PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. YOL. 12. FRIDAY MORNING, _PORTLAND SEPTEMBER IP, 1873. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. 1 IHF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS REAL ESTATE. TO Gouldn t WANTS, LOST, FOUND. LEI. business directory. ISCEJJLAJN EO U S. Gome It.—A correspondent of Published every day (Suudays excepted) by the THE PRESS/ _M tlie Detroit Free Prune h .s a poor idea of portlani* i‘i kms)ii\(; to., Country Coiasjo for Sale. Wanted. To Lot. Agency for Sewing Machines. Chicago people. He says: on IV. W. THE tIIDAT lOlNING, SEPT. 19. 187S five rooms in CAPABLE rl to A NEW Store Atlantic near St., and l»YEIt, No. Hi Middle St. All NATIONAL SPRING BED. at 109 poktland. containing g<*od order, Ell- g do general housework. Ap- '"(ingress I was sitting in the office of the hotel Exchange St. xA Horse can. Suitable for a Shoe Stnie or ihm-y binds of HOUSEWoodhouse amt Stable connected; one ana o- e A plrt at 223 Cumberland street Machines for sale aad to let. the and domestic yoods or Gnxe its. AnnlvtoS. A. watching evening shadow* as they -ilent- Tsums- Eight Dollar* a Ve»> in advance To ! fifth acres yra*>s land, garden and fruit trees, very se18*3t Immediately. Repairing. and healt ANDEttSON, No. 37 St. Lawrence St. Gossip and matsbaled tiieir hosts to the mail subseribeis Seven Dollars a Year If in ad- Li ill airy hy location, commanding beautiful (.leanings. ly imprison paid mar26<1 Iw then eodi t vanee. views of country and mountains; 13 miles Iroui th Bakers. light of day, when a w :ll-.lresseJ young man cit\ find 3 miles from 1* & O. K. K Wanted. Depot, prie IV. f! VO seated biniselfbeside me, and says he: in derate. CHARLES M GOOD COOK at 240 Congress street. Apply To Kent. HR. Nos. M8 and :CO Pearl 8n-ert. Our of a well-known THE MAINE STATE PRESS HAWKKS, On direct pedagogue says pen- “Your name is—is—is? ju21eo 13m 06 Middle A sel8dtf is a room route between New Vo.tom Street. immediately. rglHERE pleasant to rent at No. 2 Tol- blouse cil manufacturer that he is aud PosIdPiUcr, uenr the Market. “Facersuse.br- “George Henry Wa-bington,” I replied, as Is published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a i_man Place._ seplltf The best and cheapest SPRING BED In the world. at a Wanted. tume.” lie he'ita.cii. year if paid in advance, $2 00 year. For Rent. Situation One Matt-res* saved. We Vive on hand a splendid Rooms To Let. Booksellers anti Stationers. “Ah! ha! I kneie I knew ho sa n story House No. 21 St. John btreet. con- BOOKKEEPER rr Clerk. Best of references. stoc oi Walnut Chamber Sets and Parlor Suits nf yon!'’ d, Hates of Advertising: One Inch of space, our own and will Thetaining six finished rooms, cemented cellar. A AS Ad iiess *‘K,” at this Office. sel8o3l* board. Two newlv finished rooms noVT, EO(i!t A UHEKO, No.Oi Middle manufacture, warrant every niece Boston seriously believes Mr. Mullett’s shaking my hand very extensively; “you u-ed engrh of constitutes a “square.” Street. We are the best Steel in our joke column, large stable. ^ ith baT au acre of land will be leased WITHOUTadj-nning, suitable fora gentleman and rite ndne S, rings Parlor to live in—in?" $ 50 first week; 75 cents per or two that its new office will be per square daily with the houj-e if desired. to F.G. PA ITER- single gentleman, ._pplyto216 Cumbeiland Suits. Our men all w«*rk ny the day. Buy direct post ready to open w ek three or coutiiiu- Apply •'In f in. after; insertions, less, $1 00; Dealer in Real Estate. treit. seS-2w» from the manufacturer and save < uc profit. linstoi, put 50 SON, selOeoihw Wanted. Book Binders. on the first of jng every other day aftei first week, cents. April. “Ah! v‘s, that was where I met you," he Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one A. Room For Sale. WJ*' MEINVY. It, Printer’s continued, veiy h that I had as- week. $1 0U; 50 cents per week after. IACHT TO LET. Wo. Ill Geo. A, seeming ppy 2 GOOD BROOM MAKERS bxeliaiigr, (Cxclinugr Hu 0 Whitney & Co Jack sisted Ins Special Notices, one third additional. very desirable brick house. No. Captain says that if the melancholy memory. And then he nent on 5 Park lace, ^ A MIIAl'KFOUD, Wo. .‘{5‘ Plum Under head of “Amusements,1” §2 00 per square THEsuitable for a smalt Please examine at MuuutRrlurrrs of Vurni lire, come and told about me in and of family. Wh understands the business, good wages and Street. days'haven’t they arc so close at hand meeting Boston, per week: three insertions oi less $1 5ft. cvce. If net sold by the iust. will be rein cd to A The owner the Yacht Ala»m our 20th, steady amp'o>ment will be*given. going away, eating at the same table and drinking Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State a d sirable tenant. to JOHN C. AW will be let to the <»r we k IVo. 46 Exchange Street, that there is no fun in it. Apply PROCTER, For rticulars P O. Bi>x GO, parties by day from the same and in tee Press” (wli’ch has a large circulation in every part 93 Exchange St. seUMlv p apply the month of and Septcm- Confectionery. dein'john, sitting duiiug August augXMm It, low Middle of the State) for §1 00 per square lor first insertion, New Glasgow ,P. C. Nova Scotia, her. Cabin and pantry completely furn- *'• J PERKINS inannfactnrer ©‘ plain St. jubilee builuing together. It was a little -*.r-iTM nmf and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- Two Nciv Houses lor ^alo. set 7 *2w isi,e(]# Orders left, at Lyman, Tobey A’ Co. fancy CaudieN, '2H7 Cougreww St. A female centenarian of Mansfield, Conn., queer to me, as I was n ver nearer Boston tion. Commercial street, or on board the \ aeht, Portia.id itle. HENRY fllHE Block of two new French roof on ~CLEW8 & than Detroit, and as name isti t Address all communications to Houses, A. SEWALL, Capt. CO., has happily escaped ever a New my Washing- Jl C ng'ess next west of Bramhall 500 anSdtf___T. heating Eng- and as I PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. street, -treet, Good Girls Wanted Immedia- ton, don't drink from a rletu i <hu. a few rods from the h rse cars. Ti;ese houses con- Carpenters and Builders. i2 WAL! STREET. NEW land biass band. To Let. VORK, Then he said he was on his ami tain seven rooms Sebago and water tely. H HITNEV way East, each, gas, closets, & MEANS, Pearl Street, op. he had to <Src., &c., are I ealed. «nd can be. had BOARD, large pleasant rooms. Suitable posite Park. Oiler for »jiIc n limited number of Hie that pay $50 on some hardware, very pleasantly Puzzle tor BUSINESS CARDS. on favorable teims. Just finished and leady for im- WITHfoi families or single gentlemen. your “Uncle.”—Ask a pawn’ and that if lie could get it of me he would se- GOTO Girls o<* all nation*, for housework tf mediate occupancy. to WM. H. JEltRIS, " At52F ee Street. jn24*tw then cure me Apply O' / in town an I FIRST MORTOABE 7 PER CENT, CON broker how much he would e n with ten limes t ie amount. Real Estate Agent. country; table girls for'Saloon. Dye-House. give you your Slowly and Kl then tor Stimme and FOSTER'S I drew out I it Portland, Sept. 15,1873. selStf Laundry j girls Hotels, To Let. Rye House, '44 Vniou Street.* VERTIRLE SINKING FUND birthday. my wallet, slowly put back, HENRY F. T. Beach Conks, Chamber, and Scrub ami I: MERRILL, Houses^ girls. OF THE BESTH says Forest City Employment < »flice. FF1CES ON EXCHANGE COLD BONDS STREET. of Furniture—Wholesale ami Betail. “Do you see any hav-seed on hat ?” COUNSELOR AT Two Houses lor $2300, m MRS. L. 314 St. ONE Enquire my LAW seplTdlm HOVEY, Congress l:K The Grand of Baltimore bus GEO. A. WHITNEY it VORKY 4 No. — OF — Jury presented He sa.d he No. *TXTITH 4000 feet ol land, pleasantly located on CO,. VO., Arcade, THE would see'iue again, but I don't 30 Fxflianffp Ml., Portland. No. IS Free Street. as tv -will rent for $300; of water; 46 Exchange St. nuisances all past, present, and future noc- expect he will. Mnnioy; plenty LOftf. mar24tf_ OEOKIOK Formerly of the U. S. Department and neighborhood. Apph* i.o WM. H.* JERR1S, A. WHITNEY, Wo. 56 Ex- turnal Treasury I WEEN the corner of and Burlington, Cedar & Min- political prosessions. Attorney in all the courts in t lie District of oWmbia, J'oodleal Estate Agent, Cahoon Block. Newbury Pearl sts., change St. Cpholstcring of all kind** Rapids and a STORE TO LET. • Pity the Poor Printer —A writer in will attei d to the prosecution of laiius teiurs the Portland, Sept. 15,1873. sel5*3w BE the Preble House ladies light over skirt done to order. ______ The Binder will confer afivorbv it at tsis nesota Railway Line. Court of Claims and the various departments at leaving Our Monthly has been inside a com- Office. large brick store in the Kackleff Block, corner When Dr. evidently Washington. octll-'f sel7d!f «■ At fiO and accrued interest Watts wrote of his “title House a in! Lot lor Sale.
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