January 22, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 193 will be missed by millions of fans the found his way onto the S.S. American gram Manager for the Navy Advanced world over, including me. Legion, one of the last boats out of Eu- Prototyping Program. Victor Borge often famously told his rope. For the last fifteen years, Mr. Metrey audiences that ‘‘the shortest distance Victor Borge arrived in New York has served as Technical Director of the between two people is a smile.’’ Indeed, penniless and speaking no English. But Naval Surface Warfare Center, the entertainer known the world over he quickly learned the language by Carderock Division, where he has had a as the Clown Prince of Denmark was watching 10-cent movies in midtown profound impact on the Navy’s ap- singularly responsible for millions of Manhattan theaters. In less than two proach to researching, developing, test- upturned lips—and untold bouts of years, he had adapted his act to the ing and evaluating naval vehicles. Dur- hysterical laughter—during a magnifi- English language and debuted on the ing this time, Richard was directly re- cent career as a comedian and musi- Bing Crosby radio show. Within a dec- sponsible for the Division’s entire tech- cian that spanned almost a century. ade he had appeared on Ed Sullivan and nical program—its planning, execution, I’d like to take a few minutes today been offered his own radio program. By and staffing of current programs, as to remember the remarkable life and the end of his career, Borge’s one-man well as strategic planning and new laughter inspired by Victor Borge, an Broadway show, ‘‘Comedy in Music,’’ starts. Prior to that, Mr. Metrey also entertainer who gave new meaning to had logged 849 performances, which is served in the Navy Secretariat in a the expression ‘‘tickling the ivories’’ still a record today. range of important responsibilities by combining comedy and classical Over the last half-century, he also from Deputy Assistant Secretary of the piano as no one else ever has. He was a developed credentials as an orchestra Navy for Surface Warfare to principal one-of-a-kind keyboard ham who en- conductor, directing the London and advisor to the Assistant Secretary of joyed making his audiences laugh as New York Philharmonics, the Philadel- the Navy for Surface Warfare Research much as he enjoyed making music. phia Orchestra, and the Boston Pops. and Development and Acquisition. He was a classically trained concert He also raised millions of dollars for Mr. Metrey’s colleagues attest to the pianist who could be in the middle of a worthy causes such as Thanks to Scan- ingenuity and integrity he has brought breathtaking rendition of Strauss’ dinavia, a scholarship fund to com- to the positions in which he has served. ‘‘Die Fledermaus’’ and suddenly fall memorate efforts to help victims of His contributions and accomplishments right off the side of his piano bench, Nazi persecution. Victor was knighted have been recognized through many sending his audience into hysterics. Or by all five Scandinavian countries for prestigious awards, including the Pres- in a similar stunt, while in the middle his life’s work, and was honored by the idential Rank Meritorious Executive of conducting an aria, a soprano’s high United Nations as well as the U.S. Con- Award, the Navy Superior Civilian note might blast him right off his gress. Service Award and numerous Out- stool, and he would stoically climb I will never forget the night of De- standing Performance Awards—to back on, only this time wielding a safe- cember 29, 1999, right here in Wash- name only a few. He has also been se- ty belt to bolt himself to his seat. ington, when Victor received the pres- lected to serve as the United States Sometimes Victor would intentionally tigious Kennedy Center Honors along representative on several international strike the wrong pitch at the piano, with Jason Robards, Sean Connery, and forums, and on high level committees, only to brandish the sheet music and a Stevie Wonder. President Clinton hung including the Congressionally estab- pair of scissors and literally cut out a medal around his neck that night in lished Advanced Submarine Advisory the offending note. recognition of his life achievements, Panel. He’s the only musician I know who and Borge—clowning around into his I came to know Richard Metrey in could begin a solemn rendering of Bee- 90s—showed up at the reception after- the early 1990s during the Base Closure thoven’s ‘‘Moonlight Sonata,’’ then ward in a red clown nose. and Realignment (BRAC) process. Hav- seamlessly slide into Cole Porter’s Years ago, on the occasion of his 75th ing had the opportunity to work with ‘‘Night and Day.’’ To say nothing of his birthday, the New York Times wrote him during the BRAC and on other ability to morph Mozart into ‘‘Happy an editorial calling Victor Borge, sim- matters, I can also attest firsthand to Birthday.’’ Sight gags and musical ply, ‘‘the funniest man on earth.’’ To his professionalism and deep commit- quirks were only part of the act. Borge me, he was also eloquently warm, gift- ment to our Navy and its mission. It is always had a stable of rhetorical flour- ed, and brilliant—a bright and irre- my firm conviction that public service ishes at the ready, such as, ‘‘Mozart pressible star who lit the world around is one of the most honorable callings, wrote this piece in four flats, because him. We shall miss him. one that demands the very best, most he moved three times while composing f dedicated efforts of those who have the it.’’ opportunity to serve their fellow citi- I felt lucky to count Victor as my ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS zens and country. Throughout his ca- friend. I’ll never forget the many times reer, Richard Metrey’s commitment I tried to give a speech to a roomful of and remarkable talent have enabled TRIBUTE TO RICHARD METREY people, only to find myself drawn into him to go beyond meeting this demand. the role of his straight man as he joked ∑ Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, So I want to extend my personal grati- with the droopy-faced delivery that today I want to pay tribute to an out- tude to Richard for these many years made everyone laugh until in hurt. standing public servant, Mr. Richard of hard work and dedication and I wish His comic genius hid the life story of Metrey, who retired last week after 41 him well in whatever endeavors he a European Jew who narrowly escaped years of Government service in the seeks to undertake in the years ahead.∑ Nazi persecution. Borge was born in United States Navy. f Copenhagen, Denmark, to a father who Throughout his career, Richard was a violinist in the Royal Danish Metrey has distinguished himself ROBIN COMSTOCK Philharmonic. The younger Borge was through his leadership, commitment ∑ Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. Mr. a child prodigy concert pianist, and dedication to public service, and by Chairman, I rise today to honor Robin debuting at age 8, and a Scandinavian making government work better and Comstock of Nottingham, New Hamp- star by his early 20s. By 1940, he was at more efficiently. Beginning as a shire, the newly appointed President the top of the Nazis’ extermination list project engineer in the Ships Machin- and CEO of the Greater Manchester because he poked fun at Hitler and the ery Division of the former Bureau of Chamber of Commerce, whose enthu- Third Reich in his act. Ultimately, Ships, he swiftly worked his way up siasm, leadership, and dedication have though, his music helped save his life through the ranks into positions in earned her the respect of her peers and when two Russian diplomats who were senior management, including Head of the admiration of this state. fans of his show helped smuggle him on the Combat Systems Branch in the Robin has served for the past six a ship bound for Finland, where Borge Naval Sea Systems Command and Pro- years as President and CEO of the VerDate Aug 31 2005 10:56 Feb 28, 2007 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S22JA1.000 S22JA1 erjones on PRODPC74 with SENATE 194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE January 22, 2001 Portsmouth Chamber. She has an ex- children. Because of his extraordinary Ms. Lull claims she always knew she tensive background in running, man- achievements, we have a new under- would be a teacher. Ever the educator, aging and developing chambers, and standing of ourselves and the world, as she spends her free time working along has demonstrated success in a number well as a renewed hope for the future. side her husband in his ministry, giv- of key areas including economic and It is an honor to represent Dean in the ing religious instruction to Sunday community development, technology United States Senate, and I wish him school children of all ages. Suzanne and tourism initiatives and govern- all the best in his endeavors.∑ Lull is a tribute to her community and ment affairs. Her success in developing f profession, and it is an honor and a a highly visible seacoast regional hos- privilege to serve her in the United TRIBUTE TO ALYSSA SPELLMAN pitality and tourism program, her skill States Senate.∑ and her record of accomplishment are a ∑ Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. Mr. f President, I rise today to honor Alyssa tribute to her state and community. EXECUTIVE AND OTHER If the accolades of peers are any Spellman of Bow, New Hampshire, a COMMUNICATIONS measure of achievement, Robin is at young woman whose poise, hard work, the top of her game.
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