Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-5-1956 The B-G News October 5, 1956 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News October 5, 1956" (1956). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1319. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1319 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. VoL 41 The BowlingB-G Green Slate University. Friday. OctoberNews 5. 19S6 No. 2 Welshimer, Gerber Get Dorm Telephones Student Affairs Posts Converted Today Linda Welshimer and Dave Gerber have been appointed Effective today, all on-campus residence halls will be as senior student members to the Council on Student Affairs, serviced by a private, automatic, branch exchange telephone the highest policy making student-faculty committee on the system located in the Maintenance Bldg. All other campus campus, Dr. Elden T. Smith, director of student life and ser- phones will be converted to this system in the early part of vices, announced following a special meeting of the Council, November, according to Mr. Kenneth Prast, University tele- Tuesday, Oct. 2. phone supervisor. Miss Welshimer is first vice- "This will be a much improved president of the Association of system over that under which we Women Students, secretary-trea- Soph, Grad Get are presently operating due to surer of the Elections Board, sec- Board Relates the fact that there will be no more retary of Book and Motor, secre- | I r^ | party lines on enmpus and the ma- tary of Phi Alpha Thru, and a Top Play Roles HaTinil Klllf>e >"T dormitories will be serviced member of Cap and Gown. She al- I lU/Llllly l\Ult> by a larger number of trunk Stephanie Gildehaus and Rob- so serves as secretary of hei soror- 8tated Mr Pra8t ity, Delta Gamma. Kappa Delta Pi ert Smith will play the leading "Tip frosh, sing the Alma Mater, "■■»" - - or let's hear a cheer." These are In addition to having operators and Sigma Tau Delta arc also on roles in the first major university her list of activities. production this year, William the words hundreds of upperclass- on 2 I-hour duty at the University Saroyan's, "The Time of Your men will be shouting around cam- central plant, there will be opera- Gerber is president of Phi Ep- Life," scheduled for Nov. 2, 3, pus to more than 1,000 freshmen tors in Rodgers Quadrangle, silon Kappa, men's physical edu- and 4 in the Main Auditorium. The who must comply with their wishes Founders Quadrangle, and Alice cation honorary. He holds a stu- production, winner of the Drama until Oct. 20- if they win the l'rout Hall. Founders Quad, will dent assistantship in the health Critic's Circle Award and the freshmen-sophomore tug-of-war on eventually have 15 trunk lines, and physical education department rholo by .lu> Wit,mun Pulitzer Prize, will give its audi- that date. Rodent Quad, will have 10, and directing intramural sports. He is Mrs. Donna Perry and Mas Maslene Waralck busily operate the switch- ences a chance to see ten new board which will handle all University calls. If the freshmen loose the tug- Prout Hall will have five. Any an independent and has been very faces on the University stage. of-war the hazing will go on for extension can be connected to any active in intramurals. Miss Gildehaus will portray another week until Homecoming. Of these trunk lines. Thus a stu- Council Nominees Kitty Duval, a powerful person- The Student Spirit and Tradi- dent need not go to the floor on Both of these members were ality filled with hate for the world. tion Board has set up three basic which that particular phone might nominated by the Council because As Joe, Smith will characterize SAE Chapter Receives rules to be followed during fresh- '•«■ located. of their scholastic ability, their a young loafer with expensive man hazing, said Nancy Looman, All on-campus phone numbers demonstration of capable leader- tastes and a good heart. Joe's chairman. They are as follows: wi|| oc of the three-digit variety. ship, and their character records. sidekick is Tom, to be played by All Freshmen are to wear their City phones will have four or five They were chosen from a field of Tory Horton, a new figure on the One Year Suspension bennies between the hours of 7 digit numbers. To place a call on- six candidates. auditorium stage. Run a.m. and 5 p.m. every day but campus, one need merely dial the Other cast members include Six SAEa were suspended from the Univormlty as a result of the drinking Sunday. number of the phone he wishes to Jack Chapin as the Arab; Rex Mc- Incident which followed the Kent-Bowling Green game. Arch B. Conklln. dean Freshmen are to wear their r«,,("h- To P'n<'e » r»" downtown, Graw, McCarthy; Jim Rodgers, of men. announced yesterday. bennies at all places where hats '">« mU!,t dial "8", wait for the Harry; Chuck Mathews, Wesley; may ordinnrly be worn. They must dial tone, then dial thc city num- Doug Cotner, Dudley; Chris Woi- A committee composed of five members of the University be removed in classes. Men must ■*•*■ deck, I.oronc; I.ibby Roof, Mary administration ordered the suspension of activity and the clos- remove them when walking To place a call to a phone on L.; Robert Nameche, Willie; Jerry ing down of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house for Banningu, Blick; Don Tyree, cop; through buildings. ,h,, rBmpuR from somewhere off- Dec Kolthoff, a society lady, Gene the year following an investigation into a disturbance that Freshmen arc to comply with campus, one must dial 38411 to Davis, the drunkard, and Donald occured after the Kent State-Bowling Green football game any reasonable wish of an upper- net the campus operator; then give classman. No personal tasks for her the extension number you de- Phinney, the newsboy. Saturday night, Sept. 22. New actors in the play cast are upperclassmen are to be done, sire and she will place the call GERBER WELSHIMER Dimitrius Economedes as Nick, A report released by the investi- however. for you. For campus information, These rules have been posted merely dial "0". For downtown The council is composed of nine owner and defender of the San lath* committee contained' the £ $ O/Z/C/tj/s f f f in all freshman dormitories. information, one must dial "8", student members who are leaders Francisco saloon; Lewis Bove, Kit following statement describing the Carson; Fred St. John, Krupp; In addition, summons will be "Bit for the dial tone, then dial in outstanding University activi- A incident: "Certain members and £ f (_/pperc/a$$man given out by members of the "••"• mimeographed list of all ties. The student members are Donna Beebe, Elsie; Joy Eckel- r r r harger, streetwalker; Coleen Cun- guests of Sigma Alpha r.psilon board and other uppcrclassmen to ■>•* phone numbers will be dis- Fred Ashley, president of Omi- frcshmen who fail to wear their tributed today, according to Mr. cron Delta Kappa and Inter-Fra- ningham, streetwalker's friend; fraternity were parties to an incl- Kent State University officials beanies or do not comply with the Prast. ternity Council; Arlene Daugherty, Merle Amlin, another cop; Jerry dent which involved drinking of expelled an upperclassmnn and president of Panhellenic Council; Kepler, a sailor, and John Mud- alcoholic beverages, transporting placed the Sigma Alpha Epsilon wishes of upperclassmen. Fresh- Fraternities and sororities may rock, a society gentleman. men who receive these summons continue to make long distance Nancy Looman, president of Cap alcoholic beverages to the house, chapter there on social probation will meet at a stated time and cai|8 from their regular phones and Gown; Shirley Merritt, presi- and an altercation in the street "s the result of an incident be- dent of AWS; l.anny Miles, presi- Bus. Manager Needed place for their "punishment." by merely dialing "0" and giving dent of the Senior Class; Henry which resulted in the disturbance tween the Kent and Bowling Green Members of the spirit and tradi- your out-of-town number to the Jacques, editor-in-chief of the B-G For B-G News Staff of the peace and the calling of the sAKs following the Falcon-Golden lion board and other upperclass- University operator. Dormitories, Howling Green Police." News; Gene Beard, assistant head Application! lor the position of Klnah game Sept 22 men will be near freshmen dormi- however, will be able to place long resident in Rodgers Quadrangle, "Although." the U n i v e r s i t y (;|en c N dean of men tories in the morning for the next distance calls on pay phones only, business manager of The B-G News few weeks giving warnings and „.„ was also named as member-at- will be accepted by tho Campus statement continued, the principle ,, ..'" ' , , , Mr Prast alated that there l Kent sa 1 thal lhe aoclMl rlv summons to unprepared freshmen. ,,„ „,,„„. large last spring to fill the vacancy Publications Committee. Dr. Elden responsibility for the altercation " . " P '- job openingH for studenU created by Fred Ashley who ia T. Smith, chairman, has announced. apparently lies with one or more kigM of the SAEs, of which he is as a result of the new system.
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