Winona State University OpenRiver The inonW an - 1950s The inonW an – Student Newspaper 2-21-1957 The inonW an Winona State College Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/thewinonan1950s Recommended Citation Winona State College, "The inonW an" (1957). The Winonan - 1950s. 50. https://openriver.winona.edu/thewinonan1950s/50 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The inonW an – Student Newspaper at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in The inonW an - 1950s by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vote Vote Friday Friday Vol. XXXVIII Winona State Teachers College, Winona, Minn., February 21, 1957 No. 5 State Considers College Changes Student Body to Elect 14 "Centralization" is the main theme of improvements to b e made with Minnesota state teach ers colleges as suggeSted by th e New Leaders, New Posts Governor's Committee on Highe r Election of officers for the new Education in their December re John May; for Social Commis- Student Commission will take sioner are Beverly Krieger, Phil- port. Reconstruction of the state place tomorrow. Voting will be teachers college is recommended lip Black and LaRue Swearingen; from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the for Religious Commissioner are with basic changes in composi- box office. To vote, each student tion, responsibility, and authority. Willa Christianson, Barbara Ross- will need his activity ticket. man, and Frank Kelly; for Pub- This change, the committee The candidates for President licity Commissioner are Barbara feels, is necessary for two rea- are Ernest Buhler, Herbert Johns Fisk, Nancy Tubb and Grant sons: first, the state teachers col- and Duayne Malewicki; for Vice White; for Departmental Com- leges have undergone funda- President are Gilbert Bergsrud, missioner are Charlene Bittle and mental changes with little or- Burton Ferrier and Charles Fris- Roman Claussen; and for Admin- ganizational changes since the by; for Secretary are Helen Gatz- istrative Liaison Commissioner conversion from normal schools ke and Patricia Severson; for are Darrell Bearson and Norbert in 1921; second, these same col- Treasurer are Dale Karow, Wil- Mills. leges have expanded extraordi- liam Kuehl and Neal Lang. Complete information on the narily in enrollment since the Running- for Athletic Commis- candidates 'is given on pages five end of World War II. sioner are Richard Hubbard and and six. There are three possible alter- natives to meet this situation: placing the teachers colleges under First Religious Week Takes Shape; the State_ Department of Educa- tion; placing the colleges under 'The Search Within' To Be Theme the University Board of Regents, "Search Within" is the theme cussion groups will be held with as Governor Freeman suggested for Religious . Emphasis Week to different religious groups and to the State Legislature; and be held for the first time at Wi- local clergy in charge. The even- reorganizing and centralizing the nona State Teachers College ings will be composed of seminars. present boards as the Commit- from March 18 to 22. Some of the topics to be dis- tee's December Report recom- '51 The event will officially begin cussed are Christian Witness and mended. with Monday assembly featuring Members of the election committee, Bob Black and Dorothy Holt, Social Responsibility. Whichever alternative is ac- help put up some of the campaign posters. a speaker on the subject, "Should Religion Be Important?" Dan Bechtel, student poster cepted by the legislature, the from Hamline University will be committee feels that "specialized During the week various dis- on campus to lead the seminars education in technological sci- and to discuss personal problems ences and in professions will con- or questions with the students. tinue to be filled by the Univer- Acting Class Presents One-Act Plays ; Sunday, ministers of the individ- sity. Major exceptions are in ual churches will speak on sub- liberal arts and teaching fields jects connected with the theme. where important contributions will be made by private liberal WonderHatrOurTown Provide Comedy The week is designed to show arts colleges and state teachers Elementary acting, a class un- Lloyd Osborn, Lila Osborn, Pa- music, Rose Marie Warner, the value of exercising faith each colleges . emphasis of state der the direction of Miss Dorothy tricia Olson, Jim Malinger, Pat Delores Rihs and Delayne Hal- day, to demonstrate the intellec- teachers colleges will continue to Magnus, presented two plays for Kelm, Darrell Bearson, Marilyn vorson; and scenery, Bill Kuehl. tual respectability and continual be preparation of teachers for ele- the faculty, student body and relevance of religion in this rapid- mentary and secondary schools." public on Tuesday evening Feb. ly changing world and to impress 19, at 8:00 p.m. in Somsen audi- On the faculty and students the An exception to this will be the torium. importance of religious values in offering of pre-professional courses First on the program was Good- a higher education. at the state teachers colleges. (It man and Hecht's The Wonder is felt that more students would Hat, a comic fantasy, presented enter the professional fields if col- in the commedia dell-arte manner. `Mardi Gras,' J. Herman leges closer to home would offer Included in the cast were: Harle- pre-professional courses.) quin, Willa Christianson; Perrot, Features at Winter Dance Special problems confronting Helen Corrigan; Punchinello, Gil- the colleges now include, how bert Bergsrud; Columbine, Pat "Mardi Gras" has been chosen can each college serve its stu- Severson; and Margot, Delayne as the theme of the W.S.T.C. dents and community best with Halvorson. winter formal at which Jules Her- the resources at its command; Act II of Our Town by Thorn- man and his orchestra will play.. The band is known as and how to overcome limited ton Wilder was the other play - the "house financial deficiencies. given. In the cast were stage band" of the Prom Ballroom in manager, Neal Lang; Howie New- St. Paul. Dancing will be in the At present the state colleges some, Jim Schulz; Si Crowell, Don Smog from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m., must rely on legislative appropria- Fosburgh; Constable Warren, Friday, March 1. tions, the Swamp Land Fund and Norbert Mills; Dr. Gibbs, Roman 41.48g. Committees presently working >tudent tuitions. Not much is Olstad and Barbara Fisk; mem- Caught in the act is the cast of on preparations for the dance are: Claussen; George Gibbs, Robert "The Wonder Hat"; Sandra derived from student tuitions Brown; Mr. Webb, Jerry Ted- bers of the congregation, Mary Jerry Seeman, general chairman; Tripp, Mary Claire Thompson, Hawkenson, Pat Severson, De- iince the students mainly come row; ball players, Earl .Drenck- lyne Halverson, Gil Bergsrud, Roman Claussen and Pat Kelm, from middle and low income hahn and Don Fosburgh; Mrs. Nancy Tubb, Evelyn Buhler, and Willa Christianson. publicity; Beverly Krieger and families and can only afford small Gibbs, Elaine Tollefson; Mrs. Roberta Flynn, Anita Mrozek, Duayne Malewicki, chaperones; Margaret Riggs, Kathryn Ham- SUMS. Webb, Rose Marie Warner; Kay Weseman, refreshments; mergren-, Judy Johnson, Dorene The final decision as to how Emily Webb, Muriel Suttie; Mrs. Spring Play Casting Dates Harold Grabitzke and Barb Soames, Deanna Harders; Re- Peterson, Dale Karow, Robert Peterson, decorations; John Lan- the state teachers colleges are to Haskins, Grant White, Dennis `- becca Gibbs, Betty Theios; Wally For 'The Little Foxes' Set dro, table arrangements; LaRue )e reorganized rests in the hands Ludwitzke and Dick Thompson. )f the legislature. In addition to, Webb, Mike McCormick; Mrs. Casting for the Wenonah Play- Swearingen, finance; and Keith Stage scenery and lighting were leciding where the management Newsome, Darlene Radsek. ers' spring production will begin Todd, clean-up. under the supervision of Mr. Ed- )f these institutions will reside, Choir director Stimson, Frank next week, Miss Dorothy Mag- The reception line will include ward Jessen. Properties were in nus, director, stated. Dr. and Mrs. Minne, Dr. and the legislature must provide the Kelly; assistant stage managers, charge of Mary Tripp, costumes, Financial means for execution of The play, which is Lillian Hell- Mrs. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Tschumper and Bill Nancy Tubb; sound, Gilbert men's the operation. Kuehl; members of the choir, The Little Foxes, is tenta- Kryzsko, Jerry Seeman, and Bergsrud and Delwin Tschumper; tively set to open April 8. Marilyn Lewis. Page 2 THE WINONAN Thursday, February 21, 1957 The President Says Voting Wisely Saves Later Gripes Tomorrow the students of Winona State will go to the polls to elect a new student government. Despite persistent warnings from all sides, students co-ntinue to take student government elections too lightly. It is not long after an election, however, that those students who were not particularly interested in the election will be found griping about some action or lack of action by the elected leaders. In order to prevent the reoccurrence of this type of attitude, I urge you to do the following: 1. Find out what offices are to be filled and what duties go with each office. 2. Try to determine which candidate is best suited for each office. This can be done by judging the candidates on three main points — interest, ability, and experience. Of these three, interest is by far the most important, since it is obvious that if a person is not interested in student government, he certainly isn't going to get much accomplished no matter what his That time of year has rolled around, in a sneaky way, when the young man's fancy lightly turns to potential ability is or how much experience he has. politics, and the bewildered student finds himself lost in an eyecatching, foot-tripping, array of brilliant 3.
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