Study on Human Resources Development Projects in African Countries Final Report January 2013 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) International Development Center of Japan, Inc. The International Development Journal Co., Ltd. 6R JR 12-024 Study on Human Resources Development Projects in African Countries Final Report January 2013 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) International Development Center of Japan, Inc. The International Development Journal Co., Ltd. R JR 12-024 Centre de Formation Professionnelle et Technique Sénégal-Japon Dakar ● Jomo Kenyatta University Senegal Nakawa Vocational of Agriculture and Training Institute Technology Uganda Kenya Kampala ● ● Nairobi School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zambia Zambia ● Lusak Case Study Country Capital Higher Education Sub-sector Vocational Training Sub-sector LOCATION MAP OF THE CASE STUDY PROJECTS ABBREVIATIONS AFD: Agence Française de Developpement AfDB: African Development Bank AICAD: African Institute for Capacity Development APC: l'approche par les compétences AU: African Union BCEAO: Banque Centrale des États de l' Afrique de l'Ouest BMZ: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BTI: Brevet de Technician en Industrie BTS: Brevets de Technicien Supérieur BTVET: Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training CD: Capacity Development CEVEST: The Center for Vocational and Extension Service Training CFA: franc cfa CFPT: Centre de Formation Professionnelle et Technique Sénégal-Japon CIDA: Canadian International Development Agency CIEA: Central Institute for Experimental Animals CNN: Cable News Network CNQP: Centre national de qualification professionnelle COE: Center of Excellence COMESA: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa C/P: Counterpart CSR: Cooperate Social Responsibility CVTI: Certificate in Vocational Training Instruction DAC: Development Assistance Committee DANIDA: Danish International Development Assistance DED: German Development Service DFID: Department for International Development DIT: Directorate of Industrial training, Ministry of Education and Sports DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid DSRP: Document de Stratégie de Réduction de la Pauvreté DTIM: Diploma in Training Institution Management DVC: Deputy Vice Chancellor DVD: Digital Versatile Disc DVTI: Diploma in Vocational Training Instruction EFA: Education for All ESIP: the Education Strategic Investment Plan FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization FIFA: Fédération Internationale de Football Association GDI: Gross Domestic Income GDP: Gross Domestic Product GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GNI: Gross National Income GTZ: German Organization for Technical Cooperation HELB: Higher Education Loans Board HIPC: Heavily Indebted Poor Country Initiative HIV/AIDS: Human Immuno-deficiency Virus and Acquired Immune HRD: Human Resources Development HUCZCZ: Hokudai Centre for Zoonosis Control in Zambia ICP: Indicative Cooperation Programme ICT: Information and Communication Technology IDCJ: International Development Center of Japan IDJ: The International Development Journal Co., Ltd. ILO: International Labour Organization IMF: International Monetary Fund JICA: Japan International Cooperation Agency JITCO Japan International Training Cooperation Organization JKUAT: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology JOCV: Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers JST: Japan Science and Technology Agency JVMA: Japan Veterinary Medical Association KANU: Kenya African National Union KfW: German Development Bank KJAS: Kenya Joint Assistance Strategy KOICA: Korean International Cooperation Agency Ksh: Kenya Shilling LED: Light Emitting Diode LRA: LRA: Lord’s Resistance Army MACO: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives MAL: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock MDGs: Millennium Development Goals MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology MFDC: Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance MMD: Movement for Multiparty Democracy MOFA: Ministry of Foreign Affairs MPLA: People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola MTAC: Management Training Advisory Center MTC: Multi-Service Training Center NARC: National Rainbow Coalition NGO: Non-Government Organization NRM National Resistance Movement NVTI: Nakawa Vocational Training Institute OAU: Organization of African Unity ODA: Official Development Assistance OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OIE: L'Office international des epizooties (International Epizootic Office) OJT: On-the-Job Training ONFP: Office National de Formation Professionnelle OTCA: Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency OVOP: One Village One Product OVTA: Overseas Vocational Training Association PAU: Pan African University PDM: Project Design Matrix PEAP: Poverty Eradication Action Plan PF: Patriot Front PKO: Peace Keeping Operation PROTS: PROgressive Training System for Instructor (Instructor training system developed by OVTA) PRSP: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper R&D: Research and Development SADC: Southern African Development Community SAP : Structural Adjustment Program SATREPS: Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development SAVOT: The Project for Improvement of Basic Skills and Vocational Training SDF: Staff Development Fellow SMEs: Small and Medium Enterprises SVM: School of Veterinary Medicine SWAps: Sector Wide Approaches TICAD V: The Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development TIET: Department of Teacher Instructor Education ToT: Training of Trainers UBTEB: Uganda Business Technical Examination Board UGAPRIV: Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institute UMA: Uganda Manufacturer Association UNDP: United Nations Development Programme UNEB: Uganda National Examination Bureau UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Fund UNIP: United National Independence Party UNZA: University of Zambia USAID: United States Agency for International Development U.Shs.: Uganda Shilling UVQF: Uganda Vocational Qualification Framework VI: Vocational Institute WHO: World Health Organization WWII: World War II YMCA: Young Men's Christian Association ZAWA: Zambia Wildlife Authority ZIAH: Zambia Institute of Animal Health Executive Summary 1. Outline of the Study Human resources development (HRD) or Hito-zukuri in Japanese is the key to nation building and to socio-economic development. This has long been the creed of Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) since its start in 1954, based on Japan’s own experiences in nation building and socio-economic development after World War II as evidenced by the socio-economic growth of Asian countries in the past few decades. Based on this basic policy, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in its technical cooperation, has placed priority on HRD in developing countries aimed at enabling people to challenge and resolve various problems through their own efforts. Some of JICA’s HRD cooperation projects have continued for more than 10 to 20 years and produced various assets by bringing changes in the attitude and values of the people, and built network and personal relationships between Japan and recipient countries. In these projects, Japanese experts stayed in the relevant countries for longer periods of time and counterparts were able to work and learn together with the experts. However, these assets have not yet been grasped or assessed appropriately by a systematic review nor have the lessons and recommendations that should have been obtained from the review utilized. Based on the above-mentioned background, this Study aims at examining the outcome of JICA’s HRD cooperation for Africa in the past and drawing on the lessons learned for mid and long-term HRD cooperation strategy for the future. Recommendations of this Study will be utilized when preparing JICA’s policy paper on its future direction, examining the approach to HRD cooperation; and planning HRD cooperation strategies for African countries at TICAD V in 2013. In reviewing past Japanese HRD cooperation, what is meant by Hito-zukuri in Japan’s ODA is something more than what is generally defined as “HRD” in English. It is not only about “developing human resources with technology and skills”, but also “fostering human resources who bear the responsibility of rural/agricultural development, energy development and industrialization of the country by working out appropriate solutions.” Moreover, Hito-zukuri includes improving the social context in which human resources play their roles such as development of appropriate technology and institutional/system development needed for training/dissemination of such technology. Thus, the term Hito-zukuri is somewhat equivalent to “Capacity Development” (CD), which includes both HRD and institutional/system development in international society. The Study targeted “technical cooperation projects aimed at industrial human resources development,” which has supported African economic growth in JICA’s HRD cooperation i projects. Four (4) projects were selected as case studies to examine concrete lessons learned and recommendations by analyzing the impact, issues and assets produced by long-term “HRD cooperation” as shown below. Four (4) Projects Selected as Case Studies (1) Kenya: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) (2) Zambia: School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zambia (SVM-UNZA) (3) Senegal: Center for Technical and Vocational Training Senegal - Japan (CFPT) (4) Uganda: Nakawa Vocational Training
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