~- - \/nV!me 3 Public Disclosure Authorized COMBINED EXECUTIVE SUMIMARY (LUCKNOW-MIJZAFFARPUR NATIONAL HIGHWAY PROTECT) Public Disclosure Authorized Lucknow-Ayodhya Public Disclosure Authorized Gorakhpur Bypass National Highways Authority of India G-5 & 6, Sector-I 0, Dwarka Public Disclosure Authorized New Delhi-I 10075 ,- 4. v, it.. ; j i-4,vi X t CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Independent Review and Consolidation of EIA, EMP & RAP for Lucknow-Ayodhya section on NH-28 and Gorakhpur Bypass Draft Final Consolidated Resettlement Action Plan F| ] ENXFNTIUE SIIMMARY 1.1 INTRODUCTION India has embarked on a 10-year highway transportation improvement program as a part of the nationa! nplic.v tn cl1nhli7ie it', ecnnnmv and tn increase saifetv an-id efficiency.v in ftridp and busines besides free movement of traffic. To achieve this, National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) an autonomous body under the .7ni0is.Iy of R,soadd Transport (T&Ha.LTA), envisgUth, Lit, litatio of sustainable transportation system in India. With its mandate to develop and maintain an enhanced quali.y 01 I-ighways, 1T1/-I nNaionaluder t1he NaLiolal Highway eVLeJVIlorIIL flail i,NIHL) las embarked on its second phase relating to the creation of a North-South corridor connecting Srinagar with Kanyakumari and of strengthening and enhancing the East-'vVest corr idor of tle country linking Silchar with Porbandar. The Government plans to complete the second phase of NHDP by December 2007, which includes UtAevelopmlent V,0Jhtl olf01 LVV-vo Co_;Aos,I LUOI. Lilth NoT--South+I1101LLIIL.)S.ULIi %-Col--iA-.0 ILLUSJ ah1U.an the-Llt, Eas-WesIt~UL..-)VY t,ai l..VIIIUVJI.Col-ido.A ~_;lOfP1, theLilt, 65-lU0J0_ Q -1Idl NS-EW corridors, 630-km have already been four-laned, while 416-km was under implementation anu tiie conuiacts fo1r tLiie renianing 58ii124,ml w-iill be awarded uiiuteL pilhas -Li. Tihe East-'VVest Corridor comprising the second phase of NHDP, propose to have public-private partnership projects. As there's a growing realization that an indepth comprehension of resettlement and rehabilitation issues wvith its social, cultural, psychological, economic and environmental ramifications will have strategic consequences in infrastructure related projects, this document provides a detailed social assessm.ent or various choi ces ofp project options for -ombtin the- le isu--. o nvlntr resettlement. Consequently, the preparation of comprehensive Resettlement Action Plan for Lucknow-Ayodhya section of N`Hi-28 and Gorakhnpur Bypass a new alignment falling witnin thne lNr1-28 section is oeing carried out by the project consultant, Consulting Engineering Services Pvt Ltd and is being strengthened by the (DHV- MDP) Consultants. The East -West Corridor includes four ianing of Lucknow to Muzaffarpur of NH-28 section in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The details of the consultancy packages are as follows: The project road starts at Kamta (near Lucknow at km 8.25) and traverses through Lucknow, Barabanki, Faizabad, Gonda, Basti, Sant Kabir Nagar and Gorakhpur districts in UP and Gopalganj, East Champaran (Motihari) and Muzaffarpur districts in Bihar. The project road ends at Chandni Chowk in Muzaffarpur. The entire project road stretch has been divided into five consultancy packages as depicted in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 Project Road ~Lucknow Ayodhya 129.700 Lucknow Barabanki, Faizabad Avovdhva Gorakhpur 1 115.200 Faizabad, Gonda, Basti, Sant Kabir I UP Nagar and Gorakhpur I III Gorakhpur Gopalganj 106.200 Gorakhpur and Gopalganj IUP an _ _ _ I_ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j~ ~B ~~~ ihlar~ IV Gopalganj Muzaffarpur 134.000 Gopalganj, East Champaran and Bihar Muzaffar.^,ur a Gorakhpur Kaleshwar Koni 32.476 Gorakhpur UP B ypass _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UP__ Not fnded by the WorldBank A _P' in joino venture with 4 / Independent Review and Consolidation of EIA, EMP &RAP for Lucknow-Ayodhya section on NB-28 and Gorakhpur Bypass 4 T Draft Final Consolidated Resettlement Action Plan _' First two sections of the project road lie in the state of UP. Section III partly lies in UP and partly in the state of Bihar and the IV section in the state of Bihar only. The Goratkpur Bypass lies in Ut+ar Pradesh. This document pertains to social assessment of Section I i.e., from Lucknow - Ayodhya (km 8.25 to l22.275 ancilS a s o~n Fizab.adand t heanypp-aSS B,Jass sLetinsraeup of1 t LIe pro jcCt road. 1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project road from Lucknow to Ayodhya (as stated above) lies in the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and traverses through the administrative boundaries of Lucknow, Barabanki and Faizabad districts. The project road (Section-I) has been further sub-divided into three construction packages as detailed in Table 1.3. The Gorakhpur Bypass on the other hand traverses an approximate length of 32.476 Km and encompasses the administrative boundarv of the Gorakhpur district and 37 villages. The Gorakhpiir Bypass has been divided into two-construction packages. (Refer Figure 1.1 for Index map and Fiuiire 1.2 nnd Figiure 13 for T .iickintcw-Avndhvq se.tion and (Gnrnkhpiir RTnn-,nc rpznPrtiivPlA Table 1.2 District Wise Details Of The Project Stretch Chainage (start Chainage (end Districts Tehsils Villages Km) Km!) 8.25 17.00 | Lucknow Sadartehsil | _8 ii.00 6o9.00 BarabeanKI NwddUydnj, 48 . ~~~~~~~~~~~Ramsanehighat 69.00I)) 122.275 and 15 FI IDlRdau!i, Sohawa! 2LS-a- 6S Kms on Faizabad . _ _ _ _ _ _ [bypass . I BYPASSES i ..N amLe . C n (s.a . Km | Chainage (end Km)1] vIIIades j | Barabanki Bypass 20.00-(Sarthara Village) |32.46 (Sursunda Sarthara, Bhuhera, Dharsania, village) Asaini, Kurauli, Darapur, Badel, Sukalai, Pt.h.ri Dulhipur R Ramsanehighat 63.00 (Kashipur village) 69.70 (AsraF Gangraila) Kashipur, Dilona, Bhed . Brahaman, Chandauli, Dharauli, Narayanpur, Bhundehri, Malinpur, l l l l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kusharia:nrd Asraf Ganrailn GORAKHPUR BYPASS a Gorakhpur Bypass 251.680 279.80 37 | ~~~~I .I_ Table 1.3 Package Wise Details Of The Project Stretch 1 1 1| Length I *Packarn_I _- I FrnrA ---IL,n- t To k -kml I KI*-_-I irri,tmI A8.25 l l 44.762 36.512 Lucknow and Barabanki r B l 44.762 i 92~~~~ ~~~~.78 lBrba>adFlabank1 r791 lC l 92.683 l 122.275 and 15 44.592 l Faizabad llmck Annn thp l l l Faizabad bypass Toa_______ _ 9 ! Gorakhpur Bypass 251.680 279.80 32.476 Gorakhpur 1-2 Inijoinmventure wth P; Independent Review and Consolidation of EIA. EMP & RAP for Lucknow-Ayodhva section on NH-28 and Gorakhour Bypass Draft Final Consolidated Reseltlement Action Plan 1.3 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY The data collection and analysis for the project affected persons for the preparation of RAP has been carried out at the backdrop of NHAI's entitlement framework. The Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been prepared on the basis of the primary and secondary data and in extensive consultation with the stakeholders. For Lucknow -Ayodhya section of NH-28, preliminary social screening survey was carried out to assess the nossible imnact of the proiect. This survey was followed by a detailed 100 nercent cenisu survey based on the door-to door interview basis of families that were being directly affected (within POW) by the broadningc of the road section. The cencsu curvfey was initiated on 21.8.2003 a.n.d the socio-economic survey was carried out on 25 percent basis. For the Gorakhpur Bypass similar approach was adopted wherein 100 percent census survey was executed and 25 percent socio-econom0ic survey was IICU --L-- asses te iamiiy details; occupation (agriculture, share cropper, business, service), occupational skills, literacy level, economic status and otner socio-economic information of the family for determnination of the entitiement framework of the project affected persons. 1.4 WORLD BANK GUIDELINES & R&R POLICY FRAMEWORK The population distribution and social impact scenario of the nroiect indicate that the OP 4. 12 would be applicable to this project. OP 4.12 deals with involuntary resettlement, which may cause long term hardship and 'mpoverishm.ent and wrhich needs mitigation measures. The OD. 4.20 pertaining to indigenous people is not applicable and cannot be triggered in this project, as there are no ST families aPrCc+aA +in, ___hen t -- i.5 MGNiMiZiNG NEGATIVE SOCiAL IMPACT The integration of social and environmenntai aspects along xxitb thi de-sin issues made it possible to reduce the negative social impact for both the consultancy packages as detailed below. For the Lucknow-Ayodhya section previously, the widening of the existing alignment in Barabanki andS Rnm %nnehiahat wouildl have affected niiite q large nuimher of stnuctures kiosks aindl other ssqet. In Barabanki alone the number of project affected persons would be approximately one third of the total affected persons for the entire project road. The widening the existing roadnvould afnfect as many as 425 structures and 275 kiosks comprising 2770 and 1600 persons respectively but with the b'yi-asses theCre ane -- I-. '24 kiosk and l utrsgtigarWtd ued so proposedupropu~cu ~ LIICIC d C i M11 ZA-t Nl CIALSI It ZtI U%k-LUI 1. r-LtIII dltLr tLU I iCk UCidIl~i3 U minimization efforts have been provided in the concerned chapter. For Gorakhpur Bypass project, the reconnaissance and social survey of various alignment options were made keeping in mint ine sociai anu environment aspects wiiiie finalizing the prujeci Uesign and engineering aspects.
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