Virtual Hearing and Physical Hearing Cases in Ramanathapuram District Cause List Date: 14.07.2021 PRINCIPAL DISTRICT COURT, RAMANATHAPURAM Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_MjEwZmY5MDMtMWYzOS00Y2U5LWIzMmEtYTVkYjc3OTEwNjk1%40threa d.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d996504a-1f3d-4f64-a8e8-bc185b5a4d25%22%2c%22Oid %22%3a%22c7f2a52b-5645-4dc8-83cf-5bc64fe2aa55%22%7d Sl. Cr.M.P. Type of Cr.No. and Police Name of the Name of the Section of Law No. No. Petition Station Accused Counsel (Tvl) 455/2021, Hemalatha and one G.V.Vairam 1 1384/2021 B U/s. 406, 417, 420 IPC Kenikkarai P.S. another Santhosh 455/2021, 2 1398/2021 Intervenor U/s. 406, 417, 420 IPC Mathan Kumar K.Gunasekaran Kenikkarai P.S. 512/2021, 3 1386/2021 B U/s. 392 IPC Ajith and 2 others S. Srikanth Kenikkarai P.S. 183/2021, U/s. 4(1) (aaa) and 4 (1-A) 4 1321/2021 B Karuppiah K. Ramanathan Erwadi Dharga P.S. TNP Act 185/2021, U/s. 4(1) (aaa) and 4 (1-A) 5 1325/2021 B Shanmugaraj K. Ramanathan Erwadi Dharga P.S. TNP Act 106/2021, Ayiravalli and one 6 1379/2021 B U/s. 294(b), 336, 302 IPC K. Gunasekaran Sikkal P.S. another 158/2021, U/s. 294(b),341, 324, 307, V.S. Rajesh 7 1396/2021 B Ajithkumar Nainarkovil P.S. 506(ii) and 120(B) IPC Kannan 199/2021, U/s. 147, 294(b), 303, 324 8 1380/2021 AB Ramu and 2 others K. Gunasekaran Erwadi Dharga P.S. and 506(i) IPC 238/2021, U/s. 294(b), 324, 506(ii) 9 1387/2021 AB Paramakudi Taluk Sathiyendiran S. Chellamani IPC and 4 of WH Act. P.S. U/s. 147, 294(b), 323, 175/2021, Malathi and 3 K.R.M.Karunaivel 10 1388/2021 AB 506(ii) IPC and 4 of W.H. Nainarkovil P.S. others Pandian Act 69/2021, U/s. 294(b), 506(ii), 11 1389/2021 AB Mandapam P.S. 447 IPC and 25(1A) Gowsalya B. Ravikumar Arms Act. 559/2021, U/s. 294(b), 323, 448 and Ramamoorthy and 12 1390/2021 AB A. Manoharan Kamuthi P.S. 506(i) IPC one another U/s. 147, 294(b), 323, Athikulah @ 187/2021, 13 1397/2021 AB 506(i) IPC and 4 of Athikulah Sahib G. Tamilvendan Erwadi P.S. TNPWH Act and 11 others Virtual Hearing Cases (Criminal) Name of Counsel / Cr.No. And Police Name of the S.No. Case No Stage Respondent TVL Station Accused CA.11/2020 in CC.61/2012 K.Gunasekaran 85/2016 Sudhan and 3 1 Judicial Magistrate, Arguments Vs Keelathooval P.S Others Mudukulathur Public Procecutor CA.14/2020 WLOR.08/2014 in CC.152/2016 District Forest Range Suresh and 1 A.Selvaraj Vs 2 Clarification Munsif-Cum-Judicial Office, another Public Procecutor Magistrate, Thiruvadanai Ramanathapuram Crl.R.P.9/2021 in MC.15/2017 Ambika and 1 K.Anbuchezhiyan Vs 3 Judicial Magistrate Court, Arguments Private anothers Vs S.J.Sheik Ibrahim Paramakudi Gopinath @ Gopi V.T.Ramakrishnan 36/2021, 4 Crl.M.P.No. 1117/2021 Enquiry Karuppaiah Vs Thirupalaikudi P.S Public Procecutor Physical Hearing Cases (Civil) Plaintiff Defendant/ Respondent/ Plaintiff side S.No. Case No Stage /Petitioner Respondent Defendant side advocate Name Name Advocate Dhandavuthapan 1 AS.16/2021 Arguments R.Venkatesan J.Uduman B.Sundarrajan i and 4 Others Respondent side Anparasi and A.Sabi 2 AS.19/2021 K.Nagarajan S.Senthilkumar Arguments Others Ahamed Ramanathapura m Samasthanam J.Mohamed S.Muruga 3 AS.26/2021 Arguments Rani Ayyamperumal Sultan boopathy R.B.K.Rajeshwa ri and 2 Others Albert Stephen Deva.Manoharan 4 IDOP.52/2020 Arguments Raj and 1 Nil -- Martin another SPECIAL COURT FOR TRIAL OF CASES UNDER SC/ST ACT 1989, RAMANATHAPURAM Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_ZjNlZGM5NWYtZmYwZC00YWY4LWJhYzItNzE5YzUwY2E5ZWQw%40thread.v2/0? context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d996504a-1f3d-4f64-a8e8-bc185b5a4d25%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a %2206521d08-ce2e-4d78-b734-27486cfd9cbe%22%7d Sl. Type of Cr.No. and Police Name of the Name of the Cr.M.P.No. Section of Law No Petition Station Accused Counsel (Tvl) 175/2021 u/s. 302 IPC and sec 3(1)(r), Muniyasami P. Gothanda 1. 390/2021 B Paramakudi Town 3(1)(s), 3(2)(va) of SC/ST (POA) S/o. kumar PS. Amendment Act 2015. Ramamoorthi 175/2021 u/s. 302 IPC and sec 3(1)(r), Raja 2. 391/2021 B Paramakudi Town 3(1)(s), 3(2)(va) of SC/ST (POA) S. Chellamani S/o.Bose PS. Amendment Act 2015. FAST TRACK MAHILA COURT, RAMANATHAPURAM Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_MDAwMzg3OWYtNzBhZC00ZTJiLTlkMmEtMWUyODE4YTRmOTAx%40thread.v2/0? context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d996504a-1f3d-4f64-a8e8-bc185b5a4d25%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a %2261eb1b82-2544-4783-a6e6-3a20db0593e3%22%7d Sl. Type of Cr.No. and Police Name of the Name of the Cr.M.P. No. Section of Law No. Petition Station Accused Counsel (Tvl) U/s. 5 (j)(ii), 5 (l), 5 AB 5/2021 (q)r/w 6 of POCSO ACT Manikandan 657/2021 (Time AWPS Vijay Anand 01. 2012 and 9,10,11 of the and 3 others extension) Kamuthi CH Marriage Act 2006 AB 270/2020 Rabin @ Rabin 02. 658/2021 (Time Thiruppalaikudi U/s. 366(A), 109 IPC Kumar and 2 Ramalingam extension) P.S others U/s. 11, 12 of POCSO 242/2021 ACT, 75 THE JUVENILE Habeeb Muthuduraisam 03. 659/2021 B Mudukulathur JUSTICE ACT Mohamed y P.S 492/2020 Return of 452 CrPC 04. 660/2021 Mudukulathur Karnan Manoharan Property Petition P.S Physical Hearing Cases Cr.M.P. Type of Cr.No. and Police Name of the Name of the Counsel S.No. Section of Law No. Petition Station Accused (Tvl) Sc.No. 60/2018 U/s. 341, 302, Nagasamy and One 1 SC M. Somasundaram 102/2019 Thiruppullani P.S. 120(B) IPC another Sc.No. 88/2018 U/s. 450, 376 (2) Sulatti @ 2 SC K. Muthuduraisamy 105/2019 Jetty P.S. (l) IPC Muthumari S.C.No. 37/2013 3 S.C. U/s. 302 IPC Arumugam Ravikumar 135/2019 Kenikkarai P.S. JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE NO. I COURT, RAMANATHAPURAM Sl. Type of Cr.No. and Name of the Name of the Cr.M.P. No. Section of Law No. Petition Police Station Accused Counsel (Tvl) Nil JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE NO.II COURT, RAMANATHAPURAM Link: - https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_NGQ2ZDZlNmYtYzQyYS00YWFhLThhNWMtNWYxZjU0ODdiZWRh %40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%221252cf5b-e817-4441-89df-87e3c8b6a219%22%2c %22Oid%22%3a%229f62f989-e19e-4ef5-9924-d6abb458b95a%22%7d Sl. No Cr.M.P. No Type of Cr.No.and Section of law Name of the Name of the Petition Police Station Accused. Counsel (Tvl) 1. 542/ 2021 437 Bail 314/2021, Uchipuli 294(b),332,506(i) IPC 1.Durai raj Arunkannan petition Ps, Ramanathapurm. 2. 543/ 2021 437 Bail 9/2020,DCB, 406,420 IPC Karuppaih V.T. Ramakrishnan petition Ramnathapuram. 3. 544/ 2021 437 Bail 25/2020 406,420 IPC Karuppaih V.T. Ramakrishnan petition DCB, Ramnathapuram. 4. 545/ 2021 437 Bail 16/2021,DCB, 294(b),406,420,506(2 Manickam S.manikannan petition Ramnathapuram. ) r/w 120(b) IPC 5. 546/ 2021 CR.PC. 97 61/2021, Women missing Rohith Ali Vimal Raj, Rajan and 98 Uchipuli P.S, Malhotra ADDITIONAL MAHILA COURT, RAMANATHAPURAM Sl. Type of Cr.No. and Name of the Name of the Cr.M.P. No. Section of Law No. Petition Police Station Accused Counsel (Tvl) Nil ADDITIONAL DISTRICT JUDGE, RAMANATHAPURAM Sl. Type of Cr.No. and Name of the Name of the Cr.M.P. No. Section of Law No. Petition Police Station Accused Counsel (Tvl) Nil SUBORDINATE COURT, RAMANATHAPURAM Sl. Case No. Stage Plaintiff/ Defendant / Plaintiff / Defendant / No. Petitioner Respondent Petitioner Respondent Advocate Name Name Advocate Nil Physical Hearing Cases (Civil) S.No. Case No. Stage Plaintiff/ Defendant / Plaintiff / Defendant / Petitioner Name Respondent Name Petitioner Respondent Advocate Advocate 1 AS.20/2019 Arguments Chelladurai and one Ravikumar and 7 N.Balaji Arsath Hussian other others Government Pleader 2 AS.15/2020 Arguments K.Mahendran and 5 State Government S.Senthilkumar Government Pleader other and 3 others CHIEF JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE, RAMANATHAPURAM Sl. Case No. Stage Plaintiff/ Defendant / Plaintiff / Defendant / No. Petitioner Name Respondent Petitioner Respondent Advocate Name Advocate Nil Physical Hearing Cases (Civil) S.No. Case No. Stage Plaintiff/ Defendant / Plaintiff / Defendant / Petitioner Name Respondent Name Petitioner Respondent Advocate Advocate 1 MCOP Arguments Thirunavukarasu Seeni alibu Kani and Mr.Kathiravan R1-Mr.RajaHusain 33/2017 2 others R2.Mr.Shiek Ibrahim 2 MCOP Arguments Kalaiselvam Seeni alibu Kani and Mr.Kathiravan R1-Mr.RajaHusain 37/2018 2 others R2.Mr.Shiek Ibrahim 3 MCOP Arguments Valli Veeramuthu and one Mr.A.Selvaraj R1- Mr.RajaHussain 08/2015 another R2-M.Vadivelu 4 MCOP Arguments Jeeva Sekar and one another Mr. Ramanathan R1-Exparte 17/2015 R2.M.Vadivelu FAMILY COURT, RAMANATHAPURAM Link:- https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_MjBiMGQ3NmUtMWUyNS00NGY0LWFmZWMtMWE4MmEzZTY3ZDY5%40t hread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d996504a-1f3d-4f64-a8e8-bc185b5a4d25%22%2c %22Oid%22%3a%22f9e63735-46fd-45be-bb88-4a95503fff81%22%7d Sl. Case No. Stage Plaintiff/ Defendant / Plaintiff / Defendant / No. Petitioner Name Respondent Petitioner Respondent Advocate Name Advocate 1 OP Argument Rubansakaravarthi Abinaya Gunasekaran Thangapandiyan 44/2020 Physical Hearing Cases Defendant/ Petitioner's/ Respondent's/ Sl.No Case No Stage Petitioner's/ Respondent's Plaintiff's Advocate Defendant's Plaintiff Name (Thiruvalargal) Advocate (Thiruvalargal) 1.
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