H t/IH TSTO W N VOI.UME LXXXVIII HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1937 NUM BER 37 January Relief SCHOOL ELECTION Unemployed Man Costs Set Record Takes Own LifeBy Mother and Son Perish TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9, 1937 With $764 Spent POLLS OPEN FROM 7 TO 9 P. M. Cutting Ihroat When Home Is Burned Ninety Families Representing 251 Per­ Florence Driscoll Said to Have Been sons Receive Aid—Surplus Commodi­ At Primary School, Mercer Street 111 and Despondent—Survived by a ties, Distributed by Welfare Director. Persons who may vote In addition to those registered in Hights- Sister. t r a p p e d in room town and East Windsor Township for the last general election are Relief costs for 90 families, represent­ those who register at the polling place Saturday evening, February Florence Driscoll, 37, ill and despon­ ing 251 persons, for the month of Jan­ 6, between 7 and 8 o’clock. dent, li\ing alone over a garage on Mrs. Charles Davison Loses Life In A t­ uary, in Hightstown, amounted to Three members of tlie Board of Education for 3-year terms to Berrien Avenue, near Prjnceton junc­ $7(>4.10, according to the monthly re- be elected. There are six candidates; Fred W. Heidir.ger, Levi U. tion, comniitteil suicide Saturday night, tempt to Rescue Her Son-Five Persons ])ort submitted by Director of Welfare Lee, Earle W. Love, Ernest A. Simpsx>n, Raymond C. Stonaker and according to police. The body was not Escape In Night Clothes. F. K. Hampton to Common Council Jam^^ A. Taylor. The school budget will also be submitted to the discoveM'ed until 0 o’clock Sunday Tuesday night. voters for approval. night, but the tragedy is believed lo ' 7 ^ ............. x v r ii The report states that 44 single per­ i A niiitlu-r and son were burned sons received $230.44- and 46 families .1 „„:Morristown W i l l : lu death and live others narrowly (207 persons) received $533.66. Forty- Public Service, had not been working.' escaped carh' Wednesda}- morning eight persons were certified for WFA Golden Wedding Sewing Project for some time, briends say that he had | Entertain Young w hen lire of unknown origin com- work. been ill and despondent. j Surplus commodities received and dis­ Anniversary of Mr. Hangs in Balance Fred Hall and his sun, John, owners Men’s C O D £ ^ rC S S l’l'''R‘lv dcstrn\’ctl the Icnant house tributed : 100 bags of grapefruit, 69 bags of a general .store at I'rincetun June-; oil the ILirvcv 11. Dev farm on the of Hour, 69 bags of peas, and 109 ar­ tion, missed Driscoll and made inquiries. State "Y” Laymen Guests of C. Her-' I lightSl(.)\Vll-Frcchohl road, Stale ticles of clothing. And Mrs. Holland Due to Expense Early Sunday night the Halls mvesti-i bert Davison — Basketball Notes Highwa) Route 33, about two miles In Recorder’s Court Couple Married February 9, 1887, in Lions Club Requests Council Endeavor gated and found the door leading to j Dutch Neck Father-Son Banquet. Recorder F. K. Hampton submitted Driscoll’s apartment locked. They tlien i . : ea.st ui 1 lighlstow n. 'riic farm is Sl Joseph’s Church, Perrineville— To Have Lights Installed At Stock- .................................... •' Morristown will report for January to Council: l.S dis- Have Resided At Their Present Ad­ climbed a ladder leading to the second entertain the State located in Monroe 'rownshi[), Mad- ton Street and By-Pass Road Inter­ Young Men’s Congress over the CoiliUv oiderly cases handled. Eight paid fines dress 45 Years. section. floor and found Driscoll .slumped over totalling $24; three susjicnded sen­ in a chair. week end in ITbruary. At that timC' ,'T' . a/ i ’ t\ tences; one dismissed for lack of evi­ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holland, Old The WPA sewing jiroject for Hights­ Penns Neck stale police went to the about 2(X) young men between the age.s j Alis. Chailcs ])a\ison w.rs un- dence, and three committed to work- Cranbury road, Hightstown, will cele­ town hangs in the balance. At a Janu­ scene and forced open a door. A safe­ of 18 and 3U will considbr the jirublems' successful in her attempt to save house. brate the golden anniversary of their ary meeting the iiroject was approved ty razor blade which he had used was of “A New Citi/.en.sliip.’' IvlnicT. G'hai'lcs Davison, Eight motor vehicle cases, fines $17; wedding Saturday, February 6th, with by Council on a basis of the Borough lying beside the chair. Coroner Wal­ l)r Jay NYsh, Ot the \Yw York Urn- ami sonun-law, Mr. veiMty deiiartmenl ot iiliysical eduea ■ . ’ one case reviewed and *-;cttled out of solemn higli mass in St. Anthony’s paying rent for the Legion Home and ter H, Swayze had the body removed ICKvanl Sawyor, his court; one ordinance violation pending Church, at 10 o’clock A. !M. Rev. John not exceeding $150 a year for findings. to a morgue and notified County Phy tioa, will speak on "World Citizenship.": I'liS. appeal. B. Conway, Merchantville, N. J., will Later it developed that the WPA ad­ sician Charles H. Mitchell. zVuthorities | >»^<-'d on his six inonilis; tour ,of l-.u-1 graiulson, Donald S.'iwteT, about be the celebrant, assisted by Rev. Ed­ ministrators wanted the Borough to say that Driscoll had been dead about ''‘urkmg with j \’cars old, aiu a nii'ce of Mrs. COUPLE CELEBRATE ward J. Whalen, of Bordentown, and a day and a half when found. nainp men m every Slate O our Marv, of I'rinalou, hur- 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY sponsor the local project on a basis that Rev. brands J. Sullivan, of Burlington, would cost the Borough a considerable Driscoll is survived by a sister, Airs. try. At the congress bamiuet, Dr. Nash' • n' 1 • T 1 1 all former i)astors of St. Anthony’s. aniount for the year. The matter was Belie Roas, of 81. Louis, Aio. will address the young men u:i huilling house ill Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blakeslee, dayks Citizen,” to be fuilowetl by a fur- tlunr ilighlcluthes. of jamesburg, celebrated their fiftietli Afrs. Holland is the daughter of the referred by Council Tuesday night to wedding anniversary Sunday with 80 late Michael and Bridget Ward, of the welfare committee to report next po ta to ASSOCIATION urn ami .^ucial recreation. | b'ire Gliief 'Phomas 1> Malone l^errineville. Air. Molland is the son Tuesday night. ELECT OFFICERS I b.ight discu'-Niun lujiii s or areas th{.. ire alarm was sounded at guests present at a rctepliun at their —......... j been suggested by the planmng com-'''' \ \i 11 1 , home, held' from 3 to 5 1’. .\f. Manyi',’/ Holland, of West Fire Chief Malone and County b'ire Alilton C. Tice, of Deerfield. waLinitiee ui young men. Hie ullicers uf|3H5 31., and that when the lire gifts, flowers and money were presented' married by Alarshall Newell addressed Council re-, to the couple. Carey, February 9th, 1887, garding the alleged fire hazard at the elected president of the -New jersey | the congress include Douglas 1 Hake, ol | enmpanv arrived at the scene the State Potato Association at Us annual i Nevtark, president; James Parker, ol Hire wa.s'hevoml control \ceon A maid of honor at their wedding, in vSt. Joseph’s Church, Perrineville, at- Norton properly, Stockton Street, ...........*..... ■■■ Trenton 'I'hursday ^ - tended by Miss Margaret Ward, dc-' owned by T. R. Mount, The clerk was convcmioii held in Trenton Thursday | I'aK.,-sui'i, Vice preside'nt; Dan 1). l<’iley, Mrs. Idizabeth Smith, of Ossining, N. as panli:4rl ui(if zvyriLUlluial.\<iririiltni-'il V\'.wUv\ ecR. otaaisjulgt'inti: f Alui\ I iislowii,' . secretary;, -\rnuld\ tl Nap-V CnKl -VLllOIU, 1 1 1)111 mtOinidtlOll Y., where the ceremony was performed ceased, and Jolin Holland, now living; instructed to write to the Board of lu iihtaiiIt'll, llif lire liiul a|i[)areiitly at Marlboro, N, J. ! Freeholders requesting assistance in the StilUvcU, of I’reehokl, was eleeted tiee'oloan, ol I'reiiluii, treasurer. a halt century ago, was among the president and R. S. Mason, of Cran-; 'Hie Mercer County niemhers of the iirit^inateil in the kitelien. ■ Mrs. guests attending tlie affair. Air. and Mr. and Mrs. Holland have re.sided | abatement of said hazard, at their present address forty-five years, i Benjamin Ginsburg and Harvey AI. bury, seerelary. Treasurer bred Urun-1 eommiUee are .\rnold Calfee, Davison, alioiil iio years oltl, hail Airs. Blakesless were wed at Ossining iier, of Cranbury, was reelected, as was ' ,,i I'eiminglon; Charle-- I hiuson, ol by the Rev. A. B. Jennings. Hicy liave ^ attended St, Anthony's (Irover appeared before Cuuneil for the eviileiitl) lelt her room for the pur- Church for fifty years. I liey^ have two idt)ns Club with a*sLigge.stion that Coim- Currespoudiiip Seeretary Wdliaui 11. Ciaiibury, and Harold Lovett, ol Rel reshinents were served and musi­ Martin, of New Hrun.Wvick, 1 hghl^toun. pose 1)1 arousiiyt;' hei' son ami \va‘> cal numbers were plaved by guests. daughters, Mrs. Leonard Lewis, of New ' cil consider the cpiestinn of having the The exeeutive commi'ilee elected is a^ The lllakeslccs came from Brooklyn ! Cuy.juid Mrs. Anthony Aluldoon Stale ! lighway Department install a sig- State Laymen trapped ;iiiil overeoiiie in Kliner's )i I'higlishtowii. folluw.s; More than IDU men iroiii the Louiity room, said Malone.
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