2i — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Jan. 20, 1989 You can moke excellent APARTMENTS dish cloths from the mesh APARTMENTS HOMES 107 d INDUSTRIAL IQod SPORTING I CARS I CARS bogs In which oranges, FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE potatoes, onions, etc. ore I"® M PROPERTY I GOODS MANCHESTER. Twoand j sold. Just boll for 15 MANCHESTER. Excel­ EAST HARTFORD/Glas- 1983 MERCURY Grande 1984 RENAULT Encore. minutes In water to which three room apart­ MANCHESTER. 3400 and SKI Boots. Woman’s Jun­ Five door, five speed, ments. $380 and $480 lent, modern, four tonbury line. Seven 2400 square foot Indus­ ior Racing. Size 8. Al- Marquis. Four door se­ chlorine blench has been room, 2 bedroom. room Cape with trial space. Loading dan with all the extras. air conditioning, body added. Put still good but plus utilities. Security. plna. $60 Excellent con­ excellent, new muffler, No pets. 646-2426, 9-5 Stove, refrigerator. screened porch, gar­ dock, parking. Wood­ dition. 643-2880. $3500 649-2136._______ no-longer needed furni­ Available February 1. age, nice lot, first floor land Industrial Park. tires. $700 or best offer. ture and appliances back weekdays. 1980 PONTIAC Turbo 742-0120.___________ A $640 Includes heat and laundry hook-ups. In­ Principals Only. 643- |R7d MISCELLANEOUS Trans Am. 60,000 miles, Into use by selling them ECONOMICAL, Third hot water. 649-4003. side of house Is brand 2121. 1976 CHEVETTE. Runs with a low-cost Classified. floor, one bedroom new. $975 plus utilities. automatic, T-tops, air MANCHESTER. Two MANCHESTER. 6,000 10 M FOR SALE conditioning, tilt, new great, good condition. 643-2711. apartment with stove Security. No pets. 872- Needs new battery. and refrigerator. Nice bedroom Townhouse. 4381, 649-5400, 647-9040. square feet. Third STEEL Buildings, fac­ Eagle GT's, cruise con­ T/ 2 baths, garage. Wa- floor, elevator service. trol, rear defrost, four $175. 647-1029._______ location. $475 plus utili­ EAST HARTFORD/Glas- tory Inventory clear­ ties and security. No sher/dryer hook-up. 95 Hilliard Street. 647- ance. Top quality pre- wheel disc, all gages, 1978 CHRYSLER Cor­ Central. $625 plus utlll- tonbury line. Seven 9137. power windows. Ma­ doba. Body and engine Rentals pets. Coll 643-2129, 9-5. room Cape with englneered buildings tles. 649-0311 after 6pm. available for Imme­ roon with black Inte­ parts. Jon, 569-8755. MANCHESTER. Three screened porch, gar­ rior. $3500 or best offer. bedrooms, I'/a both. SOUTH WINDSOR. One age, nice lot, first floor ROOMMATES diate delivery. 30x60 to CHEVY Novo 1978, 6 cy­ A 236-9560.___________ $775 per month. Two bedroom, appliances, laundry hook-ups. In­ 100x200. Some deposit linder, automatic I ROOMS no pets. No utilities, WANTED forfeits and save thou­ 1980 VOLVO, 242 DL. Blue transmission, AM/FM, FOR RENT bedrooms, T/ 2 baths. side of house Is brand $575 per month. Two security. 875-7919. new. $900 plus utilities. N sands. Call John (203) with blue Interior. Au­ good condition, no FEMALE, Over 25 Room 643-9095. Pre-Inventory tomatic, excellent con­ rust. $700 or best offer. MANCHESTER. Room In bedrooms, 1 bath. $525 MANCHESTER. Three Security. No pets. 872- mate wanted to share per month plus utili­ bedroom, first floor, 4381, 649-.5400, 647-9040. Incentives. Discounts dition. Good tires. 643-0419.___________ aulet rooming house. apartment. end Jaunary 30th. 64,000 on motor. Oft street parking. $75 ties, security and refe- fully appllanced, car­ $300/month. Call 649- OLDSMOBILE Regency rencs. No pets. 643- peted. $700 plus utili­ COMMERCIAL Build­ AM /FM Cassette. $3500 Brougham, 1986, 4 per week. 646-1686 or A v a ila b le 1974. or best offer. 236-9560. 569-3018. 2121. ties. Security and ref­ ings, factory Inventory door, V6, tape deck, MANCHESTER. Two erences. Call 647-0628, Immediately clearance: Top qual­ 1977 PLYMOUTH Volarl. loaded. 24,900 miles. MANCHESTER. Sleep­ evenings. bedroom flat, first 2 bedroom, 4 room sin­ ity, engineer certified Runs good. New ex­ Asking $9,500. 643-8973. ing room for working floor, near busline. buildings, 30x60 to haust, battery and gentleman. Sharebath, MANCHESTER - 4 room gle family. Close to Rt, OLDSMOBILE - 1982 - New carpeting, great duplex, stove, refriger­ CLOTHING 100x200. Great for of­ brakes. $950 528-0074 or Delta "88", two door, no cooking. $235 per 1-384 and Manchester fice warehouse, and 646-2423. month plus security location, walking dis­ ator, garage. $600. No automatic, power, tance to stores. $650 per utilities. 633-4189. Community College. BURGANDY Chester­ strip malls. Save thou­ 1980 FORD. Fairmont. AM/FM, air, wire N and references. 643- field coat. Black velvet sands. John (203) 643- 2121. month. One year lease M AN CH ESTER. Newer Large private yard, Four cylinder, four wheels. Excellent con- plus security deposit. duplex, 5 large rooms, *700 per month without collar, 100% wool. Like 9095. Pre-Inventory In­ speed. Runs and looks dltlon. $2,500. 647-8600 MANCHESTER. Room new! $50. Size 11-12. centive discounts end 649-0795. l'/ 2 baths. $675. No pets. utilities. Caii 643-9321. good. Asking $500. 649- for rent. Available Feb­ Call 646-1072 after 5pm, January 30th._______ 5434. ruary. Kitchen and MANCHESTER. First Security. 643-4067, after or 643-1136, days. I AUTOS FOR floor, two bedroom 6pm. DOUBLE Bowl, stainless 1984 MERCURY Marquis. laundry privileges. steel sink with single RENT/LEASE Non-smoker. After apartment In reno­ One owner. Excellent vated two family EASTFORD lever faucet, spray condition. 39,000 miles. 5:30, 647-0237._______ HOMES hose and beige formica FREE Mileage on low house. New applian­ Fully equipped. $5395. cost auto rental. Vil­ M ANCHESTER. Clean, ces, carpets, etc. $600 FOR RENT HOUSE FURNITURE counter. Tap to accom­ 633-2824. aulet, convenient to odate sink. Very good lage Auto Rental, 643- per month plus utlll- tor rent. Quiet 2979 or 646-7044. busline. Call anytime. tles. Call 649-2871. PORTABLE twin bed. condition. Both for 646-8337.___________ COVENTRY DUPLEX country setting, Like new. Includes $100. Manchester, 646- VERNON. Two bedroom, mattress. $75. 643-8208. 0271. CARS MANCHESTER. Excel­ returbished apart­ Off Route 44A, 2 years old. ideal for CLYDE lent, large room, fur­ ment, appllanced, Kitchen, family room, two FOR SALE iiattrhpHtpr Hrralii professional CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. nished or unfurnished. basement, nice, big bedrooms, 1 bath. Annual Kitchen privileges. lease *675.00 per month. couples. No pets! No I7C^TV/STERE0/ ENDROLLS ROUTE 83, VERNON yard. Available Imme­ Call Helen at 643-2487. $325/monthly. 649-4003. diately. $475 plus utili­ children. *875/month I APPLIANCES 27'h width - 25t 83 Regal Coupe *6995 8-4:30 weekdays. 13V4 width - 2 for 25« ties. Two months se­ - heat included. Call 84 Skyhawk Wagon *5995 JANUARY curity deposit. Call ELECTRIC Stove. Sears, MUST be picked up at the Saturday. Jan. 21, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cen ts APARTMENTS 20", 4 burner. White Herald Office Monday thru 84 Camaro Coupe *4995 Julie, ERA Blanchard 974-0473 85 Century Wagon *8595 lU EDGAR FOR RENT 8< Rossetto, 646-2482. BOLTON Nutone Coppertone Thursday before 11 a.m only. Range hood with vent 85 Century 4 Dr. *8995 EAST HARTFORD. Antique Greek to outside. Very good PRICE AVAILABLE Imme­ Revival Home, 65 Eccort 4 Dr. *4395 diately. One bedroom Cleon, second floor, 5 I STORE AND condition. Ideal for o io rooms, 2 bedrooms. early post colonial, apartment or summer 86 Electra 4 Dr. *10,495 apartment. $545. Heat OFFICE SPACE Automotive 86 98 Regency 4 Dr. *9995 THAW' and hot water Included. Stove and refrigerator. genuine charm. camp. Both tor $75. Security required. $650 Monchester, 646-0271. 86 LeSabra Ltd. *11,995 2 bedroom Townhouse. 3 bedrooms, T / 2 STORE. 46 Oak Street. $650. Heat and hot wa­ plus utilities. Call 644- 86 Delta 98 2 Dr. *9495 1712. baths, $900/month. Excellent ground floor CARS ter Included. Security location. Good for pro­ I 88 Cavalier 4 Dr. *5995 Available 2-1-89. ■70 J FUEL OIL/COAL/ FOR SAL£ 1988 Bukk LeSabrg Ltd. and references re­ SOUTH End of Hartford. fessionals, Attorneys, 88 Marc. Lynx *4995 WE CAN MAKE IT BETTER 2 months security quired. No pets. Boyle Five rooms, second Dentists, Insurance, l*»lFIREW00D 4 Door Sedan floor. Appliances, por- and references 1982 M ERCURY Zepher. 4 86 Nova 4 Dr. *6995 Management Com- Real Estate, Doctors, 86 Caprice 4 Dr. Now > 1 3 ,9 9 0 ° ° pany, 649-4800.______ klg. References re­ required. SEASONED firewood for door, 72,000 miles. *9995 Travel, Finance, Etc. sale. Cut, spilt and Great shape. Florida MANCHESTER. Second quired. Security. 249- NO PETS. Grossman 8< Weln- Put asi(je 0010 or 872-4339 between Call 742-9687. traub, 649-5334, 647- delivered. $35 per load. car. $2600. Call 527-1114 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 N 11SA floor, 2 bedroom, heat 742-1182. or 645-6455. and appliances. No 8am-9pm. 9223. 1988 Chovrolot Borotta pets. $600 plus security. 2 Door Coupe materialism, Call 646-3979. Now >9590°° MANCHESTER. Tv^ bedroom Townhouse. •6067A Bush urges S ^ ' Nice location, all ap 1988 Bttick Century pllances. Heat, hot wa­ Cuitom 4 (}oor Sedan ter, carpeting, air con- dltlanlng. Call 647-1595. Now >10,490<» By Lee Byrd ’88 BUICK BLOWOUT The Associated Press MARLBOROUGH. Half •6084A Duplex, twa bedrooms, private setting, no 1987 Bnick Skykawk WASHINGTON - George Her­ pets. $650 Includes AT WILE MOTORS WE HAVE 8 Hatchback Sport Coupe bert Walker Bush was inaugu­ heat. 295-9238. Now >8380^ rated the 41st president of the MANCHESTER. Excel­ United States on Friday, urging lent, 3'/2 rooms, stove, 1988 BUICK LEFTOVERS THAT WE WILL SELL M21SA upon his countrymen fresh faith refrigerator, washer, 1987 Chovrolot Colobrity that even in a peaceful, prosper­ wall to wall carpeting.
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