Fishery Leaflet Number78 1976 an R.Olnn "CoLrnbofocb"Co ogas 10SCOlgb Bibliography of Irish Sahnon Compiled by Eileen Twomey DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES FISHERIES DIVISION DUBLIN.1. ·T "aUlDM;]; uaana .£q pandUlDO NOI'l'I'fS HSIlII aO li.Hd\I1!~OI'I\lI\l Avondhu 'IS! O"i; e t,:,'i 0 Xl :s U:01 ':,:J and B:rOlffl Trout. 1957 :,:)J>* '1 56."" 1 Browne. J.~. 1966 Cummins, N.P. 1 Some rd,',':;;,; d~i:l o:r 'C ,-'.L;,:LG G.i_tnm:Lrv't l:;:ion:~ of salmOll 1962 fro.l:>:! O-~'fQ,UiJJ(;~(::;' ~e:i_-'\;' i"{C' (ej,Ttd ::t (:'dlr~'Parison of those O~Jenduff River, App. III. Frost, lITinefred ;:} LJJ: i/';:j.\/ I:Lr c. I,f.ihe growth and food of and A.E.J. Went 1940 Vol. 46. Section B. No.4. Hamil ton. N. l:n'.lE.: :fee streams with 1963 J' ':~ i t,u: ;:-n.tc t;" >;n 'If" R£:20 :Flayl€; Fish.~ Hewetson, Ann 1958 , 1957 and 1958. pp. 49~79. Hewetson, Ann S-al.moL, ur 11' j,\- f{i"' i}-';'l'{;;TiJ;:>'::-i', 1961 ""::"'."o .• c".:,5o" ..•.. L.L:;L,~lL.,. PI' • 6 4-72 Hewetson, Ann 1961 " 1960 and 1961. PI'. 73-87 Newman, Hazel W. 1958 and. 1945. • S'eetion B. No.5. PI'. 53-69 O'Driscoll, D. 1950 25. No. 10. PI'. 117-150. Figgins, D.J. Some 1958 of the aalmon of the H!"pp &llm. Roo, Trust. Ire. (1958). App.2. Piggins, D.J. Salmon and ;f;tea trout keltS 1961 0 lli'.& S1jlJ.m~1£!,t0 l:1'JI.st, Ire, (19~ App. I The (3) - Fish pOpulation and fish food. i Bop, Salm. Res, Trust. Ire. (1961). App. III. Rogers. A studi'"'" C!!l 1966 eel (Anguilla anguilla L) with an ""'AU""; rel,"! tions with trout (S, trutta L.) App, 'if. Southern R 1928 1925 and 1926 No. 3 pp. 38-64. Twomey. Eileen Salm.on oJ" t;} (,'0 1956 Cons «> p8J::m"J J' F·Ier. Vol. 23. No. j. pp. 89-96 1957 1959 S a,lt'll(tX;1. "',';-0'(1.<:;:", .""'""".'0.';;;;.. :;.,.... :.:" ...... :,. ,<::::. ", ..•., ... ;.,:.\..['!j I'll. 5'1-62. 19 ~ -' '<- ,- ::::- -:: {' 1 65 ;ja l"'c:m 0. ':'.'" " . .' . 26-31 '_. - '-'-"""-"''''r.:);q /t", }5{0" 10 pp,@ e .. ',,\ 'CJL ,,""'C",", _ Y c, ,~, 0 went, A.E,J. Salmon of the Rivex SMnnon 1938 Vol. 44, Section B. No, 8. - 1940 Salmon of the H1ver SlmJ:Ulon :lL_g52:IC._l!{!;l:J.~tc,~~~.~~, 11'01. 37. No.2. pp. 3-59 - 1941 SalmI)!) of th" Owenduf'f (Bantlroy) River. ~::Q£""''''!&'8"",.L;;''~l!1'""'f!~,~ Vol", 47", S@:<,;tion B~ No ... 6$ - 1941 SalKiwn of th;;s Bal1isoila,re River II q, Age and Growth .. ~~~,~,",_~!~.'i'",",J~.,,",,,';;;'"'~"_"~-'" Vol. 22. No. 35. pp. 327-344. - 1942 Salm.on of the Hi'Wi3<!: Eritle 0 Resu.lts of the examina.tion of a small (t{.<11cJe~tio],1 of scales and data. ~~~~~,.,~,~~~~".~,,~~~~~~~~~ Vol. 22. No, 49. pp, 471-480 - 1943 Salmon of tbJ9 J,t{"~1? lere ~:Q.~""-l!.i'8,,,,'d~~,.#.c~£\~, Vol. 49. Sactiollll B. No, 9. pp. 1 - 1943 Salmon of 1;11., Ji'i,v',,"r ()m:rib. together with notes on the gro.r~h of bro\;'11 trout in the Corrib systml. 48. Section B. No. 12. W~'nt. A.E,J. and Salmon 8JJ:d sea <b::-o'td; of the Watm:vill® River. '1'.S. Bark~ ~~~J;2;~!!p"~_;~"jb,l.!:!!J;!,~~1!.2£'" Vol. 2). No.9. 1943 went, A@EOlIJ<:I VII. Salmon of the River Liffey. 1946 £!i!!l:CLJ~~~"£:"i"',Vcc8. ~'ol. 51. Sootion B. No.2. pp. 9-26 -1946 Salmon of 'the lliveC!: Shannon in 1944 and 1945. ~~=""'"'~~~""'_ \(010 1 No.2. pp. 155-169 - 1947 Salmon of the Km?I1-Y Blackwater. ,§.cient. :~:Si'S!~.!lbl.ll.Jioq .. Vol. 24. No. 20. PIl. 179-187 - 1947 Irish Salmon 1945. \1'01. 24. No. 19. - 1948 Salm,on and saa trout of the River Ill»,;)'. Vol. 24. No. 29. PP. »)5-347 1949 Spring :rish. Are there twill types of winter salmon. §l!:.lJ!J..2::~li,1!!!f',.!l::"~\1!l!~1L,," pp. 23-26. - 1950 1946 and 1947. lI~~;:,!:!!:e"'-l!;!,;£!!l"~,"l;!""':J?~",:;'";il"\<£"-!~,,,,, Vol. 1 6. No. :3. pp. 34-1-357. - 1953 Salmon of the R:l:1,,"~£(' Shfl.nnon (1948-1951)Q ~~~~~~]!5~2;n]~~,_~~~~~~£L Vol. 18. pp. 326-332. - 1 fisherioo@ ltr"'!1"t. A and Salmon aXict lBea t;:rOtlt: :t:'IE'tsearen on the River :royle. U. Vickera ~~~~~F~~~~::l~f~~~L~~~~~ 3. pp. 12-18. 195'5 .. 3. Went, A.E.J. Salmon of the River Foyle (1956). 1958 Rep. Fo;yle Fish, Commn. 6. pp. 26-34 - 1961 Salmon of the Bundorragha River. Rep. Sea Iold. Fish. Ire. (1961). pp. 62-63. i - 1963 Salmon and sea trout of the River Foyle (1962) Rep. FOXle Fish. COJll!!lll. II. pp. 39-43. - 1964 Irish salmon. A review of investigations up to 1963. Scient. ·Proe. R. Dubl. Soc. Series A. Vol.1. No. 15. pp. 365-412 - 1964 Salmon and sea trout of the river Foyle system. Rep. Foyle Fish CO!!l!ll!l 12 pp. 47-51 - 1966 Salmon and sea trout in the Foyle system. Rep" Foyle. Fish. Col!1l!Ul. 15. - 1966 A review of the Investigations on salmon of the River Foyle. Foyle Fish. Comm. (1966) - 1967 Salmon research in Ireland. Rep. Symposium on Salmon.. Foyle Fish. C=. - 1967 Salmon and sea trout in the Foyle system. Rep. Foyle Fish. Comnm. 15. - 1968 Salmon and sea trout of the Foyle system. Rep. Foyle Fish. Commn. 16• - 1969 Salmon of the River Foyle (1968). Rep. Foyle Fish. Commm.17. - 1970 Notes on salmon of the River Foyle (1969) Rep. Foyle Fish. Commn.18. - 1970 Salmon of the Foyle system. Rep. Foyle Fish. Commr 19. Went, A.E.J. and A comparison between the salmon and grilse of the Vickers, K.U. Foyle and Bann systans. 1971 Rep. Foyle Fish. Commn. 20. Went, A.E.J. Salmon of the Foyle System. 1971 Rep_ Foyle Fish. Co~ 20. %>,*0) ",0' \:;'''''d'',~", , 4.;, BEHAVIOUR ~-"=--~ tho C.J. Inland fisherie" and the engineer. Trans. I~st~ C.E.I. Volume 82. A.E.J. Early grilse in Ireland 11-10-52 went, A.E.J. and Salmon and sea trout research on the River Foyle• . K.U. Vickers Rep. FOl::t(Lc:g8h,?~~ Pl'. j 2-18 1955 went, A.E.J. and The absence habita of some grilse kelts D. J. Piggins ~L '['rust, Ire, (1963). App. IV. 1963 went, A.E.J. Salmon and sea ~out on the Foyle system 1966 li!!!lL.!Q;l!:!.'f!.2J,£l.!:!J,.~~Q!!l!~ APl'. V. went, A.E.J. and The absenee habits of some grilse kelts D. J. Piggim R:",y. SiAb'!!,:,~Jl:;aL-'[1rusL Ire •. (1968). App. 2. 1968 went, A.E.• J. Recent changes in Iri8h grilse runs. 1970 PP. 192-193. N·o. 190 CAI)TURI~ Ym'I'rrODS -=-"~ McGrath, C.J., T.J., Beauaang, D. F. Murphy and P J. Sharkey 1969 Application of electricit~ to freshwat~ fishery maoogec'mmt and development in Ireland, EIFAC 00003. Pall~. Vickers; K.U. Progress report for period 1st May 1962 - 1964 30th June, 196" Cranny and Glenourry traps ReE. Foyle Fish .. Commn. 12. PI" 38-42. - 1965 Progress report for period 1st July, 1963 30th June. 1964. Cranr,y and Gleneurry Traps. ReE. Foyle, Fish. Commn, 13. pp, 32-34. Went, A.E.J. The pursuit of salmon in Ireland 1964 Proe, R. 11:, Acad" Vol. 63. Sect. C. No.6. ~ DISEASE, PARASITES~PREJ2ATORP L. von Betegh. Hydrocoele embryonalis, Fiume Rep. Sea. Inld. Fi~h~ Ire. Part III. p. 1-5. 1913 Carbery. J.T. Ulcerative Dex"1llal Necrosis of salmonids in Ireland•. 1968 ~ zool" SQ,£'... J;'ono,$ (1968). No. 24. pp. 39-49. - 1968 Ulcerative Dermal NecrOSis (U.D.N.) of Salmon, description. actiology and differential diagnosis. Bull-off~Ylh~~:!l;l\!..... 1 968. 69 (9-10). 1 401-1 410 Carbery, J.T. and Ulcerative Dermal N'ee:cosis (UeD.N.) K. L. Strickland Irish Vet •. J.1968, Vol, 22. pp. 171-175 1968 II 5. Healy, Ann A parasite of salmon. 1956 Ir. Nat. J. Vol. XII. pg. 41 Hewetson. Ann FurunClllosip in salmon kelts. 1962 (a) ~Tn.ture Lond .. Vol. 194. Ho. 4825. p. 312. 1962 (b) Furunculosis in salmon kelts. NaturJL1ond. Vol. 196. TIo. 4858. p. 1089 Kane. Mabel Parasites of Irish fishes. 1966 Scient. Proc. R, Dubl, Soc. Vol. 1. No. 18. pp_ 205-220 Mettam. A.E. Report on the outbreak of furunculosis in 1914 the River Liffey in 1913. Rep. Sea Inld. F~h. Ire. Scient. Invest Part II. pp. 1-26 Mulcah;y. Maire Serum protein changes in diseased Atlantic salmo~ 1967 Nature Lond, Vol. 215. pp. 143-144 1969 Serum protein changee in U.D.N. - infected Atlantic salmon. A possible method of diagnosis. J. Fish. I!iol, t.. pp. 333-338 Mulcah;y. Maire and EubothriUlll crassUlll (Bloch) (Cestoda Pseudophyllidea) Kennedy, C.R. in salmon parr. 1,7:'. Nat. J. Vol. 16. No. 10. 1970 Murphy. T. Ulcerative Dermal N8Grosis (UDN) of salmonids. 1972 A review. Irish vet. J .. Vol. 27. No.5. pp.85-90. Piggins. D. J. Inv~stigations on predators of salmon smelts and parr. 1958 Rep. Salm. Res. Trust. Ire. (1958). App. I. Roberts, M.S. Report on disease outbreak among yearling salmon 1971 at the Salmon Research Trust of Ireland's station at Lough Furnace, Co.
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