THE MORNING OltEGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920 13 HERMAN ID BLUE NEER IN SEMI-FINA- L MATCHED FOR BOUT ROUND TOURNEY TPTI 1A J7i2 ii mice iviiiiinrcLM - p f ' " i" " fm Well Known Fighters to Go 6 Portland Player Defeats Uni-- . 9 ; Rounds at 121 Pounds. - -- versity Champion. J t S Tel THORPE TO '; , .. I BATES ELIMINATES KINSEY SHOW SEPT. 29 S When you put on one of my new suits or overcoats the mirror reflects the beautiful lines of the garment, Jfew Boxer to Make Debut at Mil- California State Tennis Play Brings and shows to what superiority and excellence - waukee; Evans AVails Word dot Lively Set of Matches American ready-to-we- ar clothing- has grown. from Tbam Langford. lor Title Honor. The beauty of the styles, the modeling, the wonderful colors of the. y v ? i fit j BY DICK SHARP. BERKELEY, Cal, Sept. 9. (Spe- fabrics all will delight you and attest to the perfection of my cial.) Wallace Bates, Missouri cham- "Babe" Herman, Sacramento ban- pion and ranking racqueter at the tamweight, will meet Baby Blue of University of California, furnished San Francisco in a six-rou- set-t- o the galleries the surprise of the state next Wednesday at the Milwaukie Kinsey, rJr - 4 meet today, defeating Robert arena, which leaves only one match w i Z U California wizard, who ranked 11th yet to be consummated to complete f II nationally last year, in straight sets, Men's Young Men's New Fall p and line-u- 7-- the of the initial show. Her- 10-- 8, 5. man was originally slated to tangle Bates played the game of his life, with Billy Mascott in the main event, continually aceing Kinsey on tape but discovered that it would take too shots driven with the power of can- much drying out to make 118 pounds non balls. by Wednesday for Billy. Kinsey varied his strokes in an SUITS and OVERCOATS As It is. Herman will enter the effort to throw the young whirl- ring: scaling about 121 pounds, while wind off form. Bates wouldn't be I Blue will tip the beam at about the i it . - denied, and scored perfectly from same weight. The latter has had h svyj& both sides, making remarkable ace fights" vicinity vv three or four in this v ' V. sd4 t smashes at the net. Paired with and showed himself to be an aggres- Ml William Parker, Hawaiian cham 'T to sive, willing mixer. He put the skids pion, Bates defeated Tonio Martin under young Mike de Pinto and made and James Rothschild, University of creditable showings against- Billy 1 J-- California doubles champions, in two Mascott and Danny Edwards. He is I ft:'-- ;1 1 hard sets. 1 not as classy a boxer as either of Neer Defeats Rothcnfld. My Stairway Gives You the Best foK Less the two latter men he fought, but is Merwyn up I - - S k "Griffin, former state always ready to stand and fight. I tJ w?X A ' i champion, reached the semi-fin- al Alex Trambitas. Portland's candi- Ray championship round by disposing of Johnson. date for welterweight ttmumjl Howard Kinsey, northwest and honors, will make his debut against Intnr" mm mmmm m mi mmimwiriniwiwl"iri mmorinn ruTiwj Washington state champion, won a nn one of the best men that the east place in the semi-fina- ls by an easy boasts around 142 pounds in the main Interrstintr momrnt from Hnrry Carey's latest releue, MBlne Streak Mc- win over George McSaren of Berke MM event of ten rounds, when he meets Coy," whlcb will open tomorrow at tbe Star theater for a nreek'a run. ley. Minneapolis. Johnny Tillman of The Barry-mor- e Phil Neer of Portland won from 'winner of the melee will face Harvey Kate," the play in which Ethel James Rothschild, University of Cali WM Thorpe City Mi- recently made a big hit. Miss of Kansas at the TODAY'S KIIM FEATURES. Joyce will also be starred in "Her fornia, and will meet Merwyn Griffin lwaukie arena September 29. It will Master," recent for the final of the upper bracket. Hats and Caps PORTLAND'S ORIGINAL UPSTAIRS CLOTHIER not be the baptism of fire for young Liberty Gladys Brockwell, Lord and another Irvine Weinstein, paired with Byron Alex, as Johnny McCarthy, Jimmy "The Rose of Nome." stage success. "the Duffy, Columbia :Fannie Hurst's "Hu-- Batkin, entered round four of Joe Miller. Sal Carlo and moresque." Merriam, a bathing beauty doubles. Irving played remarkable Tilly" Herman are about as tough Charlotte line in the as average welterweight. Rlvoli H. B. Warner, "One graduate. Is being starred in a "comic drives, which decided the victory. the Hour Before Dawn." classic." Chester Conklln, for many Howard and Robert Kinsey, thrice Upstairs, Broadway at Alder Trambitas also gained a good deal ye.ars Mack Sennett, is also state title holders, easily defeated use Majestic Dorothy Dalton, with 1 I of confidence in his ability to his two-reele- r, Casey 1 Cat-t- y when met lightweight "Guilty of Love." working near her In a Rax and Phil Neer ntheir sec New Fall Styles Corner from the Pantages mitts he Peoples Alma Rubens, "The "His Wife's Relations." ond doubles match. They had won champion Benny Leonard in an ex- w from Merwyn Levy hibition match in Los Angeles last World and His Wife." Griffin and Ed Star Olive Thomas, "The Flap- Cesare Cravina, said to be a noted in an earlier match. ft spring. Benny's punches did not per." Italian actor, has an important role bother him. Brttrna B Finals. Circle DouglasTairbanks, "The in Erich Von Stroheim's forthcoming Phil Bettens, phenom. Young Dempsey, boy with a burn- Knickerbocker Buckaroo." contribution to the silent drama, a Wives." Cravlnn, Is as- plays Herbert Suhr for the junior ten-rou- Chi- ing desire to be a real battler, will Globe Katherine MacDonald, "Foolish it title. Bettens won his way to the Superbas boosted their percentage for a match at East last night started from Dover in an Wednesday "The Thunderbolt." serted, was decorated by the kings CHANGED four points, giving them the advan- cago, Ind., September IS, according to attempt to swim the English channel receive his first test next of Italy and Spain because of his finals without the loss of a set. TENNIS DOUBLES coast, was miles night in the curtain-raise- r at Milwau- Mrs. Cushlng and Miss Tarllton. tage of two points aver Cincinnati. announcement tonight by the to the French six off kie. his opponent yet to be selected. worth as an actor on the legitimate The world champion, although- they Cape Grisnez, southwest of Calais, stage. former state champion, won the right Braves, two France, 7 o'clock this morning. The youth's name Is George Mc-Cu- ne split even with the lost at real APPEALING story of thrilling to meet Misses Anna and Lucy points and are now half a game be- Sullivan abandoned his attempt, something or other, and some of the self-sacrifi- The devil Is having innings in the final round on Saturday. TILDEX-AVILLIAM- S OW HOLD frequenters of Olympic gymna- action, and love. his hind Brooklyn. New York lost five CHAX.VEL SWIM AGAIN" EAILS however, at 1:15 o'clock this after- the A1 by H. Loan, these days in picture productions Results of today's matches follow: by noon. He was sium wanted to tack the name of written II. Van recently we had "The Devil's Tool Meji's singles Wallace Bates dcfea.td NATIONAL HOXORS. points as a result of its defeat then within two miles - Stamboul," 10-- Chicago, which places Giants two of the French Coast. Mickey Russell on him. However, author of "The Virgin of and "The Devil's PassRey" and now Robert Ktasey, 5. the American Abandons Attempt AVI ion Matchmaker Dean's greatest success, will Merwyn GrlLItn defeated Ray Johnson. and one-ha- lf games behind the lead- Frank Kendall thinks Priscilla we are have "The Devil" 6-- 6-- to with 3. two games rear of Cin- that the boy is going to be a regular open tomorrow at the Star theater George Arliss, and "The Devil to Pay." Wins Two Out Three Con ers and in the Two Miles From France. Goldn. men- Howard Kinsey dfea.ted George He-- East of cinnati. The a bssehall team of Round knockerout, so when the writer when Harry Carey is presented o-- 0, o-- up in his Laren, leaders do not RAMSGATE, England. Sept. 9. Mountain. Nevada, is made of Ameri- tioned him as young Dempsey several latest feature. "Blue Streak McCoy." "Penny." an adaptation of the book Pbll Neeir defeated James Rothohild, tests Against West In Which Victories for the can Indians. They are said to play clever 6-- 6-- add as many points as defeats sub- Mass., days ago when he forgot the young Job McCoy drifts into the border "Penny of Top Trail Hill," by Mary 1. Henry Sullivan of Lowell. who Inmde ball. name, Kendall right country ranger Men's doubles Wallace Champions Ixse. tract, and while Cleveland and Chi- mixer's it hit of the southwest. The Manlates, author of "Amarilly of Bates and cago points to on the funnybone, so Young Dempsey service appeals to his adventuresome Clothes-Lln- e rs William Parker defeated Lewis Martin and each added three their Alley," the title of 10-- 8--3. Yan- It will be in the first bout. He weighs spirit, so he joins and becomes active Bessie Love's next picture production.
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