![TAHUN 2018 [Kos Perkhidmat an (RM)] PEMBEDAHAN AM 1 Pharyngo](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
JADUAL 6 FI PEMBEDAHAN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN 2018 [Kos Bil. Prosedur (BM) 2016 2015 (RM) 2017 (RM) Perkhidmat (RM) an (RM)] PEMBEDAHAN AM 1 Pharyngo-laryngo-oesophagectomy with reconstruction 5,407 7,012 8,617 11,024 2 Tracheo-oesophageal fistula 4,673 5,789 6,904 8,578 3 Total pancreatectomy 4,451 5,419 6,386 7,837 4 Pancreato duodenectomy (eg.Whipple’s operation) 4,451 5,419 6,386 7,837 5 Adrenalectomy 3,924 4,540 5,156 6,080 6 Adrenalectomy – bilateral 4,052 4,753 5,454 6,505 7 Total Parotidectomy –preserving of facial nerve 2,729 3,548 4,367 5,595 8 Partial Parotidectomy –preserving of facial nerve 2,517 3,195 3,873 4,890 9 Total thyroidectomy 2,252 2,753 3,254 4,005 10 Partial thyroidectomy 2,211 2,685 3,159 3,870 11 Hemithyroidectomy 2,211 2,685 3,159 3,870 12 Subtotal thyroidectomy bilateral 2,234 2,723 3,212 3,945 13 Thyroglossal Cyst 1,694 1,824 1,953 2,147 14 Block Dissection of cervical glands 3,170 4,284 5,397 7,068 15 Parathyroidectomy 2,410 3,017 3,623 4,533 16 Mastectomy with/without axillary clearance 1,935 2,226 2,516 2,951 17 Wide excision for carcinoma breast 1,760 1,934 2,107 2,367 18 Total oesophagectomy and interposition of intestine 4,532 6,554 8,575 11,607 19 Repair of diaphragmatic hernia-transabdominal 2,322 2,870 3,418 4,240 20 Total gastrectomy 2,635 3,392 4,149 5,284 21 Partial gastrectomy (benign disease) 2,274 2,790 3,305 4,079 22 Partial gastrectomy (malignant disease) 2,451 3,085 3,718 4,669 Page 1 JADUAL 6 FI PEMBEDAHAN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN 2018 [Kos Bil. Prosedur (BM) 2016 2015 (RM) 2017 (RM) Perkhidmat (RM) an (RM)] 23 Gastro-jejunostomy 2,128 2,546 2,964 3,592 24 Vagotomy with drainage 2,099 2,499 2,898 3,497 25 Drainage of liver/subphrenic and pelvic abscesses 1,760 1,934 2,107 2,367 26 Cholecystectomy (laparoscopic) 2,361 2,935 3,509 4,369 27 Splenectomy (subtotal) 2,920 3,866 4,813 6,232 28 Intestinal Obstruction - resection/anastomosis of 2,424 3,040 3,656 4,580 small/large intestines 29 Resection of small bowel 2,096 2,494 2,891 3,487 30 Ileo-transverse anastomosis 3,097 4,161 5,226 6,822 31 Hemicolectomy right/left 2,243 2,738 3,233 3,976 32 Anterior resection of rectum 3,171 4,284 5,398 7,068 33 Abdomino-perineal resection 3,314 4,523 5,732 7,546 34 Rectopexy/rectosigmoidectomy for rectal prolapsed 2,054 2,423 2,792 3,346 35 Orchidectomy 1,738 1,897 2,056 2,294 36 Excision of retro peritoneal tumours 2,302 2,836 3,371 4,172 37 Femoro distal bypass (vein graft) 3,681 5,134 6,588 8,769 38 Femoro distal bypass (prosthetic graft) 4,765 6,942 9,119 12,385 39 Femoro popliteal bypass (vein graft) 3,684 5,141 6,597 8,781 40 Femoro popliteal bypass (prosthetic graft) 4,404 6,340 8,275 11,179 41 Femoro – femoral crossover graft 3,746 5,243 6,740 8,985 42 Axillo femoral bypass 4,187 5,978 7,769 10,456 43 Axillo - bifemoral bypass 4,421 6,368 8,315 11,235 44 Femoral Endarterectomy 3,092 4,153 5,215 6,807 45 Carotid Endarterectomy (patch) 4,137 5,894 7,652 10,288 Page 2 JADUAL 6 FI PEMBEDAHAN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN 2018 [Kos Bil. Prosedur (BM) 2016 2015 (RM) 2017 (RM) Perkhidmat (RM) an (RM)] 46 Removal of sub-mandibular gland 1,214 1,490 1,767 2,181 47 Gastrostomy 1,339 1,698 2,057 2,596 48 Herniorrhaphy – Umbilical 1,110 1,316 1,523 1,833 49 Herniorrhaphy – Inguinal 1,138 1,364 1,590 1,928 50 Herniorrhaphy – Femoral 1,090 1,284 1,478 1,768 51 Herniorrhaphy – Incisional 1,267 1,579 1,891 2,358 52 Fistulectomy 864 906 948 1,012 53 Excision of breast tumours/cyst 788 1,114 1,439 1,927 54 Oesophageal dilatation (under general anaesthesia) 551 718 885 1,136 55 Excision operation for varicocele 722 1,004 1,286 1,708 56 Haemorrhoidectomy 739 1,032 1,325 1,764 57 Adrenalectomy - left - open 3,924 4,540 5,156 6,080 58 Adrenalectomy - left - laparoscopic 3,838 4,397 4,956 5,794 59 Adrenalectomy - Right - open 3,924 4,540 5,156 6,080 60 Adrenalectomy - Right - laparoscopic 3,838 4,397 4,956 5,794 61 Adrenalectomy - bilateral - open 4,052 4,753 5,454 6,505 62 Adrenalectomy - bilateral - laparoscopic 3,966 4,609 5,253 6,219 63 Block dissection of axillary lymph nodes 1,912 2,186 2,460 2,872 64 Block dissection cervical nodes - Right 2,736 3,560 4,384 5,620 65 Block dissection cervical nodes - left 2,736 3,560 4,384 5,620 66 Extended radical neck dissection cervical nodes-Right 2,736 3,560 4,384 5,620 67 Extended radical neck dissection cervical nodes-left 2,736 3,560 4,384 5,620 68 Splenectomy 1,915 2,192 2,469 2,885 69 Hemithyroidectomy - left 2,111 2,518 2,926 3,537 Page 3 JADUAL 6 FI PEMBEDAHAN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN 2018 [Kos Bil. Prosedur (BM) 2016 2015 (RM) 2017 (RM) Perkhidmat (RM) an (RM)] 70 Hemithyroidectomy - right 2,111 2,518 2,926 3,537 71 Mastectomy simple - left 1,898 2,163 2,429 2,826 72 Mastectomy simple - right 1,898 2,163 2,429 2,826 73 Mastectomy & axillary sampling - left 1,935 2,226 2,516 2,951 74 Mastectomy & axillary sampling - right 1,935 2,226 2,516 2,951 75 Mastectomy & axillary sampling - bilateral 1,935 2,226 2,516 2,951 76 Mastectomy + Axillary Clearance - left 1,935 2,226 2,516 2,951 77 Mastectomy + Axillary Clearance - right 1,935 2,226 2,516 2,951 78 Subtotal Thyroidectomy 2,223 2,705 3,186 3,909 79 Total Thyroidectomy 2,223 2,705 3,186 3,909 80 Ultra Low Anterior Resection 3,886 5,476 7,067 9,453 81 Wide Local Excision & Axillary Clearance 1,232 1,521 1,809 2,242 82 Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGDS) 507 645 783 989 Pembedahan Torasik 83 Bronchoscopy - flexible bronchoscopy - rigid 1,082 1,803 2,524 3,606 bronchoscopy 84 Rigid oesophagoscopy 1,000 1,667 2,333 3,333 85 Throscopy for pleural and lung biopsy 1,066 1,777 2,487 3,553 86 Mediastinoscopy 2,123 3,538 4,953 7,075 87 Anterior mediastinotomy 1,839 3,065 4,291 6,130 88 Vats for spontaneous pneumathorax 2,136 3,560 4,984 7,120 89 Vats and lobectomy 3,111 5,185 7,259 10,370 90 Vats and wedge biopsy 2,061 3,435 4,809 6,870 91 Vats and thymectomy 2,211 3,685 5,159 7,370 92 Vats and biopsy of lymph node 2,136 3,560 4,984 7,120 93 Thoracotomy excission of bublae and pleurodesis - 5,441 9,069 12,696 18,137 pleuropectomy Page 4 JADUAL 6 FI PEMBEDAHAN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN 2018 [Kos Bil. Prosedur (BM) 2016 2015 (RM) 2017 (RM) Perkhidmat (RM) an (RM)] 94 Thoracotomy and lung resection ( 5,441 9,068 12,695 18,136 lobectomy,pneumonectomy ) 95 Decortication for empyema thorax 2,581 4,301 6,021 8,602 96 Rib resection for empyema 1,948 3,246 4,544 6,492 97 Thoracostomy for permanent chest drainge 2,528 4,213 5,899 8,427 98 Thoracoplasty 2,525 4,208 5,891 8,415 99 Transhiatal oesophgectomy with gastric pull up 4,527 7,546 10,564 15,091 100 Oesophygectomy with colon interposition 5,167 8,611 12,056 17,223 101 Oesophygectomy with jejunum replacement, roux-en-y 5,117 8,528 11,939 17,056 102 Oesophygectomy with gastric replacement ivor lewis 5,167 8,611 12,056 17,223 103 Thoracic repair of hiatus hernia 2,206 3,677 5,148 7,354 104 Mediastinotomy of ant mediastinal mass 3,774 6,291 8,807 12,581 105 Thymectomy 2,367 3,945 5,523 7,890 106 Excision of teratoma 3,140 5,233 7,326 10,466 107 Corrective surgery for pectus excavatum of pectus 2,472 4,119 5,767 8,239 carinatum 108 Excision of chest wall lessions with reconsruction 2,244 3,741 5,237 7,481 109 Plication of diaphragm 2,258 3,763 5,268 7,526 Hepatobiliari 110 Open cholecystectomy 2,228 3,713 5,198 7,425 111 Open chole with cbd exploration 2,410 4,016 5,623 8,033 112 Choledhocectomy and hepaticojejunostomy 5,603 9,338 13,073 18,675 113 Radical cholecystectomy with segment 4b/5 liver 8,613 14,355 20,097 28,710 resection Page 5 JADUAL 6 FI PEMBEDAHAN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN 2018 [Kos Bil. Prosedur (BM) 2016 2015 (RM) 2017 (RM) Perkhidmat (RM) an (RM)] 114 Radical cholecystectomy with segment 4b/5 liver resection with excision of bile duct and roux en y 11,550 19,250 26,950 38,500 hepaticojejunostomy 115 Radical choledhocectomy and hepaticojejunostomy 16,592 27,653 38,714 55,305 116 Surgery for klatskins tumour - radical choledhochectomy with left or right hemihepatectomy, caudate lobectomy, 16,500 27,500 38,500 55,000 roux en y, cholangiojejunostomy 117 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) 2,079 3,465 4,851 6,930 118 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 2,930 4,883 6,836 9,765 119 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and intraop 3,193 5,321 7,450 10,643 cholangiogram 120 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic cbd 3,416 5,693 7,970 11,385 exploration 121 Transhepatic cholangioscopy and lithotripsy 3,416 5,693 7,970 11,385 122 Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy with reconstructions 11,250 18,750 26,250 37,500 123 Distal pancreatectomy 3,416 5,693 7,970 11,385 124 Distal pancreatectomy + splenectomy 4,246 7,076 9,907 14,153 125 Central pancreatectomy and reconstruction 7,047 11,745 16,443 23,490 126 Frey's procedure 7,047 11,745 16,443 23,490 127 Modified puestow 5,562 9,270 12,978 18,540 128 Total pancreatectomy 11,250 18,750 26,250 37,500 129 Pancreatic necrosectomy - open 3,416 5,693 7,970 11,385 Page 6 JADUAL 6 FI PEMBEDAHAN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN TAHUN 2018 [Kos Bil.
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