19/9/2019 All data for a single taxon * **Tell us why you value the fungal databases*** Fungus-Host - 932 records were found using the criteria: name = Colletotrichum truncatum and its synonyms Colletotrichum truncatum (Schwein.) Andrus & W.D. Moore 1935 (Ascomycetes, Phyllachorales) ≡ Vermicularia truncata Schwein. 1832 ≡Colletotrichum dematium f. truncatum (Schwein.) Arx 1957 Note: As 'truncata'. = Vermicularia capsici Syd. 1913 ≡ Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.) E.J. Butler & Bisby 1931 ≡ Steirochaete capsici (Syd.) Sacc. 1921 = Colletotrichum curvatum Briant & E.B. Martyn 1929 = Colletotrichum indicum Dastur 1934 ≡ Vermicularia indica (Dastur) Vassiljevsky 1950 Notes: Roberts and Snow (1990) considered C. capcisi and C. indicum conspecific based on morphological and pathological studies. Distribution: Cosmopolitan. Substrate: Leaves, stems, flowers, fruit. Disease Note: Anthracnose, blight, dieback, leaf, fruit, and stem rots. Host: Multiple genera in multiple families; major pathogen of Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae). Supporting Literature: Aktaruzzaman, M., Afroz, T., Lee, Y.-G., and Kim, B.-S. 2018. Post-harvest anthracnose of papaya caused by Colletotrichum truncatum in Korea. Eur. J. Pl. Pathol. 150(1): 259-265. Bahri, B.A., Saadani, M., Mechichi, G., and Rouissi, W. 2019. Genetic diversity of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex associated with Citrus wither-tip of twigs in Tunisia using microsatellite markers. J. Phytopathol. 167(6): 351-362. Bi, Y., Guo, W., Zhang, G.J., Liu, S.C., and Chen, Y. 2017. First report of Colletotrichum truncatum causing anthracnose of strawberry in China. Pl. Dis. 101(5): 832. Cavalcante, G.R.S., Barguil, B.M., Vieira, W.A.S., Lima, W.G., Michereff, S.J., Doyle, V.P., and Camara, M.P.S. 2019. Diversity, prevalence, and virulence of Colletotrichum species associated with lima bean in Brazil. Pl. Dis. 103(8): 1961-1966. Chai, A.-L., Zhao, Y.-J., Shi, Y.-X., Xie, X.-W., and Li, B.-J. 2014. Identification of Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.) Butler causing anthracnose on pumpkin in China. Canad. J. Pl. Pathol. 36: 121-124. Chen, Y.-h., and Huang, T.-P. 2018. First report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum capsici on passion fruit in Taiwan. Pl. Dis. 102(12): 2648-2649. Cheng, B.P., Huang, Y.H., Peng, A.T., Ling, J.F., Song, X.B., and Chen, X. 2014. First report of leaf and fruit spot of Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Nian Ju caused by Colletotrichum truncatum in China. Pl. Dis. 98(3): 422. Chowdappa, P., Chethana, C.S., and Pavani, K.V. 2015. Colletotrichum siamense and C. truncatum are responsible for severe outbreaks of anthracnose on onion in Southwest India. J. Pl. Pathol. 97(1): 77-86. Damm, U., Woudenberg, J.H.C., Cannon, P.F., and Crous, P.W. 2009. Colletotrichum species with curved conidia from herbaceous hosts. Fung. Diversity 39: 45-87. Diao, Y.-Z., Zhang, C., Liu, F., Wang, W.-Z., Liu, L., Cai, L., and Liu, X.-L. 2017. Colletotrichum species causing anthracnose disease of chili in China. Persoonia 38: 20-37. Diao, Y.Z., Zhang, C., Lin, D., and Liu, X.L. 2014. First report of Colletotrichum truncatum causing anthracnose of tomato in China. Pl. Dis. 98(5): 687. Ellison, C.A., Sawadogo, A., Braman, S., and Nacro, S. 2015. First Report of Colletotrichum truncatum Causing Stem Cankers on Jatropha curcas in Burkina Faso. Pl. Dis. 99: 14-20. Freeman, A., Spackman, M., and Lindbeck, K. 2012. A surveillance survey for lentil anthracnose in Victorian lentil crops using high throughput PCR testing. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 7: 177-180. Grabke, A., Williamson, M., Henderson, G.W., and Schnabel, G. 2014. First Report of Anthracnose on Peach Fruit Caused by Colletotrichum truncatum in South Carolina. Pl. Dis. 98: 1154. Hu, M.-J., Grabke, A., and Schnabel, G. 2015. Investigation of the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species complex causing peach anthracnose in South Carolina. Pl. Dis. 99: 797-805. Huang, F., Chen, G.-q., Hou, X., Fu, Y.S., Cai, L., Hyde, K.D., and Li, H.Y. 2013. Colletotrichum species associated with cultivated citrus in China. Fung. Diversity 61: 61-74. Jayawardena, R.S., Hyde, K.D., Chethana, K.W.T., Daranagama, D.A., Dissanayake, A.J., Goonasekara, I.D., Manawasighe, I.S., Mapook, A., Jayasiri, S.C., Karunarathna, A., Li, C.G., Phukhamsakda, C., Senanayake, I.C., Wanasinghe, D.N., Camporesi, E., Bulgakov, T.S., Li, X.H., Liu, M. , Zhang, W., and Yan, J.Y. 2018. Mycosphere notes 102-168: Saprotrophic fungi on Vitis in China, Italy, Russia and Thailand. Mycosphere 9(1): 1-114. https://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases/new_allView.cfm?whichone=FungusHost&thisName=Colletotrichum truncatum &organismtype=Fungus&from… 1/10 19/9/2019 All data for a single taxon Jayawardena, R.S., Hyde, K.D., Damm, U., Cai, L., Liu, M. , Li, X.H., Zhang, W., Zhao, W.S., and Yan, J.Y. 2016. Notes on currently accepted species of Colletotrichum. Mycosphere 7(8): 1192-1260. Mahmodi, F., Kadir, J.B., Nasehi, A., and Puteh, A. 2013. Occurence of Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum truncatum on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in Malaysia. Pl. Dis. 97: 1507. Matos, K.S., Santana, K.F.A, Catarino, A.M., Hanada, R.E., and Silva, G.F. 2017. First report of anthracnose on welsh onion (Allium fistulosum) in Brazil caused by Colletotrichum theobromicola and C. truncatum. Pl. Dis. 101(6): 1055-1056. Mongkolporn, O., and Taylor, P.W.J. 2018. Chili anthracnose: Colletotrichum taxonomy and pathogenicity. Pl. Pathol. 67(6): 1255- 1263. Mordue, J.E.M. 1971. Colletotrichum capsici. C.M.I. Descr. Pathog. Fungi Bact. 317: 1-2. Noor, N.M., and Zakaria, L. 2018. Identification and characterization of Colletotrichum spp. associated with chili anthracnose in peninsular Malaysia. Eur. J. Pl. Pathol. 151: 961-973. Ramdial, H., de Abreu, K., and Rampersad, S.N. 2017. Fungicide sensitivity among isolates of Colletotrichum truncatum and Fusarium incarnatum-equiseti species complex infecting bell pepper in Trinidad. Pl. Pathol. J. 33(2): 118-124. Roberts, R.G., and Snow, J.P. 1990. Morphological and pathological studies of Colletotrichum capsici and C. indicum. Mycologia 82: 82-90. Saini, T.J., Gupta, S.G., and Anandalakshmi, R. 2017. Detection of tomato anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum truncatum in India. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 12: 48. Salunkhe, V.N., Anandhan, S., Gawande, S.J., Ikkar, R.B., Bhagat, Y.S., and Mahajan, V. 2018. First report of Colletotrichum truncatum causing anthracnose of mouse garlic (Allium angulosum) in India. Pl. Dis. 102(1): 240. Sangpueak, R., Phansak, P., and Buensanteai, N. 2018. Morphological and molecular identification of Colletotrichum species associated with cassava anthracnose in Thailand. J. Phytopathol. 166(2): 129-142. Shivas, R.G., Tan, Y.P., Edwards, J., Dinh, Q., Maxwell, A. , Andjic, V., Liberato, J.R. , Anderson, C., Beasley, D.R., Bransgrove, K., Coates, L.M., Cowan, K., Daniel, R., Dean, J.R., Lomavatu, M.F., Mercado-Escueta, D., Mitchell, R.W., Thangavel, R., Tran-Nguyen, L.T.T., and Weir, B.S. 2016. Colletotrichum species in Australia. Australas. Pl. Pathol. 45(5): 447-464. Suwannarat, S., Steinkellner, S., Songkumarn, P., and Sangchote, S. 2017. Diversity of Colletotrichum spp. isolated from chili pepper fruit exhibiting symptoms of anthracnose in Thailand. Mycol. Progr. 16(7): 677-686. Tariq, A., Naz, F., Rauf, C.A., Irshad, G., Abbasi, N.A., and Khokhar, N.M. 2017. First report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum truncatum on bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) in Pakistan. Pl. Dis. 101(4): 631. Than, P. P., Jeewon, R., Hyde, K.D., Pongsupasamit, S., Mongkoloporn, O., and Taylor, P.W.J. 2008. Characterization and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum species associated with anthracnose on chili (Capiscum spp.) in Thailand. Pl. Pathol. 57: 562- 572. Torres-Calzada, C., Tapia-Tussell, R., Higuera-Ciapara, I., Huchin-Poot, E., Martin-Mex, R., Nexticapan-Garcez, A., and Perez- Brito, D. 2018. Characterization of Colletotrichum truncatum from papaya, pepper and physic nut based on phylogeny, morphology and pathogenicity. Pl. Pathol. 67(4): 821-830. Villafana, R.T., Ramdass, A.C., and Rampersad, S.N. 2018. First report of Colletotrichum truncatum causing anthracnose in tomato fruit in Trinidad. Pl. Dis. 102(9): 1857. von Arx, J.A. 1970. A revision of the fungi classified as Gloeosporium. Biblioth. Mycol. 24: 1-203. Wang, Y.-C., Hao, X.-Y., Wang, L., Xiao, B., Wang, X.-C., and Yang, Y.-J. 2016. Diverse Colletotrichum species cause anthracnose of tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) in China. Sci. Rep. 6: 35287. Watanabe, K., Ikeda, H., Sakashita, T., and Sato, T. 2016. Anthracnose of genus Mandevilla caused by Colletotrichum truncatum and C. siamense in Japan. J. Gen. Pl. Pathol. 82: 33-37. Yang, H.-C., Haudenshield, J.S., and Hartman, G.L. 2014. Colletotrichum incanum sp. nov., a curved-conidial species causing soybean anthracnose in USA. Mycologia 106: 32-42. Yang, X.X., Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Huang, X.Q., Wu, W.X., and Xue, L.H. 2018. First report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum truncatum on Basella alba in China. Pl. Dis. 102(9): 1853. Zhai, Y.X., Zhang, B.Q., Cao, H., and Hao, X.J. 2018. First report of Colletotrichum truncatum causing anthracnose of begonia in China. Pl. Dis. 102(6): 1177-1178. Zhang, Y. , Xu, H., Jiang, S., Wang, F., Ou, C., Zhao, Y., Ma, L., and Li, Y. 2018. First report of Colletotrichum truncatum causing anthracnose on the berry stalk and the rachis of kyoho grape (Vitis labruscana x V. vinifera) clusters in Hebei, China. Pl. Dis. 102(10): 2040. Updated on Jul 31, 2019 Colletotrichum capsici - (Colletotrichum truncatum): Abelmoschus
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