THE SAX- FRANCISCO CALL., SATURDAY^ JUKE 30, 1900. 7 ADVERTISEMENTS. LEWIS, MAD MERRY MONARCH, ANXIETY IN "absqlute^ecurity. ANNOUNCES ROYAL REIGN OF REVEL MONTEREY OVER Genuine CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS must Ukase Calls Upon All Loyal Subjects to Reclaim the Hour MRS. HOOVER bear signature of \4L~?z&^. Tor •¦•allmatt as easj Former Resident of That tmtake as smgaxw Stolen by the Traitor Care and Rip the Imperial City Who Is Now • in SFF InADTrtfcl™heao *chl SFF Tientsin. MC GARTERS FOR DIZZIBESS. MC City Open. , FOa BIUOUSHESS. of Stockton Wide /,niTfTll r IPIiTTIE ~™«.Mw Her Husband, a Former Stanford GENUINE Wver tor torpid liver. GENUINE Man, Is Cldef Engineer of the H PILLS' FOR COK3TIPATIOS. Imperial Department of Mm FOR SALLOW SKIK. Mines in China. WftAPPFI? WPAPPFB Special Dispatch to The Call. MONTEREY, June 29.—Great anxiety Is felt here as to the safety of Mrs. H. C. "PRUSTTEp ON K.EXS PAPER.' Hoover of this city, who is now in Tien- tsin, China. Mrs. Hoover is the eldest daughter of Charles D. Henry of this AMUSEMENTS. city, cashier of the Bank of Monterey, CALIFORNIA NORTHWESTERN H'Y CO. and went to China with her Jiusband Lessee of San Francisco and North Pacific about eighteen months ago. Mr. Hoo- Railway Company. ver is chief engineer In the Imperial The Picturesque Route of California. Department of Mines of China. He and his wife are probably safer than the ma. Jority of foreigners now in China because they are under the direct protection of Chang Yen Mow, Imperial Director Gen- MATINEE TO-DAY. SATURDAY, JTTXE 30. Parquet, 25c, any seat; balcony, 10c; Special of Mines, pow- chil- eral and one" of the most dren, 10c, any part. Rates Government, FOR THE erful officials of 'the but as A BILt.BEYOND CRITICISM. nothing has been heard from them' her© THE BEST OP THE SEASOX. since matters became so very bad in The Greatest Comedy Quartet in America. Tientsin Mrs. Hoover's parents feel very uneasy. The last news received from them was a cablegram dated at Tientsin July June £G, and signed by George Wilson, The Four Fourth of Presenting "THE COHANS. Mr. Hoover's assistant, stating that Mr. GOVERNOR'S BON." and Mrs. Hoover were safe at that time. TODD FAMILY OP ACROBATS, CARRIXG- Further news is eagerly awaited, for Mrs. TON, HOLLAND AND OALPIN, On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Hoover is a great favorite in Monterey. ¦ GILBERT AND GOI>DIE. July -3 and -*¦ graduate MUSICAL. DALE. SYDNEY PEASE. GRAPE- . Mrs. Hoover is a of Stanford WIN AND CHANCE. Round-trip tickets willbe sold from San Fran- University of the class of '9S, and is on* cisco to all points north of San Ra- ' of the few women on this coast that has fael at the rate cf taken a degree In the Department of Geol- ogy. She was prominent in fraternal and co-ed athletic circles at Stanford during ONE SINGLE FARE her fouf- years' residence In that Institu- Xv fellows: tion and was a charter member of Stan, Chapter KappaJCappa Petalama IIOfr Oeys«rrlH« %2 S3 ford of Gamma So- MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. Ss^ta Rosa I50; Cloverdale »0O ciety. She is also a graduate of the State SaTastopol lMiHopland *SO Normal School at San Jose. Her husband Guerneville 2 50* Ukiah 4 ia is likewise a Stanford graduate, having Another Sensational Success! Windsor 195! Sonoma 1CO taken his degree as mining engineer in Healei*bur« 2 23! Glea Ellen 120 '96. Crowded Houses Are Witnessing the Bevlval Lytton 2 40' After leaving the university he went to of the Operatic Gem. Return Lim!t. THURSDAY, July Sin. 1300. Australia as consulting engineer for an English mining company, and about two On SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY, years ago was appointed chief engineer of Mines June 30th. July Ist, July W. Round trip tlekets in the Imperial Department in will be «old trom San Francisco to all points China, representing therein a large Eng- north of San Rafael at the following RE- lish mining syndicate. DUCED RATES: Mr. and Mrs. Hoover (who was Miss Petaluma $1 59i GeyservlUa 13 S3 Lou Henry before her marriage) were BVMY IVZNISG ALL HEXT fc*nta Rosa 2 23 Cloverdale 4 SO married at Monterey in February. 189*, WEES. S^baetopol 2 70 Sonoma 1s(> and sailed at once for Tientsin, China, Guem*vllle 3 75! Glen Ellen 1*> where they have since resided, that being POPULAR PRICES— Kc and 50c Windsor 2 K\Hopland 800 the headquarters of the syndicate which TELEPHONE BUSH 9. Jtoldsburg- 2 it Uklah 5 00 represents. Lytton S 6i>. Mr. Hoover R*tnrn Limit. THfRSCAT. July sth. 1900. For further Information apply at ticket office, CO MARKET ST.. Chronicle building, or TIB- ADVEBTISEJEENT& UROX FERRT foot of Market »t. General office. Mum! Life bulldlne. 232 Sansoroe at. R. X. RYAN'. Gen'l Pass. Agent. MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2 SHARP. H. C. WHITING. Gen-ril Manager. CHARLES FROHMAN Presents OCZAN TRAVEL. HENRY MILLER Pacific Goast Steamship Co. AND A COMPANY, SPECIAL 1. Steamers leave Broadway in Jerome K. Jerome's Comedy, &^ wharf, San Francisco:— fwhta^^ For AlasWan i«'r'.9 11 a. m . jijßgeg^ July 6. 10. 15. 20. 2.%. 31. Au- "MISS HOBBS" rS^Jmt Ku«t 4. Thane* to company's Next We»k— SLc?l\sCa steamera' a* Seattle. SEATS NOW READY. |fjS*\S^S 'Kill Fc'r Victoria. Vancouver iR. HENRY ;v\ll-LER fgwQ^SU C.:. Port Townsend. Seattle, And SPECIAL COMPANY In a Magnificent £^^w§snSW9 Tacoma. Everett. Anacortes. Production of Rntl N»w Whatcom fWa.«h.>— 11 a. m.. July 5. 10. IS. 20. 23. who have been relieved of "THE TREE 30. August 4. and every fifth day thereafter. OF KNOWLEDGE." Change' at Seattle to this company's uteamers FAIR. interpreted by SCENES ON THE MIDWAY AT STOCKTON'S STREET painful menstruation by ' To be a great cast. for Alaska arul G. X.R'y.: at Tacoma to N. P. v R'y.:at Vancouver to C. P. R'y. Vege- For Eureka. Humbolrtt Ba*~lo a. m.. July Lydia E*Pinkham's 2. 7. 12. 17. 22. 27, August 1. and every fifth excepting previous shows have following, but the great Iday thereafter. , Social Dispatch to The Call. jects and especially and not our of Queen Genevieve and the one their table Compound, are con- Cms, fair consort, shall be fcuilty of high treason. to the appearance of the KingPin, Not bulk of people pass their time In front of For Santa Monterey, Pan Slmenn. Cay- e*peelally of singing sisters, dancers, ucoa. Port Harford tSan Luis Oblspo). 29.— T0-morrow And and above all we do comm- much the glory, but certainly agree- the muscle won- Ilueneme, SanGat-lota. June and and reiterate that all our liege and friv- gave drous snake eaters and all that tribe of stantly writing grateful Santa Barbara. Ventura. Pedro.— will be the day of all days cf the appear able to- Stocktonians. as it them the East San Pedro (Los AniflesO and Xewport olous and fairies shall in opportunity to rest and prepare marvels. Stockton Street Fair for gayety and bizarre, bewildering and becoming attire and for the Mrs*Plnkham* PHONE MAIN532. ,9 a. m.. July 2. S. R 14. 1». 23. 2*. 30, August wild times that are promised after 4 This afternoon was qui,et as far as the letters to WALTER MOROSCO Man&ser 3. and e\ery fourth day thereafter. merriment will be carefully conceal their visare? behind masque*. to-morrow, ur.trammeled being: by o'clock when all faces willb% celebration went. Queen Gtnevieve. at- For San IMe^o. stopping only at Port Har- •Jim let person King unil«>r penalty of tickled our Im- concealing by royal suite, loose in the of prlsl Bearer of the Triple-Eyed Peacock's hidden behind visors and the tended her all in court ford (San Luis Oblspo*. Santa Barbara. Port' STOCKTON. If dayS ppasms mirth loyalty: multi-colored confetti will costume, arrived at the plaza in time iLos Angeles and (Lea Angreles)— a Pin I^ewis the First. the Feather into of and that cover the Just Lydia E. Pinktuon's Vegetable Compound I SEATS NOW ON SALE! R^dnndo ll follows out proclamation at royai ball shall unmask under pen- streets. All this Is to be climaxed with to review the street sports held In front m.. July 4. 8. 12. IS. 21. 24. 2«. August 1. and programme the our none of the grand MONDAY EVENING NEXT, July every fourth day thereafter. king, a!t»- of being compelled to wear their true and a qpstume ball. After that— well, that ia stand. There was not quite 2d. of the fantastic the streets of Improper faces for the say. much and to THE NEW For Ensenada. Magrtalena Bay. Pan Jose d»l to-morrow remainder and entire for time to so color flamor the second RRAWLEY COMPANY Stockton will be slippery of live*. That it is r>ur gracious appearance of her Majesty. The heavy Play. ICabo. Mazatlan. Altata. La Paz. Santa Rosalia their natural In Israel ZanrwUl's Guayiras (Mexico*— m., of night. pleasure to command our royal Master of the Surprises Promised. costumes was cured them* It always and lo a. 7th each subjects In which the suite clothed the King has to say Hobes to supply cur hot aerated with One feature of the ball at the pavilion and the royal purple and ermine of the month. This U« what Pin ma?>qufi# for a nominal consideration.
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