilotus obouatus. TABLE1: VERTEBRATEFAUNA OF KURRAWANG NATURE FESERVE BfROS Site No. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 Emu X Square-tailedKite Kestrel CrestedPigeon x PortLincoln Parrot X MulgaParrot X Galah Owl€tNighljar FlainbowBee-eater TawnyFrogmouth
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