Florida Striders Track Club TRIDERIGH Club #229 Volume 24, Number 5 S www.floridastriders.com T May 2005 inside Run to the Sun 8K Prez Sez 2 Board of Directors’ Minutes 2 & One Mile Fun Run Board/Key Members/Sponsors 3 A Study in Excellence 4 Who is this Man with 500 Wins? 4 Memorial Day 5K Post-Race Party 5 Striders Can Swim 5 New Strider Logo Shirts 5 Memorial Day 5K Flyer 6 Run to the Sun Results 7 New & Renewing Members 11 Striders at the Races 12 May Race Calendar 13 Hershey Track & Field Districts 13 Mile Marker Musings 14 Group Training Runs 15 Note about Membership Application16 ####### By Bob Boyd • Photograqphy by Vanessa Boyd It was a clear and cool morning on Saturday, April 16th 2005, nearly perfect is recruiting for racing, when the RRCA 8K State volunteers. Championship, our very own Run to the Sun, began promptly at 8:00 a.m. There Please contact was a North wind to contend with on por- tions of the return leg along River Road Lillian Lawless at but it was a spectacularly beautiful morn- ing by any standard. The Florida Striders (904) 292-1399 or are well known for truly excellent volun- [email protected] teer support that results in a great race experience for all of our participants, to volunteer. including the free One Mile Fun Runners. Races are a good opportunity to see the Please see pages 5-6 for more best in people, both in there athletic effort valuable information on the May as they pit mind and muscle against the social and entry to the race. clock as well as the real altruism of the many volunteers that give their time, tal- ####### Continued on page 7 Board of Directors’ Minutes, 04/12/05 Prez Sez Bob Boyd called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Directors By Bob Boyd absent: K. Glenn, L. Lawless, G. Hallett, R. Sooey, J. DeAntonis. My compliments Minutes/Action items and appreciation for Frank substituted as secretary in Karin’s absence. Last month’s all of the great minutes were approved as written. team work in putting together an excellent Run to the Treasurer’s report Sun 8K and One Mile Fun Run on April Report filed as written. Notation was made of newsletter expens- 16th. No doubt snuggling under the covers es YTD running ahead of budget. The Treasurer’s Report now was a considered option for many on that includes an information field detailing recent past discretionary cool Saturday morning but everyone was up spending (i.e. – charitable contributions) to facilitate future discussion and out to enjoy a gorgeous day and a great on this topic. race. Your collective efforts also help make a real difference in supporting our future ath- Treasurer’s report date revision letes through the $1500 channeled to A motion was made to revise the report close date from the board Run/Walk programs at five of our area meeting date to the last day of the previous month. The motion Elementary Schools. There are more details passed unanimously. elsewhere in this newsletter but I did want to RRCA Convention thank you all for sharing your time, energy, John Powers distributed and discussed proposed guidelines for talent, and money to make a positive differ- budgeting and selecting individual(s) to attend the RRCA annual con- ence and have a good time in the process. vention. In the past there were no guidelines. The guidelines include Our next race is the Memorial Day 5K reimbursement of up to $1000 for an individual and up to $500 addi- & One Mile Fun Run on Monday, tional if a spouse attends and actively participates in the convention. September 30th. Frank Sutman and Lillian A motion was made to accept the guidelines and passed unanimous- Lawless have a well deserved reputation for ly. Bob and Vanessa will represent the club at the 2005 convention, putting on great events and I am sure this which is May 12-15 in New Orleans. year’s race will be no exception. Speaking of great events, the post race social at their Membership demographics home (details on Page 1) is a great time so Tanys distributed and discussed demographic data. Our member- do come out and join us. ship makeup has changed little since 2001. We are still sadly lacking The Hershey Track & Field Games are in younger members. A large percentage of our membership dates designed to let young athletes, ages 9 coincide with race months (4 Strider races and the River Run tent). It through 14, compete in six different events – was suggested that we could do more to recruit members at other all at no charge. Those children that qualify local races. We have a problem with lack of renewals. The observed for the National Meet are flown up to 20% per year turnover is similar to what we have experienced in the Hershey PA for the National Meet. The past. We will target a membership advantages flyer to be stuffed into local/district meet will be held at the Orange the Memorial Day race packets. Park High School Track on Saturday morn- ing, May 28th. The Florida Striders and the By-laws Revision YMCA are teaming up to provide volunteers Two proposals for by-laws revisions were previously distributed to make this meet possible for the via e-mail to board members. They were 1) clearer wording for mem- Jacksonville metropolitan area children. bership categories, and 2) revision of the board term and Please contact Warner Millson at 264-4089 annual/meeting picnic date from March to April or May. The wording if you would like to help. on (2) was revised to indicate the annual meeting date would be If you are ever looking for great people decided in February rather than March. A motion was made to pass doing good things and who love to enjoy the two revisions and passed unanimously. themselves in the process you don’t have to look any further than the Florida Planning Organization Striders. Life is good and even better with The First Coast Metropolitan Planning Organization is working on good friends. • a 20-year plan for local trails and greenways. There are meetings for Continued on page 4 Page 2 • May 2005 • StrideRight 2005-2006 Board of Directors & Key Members SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS... THEY SUPPORT OUR SPORT (Board Members marked with an *) President/ Autumn Fitness 5K Director *Bob Boyd (H) 272-1770 . .(W) 272-1770 email: [email protected] Orange Vice President: *John Powers (H) 264-8026 . .(W) 354-1221x111 269-9400 Park email: [email protected] Secretary: *Karin Glenn Run to the Sun Kennel Club (H) 886-4095 . .(W) 399-5888x1418 email: [email protected] Treasurer/Memorial Day 5K Director: *Frank Sutman . (H) 292-1399 email: [email protected] E-News Coordinator/ Memorial Day 5K Director: *Lillian Lawless . .(H) 292-1399 Run to email: [email protected] Membership Director: the Sun Run to the Sun 8K *Tanys Carere . .(H) 880-4414 email: [email protected] Equipment Director & Webmaster: JD Smith . .(H) 264-1673 email: [email protected] Photographer: *Vanessa Boyd . .(H) 272-1770 email: [email protected] Mile Marker Musings Columnist: *Robert Glenn . .(H) 886-4095 email: [email protected] Run to the Sun 8K & Social & Quarterly Meeting Coordinator: Autumn Fitness 5K Memorial Day 5K Run to the Sun *Kent Smith . .(H) 284-6634 email: [email protected] Children's Run Coordinator: *Warner Millson . .(H) 264-4089 Smoak, Davis email: [email protected] IFS-A097803 Merchandise Coordinator: *George Hoskins . .(H) 264-4372 Dennis M. Axman & Nixon LLP email: [email protected] Directors at Large: CLU, ChFC, AEP, CFP *Gary Hallett . .(H) 292-2793 (904) 396-5831 email: [email protected] Memorial Day 5K 904-313-2195 Memorial Day 5K *Julie Runnfeldt . .(H) 264-8649 Memorial Day 5K Autumn Fitness 5K email: [email protected] *Patti Stewart-Garbrecht(H) 541-1303 orange park Florida Heart Pediatric email: [email protected] POWER HOUSE *Dave Bokroas . .(H) 545-4538 POWERINC. HOUSE Center Dentistry & email: [email protected] INJURY ATTORNEYS 611 Blanding Blvd Orthodontics *John DeAntonis . .(H) 264-3541 We Care For email: [email protected] 1 Mile South of John Fagan, P.A. Kingsley 278-6000 Your Heart Donnie A. Myers *Steve Edgell . .(H) 284-2868 272-2272 (904) 269-1664 Gary R. Myers email: [email protected] Hassein Ramezani, MD *Mike Ford . .(H) 406-2989 Memorial Day 5K Autumn Fitness 5K (904) 272-6606 email: [email protected] *Terry Sikes . .(H) 384-7194 email: [email protected] *Regina Sooey email: [email protected] Newsletter Circulation Manager: Jenny Allen . .(H) 269-1226 1560-4 Business Ctr Dr email: [email protected] Fleming Island - Hog Jog Director Orange Park Steve Bruce . .(H) 731-8205 Autumn Fitness 5K email: [email protected] 215-6885 River Run Hospitality Tent Coordinator: Stan Scarlett . .(H) 994-2687 email: [email protected] RRCA State Representative: Ken Bendy (H) 278-2926 email: [email protected] Run to the Sun Director: Matt Ross . .(H) 268-8392 Robert email: [email protected] Village Bread Strider “Person” Coordinator for Races: Market Shields, Sr. Al Saffer . .(H/W) 665-6996 email: [email protected] Scholarship Coordinator The Florida Striders Track Club is incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws Tom Sullivan . .(H) 882-1592 email: [email protected] of Florida and is granted federal tax exempt 501(c)3 status under the blanket exemption of Newsletter Editor: . .Trish Kabus the RRCA ID#74-2194707. Strideright is published monthly at P.O. Box 413, Orange Park, (Cell) 343-5181 (H) 904-829-2110 email:[email protected] FL.
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