SOUTH EASTERN COALFIELDS LIMITED PART-I (Technical-Bid) Tender document for the work “Reorganization of power line (HT&LT) over head line to provide separate road to the contractor for dumping at Amlai OCM (Details are as per Schedule of Work at Annexure-A)” NIT NO. : SECL/SGP/E&M/AOCM-18-19/409 dated 12-03-2019 To M/s _______________________ ___________________________ ____________________________ Colliery Engineer (E&M) AOCM,SECL, Sohagpur Area South Eastern Coal Fields Limited Office of the In-charge E&M Amlai Open Cast Mine No.SECL/Colliery Engineer (E&M.)/AOCM/2018-19/409 Date: 12/03/2019 // Notice Inviting Tender // Sealed tenders are invited in two bid system on behalf of the General Manager, SECL, Sohagpur Area from the bonafide, reputed and experienced Contractors having valid Electrical Contractor License of appropriate class for taking up the following works at AOCM, Sohagpur Area on the details, scope of work, terms & conditions appended below :- Sl. Description of work Estimated EMD ( ) Period of No. Cost ( ) completion 1 Rearrangement of power line (HT&LT) over 1,97213.00 2470.00 30 days head line to provide separate road to the contractor for dumping at Amlai OCM (Details are as per Schedule of Work at Annexure-A) Terms & Conditions :-` 1 The bidder has to accept the description of works & terms & conditions of NIT, by signing all the pages of the tender notice. 2 ISSUE OF TENDER DOCUMENTS : Tender documents will be issued individually on requisition in writing from the intended contractor or their accredited representatives. Tender documents can be obtained from office of the undersigned during working hours on any working days as per dates mentioned below :- i) Sale of tender documents begins on : 12-03-2019 ii) Sale of tender documents closes on: 22-03-2019 3 SUBMISSION OF TENDERS : i) Date & time for submission of tender : 23-03-2018 upto 12.00 p.m. i.e. Technical/Commercial bid & Price bid as explained in tender notice. ii) Location/Place for submission of tenders : Completed & sealed tenders addressed to the Colliery Engineer (E&M),AOCM, SECL, Sohagpur Area, PO: Sanjay Koyla Nagar,Devhara, Distt: Annupur(MP) – 484120 should be submitted on or before 23-03-2018 at 12-00 p.m. in the office of the undersigned. In case tender is sent by post, it should be sent by Registered Post only through Post & Telegraph Department and photocopy of the Registration Slip be retained with the tenderers, so that the same can be produced on demand for verification, if any. The department is not responsible for any postal delay. The envelope containing the tender should be superscribed with part of tender i.e Part-I, the NIT No. and date of submission & name of work be addressed Colliery Engineer (E&M),AOCM, SECL, Sohagpur Area, PO: Sanjay Koyla Nagar,Devhara, Distt: Annupur(MP) – 484120 . Envelopes not superscribed with NIT number & due date of submission are liable for rejection. Contd..2.. Page-2— iii) The Earnest Money can be deposited in the form of Bank Draft / Banker’s Cheque on any Nationalised Bank of Dhanpuri issud after the date of NIT in favour of “South Eastrn Coalfields Limited, Sohagpur Area Account”, payable at Dhanpuri (MP) should be enclosed alongwith technical/commercial bid and other required documents, letter etc. whatsoever should be enclosed in Part-I tender envelope only and duly signed Price-Bid in which the rates should be written in words as well as in figures should be submitted in separate envelope. Overwriting and cutting in rates should be avoided as far as possible. No tender shall be considered unless accompanied by the requisite earnest money. Firms registered with NSIC/DGS&D/DIC/MSME/SSI/Ancillary units of SECL are also eligible for exemption of EMD if the tendered item/job is covered in the above certificates issued by the said authorities. Valid registration certificates in support of their status duly notarized shall be uploaded by the firms. EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded after opening of Part-II i.e. price –bid & will not carry any interest. iv) Late tenders/incomplete tenders/telegraphic and tender received through private courier services or tenders received after due date and time of tender submission shall not be accepted. 4 ADDRESS,DATE & TIME OF OPENING OF TENDERS i) Date & time of opening of Tender :23-03-2019 at 12.30 p.m. ii) Place of opening of tender CollieryEngineer(E&M),AOCM,SECL,SGP ,. 5 Procedure for submission of Tender : Part-I (technical/commercial bid) containing Earnest Money in the form of DD/BC and other required documents should be submitted superscribed as Part-I Bid, complete correspondence address, NIT no. & date. Any other documents, letter etc. whatsoever should be enclosed in Part-I tender only. Part-II (Price Bid) : Duly signed Part-II Price-Bid attached with NIT in which the itemwise rates should be written in words as well as in figures should be submitted in separate envelope superscribed as Part-II (Price Bid), complete correspondence address, NIT no. & date. Overwriting and cutting in rates should be avoided as far as possible. No other documents should be kept in Part-II (Price Bid). All the two envelopes should be submitted in a separate sealed envelope mentioning complete correspondence address, NIT no. & date. 6 THE QUALIFYING CRITERIA FOR THE WORK : i) Experience of having successfully completed similar works of State Govt. or Central Govt. or PSUs etc. during last 7 years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which bid applications are invited should be either of the following :- a) Three similar completed works each costing not less than at least 40% of the estimated amount. OR b) Two similar completed works each cost not less than 50% of the estimated amount. OR c) One similar completed work costing not less than 80% of the estimated amount. (Copy of work order and final bill/completion certificate should be submitted in support of experience). ii) Copy of valid GST Registration certificate. iii) Photocopy of PAN Card. iv) Proof of ownership of firm. v) Contractor/Partner of the firm should submit a certificate indicating details of relatives, if any, working in SECL, Sohagpur Area or CIL or its subsidiaries and not active with any trade unions. (The bidder should submit self attested copies of the above documents with part-I tender documents) 07 In case, the yearly financial turnover of the bidder is below the threshold limit of GST eligibility, a Certificate from a practicing Chartered Accountant certifying that the bidder is a GST Unregistered contractor (supplier) in compliance with the relevant GST Act & Rules. may be submitted, clearly stating that “THE YEARLY FINANCIAL TURNOVER OF OUR FIRM IS LESS THAN THE THRESHOLD LIMIT OF GST ELIGIBILITY AND HENCE GST IS NOT APPLICABLE FOR US”. 08 DEFINITION OF SIMILAR WORK : Having experience in H.T and L.T over head works Contd..3.. Page-3— 09 The contractor will ensure that “They will abide / liable for any registration etc., if required with regard to PF even after award of work”. 10 Contractor will have produce a license under Labor Contract (Regulation and Abolition Act, 1970), if they engage more than 19 labourers in this job on any day. The necessary records under contract labor and minimum wages acts are to be maintained by you at site of work and are to be presented to the department’s authorized representative or the inspecting authority as and when asked for checking. 11 The bill of contractor shall be accompanied by an attested copy of wages sheet with certificate given on the wages sheet by authorized officials witnessing the payment of wages to labourers/workmen engaged by the contractor in this work to the effect that payment indicated in the prescribed column of wages sheet has been disbursed to the labourers/workmen in their presence. The labourers engaged should be paid preferably through Bank only, OR the bidder has to submit an undertaking that the workmen engaged for the job are employed in the bidder’s firm and wages, EPF and other statutory worker’s benefit are being paid to them by the bidder as per prevalent rules.. 12 Safety of men & materials will be the responsibility of the contractor and he will arrange all safety tools & tackles like, helmet, safety shoes, Rubber/leather hand gloves, safety belt etc. shall be provided to the workmen engaged for the work to ensure safe working. 13 Compensation : If any accident occurs during the execution of work and if any compensation is payable, the same shall be paid by the contractor. 14 The rates quoted should be firm and inclusive of all taxes. No escalation will be allowed during the contract period. 15 All taxes and duties, royalty etc. payable will be the responsibility of the contractor. If required, documentary proof of payment shall be furnished at the time of payment. 16 Management reserves the right to postpone the date of receipt and opening of tender without assigning any reason whatsoever and to allow the Public Sector Enterprises price preference facilities as admissible. 17 Mere issuance of tender documents will not make eligible for consideration of opening of their price bid. 18 Security Deposit : The EMD deposited alongwith tender will be treated as part of SD and kept as Security deposit which will be released after satisfactory completion of the contract period and shall not earn any interest. 19 Performance Security : If the quoted rate is more than 20% below the estimated rate, performance security amounting to the difference between estimated value and quoted value of ALR items shall have to be paid before taking up the job.
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