2012 European Championships Statistics – Men’s 100m by K Ken Nakamura All time performance list at the European Championships Performance Performer Time Wind Name Nat Pos Venue Year 1 1 9.99 1.3 Francis Obikwelu POR 1 Göteborg 20 06 2 2 10.04 0.3 Darren Campbell GBR 1 Budapest 1998 3 10.06 -0.3 Francis Obikwelu 1 München 2002 3 3 10.06 -1.2 Christophe Lemaitre FRA 1sf1 Barcelona 2010 5 4 10.08 0.7 Linford Christie GBR 1qf1 Helsinki 1994 6 10.09 0.3 Linford Christie 1sf1 Sp lit 1990 7 5 10.10 0.3 Dwain Chambers GBR 2 Budapest 1998 7 5 10.10 1.3 Andrey Yepishin RUS 2 Göteborg 2006 7 10.10 -0.1 Dwain Chambers 1sf2 Barcelona 2010 10 10.11 0.5 Darren Campbell 1sf2 Budapest 1998 10 10.11 -1.0 Christophe Lemaitre 1 Barce lona 2010 12 10.12 0.1 Francis Obikwelu 1sf2 München 2002 12 10.12 1.5 Andrey Yepishin 1sf1 Göteborg 2006 14 10.14 -0.5 Linford Christie 1 Helsinki 1994 14 7 10.14 1.5 Ronald Pognon FRA 2sf1 Göteborg 2006 14 7 10.14 1.3 Matic Osovnikar SLO 3 Gö teborg 2006 17 10.15 -0.1 Linford Christie 1 Stuttgart 1986 17 10.15 0.3 Dwain Chambers 1sf1 Budapest 1998 17 10.15 -0.3 Darren Campbell 2 München 2002 20 9 10.16 1.5 Steffen Bringmann GDR 1sf1 Stuttgart 1986 20 10.16 1.3 Ronald Pognon 4 Göteb org 2006 20 9 10.16 1.3 Mark Lewis -Francis GBR 5 Göteborg 2006 20 9 10.16 -0.1 Jaysuma Saidy Ndure NOR 2sf2 Barcelona 2010 24 12 10.17 0.3 Haralabos Papadias GRE 3 Budapest 1998 24 12 10.17 -1.2 Emanuele Di Gregorio IA 2sf1 Barcelona 2010 26 14 10.18 1.5 Bruno Marie -Rose FRA 2sf1 Stuttgart 1986 26 10.18 -1.0 Mark Lewis Francis 2 Barcelona 2010 26 14 10.18 -1.0 Martial Mbandjock FRA 3 Barcelona 2010 26 10.18 -1.0 Francis Obikwelu 4 Barcelona 2010 26 10.18 -10 Dwain Chambers 5 Barcelona 2010 31 16 10.19 0.0 Pietro Mennea ITA 1h2 Praha 1978 31 16 10.19 0.0 Max Moriniere FRA 1h2 Split 1990 31 10.19 0.3 Bruno Marie -Rose 2sf1 Split 1990 31 10.19 -0.7 Linford Christie 1sf1 Helsinki 1994 31 10.19 -0.2 Ronald Pognon 1qf2 Göteborg 2006 31 10.19 1.0 Francis Obikwelu 1sf2 Göteborg 2006 31 10.19 -1.4 Christophe Lemaitre 1h5 Barcelona 2010 31 10.19 -1.0 Martial Mbandjock 1sf3 Barcelona 2010 39 18 10.20 1.2 Marian Woronin POL 1h5 Athinai 1982 39 10.20 -0.1 Steffen Bringmann 2 Stuttgart 1986 39 10.20 0.3 Max Moriniere 3sf1 Split 1990 39 18 10.20 0.3 John Regis GBR 4sf1 Split 1990 39 18 10.20 1.7 Geir Moen NOR 1sf2 Helsinki 1994 39 18 10.20 0.3 Stefano Tilli ITA 4 Budapest 1998 45 22 10.21 -0.8 Frank Emmelmann GDR 1 Athinai 1982 45 10.21 -0.1 Bruno Marie -Rose 3 Stuttgart 1986 45 22 10.21 -1.2 Daniel Sangouma FRA 1h1 Split 1990 45 10.21 -0.2 Daniel Sangouma 1sf2 Split 1990 45 22 10.21 0.3 Marlon Devonish GBR 2sf1 Budapest 1998 45 10.21 0.5 Haralabos Papadias 2sf2 Budapest 1998 45 22 10.21 1.3 Dariusz Kuc POL 6 Göteborg 2006 45 10.21 -1.5 Dwain Chambers 1h1 Barcelona 2010 45 10.21 -1.2 Mark Lewis Francis 3sf1 Barcelona 2010 54 26 10.22 1.5 Allan Wells GBR 3sf1 Stuttgart 1986 55 27 10.23 1.5 Viktor Bryzgin URS 4sf1 Stuttgart 1986 55 10.23 1.5 Dariusz Kuc 3sf1 Göteborg 2006 55 10.23 1.0 Matic Osovnikar 2sf2 Göteborg 2006 55 27 10.23 -0.1 Simone Collio ITA 3sf2 Barcelona 2010 59 29 10.24 -0.1 Thomas Schröder GDR 4 Stuttgart 1986 59 10.24 0.3 Marlon Devonish 5 Budapest 1998 59 29 10.24 0.4 Yeoryios Theodoridis GRE 1h3 München 2002 59 29 10.24 1.0 Roland Nemeth HUN 1h5 München 2002 59 10.24 0.1 Yeoryios Theodoridis 2sf2 München 2002 59 10.24 1.3 Dwain Chambers 1h4 Göteborg 2006 59 10.24 1.3 Dwain Cham bers 7 Göteborg 2006 66 32 10.25 -0.8 Pierfrancesco Pavoni ITA 2 Athinai 1982 66 10.25 -1.0 Linford Christie 1h5 Stuttgart 1986 66 10.25 -0.1 Allan Wells 5 Stuttgart 1986 66 10.25 -0.1 Yeoryios Theodoridis 1qf1 München 2002 66 10.25 0.9 Franci s Obikwelu 1h6 Göteborg 2006 66 10.25 1.5 Dwain Chambers 4sf1 Göteborg 2006 66 10.25 -1.0 Francis Obikwelu 2sf3 Barcelona 2010 All time performance list at the European Championships - Wind-assisted marks Performance Performer Time Wind Name Nat Pos Venue Year 1 1 10.00 2.2 Linford Christie GBR 1 Split 1990 2 2 10.04 2.2 Daniel Sangouma FRA 2 Split 1990 3 3 10.07 2.2 John Regis GBR 3 Split 1990 4 4 10.10 2.2 Bruno Marie -Rose FRA 4 Split 1990 5 5 10.15 2.2 Max Moriniere FRA 5 Split 1990 6 10 .19 2.1 Linford Christie 1sf2 Stuttgart 1986 Slowest winning (auto) time: 10.60 by Wieslaw Maniak (POL) in 1966 Slowest winning time since 1990: 10.14 by Linford Christie (GBR) in 1994 Margin of Victory Difference Winning time Wind Name Nat Venue Ye ar Max 0. 22 10.27 -1.3 Valeriy Borzov URS Helsinki 19 71 Min 0.0 1 10.60 -0.6 Wieslaw Maniak POL Budapest 19 66 10.49 -2.7 Valeriy Borzov URS Athinai 1969 Difference between first and third Diff Winning time 3rd place time Winner’s Name Nat Venue Year Max 0.30 10.26 10.56 Valeriy Borzov URS Helsinki 1971 Min 0.02 10.60 10.62 Wieslaw Maniak POL Budapest 1966 Difference between 3 rd and 4 th place (medal versus no medal) Difference 3rd place time Wind Name Nat Venue Year Max 0. 15 10.56 -2.7 Phii ppe Clerc SUI Athinai 19 69 Min 0.00 10.62 -0.6 Claude Piquemal FRA Budapest 1966 10.35 -1.0 Klaus Dieter Bieler FRG Roma 1974 10.28 -0.8 Marian Woronin POL Athinai 1982 10.18 -1.0 Martial Mbandjock FRA Barcelona 2010 Best Marks for Places in the European Championships Pos Time Wind Name Nat Venue Year 1 9.99 1.3 Francis Obikwelu POR Göteborg 2006 2 10.10 0.3 Dwain Chambers GBR Budapest 1998 1.3 Andrey Yepishin RUS Göteborg 2006 10.04w 2.2 Daniel Sangouma FRA Split 1990 3 10.14 1.3 Matic Osovnikar SLO Göteborg 2006 10.07w 2.2 John Regis GBR Split 1990 4 10.16 1.3 Ronald Pognon FRA Göteborg 2006 10.10w 2.2 Bruno Marie-Rose FRA Split 1990 5 10.16 1.3 Mark Lewis-Francis GBR Göteborg 2006 10.15w 2.2 Max Moriniere FRA Split 1990 6 10.21 1.3 Dariusz Kuc POL Göteborg 2006 7 10.24 1.3 Dwain Chambers GBR Göteborg 2006 8 10.34 -0.1 Antoine Richard FRA Stuttgart 1986 Best Marks for Places – all competitions Pos Time Wind Name Nat Venue DayMonthYear 1 9.58 0.9 Usain Bolt JAM Berlin 16 Aug 2009 2 9.71 0.9 Tyson Gay USA Berlin 16 Aug 2009 3 9.84 0.9 Asafa Powell JAM Berlin 16 Aug 2009 4 9.89 0.6 Shawn Crawford USA Athinai 22 Aug 2004 5 9.93 0.9 Richard Thompson TRI Berlin 16 Aug 2009 6 9.96 1.2 Ray Stewart JAM Tokyo 25 Aug 1991 100m – 200m double gold medalists (& their performances in 4x100m Relays) Name Nation 4x100m Relay Venue Year Christophe Lemaitre FRA Gold Barcelona 2010 Francis Obikwelu POR None Göteborg 2006 Pietro Mennea ITA 5th Praha 1978 Valeriy Borzov URS None Helsinki 1971 Heinz Fütterer FRG None Bern 1954 Martinus Osendarp NED None Paris 1938 Christian Berger NED Bronze Torino 1934 100m – 200m double medalist (double gold medalists are indicated with # and in bold ) Name Nation 100m 200m Venue Year Christ ophe Lemaitre # FRA Gold Gold Barcelona 2010 Martial Mbandjock FRA Bronze Bronze Barcelona 2010 Francis Obikwelu # POR Gold Gold Göteborg 2006 Francis Obikwelu POR Gold Silver München 2002 Geir Moen NOR Silver Gold Helsinki 1994 Linford Christie GBR Gold Bronze Split 1990 John Regis GBR Bronze Gold Split 1990 Frank Emmelmann GDR Gold Bronze Athinai 1982 Pietro Mennea # ITA Gold Gold Praha 1978 Pietro Mennea ITA Silver Gold Roma 1974 Valeriy Borzov # URS Gold Gold Helsinki 1971 Philippe Clerc SUI Bronze Gold Athinai 1969 Roger Bambuck FRA Silver Gold Budapest 1966 Manfred Germar GER Silver Gold Stockholm 1958 Heinz Fütterer # FRG Gold Gold Bern 1954 George Ellis GBR Bronze Bronze Bern 1954 Etiene Bally FRA Gold Silver Bruxelles 1950 Haakon Tranberg NOR Silver Silver Oslo 1946 Martinus Osendarp # NED Gold Gold Paris 1938 Christiaan Berger # NED Gold Gold Torino 1934 Jozsef Sir HUN Bronze Silver Torino 1934 Fastest time in each round (4 rounds were contested from 1994 to 2006) Round Time Wind Name Nat Venue Year Final 9.99 1.3 Francis Obikwelu POR Göteborg 2006 Semi-final 10.06 -1.2 Christophe Lemaitre FRA Barcelona 2010 Second round 10.08 0.7 Linford Christie GBR Helsinki 1994 First round 10.19 0.0 Pietro Mennea ITA Praha 1978 0.0 Max Moriniere FRA Split 1990 -1.5 Christophe Lemaitre FRA Barcelona 2010 Fastest non-qualifier for the final Time Wind Position Name Nat Venue Year 10.27 1.5 5sf1 Anatoliy Dovgal UKR Göteborg 2006 1.5 5sf1 Christian Haas FRG Stuttgart 1986 -0.1 4sf2 Ryan Moseley AUT Barcelona 2010 Fastest non-qualifier for the semi-final Time Wind Position Name Nat Venue Year 10.39 0.1 4qf4 Maurizio Checcucci ITA München 2002 Multiple Gold Medalists: Linford Christie (GBR): 1986, 1990, 1994 Valeriy Borzov (URS): 1969, 1971, 1974 Francis Obikwelu (POR): 2002, 2006 Multiple Medalists: Linford Christie (GBR): 1986 Gold; 1990 Gold; 1994 Gold Valeriy Borzov (URS): 1969 Gold; 1971 Gold; 1974 Gold Francis Obikwelu (POR): 2002 Gold; 2006 Gold; Darren Campbell (GBR): 1998 Gold; 2002 Silver Pietro Mennea (ITA): 1974 Silver; 1978 Gold Claude Piquemal (FRA): 1962 Gold; 1966 Bronze Number of Medals by Countries: Nation Gold Silver Bronze GBR 5 3 3 URS 3 2 FRA 3 5 3 NED 2 POR 2 ITA 1 4 1 GER 1 2 1 GDR 1 2 FRG 1 1 1 POL 1 1 NOR 2 RUS 1 1 GRE 2 HUN 2 SWE 1 SLO 1 SUI 1 Multiple Medals by athletes from a single nation Nation Year Gold Silver Bronze FRA 2010 Lemaitre Mbandjock GBR 1998 Campbell Chambers GBR 1990 Christie Regis FRA 1966 Bambuck Piquemal FRA 1962 Piquemal Delecour GER 1958 Hary Germar Average from last five European Championships Average 2010 2006 2002 1998 1994 Winning Time 10.07 10.11 9.99 10.06 10.04 10.14 Winning Medal (3 rd ) 10.21 10.18 10.14 10.27 10.17 10.31 Missing Medal (4 th ) 10.25 10.18 10.16 10.31 10.20 10.38 Man & Woman from the same team winning the corresponding event Nation Men Women Venue Year GDR Frank Emmelmann Marlies Göhr Athinai 1982 POL Wieslaw Maniak Ewa Klobukowska
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