REDUCE THE TAXES. IT CAN BE REDUCE THE TAXES. IT CAN BE AVENEL THE I ISELIN SOLONIA EASBEY I EDGARS KILL 8 PORT,READING FORDS $ SEWAREN I HOPELAWN BULLETIN § WOODBRIDGE of Woodbridge Township with Middlesex County News. VOL. 1, NO. 41 AVENEL, N. J., JUNE 1, 1923 PRICE 5 CENTS WHO IS YOUR CHOICE FOR THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? WOODBRIDGE HONORS BETTER HOMES WEEK SIDEWALKS AND SEWERS PRESBYTERIANS HOLE ITS SOLDIERS JUNE 4--I0 OCCUPY TOWNSHIP COM- IMPRESSIVE MEMORIAL SERVICE MITTEE'S TIME WALKING . ni in Voss's Band Provides Music and Civil Tine annual union ' ' !31k'S XcElroy Also Brings Idea of Sunday War Veteran Lewis Leads Pro- THE PLANK is at ted out by Rah cession Memorial services held Sunday night Movies for Woodbridge Theatre. in the First Presbyterian Church e hants as ;- ; rat ion house. ^^' Things will be on exhibition until 6 wooniiRiix;.'-: woodbridge hon- most impressive. A large con- ation filled the church to c ;i. HI. 'in 1 he evening of Monde ored U^ .soldier dead on the morning program 1 ven at the , improvements occupied mo of Wednesday, Memorial Hay. in a zoning at the To Tic QS Of the Civil War, the oel. Mr. M. F. Quinn fitting manner. The exercises start- the Bpeaker of the night. ed at 1 0 o'clock with a parade which World War veterans and the Fire- ce for e the special guests and oc- ling, Senator Pearson. ormed in front of the fire house In Of this Better Homes movement Main :nboy avenue Voss' iBand from NeWr : is in the front of the • nfc A. (Pattison, chain erly to Railway avenue was adopted. ark led the procession wl church. John Lewis, one of the two has the following to The ordinance J ;jper headed by John Lewis, one of the two local survivors of the civil war was "Home is everything. There is local survivors of the Civil War present and was escorted to his seat nothing lef£t out—a miniature uni- avenu omit- Then in the order named came the i.t the front by two World War Vet- i. The essentials are four L's—. an Salter suggested that a corn- American ex-Service men, Wood- ti i-ron MoXulty and August life, love, lift and laugh. The acces- that part of the street ScoutS, Girl Scouts, of GreiiuM-, Mr. Ashmead. the other Civil sories are such things m add to the as for the tree Fords, School Children, Red Cross, War Vterans, were unable to attend I hese four. The burdens are . e pointed Lodges. Police and Firemen. The on account of illness. Rev. R. W. the things that hamper these. iHome out i ild be in the line or !i:: led at the Presbyter- Mark of Elizabeth, a former pastor, is a .suite of being, an inner feeling. middle of uie sidewalks according to delivered an inspiring address taking ian cemetery where before the large Not necessarily a house Or a material present specifications. as his subject ..'"Service." His text was crowd assembled there the following reality, although it uses these as the The township committee adopted at )r04p-»m was given: "The Son of man. Came Not to Be soul uses the body for its life expres- •Ministered Unto But to Minister." its final reading ordinances calling invocation ....Rev. A. S. iDezendorf sion. There is nothing thinkable in for sidi on Pan! street, Ling "The Star Spangled Banner" The services opened with an organ . Istence that has not its ori- prelude of patriotic airs played by street and Hoy avenue in Fords. Or- Led by (Male Chorus gin and its results in the home. 1X0 dinances calling for a series of Fords Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Mrs. \V. A. Lockwood. Pirayer was education is comparable with that offered by Rev. A. S. ©ezendor* pas- sewer extensions, Remsen avenue anil Howard Greenhalgh of /Avenel that can only be had in proportion iMerline avenue sewers were adopted tor of the Methodist Church, there Song Male Chorus with the Better Home. The world at their first reading. Oration Hon. lH. E. 'Pickersgill, was singing by a men's chorus and ocussed its attention upon every- the choir sang -'-My Country 'Tis of The application of the Pennsyl- of Perth Amboy thing bait the one main point in its vania railroad to make only one sew- Taps and Saluting of the Graves Thee," arranged as an anthem. effort to school its people—on colleges The benediction was pronounced by er connection on Avenel street was By Sons of Veterans and institutions, on churches and granted. Rev. W. V. IX Strong. courses of every kind, on government "America" Led by Male Chorus The Krueger Brewing Company The church jsvas beautifully decor- and science, on anguage and country, •Benediction iRev. E. H. Vogt asked that a plot of ground on Rah- ated with palms and hydrangeas and Pick Your Own Man and Cast Your Own Free Vote Nowon travel and trade, on poetry and The Memorial Committee of the way avenue now held by them be va- there were two large baskets filled pen; yet the whole of the world is local 'Post of the American Legion cated in their favor or return the with flowers of red, white and blue within one's self and one's contact was in charge of the arrangements. The Bulletin of Woodbridge Township Opens Polls in Nation-wide amount spent on its improvement. and tied with red, white and 'blue rib- .with one's home. Happiness, pro- After the services the procession re- (After a long discussion and the opin- tons. gress, growth and perfection are the turned to the fire house where a ion of Attorney Martin the committee The pastor of the church, Rev. L. Presidential Election Test to Learn the People's Choice owers ifrom the root of iHome. luncheon was served. decided to investigate with the town- V. Buschman, presided. The afternoon's celebration faegan ship engineer for action later. at 2 oVlock with a concert given by The services were in charge of of Next Chief Executive, 1924-1928. Woodbridge Post of the American Le- e ;: ;<;S a a ;;:::::::;:;;: :i ;c:;;;;; ,t:;:;;;;; » ;<;; Tiwo petitions were received from Voss' band on the High School cam- • . other presidential election is at hand. The 1924 campaign is already gion. taxpayers of Jensen avenue for water pus. under way. National committees of both big parties are feeling the public THE BEAST OF BURDEN mains and sewers. On motion the en- After the concert there was a base- pulse trying to discern its temper toward this and that candidate. gineer was instructed to prepare- ball game on the Parish House field. AMERICAN-HUNGARIAN ASS'N THE BULLETIN .. Our cartoonist aptly com- plans and specifications foT the work. !n line with this political activity the Bulletin proposes and will con- Woodbridge High School 'baseball FORMS ASSOCIATION IN AVENEL of Woodbridge Township pares the condition of the Tax- The engineer wa~ also instructed team defeats Carteret American duct a nation-wide vote on the people's choice for our next president. payers of Woodbridge Township to prepare plans and specifications Clah Oam in an exciting twelve in- First Meeting Took Place at Trojan's PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TEST Through its membership in The Publishers Autocaster Service of New- to an overloaded beast of bur- for a concrete walk on Wedgevrood ning game. Score at end of 12th in- Place. York, this newspaper is in position to conduct this Presidential Election den with "promises" a head to | avenue east of Lewis street to Rah- ning 7-6 in favor of Woodbridge. BALLOT Test. Voting will start at once, with the issue of this edition and will con- lead it on and "politicians" be- i way avenue. IHoagland pitching for the locals was AViEN'EL—Nearly four hundred hind to prod it up, "walking £ The road supervisor was instructed tinue until July 1st. hit very freely for the first seven in- people, representing Hungarians from My choice for President of the the plank," as he calls it into j~i to investigate the sewer situation on nings also Mullen of Carteret held t.ie New York, Woodbridge, Rahway, You can vote for any man you Wouldn't you like to know the the sea of bankruptcy. The jlj United States for the next four TOley street after Committeeman Mc- locals scoreless until the 8th inning (Perth Amboy, Passaic, Carteret, and think would serve the country best name of the man in this nation of tax bills which are coming out i> Elroy suggested that it be relaid. then with de Russy up, Woodbridge other points in New Jersey, gathered years, 1924-28 is for the next four years, so long as the 110.000,000 people who is the major- all over the Township now, j|j The committee authorised Attorney started a rally and every man in the last Saturday night at Trojan's place •person of your choice is a citizen of ity choice for President? "And under with a slightly lower rate, but k (Martin to secure Thomas L. Hanson line up was at bat. In the seventh in this city, and formed an American- the United States. such conditions of voting as this, iwith with a much higher bill, gives i as associate counsel to defend the inning each team scored one run, 6-6'1-Iunga.rian Association. The objects all party lines down and out from un- Town and State where vote is cast Of course, you w this picture added weight at I court action against Officer Dumphy still a tie.
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