DOCUMENT RESUME ED 360 900 HE 026 634 AUTHOR Reed, Jeannie, Ed. TITLE Statistical Profile of Higher Education in West Virginia, 1992-93. INSTITUTION West Virginia State Coll. and University Systems, Charleston. PUB DATE 93 NOTE 205p. PUB TYPE Statistical Data (110) Reports General (140) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS College Faculty; College Students; *Compehsation (Remuneration); *Degrees (Academic); *Educational Finance; *Enrollment; Expenditures; Higher Education; Income; *Private Colleges; *Public Colleges; School Funds; State Universities; Statistical Data; Student Characteristics; Teacher Characteristics; Teacher Salaries; Trend Analysis IDENTIFIERS *West Virginia ABSTRACT This annual publication of the West Virginia State College and University Systems provides information related to enrollment, degrees conferred, faculty, and finances of the 16 public institutions of higher education in West Virginia. It also includes selected statistics for the 10 independent colleges and universities. Data tables comprise the bulk of the report and are listed within four chapters. The first chapter covers enrollment statistics that summarize enrollment data for the three enrollment periods and various combinations of data on enrollment, course taxonomy, student level, and demographic factors. Five and 10-year trends are also identified. The second chapter presents analyses of the degrees conferred and the teacher certifications awarded during the 1991-92 academic year by the public and independent institutions of higher education in the State. The next chapter presents faculty characteristics and average salary figures at each West Virginia public institution of higher education by highest degree and faculty rank. The final chapter presents fiscal data including current operating and capital revenue and expenditures and student fees. 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VIIVI OF CONTENTSCreditFall Headcount1992 (continued) Enrollment By Level and Gender, 13 DefinitionsCHAPTER 1- Enrollment 21 CreditFall 1992 Headcount Enrollment By Level and Residence,14 CreditGender,1983-1992 Headcount and Residence, EnrollmentEnrollment, Public By 1983-1992 Attendance Institutions Status, 43 CreditFall Headcount19921991-92, (continued) Public Enrollment Institutions By Level andof Student, Residence,lo15 Full-Time Equivalent Enrollments 1983-1992 5 CreditFall Headcount1992, Independent Enrollment Institutions By Level (continued) of Student, . 17 Full-TimeSummerSpring 1988-1992 Equivalent 1988-1992 and CreditCredit HeadcountHeadcount Enrollment,Enrollment,76 CreditStatus, Headcount Fall 1992 Enrollment By Level and Attendance18 Full-TimeCourse TaxonomyEquivalent andEnrollment Level, Summer By Student 1992 Level.. and.. 8 CreditStatus, Headcount Fall 1992 Enrollment (continued) By Residence and 19 Full-TimeIn-StateCourse Full-Time TaxonomyEquivalent Equivalent andEnrollment Level, Enrollment Fall By Student1992 By LevelStudent and9 CreditofAttendance Student, Headcount FallStatus, Enrollment1992 Fall 1992 By Residence and Gender2120 Out-Of-StateLevel and CourseFull-Time Taxonomy Equivalent andand Enrollment Level,Level, FallFall By 19921992 Student1110 CreditFallandInstitution, Level,Headcount1992 PlusGender, EnrollmentNon-Credit Attendance ByHeadcount ControlStatus, Residence,Enrollment,of 22 CreditFall Headcount19920 Enrollment By Level and Gender, 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) AgeCreditFall Distribution Students1992 By For Ethnicity, All Credit Fall Students, 1992 2423 AcademicOther Faculty, Rank of Fall Full-Time 1992 Instructional Faculty and46 DefinitionsCHAPTER 2 - Degrees Conferred 25 HighestAcademicFall 1992 Degree Rank Heldof Full-Time By Full-Time Instructional Faculty, Faculty, 4847 ProgramsInstitutions and Degrees Offered, IndependentPublic Institutions. 3226 HighestAgeFall of 1992 Full-Time Degree Held Instructional By Part-Time Faculty, Faculty, 49 TeacherIndependentPublic Certifications Institutions Institutions 1991-92, 3935 Full-TimeAgeFall of 1992Part-Time Instructional Faculty, Faculty Fall 1991-92By Gender, 5150 DegreesTotal Degrees Conferred Conferred, By Level 1982-83 and Gender, to 1991-92.... 40 Full-TimeFall 1992 Instructional Faculty By Ethnicity, 5352 TotalDegreesPublic Degrees ConferredInstitutions, Conferred By 1982-83 Level By Level1991-92 to 1991-92 of Degree, 4241 AverageTenureFall 1992 of Nine-Month Full-Time Instructional Salary of Full-Time Faculty, Instructional54 TotalControl1991-92 Degrees of Institution,Institution, Conferred andByand Level AcademicAcademic of Degree, Area Area of of Study43 AverageFaculty Nine-Month By AcademicHighest Salary Degree Rank, of Held, FallFull-Time 1992 Fall 1992 Instructional.... 5655 DefinitionsCHAPTERStudy 1991-92 3Faculty (continued) Characteristics 4544 AverageFaculty, Nine-Month Fall 1992 Salary of FTE Instructional 57 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) Note:instructional The following faculty tablesby rank, relate gender, to full-time and Educational and and General General Revenue, RevenueDefinitions . 78 MarshallUNIVERSITYhighest degree University SYSTEMheld for Fall 1992. 58 ComparisonEducationaltoFiscal Seven Year Sources, andof 1991-92 Educational General Fiscal Revenue Yearand General 1991-92 Percentage Revenue, Distribution7980 WestPotomac Virginia State GraduateUniversityUniversityCollege of College atWest Parkersburg Virginia University 61605962 ComparisonEducationalFiscal1987-88 Years through of and1987-88State General1991-92 Tax through Appropriations Purposes, 1991-92 Fiscal for Years 8281 STATEBluefield COLLEGE State College SYSTEM 63 Educational and and General General Expenditures, Expenditures - Definitions 83 ShepherdGlenvilleFairmontConcord CollegeStateCollege College 64676665 EducationalFiscalDistribution Year and 1991-92to General Seven Functions, Expenditures Percentage 8584 WestSouthern VirginiaLiberty West State InstituteState Virginia College College of Community Technology College 71706968 ComparisonEducationalFiscal YearsYear andof 1991-92 Educational1987-88 General through Expenditures and General 1991-92 per Expenditures, FTE Student,8786 AllWest Public Virginia Institutions Northern Community College 7273 AuxiliaryOther Revenue Enterprise and ExpendituresRevenue, - Definitions .. 88 TotalCHAFFERExpenditures Operating 4 - Fiscal andDefinitions CapitalData Revenue and 7574 AuxiliaryFiscal Year Enterprise 1991-92 Expenditures, 9089 TotalFiscal Operating Year 1991-92 and Capital Revenue, 76 RegularComparisonSystem,
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