ThePangolin A quartedybulletin ofThe Nature Society(SingaPore) on the venebratefauna (except bids) of Singaporeard the surroundinSreg.ion Volume 5. 1992(issued Odober 1993) MIT.A(P) 011/06.93 publishedby TheNature Society (Singapore) CoverIllustration: Bill-fishes of Singapore From top to bottom: Indo-PacificSailfish (laiopfiorus plalypterus) Black Marlin (Mal<airaindica) Swordfish (XiPhi as gladiu s) Illustrationfrom: Nakamura,I., i985. Billf shesof the ll/orld - an annolateda d ilhstrated catalogte. FAO speciescatalogue no. 125,Volume 5 * Seeunder current records, a recordof anIndo-Pacific Sailfish caught otrthe Bedok Jeuy,Singapore on page12. THB PANGOLIN Volume 5 Numbers1to4. December,1992 List of Contributors- AYW - Alvin Wong GAN - GretheAnderson NIG - Nigel K. C. Goh CAJ - CathJetrs GBT-GilhTan NSS - N. Sivasothi CEK - ChuaEe Kiam GFL - GmfftoyLim PFR - PamelaFree CBF- CliveBriffett GIV - GilbertVendefiischelan PGL - Jefhey P. G. Lee CCY - ChangChia Yee HHC - Ho HuaChew PHR - Phil Hurrell CES- ChenEe Sin HKL - H. K Lua PNG - PeterK. L. Ng CHD - C. IL Diong JCH - JoanCramPhom RBT - Roben C. H. Teo CMF - ChoongMei Fun JND - JonarhanDavies RYH ^ Rae Hiscock CMY - C. lvl Yang JOH - JoyceF. L. Chin SBS- Sutari Supari CSH- ChanSan Hong KYL - KelvinK. P. Lim SHT - ShzronThomas DAP- DaphneS. L. Chnng KNY - KennethYong SSL - Si-Hoe SanLing DCH - DianaG. B. Chia LKC - Lim Kim Chuah SRI - R. Subharaj DHM-D.}lMuryhy LKK - Lim Kim Keang TJB - Tay JoeBoy DNL - DanielLim LKS - Lim Kim Seng TML - Tan Mei Ling DYL - DavidK. L. L€e MGC- MaggieChong TMT - Tommy H. T. Tan DFR- DavidFrce MGH - MargieHall YCO - Victor Ong FAH - Faridllamid MCH - Mke Chong YSII - Yeo SuayHwee FJM - FaizalJarnal MKT - MauriceKouelat They also sawFlying Lemurstwice in forest at the noflh shoreof Lower PeirceReservoir in April. One at Lower Peirce forest on 2715 (SRI) was seen comPiledbY gliding suddenlydown to tle baseof a nearby Eee,and S.}l Yeoand Kelvin K. P. Lim quickly shinning up the runk to disappear into the canopy. SINGAPORE A cbestnuFcolouedindiYidual was obsewed hanging from a branchwith flashlight on 6/6 (SRI et a/.) at Sime RoadforesL Flying Lemur (Cynocephalusvarie Sattts) One in the MacRitchieforest was seenat pre-dawn'7/7 The StraitsTimes (30.3.1992,pg.3 of Section2) rcports (sRD. a flying lemur being canghtin the GermanSchool near Timah, in early March. The rhe Bukit Turf Club, Bukit Banded Leaf Monkey (Presbytisfemoralis) photographshows clearly a sucklingju- accompanying AII sightings&orn the Nee Soon Swamp-forest five, 19/ !o fte animal's abdomen. Notiing is venile clinging 1 (TML, YSID; seven,32 (YSIDi at leastfour along eventualoueome of this capturg. known of the edgeof range2, 15/5(K\{L, HKL, CM9; two separare on a tree,about 1.5 metresup, along NIG observedone troopsof five and nine memberseach, about one tm Bukit TimahNatue Reserveon V5. themain road of the apart, 1815 YSn; at least four, 2215 t{]{'\'1-' encounteredone at about 1:30 pm at the GML, DNL & GBT YCO);about five adults se€n botween 10:45-11:00 am' l1/5 at the north shore of Sele{ar base of a Ee€ on possiblyassociating with macaquesand x 6:05pm'216 Reservoir. /"Trrr. Tr.|u crfl' ccl \ TheNaune Society (SingapuP) gate Long-tailed Macaque (M acacafas cicularis\ alongOld UpperThomson Road near the to Upper was Onsat Pulaullbin on 26ll (SRIet al'J. PeirceRe.servoir Pa* on 2116@YH). This one Twoin rubb€restate at PulauUbin on 162 (SBS). rusty-brownabove, cr€an below. 13at lower PeirceForest on 5/3(SBS). A squashedexample along Rifle RangeRoad, 2916 Onear Man<fai Ponds on ?Al5(SRl et al.). (RYID. Oneroad victim seen on the Bukit Timai Expressway,9/ Anolherdead one, also along Rifle RangeRiond" 2717 5 (SRI,LKC). (RY[O. Thefollowing observalions frorn hince George'sPadq KentRidge, were conributed by CBF: Onelarge indi- Civet Cat (family Viverridae) vi&ral.thought !o be a male,fed on beniesin a garden An unidentifiedcivet was observed in fte SungaiManam aee,appeengy totaly unp€rturbedby catsor humans(3/ mangroveof PulauUbin on 2011(FAH, GAN). 5). Frcmlvlay !o June,drc samemonkey, along with a smallerone (probably a female),were r€gularly seen by Wild Pig (Sru scrofa) severalresidents on PrirneGeorge's Road. Thelarger Three,including a largeboar were observed in theUnum onewas last segn holding a handminor andadmidng his areaofPulau Tekong on 192 (IHC, LKK, SRI). beardl He wasalso caught joining thecas duringtheir mealtirnesin thegader. A squashedlarge adult along the Mandaidual caniage PENINSI,JLARMALAYSIA waynear the jundion with LorongGambas, lt (Rl'I{). Two mor€dead monlreys were se€n this yearby RYII (Hylob alongthe south lane of theBukit TimahExpressway at White-handed Gibbon ateslar) tbearea between Bukit TimahHill andthe west shcre of At le3st three heard calling at the former Johor Safari UpperPeirce Reservoir. Part on 2514CIML, ISID. Six seenby SBSat tle SirneRoad fores! 2?8. Presentin the forest at Jemaluang,Johor 10/5 (SBS). 14 observedin belukarat KampungMelayu on Pulau SBS head gibbonscalling very louclly beforerain at fte Ubin,711 (SBS). Panli forest,Johor on 2614(SBS). Heard al lata Kekabu Waterfalls and ar Inan Suraya (SBS). Malayan Pangolin (Manis javanica) forest,Perak, 9-15/t KeneringLake (upper TheLianhe (31.8.1992,pg. 5) cariesa report Also head in rhe forest around Wanbao (SBS). withphoographs of a youngpangolin, about 60 cmlong, Perak),7-1V9 Head at ttlu Gombakforcst (Selangor), 7-8110 (SBS). beingcaught by residentsat Bukit Batokon 28i8. The hesent ar Krau GameReserve (Pahang), 13/6 (KNY). animalwas found opposile tie HongKah North CommB- nity CenEe,near Bukit BarokNatue Park. The residents had intendedto donatethe pangolin10 the Singapote Siamang (Hylob at e s syndacty hu) 7ao. SBS obsened and hearda party of aboua12 individuals on a hill slopenear Intan Suray4 Upper Perak,9-15/8. Also heardfrom the hills aroundKenering lake (Jpper (Ranta Black Giant Squirrel bicolor) Perak)by SBS,7-11B. GFLphotographed one adult crossing a parhat thewest KNY heardthis gibbon at Krau GameReserve, Pahang, CoastPaIt at 1l:30 amon 2113,The animal is believed IJlO. to be aoescapee. Dusky Leaf Monkey (Callosciurw notanu) Plantain Squirrel (n' achwit hecus ob s curus Oneseen in a gardenat King'sAvenue (Sembawang) on ) Five individuaisobserved feeding and squabblingon top 172, andanother in a nearbygarden on 2012(MGII). in Kenongforest, Pahang. 2/2 (SBS). At leastftree I'ere seenat l4andaiPonds, 2415 (SRt et of a uee lllu Kota Tinggi, along Sg. Selangi near al) At least four aJ TanjungSedili (Johor),2214 (X\|L, TiB, PKN). Six on a all fte ar 7l km, Johor Bahm-Ayer Hitam Singapore Rat (Ratfitsannadalei) Road,2614 Cn\4L, YSH). A roadcasualty, female of bodylength 8" andtail length Four adults,including a femalewith neonatalyoung were 8" at Old UpperThomson Road has uniform brown up- observedalong the north bankof the SungaiBenut, Johor pinkish per-parts,buff undersideand thoa! ears,and on 66 (NSS et al.), One along the north bank of the uniforrnlydark-coloued tail. l5n CYSI0. 'was SungaiSanglarg, near Benut, Johor on 6/8 (NSSet al.). One,assumed m be this species, foundby RYH, Two separatetsoops (about ten individuals in each)en- partiallysquashed along Choa Chu Kang Road on i9l4. count€redwith Long-tailed Macaquesat the forest edge It rr'asbrorvn above and cream below, with a uniformly- of Telok BahangVillage, Penang,on 21110(KW) and colouredtail, one of the troops seen at the Hokkien cemefy thele A &eshly-deadexample along Upper Jurong Road by the between8-10am (NSS). (RYIT). intersectionof PioneerRoad North, 30/5 Presentat Krau GameReserve (Pahang), 13/6 (KNY). Another,apparendy cons:pecifrc, fourd badlysquashed ThePangolin 5(14) (72.1616) ^LTelak Silvered Leaf Monkey dusk abovePasir Panjang be€ch and (2316) h.rlauRedang, Trengganu (KVL (Trachypithecus ristatus DalamKechil on c ) Redang,it has been observedeither flying NaluePak (Selangor)'7-8110 et al.). On PresentatKuala Selangor alone or in twos, and is highly vocal and apparently Melawati feeding on aeesamund (SBS); Eoop ftom Br quarelsome. However, on Pulau Tioman off Pahang, in morningsand two otier trocps in forests carpat there over sixry werecounted at dusk over KampungJuara on lake sysem, 14-16/10 (NSS)' southof 8-96(KYL,TJBpVL). (PresDytis Banded Leaf Monkey femoralis) Ashy Roundleaf Bat Templer'sParh Selangor' on 15/10 At leasttlree seen at ( (SRD. Hiryoideros cineracew) baa flying in the hesentat Ktau Gane Reserve, Pahang, 13/6 GND. Small,chesEDt-coloued leaf-nosed night i o chaletrooms and tlrc canrcenat the beach PasirPanjang, Pulau Redang on g-tailed Macaque (Mac ac a cicul ar is) resortat Clrengganu) Lon fas 22-2616,may be of thisspecies (KW). A captive young female seentethered to a canteennear KampungRedang, Pulau RedangCftenggant) on 2416 Maf ayan Pangolin (Manis jat,anica) by KVL, NSS, TI{T apparentlybelongs to fte island's TWomad casualties in Johor:one on side of ParitSulong- endemic subspecies, Macaca fascicularis Road,25l; theother at about62 Isn, YongPeng' argentimenbris. Muar 2.6fi(MKT, KW). Four seen along the nofih bank of the Sungai Benut' JohorBahru Road, alonglpoh-Kuala Kangsar Road Johoron 6/8 by NSS er cl. A flatlenederample (Perak), (SBS). A troop was seenassociating with Dusky Leaf Monkeys 29-30/12 on tlrc roadat Ayer Hitam,Johor on al the fonestedje, Telok BahangVillage, Penang,on 2ll Oneseen crushed (SBS). 10 (Kw) andat the Hokkien cemetrythere (NSS). 2116 freshlykilled by vehiclesat 15 individuals were seenat ttlu Kenong forest,Pahang' A maleof over60 crnfound Pontian,Johor on 31/12 (CEK). 22 (SBS). Three seenforaging in Kul'up mangrove,Iohor on 2312 (sBs). Cream-coloured Giant Squirrel 12 seentrying to cross lhe Kota Tinggi-Mening El$k (Rantaafrnis) road nearthe Panti forest,Johor, on 2/3 (SBS). Oneat Krau Game Rqserve, Paiang, 1V6 (KNr. Threeseen by SBS in somefruiting treeson tlrc shoreof KeneringLake (Uppet Perak),7-1179. Black-bandedSquirrel (Selangor), ltesent at Kuala SelangorNaJue Park 7-8110 (C allo s ciurus nigrovittatus) (SBS): therein evenings,14-16/10 in mangrove O{SS).
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