club 24 years. , Pro Charley McKenna, 1948 FGA Senior champion, "has been at Oak Hill inure than 20 years. , . Grounds supt. Elmer Michael has been at Oak Hill MAKING 20 years. What a beating the home club pro tU jm usually lakes when his club is host to a major tournament. He's knocked out m of revenue at the busiest time of his sea- SWING son. The boys take it laughingly. A salesman asked Charley McKenna how i business was during the National Ama- teur, . Charley grinned and said, "Get- ting rid of a lot of tees." . Tees in B^^^r Charley's shop are on Lhe house. USGA HERB GRAFFIS • | sends pros a "good will offering" of cash after major tournaments at their clubs. - . PGA also makes arrangements in THE GOLF NEWS IN BRIEF some cases for home club pros getting slight balm for tournament loss of busi- ness. GOLFDOM hammered away until GnniM'S on the gate at Mir National home club pros got some recognition in Amateur were that it would be Ihe larg- cash for loss of business during tourna- est (or muny years, . Rain Monday and ments. We think that situation needs Thursday washed into gallery receipts hnl some adjustment In view of big tourna- Sunday practice round gallery was big as ment purses and gates in recent years. some recent National Amateur finales. , That's a subject to be taken up at the i Sunday spectators were ireated to driving PGA annual meeting. Give you 2 to 1 exhibition by the spherical, sunny South' on some big amount — such as a quarter ern Gentleman, "Dynamite" Gooriloe. it — It isn't, . Then the boys will go back (innillor coniti improve tils game a few home to bellyache that the PGA over- strokes he'd he easily the strongest draw emphasizes the tournament players tn amateur golf since Jones, . What a against the home club pros. personality! . And what a tine young sportsman'. Despite adverse weather that provided plenty of ahilis, Supt. Elmer J. Michael There's never been a ctub conduct a had Oak Hill's East 18 in magnificent national tournament any better or more condition. , . From a creek that's fed by hospitably than Oak Hill did. Pres. the Erie canal Elmer got ennugh water Otto A. Shults, and vice chairmen of the to overcome (he drought ami used it so he Amateur championship committee Wil- didn't get trouble that comcs from over- liam C. Chapln and James W. Weldon watering. Michael keeps the two I8s, and their team mutes were perfect hosts. clubhouse grounds and big turf and tree . With the club acting as though each nurseries with a staff of 18 men. , He's spectator was its guest the gallery natur- also in charge of CC of Rochester course. ally was thoroughly and pleasantly co- . His father, w ho died two years ago, operative with the marshals, . , Great was gkpr. of the I'ark course of the CC surprise to people who go around to of liuffalo, . That course was built on tournaments were prices and quality of land Elmer's grandparents owned. , It food and beverages on the course. Best Mas the first course in Western N.Y. , . , hot dogs and hamburgers you ever ate Grand team of Dr. John R. Williams, were a dime per. , Other prices in line. green chmn. and Michael accounted for , . At most tournaments the club or con- extraordinarily fine condition in a year cessionaire charges are questionably stiff. full of turf grief. Looks too much like clipping the customers. Bent on Oak Hill was propagated by the Michaels. , Pop got some of the Clubhouse prices, chow, drinks and bent from the grass exhibit at the Pan service, also notably satisfactory to all American exposition In Buffalo in 1901. visitors. > . Mrs. Ruth Barry. Oak Hill's That strain and some Coos are on the mgr. for 23 years, is a star, . , Saturday Oak Hill greens. before Ihe Amateur she handled a wed- ding party of KK)0 in the clubhouse. British sports writers covering the a ma- Oak Hill brags, rightfully, of Its veteran te tir were guests of Golf Writers Assn. staff. Oldest in service is locker-room at dinner. The Rochester (City) cinh, man Em I llo Scam.aroli who's been with evening of Aug. 81. , The affair'was ar- club 30 years. Chefs I'aul Liehhardt ranged by Bob Harlow or Golf World. , . and Herman Davlter have been with ctnh Boh, when he was mgr. of Hagen and 28 years. , . Art DcMattla of locker-room even in the lean days establishing the and bow ling alley staff has been with PGA tournament circuit as big business. established an epicurean twonl superior to golfing achievement* of Hagen, Junes, Old Tom Morris and all eome-latelys. Boh still is the undefeated quality knife- and-fork champ. The dinner wax a merry, informal affair with no speeches, trouble-tree other than those made by all present. (ervite Rebuilding of the Lido GC (NY Met sen, on dist. t planned by Seiden Management, • tier owner of Lido Beach club on Long Is- season land. Navy bought the course and tore It up as naval base. Course was bought There* never a doubt about your water in deal that received attention during supply with a Myers Water System on the 5%er investigation in Washington. Job. It takes care of all your needs Tor San Gabriel (Calif.) 158 acres to be used keeping a course In top playing condition for public course, high school and sta- . meets all your water requirements (or dium. Virginia Key proposed as site clubhouse and other buildings . year of Negro muny course to be built by after year, at Least possible cost. See your Miami, Fla. Myers dealer and examine the famous Myers line of Eircit> and Plunger Type Santa Clara (Calif.) City Board con- Water Systems. Capacities up to 4500 gal- sidering plans for public course told by lons per hour; pressures up to £30 pounds. Trusteie Joseph P. Kelly. , Net annual Write for catalog. Income of Alameda muny course was TW F. I. MVIftl i BB0 CO. $14,000; of San Francisco many course, Dept. N-I2I, Ash lend, Ohio ¥47,000; San Mateo, $10,000 and Pacific Grove, $!>()()0. John Me Master new pro-gkpr., Sal id a (Colo.) G&CC. • Mrs. Mc Master to operate clubhouse. , Norman Head, former Kentucky amateur turns pro al new Corydon (Ind-> CC, . Club is only three months old and has 125 members active. Only 10 of them had played prior to formation of club. DOLGE Tested PRODUCTS More than fifty years' experience, latest laboratory equipment and continual research is behind Dolge Tested Products. Whatever your maintenance problem, Dolge de- pendable products will serve you efficiently and economically. • ALTA-CO POWDER • DOLCOWAX For Athlete's Poet Control. Self-polishing floor wax; tops for wear and scuff resistance. • BAN A General cleaner tbat dissolves, removes stub- • DOLCOROCK Resistant to water. born dirt. Good for dishwashing machines. A high gloss Door finish. • HALM A LIQUID SOAP • KAD0L Neutral cleaner; concentrated, yet It pours. A straight coconut oil soap, clear and brilliant, mild and mellow, delightfully perfumed; doe* • NOMQLE not sour on prolonged storage. No traps, no messy disposal Job, Eradlcatea • COLOROCK mole* in 43 bouts. Opaque color finish for cement. • PERMAX Contains DDT plus quick knockdown toxicant; • DEODOROM A acts on flies, mosquitoes, many otber pests. Gives off a fragrant heavier than air vapor Space directional and residual ipray. that forces tank gasscs below nose level. • PHESTO m DOLGE WEED-KILLERS Quick-drying floor seal; durable, SS Weed.Killer acts on all vegetation. Is a soil •terltant; E.W.T. kill* broad-leaved weed! In Thli I* only a partial ll*t of doteo* of Dolge turf area*. product*. Writ* today for the Dolge catalogue. It contain* the *o!ution to dozens of health and maintenance problems. The C. B. DOLGE CO. CONN"C?^T|DQLGE A lien town, Pa„ campaign for muny iAHI -S*tce/883 course getting hotter. Santa Ft (N. Mex.) Golf Assn, incorporated by E. R, 'AVE FENCE Wood and others. Bob Craigs, Audu- AMERICA'S FIRST WIRE FENCE < bon CCT Louisville, Ky., pro, early in the Summer said Gay (Junior) Brewer had finest swing he'd ever seen in a kid. , . Brewer later won USGA National Junior title. Kentucky has been giving kid golf lots of encouragement, hoping to take over Texas fame as nursery of golf talent. Col, Lee S. Read got Kentucky private clubs stirred up in the kid cam- paign. Chicago District GA inter-club league discussing running league of boys teams from member clubs in 1950. .If your club Is going to have a tournament early next summer see thai photographs of holes for publicity arc taken now before leaves Thinking about a Fence? have fallen. Waiting until leaves come out nevt year prevents getting good pub- • You know that fence protection of per- licity photographs In time for extensive sons and property is good judgment. To use on May and early June events. know what to do about it, write us for illustrated facts. Note the several styles Frank Stranahan made a neat talk at of Page Chain Link Fence, Then talk with Bellerive CC. St. Louis, in accepting our nearest member—an experienced, Western Amateur trophy. Frank re- reliable local fence specialist who will ferred to Evans Caddy Scholarship kid help you pick the right fence and erect at his own club. Inverness CC, Toledo. , it expertly. We will send you his name.
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