B uchanan Record. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ---- »Y---- ID. ZBL. B O W E B . TERMS Sl.OO PER YEAR PATASLS IX ADYASOT. BELLS NEWS, IU , SCB3CKIPTIOXS DISCONTINUED AT EXPIRATION. SELLS BOOKS, ADVERTISING RATES. VOLUME XXXI, BLCHAXAX, BEERIEX COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1S97, NUMBER 39. LESS THAU ONE YEAR. One week........................... S -SO pet incA SELLS GUM* One month. ............ .90 “ Two m onths....... .......... 1.50 “ “ iVe- are all friends,” the man said Three m onths......................... 2.10 ‘ ‘ fiY.Yn’mfkY.Y again, as his head reached below the asked Zfaeltson, in derisive tones. j melange Six montha......................... S.40 “ HUMPHREYS’ level of the floor. Dim though the light MICHIGAS . YEARLY CONTRACTS. I “By denouncing' you,” Mr. Slorley re­ was upon the stairs, I recognized him One inch, $6.00 foe year o£ 5i Insertions. N o. 1 Cures Fever. A CLEW BY WIRE H, SAY plied, sternly. NEWS OF GENERA'- INTEREST TO OUR Two inches or over, $5.00 per inch, for year of « immediately, and with a loud call N o. 2 W o r m ', 5S insertions. Or, An Interrupted Current. j “Now, that is useless and foolish talk. sprang toward him. READERS. One column, $120 for year of 52 insertions. te N o. S Infants’ Diseases. Bet us reason, as between tw o business “Afr. Perry! Oh, thank God, you Celebrated Sleeping Car Magnate W on ’t you come to t t men,” said Jackson, assuming a confi­ > PP lr B—In Record Buildine.Oak Street N o. 4 Diarrhea. BY HOWARD M. YOST. have come!” I stepped unthinkingly Important Happenings in the State Daring Is No More. dential style. “I.want to marry your N o. 8 <c N eu ralgia. Copyright. iSgS, by J. B. Llpplncott Co. on the planlc at the bottom, and he the Past I’ew J)avs Reported, by Tele­ • daughter. At first you kept promising came down to me and grasped my hand. graph—Matter Selected for the Benefit of CARRIED OFF BY HEART DISEASE. Bumiivss Directory. No. 9 Cures Headache. • me that I should do so. All through the “Don’t.jnind that. It cannot hurt Our Own People- cc NNS N o. IO Dyspepsia. SYNOPSIS. five years of patient waiting for an op­ you,” I remarked, as the warning voice CHRISTIAN CHURCH. — Sunday services: CHAPTER I—Nelson Conway, suspected portunity to tap the vault, you kept me Battle Creek, Mich., Oct. 19.—The in­ D iscovered Early in the M orning in a Dy­ Preaching at 10:80 a. m. and 7:00 p m .; JnnfoiC. N o. 11 (C Delayed Periods. of a Philadelphia bank robbery, reaches again sounded out, just as though its terstate philanthropic conference closed ing Condition, .Although He Retired in E. at 3:00 p .m .; Sen. C. E. at 6:00 p. m .; S.S. Sidington on his way to the old. Nelson to the job by that promise. Lately you services were longer needed. and get some. at 12:00 m Other services: Cottage prayer meet­ N o. 12 u Leuchorrea. homestead, gets Jake Hunsicker to drive refuse to fulfill your promise, and' yet Sunday night after six days of sessions, Apparently Good Health—His Dcatli a ing Tuesday evening at 7 :tO; Church prayer meet* him to his boyhood home and recognizes “ I know it cannot,” Air. Perry re­ which were successful as to attendance Shock to His Alany Friends and Ac­ ing Thursday evening at 7:00; Ladies'1 aid, every u you now talk to me of breaking our N o. 14 Skin Diseases. in Jake’s wife Sarah, a servant 18 years marked, with a smile. Here Sonntag quaintances—Sketch of His Life—Horv Wednesday afternoon at 4:50; Teachers’ meeting before to his grandfather Nelson. agreement. Give me your daughter. and interest manifested. An address by Friday evening at 7:00. Pastor’s receiving days— N o. IB Cures Rheumatism. CHAPTER II—A year previous Conway, and another man brushed by us, and the Rev. S. Sherin of Chicago, secretary He Got His Start in Husiness. Tuesday and Friday afternoon,, 2 to 4. You know she would be influenced by te paying teller in a Philadelphia savings went io Jackson’s prostrate body. of the conference, created a sensation. LITERARY NOTES. K. K. Black, Pastor, 22 24, Detroit St. N o . 26 M alaria. bank, was invited to the home of Florence your wish.” Chicago, Oct. 19.—George Al. Pullman, ilorley to a party. Knowing this would “Will you look here, sir?” Sonntag His topic was “How to Drain the Social NITED BRETHREN CHURCH—Rev. J.F . te Whooping Cough “It cannot be.” president o f the Pullman Palace Car Outing for October is filled with Bartmess, Pastor. Sabbath services: Sab- N o. 20 not allow him to return to bank as early called, m otioning for Afr. Perry to ap­ Swamp.” He said the social sewer was U next morning as usual he arranges with company, died at 5:30 o’clock Tuesday the health aud freshness of Autumn. oath School 12:00 a .; Preaching 1U:30 a.m.; Young No. 27 1C Kidney Diseases. “And why not? I know she doesn’t proach. the greatest evil of today. In Chris­ People’ s Sleeting 6:00 r. M.; Preaching 7:00 r . x Horace Jackson—a fellow employe—to be like me, but I love her and want her tianity should lie the cure, but the or­ morning at his home, 1729 Prairie ave­ One glance at the handsome coyer, Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading Thursday even­ N o. SO te U rin a ry Diseases- on hand when the clockwork should release “Aly God! It is Jaclcson! How terri­ with the tints of turning leaves, will i n g ? ^ , Everybody invited to all tneae services. combination of vault. Returning to bank mgre than^anytliiug on, earth. She’ll ble! Is he dead? Who did it?” asked ganized Christian church is a failure. nue. Death was sudden, and is attrib­ N o. 77 ee Colds and Grip. next morning Conway discovers the cash do"%s you7-tell her; you know that. Only 5 per cent, of the world is touched uted to heart difficulty. Alonday night whet the sportsman’s appetite for the ADVENT. CHRISTIAN CHURCH—Rev. E. W. reserve of $460,000 missing. > Mr. Perry, glancing up at me. “Were by Christianity. The present church many good things inside. The con­ Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid or CHAPTER III—Conway is acqused of Comb, I’ll give up not only yonr share Mr. Pullman retired at 11 o’clock, after Shepard, Pastor. Preaehingat 10:80A. SI. and 7:30 ” compelled to shoot him. Nelson?” does not touch the greater evils. Plans P. M Sunday school at It M. Y .V . prayer receipt of price. 25c., or 5 for $1. theft, but Air. Morley, a trustee, proves an of what remains, hut all my own. I am entertaining a party of friends at his tents include: “ The cyclist’s Annual meeting Thursday evening. Cottage-prayor meet­ alibi for him, without however removing “No, I am thankful that no man s to heal wrongs must be as broad as the Frolic,” by A. H. Godfrey; “The Be­ ing Tuesday evening. Covenant meeting Satur­ D r . H umphreys’ H omeopathic M axua the general suspicion. rich now, and don’t need it.” blood is on my 'hands. Although I wrongs are. In a Chinese city there are home. At that time he made no partic­ day before the first Sunday of each month, with op D iseases Ma il e d F ree. CiiAP'in,R IV—t erry expresses his con­ “And who made you rich?” ular complaint regarding his health. ginning of Fox Hunting in America,” communion the first Sunday, of the month fidence in Conway, but says otue.afiy he came very near shooting him.” twenty-seven Christian sects, hut pa­ by Hanson I-Iiss; “Four Days ou the Strangers always welcome. Humphreys’ Med. Co., I l l William St., 27.' must hold him in doubt, wnereupon Con­ “Oh, you did. I don’t deny it; and/you Then I explained how Jackson had ganism does not know they are there. way resigns his position. Air. Alorley also have my thanks,” replied Jackson, in In Alichigan only one man of a dozen Prairie,” by Ed. “W. Sandys: “A Day ETHODIST„CHURCH, Rev. W. W Divine. believes in Conway's innocence, but be­ been killed. I told nothing about Air. with Cottontails,” by Harold A. Pastor. Sabbath services: Preaching 10:30 cause of public distrust exacts a promise mocking tones. “That last deal in Aforley’s connection with the affair. goes to church; still many are moved M that friendly relations between Conway by the spirit of Christ, who are true Scott; “An Adirondack Buck,” by a. m, and 7:00 p m .; Sabbath School 12:00 m.; THROW YOURJRUSSAWAY which we were on opposite sides hap­ They listened intently, and then Sonn­ Junior League 8:30 p. m .; Epworth League, 6:00 and Florence Alorley be discontinued until Christians, although supporting no sects. Georgia Roberts: “Football,” by W al­ Conway pro ves his innocence. pened to turn my way, and I got the tag, carrying a jimmy, went to the door. p. m .: Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:00 p. Despite adverse critisism, he said, no ter Camp: “ American-Canadian One- m. Members are expected and strangers arc al­ CHAPTER V—Florence shortly after this pile you dropped. That’s my luck. I “Will you two stand to one side?” ways welcome.
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