Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol XLV No. 22 November 21, 2014 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Youth, join the people's war! he entire Filipino nation will be commemorating the 50th an- war, the Kabataang Makabayan niversary of the Kabataang Makabayan (KM) on November has served as a wellspring of T30. The entire nation, especially the mass of workers and new Red fighters and com- peasants hail the huge role KM has played in the last 50 years in ad- manders of the New People's vancing the people's democratic revolution and the important role it Army and members and cadres will be playing in the future. of the Communist Party of the Philippines. Let us honor all the youth cratic movement in the various Because young revolution- who have offered their lives in fields of struggle, especially in aries continually emerge, the advancing the national-demo- the arena of armed struggle. Party and the NPA remain vi- Let us salute the youth who brant and daring in shouldering comprise the biggest propor- the serious tasks involved in tion of Red fighters nationwide. advancing the revolution. They tread the path of armed The Filipino people owe a revolution for national and so- huge debt to the Kabataang cial liberation that was first Makabayan for its major contri- laid by the young sons and butions in the last half century daughters of the people under in advancing their national- Andres Bonifacio's lead- democratic struggle. In the last ership. 50 years, KM has served as the In the last four Party's assistant in mobilizing and a half decades the youth in mass struggles and of advancing pro- training them in advancing the tracted people's propaganda movement and cul- tural revolution, invigorating the democratic struggles of the toiling masses, building the united front and advancing armed struggle. The Party and the Kaba- taang Makabayan are aware of the main social problems and issues confronting the Filipino youth. The continuous- ly worsening crisis of the ruling semico- lonial and semifeu- dal system has been aggravat- ing the conditions of millions of young workers, peasants and cal army of the unemployed. the student youth and mobilize petty bourgeoisie. Half of the unemployed or un- them in advancing the people's The number of out of school deremployed are from the democratic revolution. They are youth has doubled in the last youth. An economy devoid of an able to touch base with the decade due to the worsening industrial base, dependent on youth and people in communi- commercialization of education. foreign investments and debt ties, factories and offices. Tuition, miscellaneous fees and and subject to big foreign capi- Conditions exist for the re- other school expenses have re- talist plunder is incapable of surgence of the revolutionary lentlessly increased. The reac- generating sufficient employ- youth-student movement. No tionary government insists on ment. The youth are forced to effort must be spared in arous- cutting down on its social ex- apply at call centers and suffer ing, reaching out to, organizing pensitures, including its budg- severe oppression and brutal and mobilizing the student etary allocation for education, working conditions. youth in order to advance their even as it keeps on strengthen- As adjutants to the Party, democratic welfare and rouse ing the role of the big bourgeoi- the cadres and members of the them to join the people's demo- sie in public education. Kabataang Makabayan are able cratic revolution. Alongside the commerciali- to reach out to vast numbers of The new and historic partic- zation of education is stepped- Filipino youth in colleges and ipation of great numbers of the up campus repression. Capital- high schools. They arouse and youth in street protests and ist school owners in connivance mobilize the youth on the basis countryside work is a necessary with state security agencies of the day to day problems they adjunct in the advance of the have been suppressing campus confront and raise their con- protracted people's war to- journalism, organizations and sciousness on how these are wards the next stage of strate- other student rights with the rooted in the basic problems of gic stalemate. When the urban- goal of repressing the students' the Filipino people. They pro- based youth join the New Peo- collective defiance of policies vide political education to the ple's Army in droves, they will designed to amass more profits. youth in order to fire up their have made a huge contribution The implementation of the progressive and patriotic fer- to the further invigoration of K-12 program has further vor. armed struggle in the country- geared Philippine education to- Through KM, proletarian side. wards training cheap labor for revolutionaries are continually The resoundingly victorious export or for the burgeoning lo- able to take deep root among tactical offensives of the NPA in the countryside inspire the youth and people in the cities. Contents On the other hand, the broad ANG Editorial: Youth, join the people’s army 1 mass struggles and growing A tribute to Ka Lucas 3 street demonstrations invigor- Vol XLV No. 22 November 21, 2014 Sine Proletaryo remembers Ka Lucas 4 ate the revolutionary forces in NPA seizes 23 arms in Occidental Mindoro 4 the countryside. Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and NPA military actions in Sorsogon, The continuing emergence English editions. Nueva Vizcaya and Aurora 5 of new generations of young It is available for downloading at Yolanda survivors call for Aquino ouster 5 proletarian revolutionaries is a the Philippine Revolution Web Central located at: Nurses call for higher wages 7 factor in the Communist Party Teachers launch sit-down strike 7 of the Philippines' neverending www.philippinerevolution.org. RMN-Davao and Cenapro-Cebu strikes 8 enthusiasm and optimism. Ang Bayan welcomes contributions HLI massacre 10th anniversary 9 Young revolutionaries infuse in the form of articles and news. 32 Tumanduk leaders charged 9 the Party not just with their Readers are likewise enjoined to send Military operations in NVizcaya, Aurora 10 in their comments and suggestions for physical strength, but with their the betterment of our publication. You Lumads blasts AFP on school militarization 10 refreshing determination and can reach us by email at: PNP harasses student, ex-guerrilla 10 perspective in resolving prob- Maguindanao masaker injustice 11 [email protected] lems and advancing the revolu- Youth condemn massacre in Mexico 11 tionary movement. They learn Protests in Europe 11 and draw inspiration from elder Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee cadres in carrying out their se- of the Communist Party of the Philippines rious tasks. ~ 2 ANG BAYAN November 21, 2014 Ka Lucas: Student leader, Red fighter he Southern Mindanao Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines and the entire T revolutionary movement honored Rendell Ryan Cagula, known as Ka Lucas by the thousands of people he served in the countryside. Ka Lucas was among the Red fighters killed on November 4 in a clash with fascist troops of the 27th IB in Maasim, Sarangani. Killed with him in the gunbattle were Ka Payat, Ka Doming and Ja Jappie. Ka Lucas, 23, was a well- respected him for his known student leader in South- leadership abilities, ern Mindanao. He was born on his mental acuity February 24, 1991 to a middle and decisiveness. He class family. His consciousness first trained as a about Philippine social condi- medic and joined tions was raised when he be- people's clinics came a student of Anthropolgy launched by his unit. at the University of the Philip- He and his unit per- pines (UP)-Mindanao. formed their duties He became active in cam- of organizing the broad peas- killed in action in one of these pus politics. He was elected as ant masses in their area, pro- firefights with the enemy. college representative and viding them political education Ka Lucas' remains were eventually became the presi- and participating in produc- brought to UP-Mindanao, dent of the university student tion. where for the very first time, a council. He was also elected Because of his demonstrat- Red fighter was honored with- vice president of the Katipu- ed assiduousness and stead- in campus. Condolences and nan ng mga Sangguniang Mag- fastness, Ka Lucas was appoint- tributes to Ka Lucas poured in aaral sa UP (KASAMA sa UP), ed as political officer of a pla- from his teachers, friends and the national alliance of stu- toon within Guerrilla Front 73 in fellow activists from the youth dent councils throughout the less than a year. Organizing sector. His fellow student UP system. In addition, he was work was difficult in their area leaders from the council he a member of the Pi Sigma Fra- which they still had to recov- had only recently left behind ternity, Anak UP Min and Du- ered, but Ka Lucas and his com- sent messages expressing their gong Antro. He joined the rades persevered. To become admiration. League of Filipino Students more effective in his tasks in an Fellow activists recalled his and served as its regional area where the majority of the life and struggle, along with spokespeson. He also became population were Lumad, he took those of other youth like him the regional coordinator of the the effort to learn up to four who decided to serve as Red Kabataan Partylist in Southern different dialects. fighters in the countryside. Mindanao. He tirelessly encouraged Among them were Rhaim Buan- Ka Lucas decided to join comrades to be firm in the face jug (Ka Jack), who died on Sep- the New People's Army in De- of the AFP's relentless combat tember 22 from malaria com- cember 2013 and was assigned operations and the series of plications and Recca Noelle to a unit in Far South Minda- encounters between their unit Monte who was tortured and nao Region.
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