DOCUMENT RESUME ED 048 987 RC 005 232 AUTHOR, Birdwell, Gladys Bryant TITLE Chicanos; A Selected Bibliography. INSTITUTION Houston Univ., Tex. Libraries. PUB DATE Jan 71 NOTE 62p. EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF -S0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *Bibliographies, Cultural Background, *Government Publications, *Library Collections, *Library Materials, dexican American History, *Mexican 7,mericans ABSTRACT Approximately 600 books and monographs, 350 journal articles, and 70 ERIC and Government documents published between 1877 and 1970 are cited in this bibliography. The materials listed comprise a collection at the University of houstcn Library dealing with the history, culture, attitudes, education, and socioeconomic status of the Chicano. (JH) UNIV7,RS1TY OF HOUSTON LIBRARIES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATIONS WELFARE OFFI:E OF FOUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS 7,ECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OH ORGANIL'ATION OHIG- INATiNG 17 POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS ST,,TLC CO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OfFirl OF EDU- CATION F OS 17 IO N OR POLICY CHICANO S A Selected BiblioFraphy Prepared By Office of the Assistant Director fir DevclopmE:at of Col1FIctions C.7adys Bryant 7irdwell January 1971 CONTENTS 122ze MOITOGRA*21-ES 1-33 JOURNAL ARTICLES 34-54 GOVERNME1T DOCIRENTS 55-60 CHICANOS A Selected Bibliography Abraham, Henry Julian. Freedom and the Court; Civil Rillts and Liberties in the United States. Oxford University Press, 1967. Abrams, Charles. Forbidden Neic:hbors; a Study TT Prejudice in HouL;ing. Harper, 1955. Acuna, RudAph. The Story of the Mexican - American: the Men and the Land. American Pook Company, 1)69. Adamic, L uis. From Many Lands. Harper, 19LO. Adamic, Louis. A lation of Nations. Harper, 1945, Alton, Arthur Scott. Antonio de Mendoza, first f New Spain. Russell & Russell, 1967. Alba, Victor. The Latin A-meric'ms. irdeger, 1969. Alba, Victor. The Mexicans: the Maki.ng of a Nation. Pl.aemer, 1967. Alisky, Marvin. Th( Governors of Mexico. Texns Western College, 1965. Allen, Haro:d B. leaching English as a Second Language; a:ook of Readings. McGraw, 1965. Allen, Steve. The Ground is Our Table. 11,,,,bleday, 1966. Allen, Virginia French. English as a Second Language. Teachers College Press, 1967. Allport, Gordon Willard. The Nature of Prejudice. Addison-Wesley, 1954. American Ethnological Society. Proceedings of the 1968 Annual Spring Meeting. Spanish Speaking People in the United. States. The Society, 1969. American Universities Field Staff. Reports Service: Mexico & Caribbean Area Series. ALFS, 1954-, Anderson, Alexander Dwight. The Silver Country; or, the Great Southwest.. Putnam, 1377. -2- Anderson, William Marshall An American in Maximilian's Mexico, 1865-1866. Huntington Library, L959. Anderson Imbert, Enrique. Spanish American Literature, a History. Wayne State University Press, 1963. Anti-Defamation League. The Treatment of Minorities in Secondary School Text-Books. The League, 1961. Arena Feria, Eduardo. Comercio entre Venezuela y Mexico en los Siglos XVI y XVIII. El Colegio de Mexico, 1950. Azuela, Mariano. Los de Abajo. Appleton-Century, 1939. Azuela, Mariano. Sendas Perdidas, novela. Edicioaes Botas, 1949. Azuela, Mariano. Two Novels of Mexico: The Flies and The Bosses. Univer- sity of California Press, 1956. :ancroft, Hubert Howe. The Works of.... Bancroft & Co. 1882-90. Fandura, Albert. Adolescent Aggression. Ronald Press, 1959. 3annon, John Francis. Indian Labor in the Spanish Indies; Was There Another Solution? Heath, 1966. Barker, Eugene Campbell. Mexico and Texas, 1821-1835. P.L. Turner, 1928. arron, Clarence Walker. The Mexican Froblem. Houghton, 1917. Barron, Milton Leon. American Minorities. Knopf, 1957. Barron, Milton Leon. Minorities in a Changing World. Knopf, 1967. Tayitch, Conflict:. of Laws: Mexico and the United States; a cilateral Study. University of Miami Press, 1968. Bayitch, S.A. Latin America; a Bibliographical Guide to Economy, History, Law, Politics, and Society. University of Miami Press, 1961. iayley, David H. Minorities and the Police; Confrontation in America. Free Press, 1968. :'eals, Carleton. ...Mexican Maze. Lippincott:, 1951. Peals, Ralph. No Frontier to Learning: The Mexican Student in the United States. University of Minnesota, 1957. Pean, Lowell John. Diaries and Accounts of the Romero Ecpeditions in Arizona and California, 1823-1826. Ritchie Press, 1962. -3- Bean, Walton. California: An interpretive History. McGraw, 1968. Beck, Warren A. New Mexico -- A History of Four Centuries. University of Oklahoma, 1962. Helshaw, Michael H. A Village Economy; Land and People of Huecorio. Columbia University Press, 1967. Bendix, Reinhard. Class, Status ant Power; A Reader in Social Stratifi- cation. Free Press, 1953. Fenitez, Fernando. In the Footsteps of Cortes. Pantheon, 1252. =enite::, Fernando. Los Indios de Mexico. Bib7ioteca ERA, 1967. 1,,ennett,, Wendell Clark. The Tarahumara, an Indian Tribe of Nr,rthern Mexico. University cf Chicago Press, 1935. Benson, Nettie Lee. Mexico and the Spanish Cortes, 1810-1822. University of Texas, 1966. Bernal, Ignacio. Ancient Mexico in Colour. McGraw, 1963. Bernstein, Saul. Alternatives to Violence; Alienated Youth and Riots, i;ace and Poverty. Association Press, 1967. Berry, Brewton. Almost White. Macmillan, 1963. Berry, rewton. Race and Ethnic Relation. Houghton, 1958 3ettelheim, Bruno. Social Change and Prejudice, Including Dynamics of Prejudice. Free Press, 1964. Bishop, Charles E. Farm Labor in the United States. Columbia University Press, 1967. Blaisdell, Lowell L. The Desert Revolution: 7,aja California. University of Wisconsin Press, 1962. Blalock, Hubert M. Toward a Theory of Minority Group Relations. Wiley, 1967. Elanchot, Charles. ... Memoires; l'intervention Francaise au Mexique. E. Nourry, 1911. Blasio, Jose Luis. Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico; Memoirs of his Private Secretary. Yale University Press, 1934. Boatright, Mody Coggin. Mexican B'rder Ballads and Other Lore. Southern Methodist University Press, 1967. 4) Pobl,, Bernard E. The Viceregency of Antonio Maria Bucareli in New Spain, 1771 1779. University of Texas Press, 1962. Bock, Philip K. Peasants in the Modern World. University of New Mexico Press, 1969. Fcardus, Emory S. Immigration and Race Attitudes. D.C. Heath, 1928. 7olton, Herbert E. The Spanish Borderlands. Yale University Press, 1921. Bosch Garcia, Carlos. Historia de las Relaciones entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos, 1819-1848. Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Politicos Y Sociales, 1961. Bosch Garcia, Carlos. Material para La Historia Diplomatica de Mexico; Mexico y los Estados Unidos, 1820-1848. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1957. l'ourne, Edward G. Spain in America, 1450-1580. Harper, 1904. 7raien, Charles Samuel. Religious Aspects of the Conquest of Mexico. Thke University Press, 1930. :.cameld, Theodore Burghard. Minority Problems in Public Schools. Harper, ''rand, Donald D. Mexico, Land of Sunshine and Shadow. Van Nostrand Press, 1966. H.anch, Ri.dolph. Mexico: A Country of Contrasts. McKay, 1967. 2renner, Anita. Idols behind Alters. Payson & ClarkL, 1929 Orville O. Socialization after Ch'idhood: Two Essays. Wiley, 1966. Broan, Denis W. The American Character. Tire, 1962. K-ooks, Nathan C Complete History of the Mexican War, 1846-1848. Rio Grande Press, 1965. ,ron, Francis James. One America; the History, Contributions, and Present Problems of Our Racial and National Minorities. Prentice-Hall, 1952. L-ro.zn, 4ehcer. They See for Themselves; A Documentary Approach to Inter- cultural Education ia the High School. Harper, 1945. ',_owning, Harley L. A Statistical Profile of the Spanish-Surnamed Prpulation of Texas. University of Texas Press, 1964. TAushP-od, JIIn Stubbs. Breve Historia de la Novels Mexicana. Ediciones Andrc-a, 1959. 6 -5- 't;t'shwood, John Stubbs. Mexico in its Novel; A Nation's Search for Identity. University of Texas Press, 1966. T.ushwood, John Stubbs. The Romantic Novel in Mexico. Columbia University Press, 1954. Furma, John. Spanish-Speaking Groups in the United States. Duke Univer- sity Press, 1954. -Slums, Walter Noble. The Robin Hood of El Dorado; The Saga of Joaquin Murrieta. Coward, 1932. Sussierre, Marie Th. Renouard. L')opire Mexicaia; Histoire des Tolteques, des Chichimeques, des Azteques et de la CAlquete Espagnole. Plon, 1863. Calderon de la Earca, Frances. Life in Mexico During a Residence of Two Years in that Country. Dutton, 1931. Cali, Francois. The Spanish Arts of Latin America. Viking, 1961. California. State College, Sacramento. Library. Chicano Bibliography. 1969. California. University. Heller Committee for research in Social Economics and Constatine Panunzio. How Mexican Americans Earn and Live: A Study of the Income and Expenditures of lne Hundred Mexican Families in San Diego. University of California Press, 1933. California. University at Lcs Angeles. Mexican-American Study Project. Advance Reports. 1. Fn;e1, Walter. Education and Income of Mexican Aftericans in The Southwest, 1965. 2. Grellor, Leo. Mexican Ill-migration tothe United States, 1966. Moore, Joan W. Residential Segrekation in the Urban South- west, 1966. 5. Mittlebach, Frank G. The Furden of Poverty, 1966. 6. Mittlebach, Frank G. Intermarriage of Mexican Americans, 1966. 8. Samora, Julian. Mexican Americans in a Midwest Metropolis: A Study of East Chicago, 1967. 9. Gonzalez, liancic L. The Spanish Arner.2sn of New Mexico, 1967. 10. Fogel, Walter. Mexican Americans in Southwest Labor Markets, 1267. 11. Houstafa, A. Taber. Health Status and Practices of Mexican Americans, 1968. Call, Tomme
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