Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 12-4-2003 Arbiter, December 4 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. B 0 ) S EST ATE'S ) N D EP END E N T STU DEN T N E \V SPA P E!{ S! N C E 1 9 J J &II , ., TJIURSDAY CELEBRATING DECEMBER 4, 2003 J..; 70 YEARS \ ~I Ramen recipes to ".:1 cure college hunger ," #17 BSO vs. HAWAII . ~ • Everything from beer broiled SATURDAY NIGHT· --- !!'II 6:30 p.m. (HT) on lC::n-,. e;:; to chili cheese A&E - 8 FIRST COPY FREE ( , I Experts' say battle against I i' AIDS Is ; I beinglost ,~ I BYTONYPUGH ! I Knight Ridder Newspapers , i (KRT) ; r r , I W~SHINGTON -- Marking World AIDS Day, experts said ,I Monday that the war on AIDS " is b~lng lost as U.S. and world health officials began a six-day tou~ of four AIDS-racked na- .tiorjs in sub-Saharan Africa. LM by U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Torpmy . Thompson and. re- cently appointed U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Randall 1. Tobias, the 80-person delega- tion will tour treatment facili- ties in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia, where the AIDS epidemic continues to spread unabated. '. "We appear to be losing the fight against AIDS at the mo- ment," Thompson said Monday from Zambia. "We need to re- double our efforts. This war The weeklong campaign fol' Sexual Health Awareness kicked off Monday with a candlelight vigil in remembrance of AIDS ~!ctims at Ann has more casualties than any' Morrison Park. other war, as we are losing 3 million people'every year." Despite billions of dollars pledged recently to fight the disease, many experts agree BSU Sexual Health Awareness with Thompson that the war against AIDS Isn't going well. Forty million people world- " .wide fire infected with HIV, WeekhighlightsAIDScrisis the virus that causes AIDS, according to a recent report BY BRANDON BECKHAM ple because 50 percent of all new by the Joint United Nations News Reporter STD infections occur among those Program on HIV/AIDS, known The Arbiter under the age of 25. as UNAIDS. This year alone, "HIV and AIDS is a health issue, 5 million people. were newly As' part. of Sexual Health not a moral issue. It is important Gelle.sled! infected and 3 million, about Awareness Week activities, Boise to get tested, especially if Y9u are 8,000 a day, have died from State campus and community sexually active, which puts you at Free, confidential, no- HIV/AIDS complications, the sponsors are offering sexual health risk. College students are the larg- needle HIVtests are report found. Sub-Saharan education and needle-free HIV est group with STD infections," Africa is the world's most se- testing. Quintana said. available in the Student verely affected region, ac- The weeklong campaign kicked Allies Linked for the Prevention Union Ah fong Room counting this year for more off Monday with a candlelight of HIVIA IDS is one of the sponsors Dec. 4-5. than 3 million new infections, vigil held at Ann Morrison Park in of the week's events at BSU. 60 percent of the world's total, remembrance of AIDS victims in Focal to. the dialog surrounding and 2.3 million deaths. conjunction with World AIDS Day. sexual health issues is the HIVI President Bush, on a· cam- The World AIDS campaign is part AIDS crisis and its local and global Free Testing is also paign fund-raising swing of a global effort to educate the implications. No-charge, needle- available daily at 777 N Monday through Dearborn, public about risk and prevention of free testing is offered every day Raymond, or by calling Mich., noted in a statement is- HIVandAIDS. this week. the HIVServices Clinic sued by his press secretary that . Founder and co-chair of Boise- The Health, Wellness and Africa bears the brunt of AIDS based Allies Linked for the Counseling Services along with at 367·7038. PHOTU BY KRISTA ADAMS/THE ARBIlER . devastation. Prevention of HI VDuane Quintana several other campus and com- Mother Mary Croyle stands withherson dUringth~ World AIDS Day "Today, more than 40 million said AIDS is an issue for young peo- See Health page 2 candlelit vigil. The World AIDS campaign is a part of a glQbal effort to See Experts page 2 educate the public about risk and prevention of HIV and AIDS. 'Point of View' lectures Rec features parent-friendly 'Kid Fit' . - Center, ... .. - ~ BY MONICA PRlCE examine mediaissues NewsReporter ----------------..,...------ The Arblter insight Into the world of teen Parents who haven't been Presentcitionon sexuality. ~able to maintain a- regular . Boise State will publish an .' workout' regiinclt.duetQ'/libk.: mass media and pop academic journal next year of childcare'nowliavc'niore' featuring reports and articles -: o~tionswith the intro,du~tion culture ends tonight about mass media and pop . of the.BoiseState.RecCenter's . BYAMY OLSEN culture. The deadline for these babysitting .p~ogtam, . called ' News Reporter pieces is Jan. 30. Papers select-. 'Kid Fit.' Children'. between. The Arbiter ed will be printed and bound. theages'oC'6 rnonthsand8 The journal will be archived years old are weIcometo par- The four-day campus event, in the Albertson's Library and .ticipate in winter activities 'Point of View ; Mass Media and winners will receive free cop- while partents use Recfacili- Pop.Culture' is set to .complete les. ties. .;:" .. its quiet rounds tonight at the Haynes expressed dismay "It's a greafplaceto Special Events Center in the over the small number of stu- bring your' kids if yoU: want SUB. , dents who attend these kindof to work out," Rec Center . "This is another opportunity conferences, pointing out that Administrative Assistant . to learn, challenge and express student fees fund these events Kimberly Newell said. .' . '. PHOTO BY EMILYIlESlER,ITHEIIRBIlER ideas' and beliefs ina safe, but students rarelyattend·,.Ki~s.can play. '.winter won- Visual Arts Major Sonny Teets cuts snowflakes with Memori at the child care center in the REC. s't1niulatlpga~adeniiceiiviron- . Haynes said programslike.,detlandlplI1go~'ni!lke crafts, ment,"said Autumn Haynes, Point of View are. very-impor·',i'dMce,Orf,.color.Hockey, is be watched for more than Space is limited, and only student activities program co- tant, yet students seem' reluc- . also a big hit'WIth the chil-two hours, otherwise the Rec 12 children at a time can play. drdinator.: . tant to partlcipate.vi'. dren, Arid,'when'the weather center would need a daycare . "It's not a.lotof space," Newell "PointofViewlsnotdesigned '~Asa program coordtnator,". cociperate~ki~scanplaYin a license. That would make said. "It's. never been maxed to sway opinion or decide spending student. money on.;Jencedyard.,·'·':'the service too expensive for out," ' who;ii right and who's wrong. programs,I would love some . Kid Fit is open froIJlH - many. In fact Kid Pithasn'tbeenas . theprogramcCiebratesthe feedback' from students .re- .'. a.IIi,-1:30 p.m. ~~tl~p.m<R ·.·.So far, feedpack from. par- p.opular as a~ijitI1g right to have an opinion and gardlng the programs they will ..p~~. Mondarthr~ughF~tlllY~F ~ri!$indicates. thaf~hey 't~ally : . to ' Msoclate \lin express it:' . '. .... .' attend,"; Haynes said ... '. .. .!lnd from Lp,~·.5p:.. ;:"'Ubtthe servipe;ac Mote than 10 ~distiIiguished Tonight,.. Dr.· . Napl)leon .• ..SaM-day :;l0d;' S~9da.,y.· ,··'{rcliild.•··cat~·.llti~· spe~kers havegjvenp~~senta~ ChagnoIl·will be.sumiIlingup ... " pric~ lis,~~p~~(hOui~l~;,;";}.' "~finacareattendalltsll~ '.e'S tionsat the ..event thatstiirted .. ;the.Polnt of ~VieWCoIifeien!=e' ' ...J·heI{ec.·Cen~er >is;,o. ~r·,:,.nQt U~n!led.d~yCiwtptbvil'1~' .' Monday; . addressing'/topicsWlthhis "Anthropological Fiel(i' ' jngtrialslttings~'ets':t)uftlie"R ". '.. es'a rangiIlgfrl)/llhomoscx. ualit.yinResearcli, . Academic ..PoliticS ..'free ..:,.d.uring ; the '. .. :·:tli!.'" ".j;.'to;... btt the medl.a to Buffythe Vampire .,and Media Mi~repies.entaiion~ ... ><Wo~de#anq.~Pl'Oip,~JtO:it,.,~fO~ ., ;, . '. lecturetoril ht. fr'OfIl.:V,a :m;i< .-J' ' Cotlnseli~g 'SeMce$ ····i:iffered..' .< II .. ",THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2003 Cam.PUS.•..·. Clark will testify against Milosevic A..· people are living with HIV, 'including nearly 30 million Orll$ in secret, administration says in Africa," Bush said in the statement. "Behind these Nov. 17. 6:30 while parked at Chaffee Hall. will enable State Department lawyers , dential candidate. staggering numbers are the p.m. BYTOM HUNDLEY "We are concerned about the per- Chicago Tribune to examine Clark's testimony and re- names and faces of orphaned Ahit and run ception; especially in the countries Nov. 21. 8 a.m. (KRT) quest the deletion of portions that they and suffering children, dev- occurred in the that were involved (in the war)," said A bike was sto- deem harmful to national interests. astated communities and a parking lot at the Hartmann. "If you do things in a len from a rack by LONDON- The Bush administra- U.N. prosecutors are unhappy with continent in crisis." Student Union closed session, people think you are the Health Science tion has imposed heavy secrecy and the arrangement, but said they had lit- The disease also is spread- Building. A witness hiding something and that it is not a Riverside Building. censorship measures on the testimo- tie choice but to accept if they wanted ing in India, Vietnam, China provided suspect ny of retired Gen.
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