1879. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 1667 Mr. P .AD DOCK. Tho Senator from A1knnsas is not a member of it. [Mr. MORRILL] on tho particular amendment relating to the Brazil- 1 :Mr. KIRKWOOD. lli. President, I have a word to say about this ian line. I did not understand the pair to extend to the whole bill. matter. I have the honor of being upon the Committee on Post­ If he were here 1 do not know how he would vote, but supposing he Offices and Post-Roads. Wben this measure was :first brought before might possibly vote "nay," I withhold my vote. that committee the chairman of the committee assigned it to me as Mr. BAILEY. The Senator from Tennessee, my colleague, (Mr. a uucommittee. I was pressed a goou deal with other busineE~s, ILuuus,] is paired with the Senator from Maine, [Mr. BLAD."E.] The and :fin <ling it to ue a very important matter, at my request the Sena­ Senator from Tennessee would vote'' nay." The Senator from North tor from Tennes ee [Mr. BAILEY] was assigned by the chairman of Carolina [1\fr. RA...~SO:M] is paired with the Senator from Massachu­ the committee to a sist me in the investigation and he ilid so. We setts, [Mr. DAWES.] The Senator from North Carolina wonld vote pursued the investigation jointly so far that I uecame thoroughly "nay." The Senator f.rom New Jersey [Mr. RA...~DOLPII] is paired satisfied that there was merit in these claims. Finding the Senator with the Senator from Ohio, [Mr. 1\lATTIIEWS.] The Senator from from Tennessee more industrious than myselfhand better qualified Ohio would vote "yea" and the Senator from New Jersey.would vote than myself to make the investigation, I did s ift off upon him, so "nay." The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. BURNSimq is paired far as I pos ibly could, the labor attending the investigation. I haveJ with the Senator from North Carolina, [Mr. MEmnMON.] The Sen­ however, kept track of it so far as to know that the question bas ator from Rhode Islaml would vote " yea " and the Senator from been examined with as much care as it would be examined in a court North Carolina would vote "nay/' of justice, with the. same calmness, the same deliberation, ancl the lli. McMILLAN. The Senator from Wisconsin [.Mr. CAMERO"N] is arne earnest desire to arrive at the exact truth and justice of the paired with the Senator from Mississippi, [:1\Ir. LA.,IAR.] I do not matter. Knowing that, I am compelled to say it, and I am com­ 1..-now how the Senator from Wisconsin would vote upon the passage pelled to say·also what has been so well·sai.d by the Senator from of the bill. Tenne ee, that the amendment does not affeet him or the region of :Mr. GORDON. If the Senator from Mississippi were present, he country in which he lives. It does, however, affect the region of would vote "yea." country in which I live. There is scarcely a Northwestern State that Mr. FERRY, (after having voted "yea.") There has been a little is not affected by it. Having said this, I must follow the lead of the intimation that perhaps under the circumstances. as I am paired, I enator from Tennessee in regard to the amendment. If he is will­ should withdraw my vote. I withdraw my vote. · ing to transfer this amendment to some other appropriation bill, I 1\Ir. DORSEY. I hope not. o.m content. If he prefers to have it put upon this bill, I shall vote Mr. SPENCER. Vote "nay." for it. Mr. FERRY. I will vote" nay," and then I shall be voting as the Mr. BAILEY. •I am perfectly willing to withdraw the amendment, SenatorfromMaryland, [1\Ir.DENNIS,]with whom I am paired, would and to leave it to some Senator to offer it to another appropriation vote if he were here. : 'Lill. It is a late hour of the night, and unless there shall be an ad­ Mr. CONKLING. I paired with the Senailor from Wisconsin [lli. journment before final action on the bill I prefer to withdraw the HowE] on one of the chief sections of this bill, and therefore I do amendment, because it seems that Senators do not understand it. I not feel at liberty to vote on the passage of the bill, that section hav­ hope, however, they will reacl the report and acquaint themselves ing bee~ adopted. I do not know that he would vote against the with the facts. bill as a whole if he were here. Still I feel bound to observe my The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment is withdrawn. pair. Mr. P .A.DDOCK. On page 8, after line 167, I move to insert: 1\Ir. PADDOCK. I vote "nay" to make a quorum. .anti the work shall lle awarded to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing if it Mr. SHIELDS. To make up a quorum I will cast tho vote of the shnU appear that the same can be done in said bureau and delivered to the Post· Senator from Delaware [Mr. SAULSBURY] with whom I am paired. Office Department at a less cost than if done elsewhere. I would vote "yea," but I will cast his vote and vote "nay." So as to make the proviso read : The result was announced-yeas 23, nays 15; as follows : That in all propo itions for contracts hereafter made for said stamps, bids from YEAS-23. the Bureau of Engraving and Printing of the Treasury Department shall be ro­ Bruce, Conover, Hill, Rollins, cei~ed and acted upon on the same basis as the bids of other parties ; and th'e Burnside, Davis of \Ve tVa., lnJ;Calls, Sanndera, work shall be awarded to the Bureau of Engra~lng and Printing, &c. Butler, Dorsey, Kellogg, Spencer, Cameron of Pa., Eustis, Kernan, Windom, lli. DORSEY. I think there is no objection to that amendment. CockxeU, Gordon, Kirkwood, Withers. The amendment wo.s agreed to. Coke, Hamlin, Maxey, The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amend­ NAYS-15. ments were concurred in. Bailey, Hereford, Morgan, Teller, The amendments were ordered to be engrossed, and the bill to be Beck, :McMillan, Oglesby, Voorhees, read a third time. Eaton, McPherson, Patldock, Wadleigh. The bill was read the third time. Ferry, Merrimon, Shields, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on the pa~sage of the ABSENT-37. biJl. Allison, Dawe!'l, .Jones of Nevada, Ransom, Mr. WHYTE and Mr. VOORHEES called for the yeas and nays, Anthony, Dennis, Lamar, Sargent, and they were ordered. Barnum, Edmunds, McCreerv, Saulsbury, Bayard, G-arland, McDonald, Sharon, • The Secretary proceeded to call the roll. Blaine, Grover, Matthews, Tburma.n, Mr. B.A.RNmf, (when his name was called.) On this question I am Booth, H3.1Tis, Mitchell, Wallo.ee, Jla.ired with the Senator from Delaware, [Mr. BAYARD.] If he were Cameron of Wis., Hoar, Morrill, Whyte. here, I shoulu vote "yea." Chaffee, IIowe, Patterson, Conkling, Johnston, Plumb, :Mr. VOORHEES, (when Mr. McDONALD's name was called.) My Davis of lllinois, .Jones of :Florida, Randolph, colleaque [Mr. :McDoNALD] is paired with the Senator from .A.rkanlias, [Mr. GARLAND.] If my colleague were here, he would vote "nay" So the bill was passed. and the Senator from Arkansas would vote "yea." 1\fr. CONKLING. I move that the Senate do now adjourn until Mr. SHIELDS, (when his name was called.) I am paired with the twelve o'clock to-morrow, Friday. enator from Delaware, [Mr. SAULSDURY.] I would vote ''yea" and The motion was a~eed to; and (at one o'clock and five minntes a • he would vote "nay," if present. m., Friday morning, .1! ebruary 'll) the Senate adjourned. Mr. WHYTE, (when his name was called.) I am paireu with the enator from California, [Mr. SARGE~~.] If he were present, he would probably vote "yea" nnd I should vote "nay." The roll-<Jall was concluded. Mr. BECK. My colleague [:Mr. McCREERYl is paired with the Senator from Virgmia, (Mr. J OIINSTON.] ltfy colleague, if here, would HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. vote "nay." THURSDAY, February 20, 1879. Mr. BURNSIDE. My colleague [Mr. ANTHONY] is paired with the Senator from Vermont, [Mr. Enl\ru.. .ms.] If my colleague were Tho House met at elev~n o'clock a. m. Prayer by the Chaplain, here, be would vote "yea." Rev. ,V. P. HARRISON, D. D. Mr. EUSTIS. The Senator from Mississippi [Mr.LniAR] ispaired The Journal o£ yesterday was read and aJlproved. with the Senator from Wisconsin, [Mr. CAl\ffiRQN.] The Senator ORDER OF BUSINESS. from 1\fississil:>pi would vote " yea." Mr. ATKINS. I call for the regular order of business. Mr. FERRY. I paired with the Senator fl'Om Maryland [Mr. DE...~­ Mr. EDEN. I rise to a question of privilege. .318] on the Brazilian subsidy question. I have kept my pair all Mr. \VOOD. I ask unanimous consent that to-morrow night beset through, but finally, on agreeing to the amendment as amended, I aside for reports from tho Committee of Ways and Means. voted" nay" in ord.er to make a quorum. I make ~his statem!3nt to 1\lr. ATIUNS. I objeci. place myself right. I feel on the passage of the b1ll, embracmg as The SPEAKER. 'l'he Chair de ires first to recognize the gentle­ it does the amendment of the Committee on Post-Offices and Post· man from lllinoiR (:hlr. EDEN] to rise to correct the RECORD. Roads, that I am justified in voting free from my pair.
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